Friendship of Desire (Painful Deliverance Book 3)

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Friendship of Desire (Painful Deliverance Book 3) Page 5

by Ann M Pratley

  Pulling up to the building, she was surprised when he told her they were there.

  "But there's no sign or anything."

  "No. It is a private club. They do not want people just walking in from outside. To get in you have to go in with an existing member."


  They walked inside and Samantha suddenly felt out of her depth. They had gone early in the evening so the crowd wasn't as big as Scott knew it could get, but it were still enough people to make her nervous.

  Almost as soon as they got in the door, a man and a woman approached them.

  "Scott," the man said, holding out his hand for a handshake. "It is good to see you. It has been a long while."

  "Hi Grant. Valda. Yes I took a break, but this is my partner, Samantha. She is new to this," he said and the couple responded as if they knew exactly what that meant, although to Samantha she had no idea.

  "Samantha," the woman said to her. "Welcome. Part of your initiation is that I will take you away from this main room and have a one on one chat with you out back. There are a few things that are always asked before we allow anyone to take part in the activities here."

  Samantha looked to Scott for guidance but on seeing him nod, let the older woman lead her away.

  They passed through the small crowd that was gathering in what appeared to be a large room, like a hall, but with a huge array of items placed around the outside of it - if she hadn't known anything from what Scott had told her, she might have thought she had been taken into a torture chamber from medieval days.

  "Come and have a seat, Samantha," Valda said, inviting Samantha to sit on a small sofa with her. "Now, first of all I need to make sure that you are here because you want to be here, and not because you feel pressured by Scott to be here. I know he is a nice young man - I watched him with his previous partner and I never saw any issues there, but that doesn't mean that you necessarily want to do this," she said, looking closely at Samantha to read her face. "Tell me a bit about what you know, and why you think you are here."

  Samantha looked at the older woman beside her. The frankness of the words so far was a reminder of how odd the situation was to her, but she did not sense any bad feelings coming from the woman.

  "Scott told me a little of what happens here, and in his apartment he has been … encouraging me to use things on him."

  "Things such as?"

  "A … riding crop? And a belt."

  "Okay, good. And did you feel okay using them on him? Is there anything about it that worries you, or left you feeling confused?"

  "Well I don't understand why anyone would want to be hit like that. It does not make any sense to me."

  Valda smiled at her, having had this conversation so many times since her and her husband had opened the club a decade before.

  "It can be a trick of the mind, the whole pleasure and pain thing. Grant and I have been doing this for a very long time and even we do not understand why some people perceive things to be painful whilst others perceive the same things to be pleasurable. But what we have learned is that the only way anyone can really know, is by experiencing it. But here at the club we only allow people to build up slowly in their levels of experimentation. There can be a psychological side to doing this kind of thing, and not everyone is well suited to it, but I think Scott bringing you here indicates that he at least thinks that you are."

  "But what if someone does something and then it hurts too much?"

  "Then they need to use their safe word to make sure the other person knows to stop. Have you and Scott talked about safe words?"

  "Yes, he told me if I do something that is beyond what he is comfortable with, he will use it and I am to stop doing what I am doing."

  Valda nodded and smiled at her once again.

  "Good. We are a fairly relaxed group here - we do not place as many restrictions on our members as some clubs do, but we do ensure that people are not pushed past their own personal limits. Scott wants you to be his dominant? Is that right?"

  "That is what he said, yes."

  "Then you need to remember that he is the one who controls how far you will push him. You need to keep your eyes and ears open, and make sure that you identify when he is nearing his limit of what he can handle. You must train yourself to see that even before he has used his safe word."

  "Alright," Samantha replied, feeling only more confusion at the words being said to her.

  "Now, I am happy with what you have told me, and I do believe you are here of your own accord. I trust Scott has told you about the sexual side of this club? We do not restrict people from being sexual, and we ask that people who do not wish to be around sex keep an open mind to others enjoying it while they are here. Not everyone who takes part in this goes on to be aroused from it, or have sex, but a good proportion of the people who you will see here do, and they have the right to. If you feel uncomfortable about what you see, you - and anyone else - have the right to leave. Grant and I are both approachable so if you have any concerns you can come directly to us. Even if it looks like we are busy, if you need to tell us something or ask us something, it is our priority to respond, no matter what we are doing. This applies to all members in the club," she said and then looked closely at Samantha one more time. "How are you feeling now?"

  Samantha smiled at the woman before her - it was hard not to when she could talk so easily about so many things that other people might regard as 'taboo' subjects.

  "I am fine. I will try this tonight and if I do not like it, I will tell Scott and he can decide what he wants to do about that."

