Gage (Contract Killers Book 1)

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Gage (Contract Killers Book 1) Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  “I missed you so much, Dad.”

  “I missed you, too, darling.”

  She looked to the side and saw her father’s personal assistant, Charles, give her a wide grin. Neeka stood and wrapped her arms around him, not bothering to stop the flow of tears. He was an older man and could have retired by now, but he was loyal to them and that made him a member of the family.

  Behind her father’s wheelchair was Theo, Edward’s personal advisor. He wore an impeccable black suit, his dark hair brushed sophisticatedly over his forehead. Although Theo had been with their family for as long as she could remember, she’d never grown close to him like she had with the other staff members.

  Theo held his arms open, and she stepped into them.

  “I’m so glad you’re back, Neeka. You have no idea how worried I was about you.” He pulled her slightly back and looked down at her, brushing her cheek with his finger before he pulled her into another fierce hug.

  Charles took her father back to his room to rest, but she planned on spending every possible minute with her dad. Too much time had passed.


  Gage had to do everything in his power to keep his control as he watched Theo Millian touch Neeka. He had to remind himself that his job was done, that she was now where she needed to be. He wanted to be wrapping his arms around her. He wanted to be the one to run the pad of his thumb over her cheek. Violence and anger blossomed inside of him. Ever since he’d first seen her, possessiveness had rushed through him, one that rivaled anything else he had ever known.

  He ran a hand over his mouth as he watched her step out of Millian’s embrace and look over her shoulder. Their eyes locked, and once again, he felt heat course through him, along with a need to protect her and keep her safe. He tried to clear his erratic thoughts, knowing they would only end up causing them both a lot of grief in the end.

  “Mr. Mack, Mr. McCarthy would like to speak with you privately,” one of the security guards for Edward’s estate said.

  He stepped inside and followed the guard, watching as Theo steered Neeka in the other direction. He gritted his teeth as he watched Theo’s hand press against the small of her back. She looked over her shoulder again, but it was short lived as Theo turned to look at him, urging her forward. The smile he gave Gage had this tightness setting in his spine.

  He willed himself to stay steady, knowing that Neeka and he had been explosive together, that something like that couldn’t be ignored. But he also needed to remember this was all a mission and she wasn’t his.

  They rounded a corner and disappeared from his vision, and he clenched his fists at his sides. He turned his attention forward again and followed the man into the same bedroom he’d met with Edward that very first day.

  “Charles, please leave us. I’d like to speak alone with Mr. Mack,” Edward said to the guard. Once alone Edward breathed out. “I want to thank you personally, Mr. Mack. Although I didn’t doubt your abilities, I always had that fear inside of me that I would never see my daughter again.” He reached for his handkerchief and coughed into it before continuing.

  “It took longer than it should, sir.”

  Edward shook his head. “I’m grateful. She’s home, and that’s what matters. You brought my daughter back, and for that I can’t thank you enough. I will eternally be in your debt.”

  Gage watched as Edward McCarthy reached a skinny hand toward his bedside table and pulled out a thick, white envelope from the drawer. He held it out, and Gage walked closer, taking the envelope and looking at its contents. Hundred dollar bills lay inside, so many that Gage didn’t doubt there were thousands upon thousands of dollars within it.

  “I can’t take this, Mr. McCarthy. You’ve already paid an exorbitant amount to my organization.”

  “That isn’t for them. It’s for you.”

  Gage shook his head and laid the envelope on the desk. “I thank you, Mr. McCarthy, but no extra payment is required. It was my duty to bring your daughter back.”

  Edward looked like he might argue, but then his frail shoulders slumped and he nodded.

  “Well, once again, I can’t tell you how thankful I am. I know I can speak for everyone here when I say that. I know Theo is ecstatic to have Neeka back.”

  “He seemed like it.” Gage hadn’t meant to say anything, and certainly hadn’t meant to have the annoyance dripping from his words.

  “Yes, well, Theo loves my daughter very much.”

  “Does he?” Gage should have just kept his mouth shut, but when it came to Neeka, it seemed he couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut. It was like it was instinct.

  “Yes, well, I’m sure you are a busy man and have other things to do, but once again, I owe you my life for bringing her back.” Edward paused a moment before his face turned like stone. “I want to know who took my daughter and why so I can have them killed.”

  Gage would have no problem telling Edward everything, and the fact he’d been betrayed by Rye.


  Gage showed himself to the front door, gripping the handle and standing there for a suspended moment. McCarthy had wanted to know everything, and Gage had obliged him. It didn’t make a difference, anyway. If he or his organization couldn’t immediately locate Rye’s coordinates, there was no way McCarthy would.

  He could hear Neeka’s soft voice murmuring through the foyer, could practically smell her intoxicating scent surround him. Just as he was about to pull the door open, her voice stopped him.

  “You’re leaving without saying goodbye?”

  He turned and looked at her. “I didn’t want to interrupt you.” She smiled up at him, but it didn’t really reach her eyes.

  “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, Gage.” She moved closer to him until they stood toe-to-toe. He wanted to touch her, but he clenched his hands at his sides and didn’t move. But she shocked the hell out of him by rising on her toes and wrapping her arms around his waist, and laying her head on his chest. She lifted her head and looked into his face, her big blue eyes gazing at him with such intensity. “Does it have to be like this?”

  He knew what she was talking about, knew she was referring to their relationship, or lack thereof. What he really wanted to say became lodged in his throat.

  No, it doesn’t. Fuck the wall I have around myself, and fuck anyone else who would get in our way. You make me feel emotions that bring me to my knees. I’ve only just met you, but I feel a connection with you. I know you feel it, too. I could tell when you screamed my name out in pleasure and looked at me with longing in your eyes.

  “Yes, it has to be this way.”

  I’m no good for you. My life is dangerous, and being with me would have you in constant danger. I can’t do that to you, baby.

  He let himself hold her for another minute before he sensed Theo step into the room. Gage noticed how the other man’s eyes narrowed slightly even though he appeared to have an unaffected demeanor. It was clear there was something going on between Neeka and Theo, at least on Theo’s end. Being in her life would only complicate things, would bring his dangerous lifestyle into her world. He didn’t want to risk anything with her, so walking away was the best option.

  Gage stepped back and looked down at her, remembering being with her, touching her, kissing her. He saw tears in her eyes but didn’t allow himself the luxury of touching her anymore. He swiftly turned and left without a backward glance, knowing that what he was doing was for the best even if it felt completely wrong.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Neeka stared at the front door, trying to keep from crying. She sensed Theo right behind her, his hands landing on her shoulders, his fingers gently clamping down. She would never see Gage again, and that thought alone had her wanting to let her tears fall. She didn’t, though, and not because Theo was right behind her, but because she needed to be strong for her father, needing to see him, tell him she loved him so much.

  She turned around and saw Theo’s hands falling to his sides. Neeka needed
to be with her father right now, not worrying about a relationship with a man she would never have in her life in that way. She headed to his study and stepped into the master bedroom, smiling and crying at the same time when she saw her father sitting up in bed. Charles was a few feet away, along with two bodyguards she’d never seen before. She wasn’t surprised to see the extra muscle around. In fact, she was glad her father had the protection. As if he sensed her presence, her father looked over at her and started crying, as well.

  “Charles, can you and the others please give me and my daughter some time alone?”

  “Of course, Mr. McCarthy.”

  The three men left, and as soon as the door shut, she rushed over to her dad. “Oh, Daddy.” Falling to her knees beside his bed, she cried harder, her happiness that she was actually home consuming her.

  He stroked her hair, and she looked up to see tears tracking down his aged face.

  “I spoke with Mr. Mack about the situation, honey.” His voice had gone deep and hard, his emotions clearly rising to the surface. “I feel responsible for all of this.”

  “Please don’t say that. It isn’t your fault.”

  “Shhh, honey. Let me say this. It is my fault. I am your father and was supposed to protect you, but instead I let your kidnapper into our home, become close with you.” He reached for a tissue and coughed before continuing. “I will have Rye’s head for this. He took the most precious thing I have.”

  “Oh, Dad, it isn’t your fault. There was no way for you to know he’d do anything like this. I just want to focus on being here with you.”

  He smiled and brushed away a tear moving down her cheek. “You must have been so scared.”

  She breathed out and nodded. “I was. When I found out it was Rye, I couldn’t believe it.” She stopped and chose her next words wisely. “Did Gage tell you everything?” She could hear him grit his teeth. Even being sick he still had fire inside of him. That had her smiling.

  “Yes. It’s blasphemous what Rye’s doing. I may not have physical strength on my side, but I do have power and money, and I’m damn sure not going to let him get away with it.”

  She grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside his bed.

  “Let’s just spend this time talking about us, about memories. I missed doing that, Daddy.”

  He smiled again and nodded. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. I missed that so much, too.”

  She sat there, holding his hand, and talking about things that were happy, that they’d done together in their life. They were memories of when she was younger, of when her mother was still alive. They were times she cherished. As long as she had these memories, of these times with her father to reflect on, she knew she could always find that happiness.


  A week later

  Neeka’s life was slowly going back to normal, or as normal as it could be given what had happened. She hadn’t gone back to work for the simple fact her father’s health was deteriorating and she wanted to spend as much time as she could with him. He was her priority, even if her trauma from being kidnapped, and her feelings for Gage, threatened to take a front seat.

  She sat beside his bed as her father slept, the soft sounds of Bach, her father’s favorite composer, playing. A tray of food sat on the floor beside her, the chicken broth she’d prepared for him sitting cold and uneaten. He’d lost more weight, if that were even possible, and his skin had taken on an ashen hue, his eyes sunken in. He looked like he’d aged so much, the disease taking control, slowly eating away at him.

  She held his hand, his breaths slow and uneven. She knew his time was coming to an end and that there was nothing to be done. It had been her father’s wish to pass at home, and she was thankful she was with him and could be here for when he did let go.