  "Some of the partners you see here tonight are not partners in life - some of them have other wives or husbands who do not take part but know their spouses are here, doing this with someone else. For some people it is something they come to love and thrive off. For others, they cannot stand it and want no part of it. Neither side is right or wrong - everyone needs to choose their own viewpoint on it. As part of an induction, I will encourage you to just watch other people tonight, Samantha. Do not worry, it is something that everyone does when they first come here, so you do not need to feel like you are intruding by watching. It will help you to understand how it is for others, and give you an indication of things that Scott might wish for you to do to him in time."

  "Thank you, Valda. You have been very good to talk and listen to," Samantha said and walked out with the older woman.

  "How was that?" Scott asked when she rejoined him.

  "It was fine. I am fine."

  He smiled brilliantly at her and she could see how happy her being in the club with him was making him.

  "Come with me and I will show you around."

  Samantha was led around the exterior of the room and saw many things she had not known existed. She found him to be informative about things, and she listened as if she were a scholar learning from a master.

  For this night, he had told her they would not take part in anything. It was a night where she could watch what others did, Valda had said. So they walked around and she was very aware of all her senses going on high alert over the next couple of hours.

  The near nudity - and full nudity - she found hard to watch at first. Men with obvious arousal, which there was no effort to try and hide, caught her attention, especially as a virgin who had hardly touched a man, let alone seen him like that.

  Scott watched her face, wondering what she thought of what was happening before her. Particularly when before them he saw a male dominant go from whipping his submissive, to being on his knees behind her and entering her. As that happened, Scott looked at Samantha and wondered if she would get as aroused watching that as he did, but she looked more wide eyed than anything.

  Samantha was shocked at first - she had never watched porn or had sex, so it was surprising to her but at the same time surprisingly interesting. She turned and looked at Scott, wondering if being around things like that happening would make him want to move things forward with them, or if he would start
to pressure her into having sex with him. She wasn't sure what she saw on his face when she looked at him though. Usually he was not difficult to read, but on this night he was.

  What Samantha really wanted to see, though, were women doing to men what Scott wanted her to do to him. When they came close to couples in that position, she did stop for longer and take more notice, he realised, and the thought excited him greatly. So much so that he knew he would have to relieve himself due to the effect everything was having on him.

  "I'll be back in a few minutes. Will you wait here?" he asked her and she just nodded, not comprehending what he was going away to do.

  In the bathroom Scott moved immediately to let go of pressure that had been building. He did not want to press Samantha to have sex, but at the same time he was aroused so often now, especially since they had started venturing into this arena, that he was having to release more and more. But while she never said anything about it, he would much rather do it when he was alone - like here - than when she was in his apartment and he had to go to his bathroom there. She had never made him feel like any kind of freak since that first time when he had run to the bathroom to let go, but to him it still felt like some kind of betrayal to her, like he was letting her down by him being so aroused like that so often when he knew she wasn't.

  After he let go, he took a moment to look in the mirror before he returned to her. They were the same age but sometimes it felt to him like he was years older than her. And sometimes he wished he was back there, where she was … before he had ever had sex or been introduced to this lifestyle.

  Samantha was watching a woman using a riding crop on her male partner when Scott returned to her side once more. He had worried she might wonder where he was, but when he reached her he saw she was intrigued and completely caught up in what was happening before her.

  Suddenly the woman saw Samantha and motioned her to move toward her and her partner. Samantha looked at Scott, who only nodded at her, and then stepped forward tentatively.

  The woman came right up to her and held out her hand.

  "I'm Angelica. You are new here, right?" she asked and Samantha nodded as she shook the woman's hand. "I am happy to give you some guidance in the use of this, if you want."

  Samantha looked at the woman, and then at the woman's partner, but he kept his head down.

  "He does what I tell him to do, don't you, Tony?" she said, running the end of the crop all over him from tailbone to chin, as she walked around him.

  "Yes Mistress," he called out in response.

  Angelica returned her attention to Samantha.

  "It is just role playing. Don't worry, when we are in our everyday lives neither of us treat each other like this, or tell each other what to do. But here, take this, Samantha. Don't worry, Tony is happy for you to practice on him. He takes on this role for the new visitors. Now hold the crop like this as I find this is how I get the best power…"

  Scott watched Samantha as she received instruction from the other woman, and he was pleased to see her eager to learn new things, and take on board what was being said to her. When he saw her hit the man on the ground, he watched her face as that was something he could never see when they had been doing this same kind of action in his apartment. He had thought she might not really enjoy it, but looking at her face now as she brought the riding crop down on the man, over and over, he could see excitement on her face, and that in turn excited him.

  Samantha felt invigorated and alert. She had been doing this to Scott recently but there was a small piece of her that held back with him, because, she supposed, she cared for him so much. It felt different to be with someone she didn't know, and as she delivered the blows, she found a new level of adrenalin rushing inside of her.

  As she walked around the man she could also see the level of his arousal - he was completely naked and there was no hiding it at all. It drove her on more, seeing how he was feeling. Without any warning, suddenly Angelica was on her knees in front of him, telling him what to do, and Samantha saw him move into his partner from behind and almost instantly climax right before Samantha's eyes. That was before Angelica turned over and commanded Tony to place his head between her legs and use his tongue on her, an action that ended in a result that was equally almost instantaneous.