  Neeka closed her eyes and leaned back in the recliner, never taking her hand from her father’s. She felt the slightest pressure against her palm and looked over at him, her father’s sleepy gaze meeting hers.

  “Hi, sweetie.”

  “Hi, Daddy.” She sat up and leaned toward him, kissing their conjoined hands as she smiled. He tried to sit up, but she shook her head.

  “Save your strength, Daddy.”

  “I love you so much, Neeka.”

  “I love you, too, Dad.” He closed his eyes again, a smile on his chapped lips as he sighed in contentment.

  She stayed hunched over his bed for the next hour, watching as his respirations slowed until he finally stopped breathing altogether. Everything in her froze as the realization of what had happened took root. She let herself cry. Theo came into the room and helped her out of the room, and she let him. Her father’s suffering was over, but that didn’t mean the pain had faded.


  Neeka sat at her desk staring at her computer. The laptop was off, the monitor black as she looked at her distorted reflection on the screen. Three weeks had passed since Gage had taken her away from that hellhole and her father had left this Earth. But it still felt like everything had happened just yesterday. The pain was still there, the hurt, worry, and nervousness still strong.

  She tried to get on with her life, knowing she didn’t have a future with Gage, and also knowing her father wouldn’t have wanted her grief to consume her. They’d talked about it plenty of times when they’d found out about his prognosis. She missed her father, and she missed the life she used to have. And on top of all that she missed Gage.

  Despite the commonsense that she would never have any kind of future with Gage, and trying to really understand and process that, she’d been getting comfort from Theo. He was gentle with her, listened to her, even let her cry as he held her. It was nice not to be alone, but that didn’t mean it felt right having Theo hold her. She felt nothing but friendship for the man.

  Despite Neeka getting comfort from Theo, she also felt strange having him hold her. Maybe it was because of her feelings for Gage and how she felt wrong having another man hold her so comfortingly.

  The fact that Theo was always around her, hardly giving her any personal space was also not helping the situation, and she felt like she was being smothered.


  She looked over her shoulder to see Theo standing in the doorway, as if her thoughts conjured him. Her skin tightened at the smile he gave her and she hated that after everything she’d gone through she was feeling this way toward Theo. It had to be her, had to be because of the trauma she’d gone through. Right?

  He wore a tuxedo and held a single tulip. Feeling her brows knit in confusion, her heart started to beat a little faster.

  “Hi.” She turned fully and looked down at the tulip. “Where are you off too so dressed up?”

  “I thought you could use a night out on the town. You need to get out of this house. It isn’t good for you to stay cooped up in here all the time.”

  She instantly felt the need to say no, that when she was ready she’d leave, but she didn’t say the words. “I’m not really in the mood to go out, Theo.”

  “Neeka, I’ve been trying to get you out of this house for the past two weeks now. Just come with me to dinner, that’s all I’m asking.” He gave her a charming smile, but it didn’t move her, and in fact it looked a little off. No, something felt wrong about this.

  “Maybe another night, but thank you for the offer. I’m pretty tired, anyway.” She smiled at him, not wanting to be rude but really in no mood to go out.

  He stared at her for a second with a stoic expression, and then he started to crush the flower in his hand, shocking her. His face turned red, and he took a step toward her. Her heart started racing even harder as she gripped the armrests of the chair. Never had she seen Theo lose his temper.

  “You know what, Neeka? I think I’ve been pretty fucking patient with you. I’ve given you space, time, and even a shoulder to cry on. What do I get in return?” His voice was raised now.

  She stood, not feeling comfortable with this at all. “I think you need to leave right now.”
r />   He smirked and tossed the now crushed flower to the ground. “What? You don’t want my comfort anymore? No, Neeka. I’m not fucking leaving, not until you realize you’re mine.”

  She squared her shoulders, even though fear was starting to take root in her. Picking up the phone, she dialed Charles’s cell number, the security guard on the property that had been working for her father for the last five years. “Charles, could you please escort Mr. Millian out?”

  Theo laughed, but it wasn’t a sound of amusement, but crazed lunacy. “I’ve sent him home for the evening. That’s the good thing about having the trust of the ones around you.”

  She sidestepped the chair and inched her way toward the door when he moved closer. Theo had gone insane. That was the only explanation for how he was acting. She tried a sweeter tactic, because right now she had no clue what in the hell to do. “Can we talk about this downstairs? Maybe over a glass of wine?”

  He stopped advancing on her, his eyebrow cocked. He shook his head and straightened his shoulders.

  “For years, I’ve been trying to win you over. Have you been so oblivious to that?”

  Yes, clearly I have.

  “I’ve been nothing but gentle and patient with you, and what do you do in return?” He chuckled as if what he just said was comical. “I’ll tell you. You fuck the man who was hired by your father.”

  She felt her eyes widen.

  “Surprised? Give me a little credit, Neeka. I saw the way he looked at you, the same way a man looks at a woman he just screwed.” He ran a hand over his hair, mussing the perfectly slicked black strands and moving toward her again. “And to say that piece of information didn’t infuriate me would be an understatement. No, from now on, we do things my way.”


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