  Samantha looked at Scott for guidance as she was holding their riding crop and didn't know what to do - or where to look. But all she saw on his face was an intense look of amusement, mixed in with desire.

  She was still holding the crop, looking at him, when Angelica jumped up and came up to her.

  "Oh sorry, Samantha. Sometimes we get carried away and forget about all the other people here!" she said, laughing out loud as she reached to take the crop from Samantha's hands. "I hope we didn't make you feel uncomfortable? It is never our intention," she continued. "Some people don't like nudity too much, but hey, it's who we are and what we do."

  "Oh no, it's fine Angelica. It is something new for me … to watch … that … but it is fine. And I feel more confident using the riding crop now so thank you."

  Angelica laughed at her.

  "You and I are going to be great friends, I can tell," she said and winked at Samantha before giving Scott a knowing smile.

  Scott veered her away, fearing that any more of that and he would be aroused again, which he didn't want to be.

  "You looked magnificent with that riding crop. How did you find using it the way that Angelica showed you?" he asked her and she looked at him with a look of surprise on her own face.

  "I found that … really good."

  He couldn't be sure as he had not seen it on her face before, but for a moment he wondered if he wasn't seeing on her face, frank, blatant … arousal. He pushed the thought from his mind quickly.

  "Come on, let's go. It is best that I drop you straight home to your house tonight, I think."

  Samantha nodded, not arguing with him one bit, given how she was feeling and how it went against how she wanted to feel.


  In coming weeks, Samantha was eased into enjoying herself at the club with Scott. They moved slowly when there, and he never pressured her into exposing any part of her body that she did not wish to, or to do anything she couldn't. But at the same time, she was confused sometimes by his fairly constant 'tell me what to do' instructions, which seemed to go against her telling him the way things would be.

  But she persisted and she came to enjoy using different things on him. She was aware of how aroused he became, but she became more and more at ease with it, considering it more of a matter-of-fact type of occurrence than putting any more thought into it.

  Overall, Samantha found that with her dressmaking skills growing, and spending time with Scott, and attending the club, her confidence was slowly increasing and she enjoyed the feelings growing in her. Suddenly the thought of becoming a dressmaker by trade didn't seem quite so impossible and the thought drove her on to study harder, despite the joys she was finding in other parts of her life.


  "What?" Tom asked her, not believing what he had just heard his closest friend say.

  "I said, over the past few weeks I have been going to a BDSM club with Scott, and I am really enjoying it."

  Samantha watched his face. They were sitting in a café, catching up after a period of time apart.

  "So, like, you let him … umm … whip you and stuff?"

  "No, the other way round."

  Tom found himself astounded at what was being said to him.

  "Scott lets you whip … him?"

  Samantha laughed at him. One thing she never tired of with Tom were his facial expressions.

  "No, not whip! I have tried the whip, but haven't been able to master it, so we stick with the riding crop and a couple of floggers."

  Tom was speechless.

  "I'd like to take you one night. Do you think you might like to try it?"

  If he had been speechless before, now he was du
mbstruck, and became suddenly aware that Samantha was laughing heartily at him.

  "Oh, you were joking," he said, feeling sheepish all of a sudden.

  "Oh, no, Tom. Actually I was serious. I didn't think I would like it, but I am really enjoying it. I would love to take you along. There is much to look at, I can tell you!"

  "Do people not usually go in pairs, though? I would be a third wheel."

  "No, I would take you on a night where we could go together and just watch others, without doing anything."

  "And how would Scott like that?"

  "He would accept it."

  Tom laughed at her.

  "I am not so sure about that!"

  "Well, why would he not? Lots of people go to that club and some of them are not romantically involved … lots of people go with someone other than their romantic partner."

  "Yes, but…"

  "But what?"

  "I don't think he would like you to be there with me, that's all. Sometimes I am not sure if I think he is truly accepting of me as your friend."

  Samantha considered his words and knew he wasn't wrong. Lately Scott had been making references to her spending time with Tom, even though she had hardly seen him in recent weeks. And in Samantha's mind, Scott even mentioning Tom wasn't fair since he had known the two of them were good friends, even before he had started dating her.

  "Well, anyway, not worrying about what he thinks, what do you think? You will see some sights and they might be a bit … surprising … but if you are okay with that, I'd like to take you."

  Tom looked at her - this lifelong friend who he usually thought he knew inside out and yet could still shock him like this sometimes.



  Tom walked in with Samantha close by his side, at his request. Since coming to the club she had made friends there and had come to be regarded as a friendly person in the group, even though it was equally known that she did not have sex there, or ever reveal private areas of her body.

  As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by Grant and Valda, who introduced themselves just as they had that first night when Scott had taken Samantha for the first time.


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