Unbreakable: An Unacceptables MC Standalone Romance

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Unbreakable: An Unacceptables MC Standalone Romance Page 1

by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2


  Chapter One


  An Unacceptables MC Romance

  Kristen Hope Mazzola



  Copyright © 2017 Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Published by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: Kristen Hope Mazzola 2016

  Cover Design: Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Cover model: Lance Jones: https://www.facebook.com/LanceJonesTattooFitnessModel/

  Photographer: LJ Photography: https://www.facebook.com/LJPhotography2k/

  Formatting by: Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Editing by:

  C. Marie: editingbycmarie@gmail.com

  Jordan Bates: https://leeeditingbyjordan.wixsite.com/leeediting

  Proof Reading by:

  Patti Correa: shore2pleaseedits@gmail.com

  Created with Vellum


  Note From the Author


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Did you enjoy what you just read?


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Cross Checked


  Chapter One


  About the Author

  All books by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Note From the Author

  Thank you for reading Unbreakable. In doing so, you have helped fulfill a very important goal of mine. From every purchase of any of my books, I donate to the Marcie Mazzola Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to "help better the lives of abused and at-risk children, and to build community awareness regarding the needs of children."

  The Marcie Mazzola Foundation was established in 2003 by my family. On July 6, 2002, Marcie died tragically in an automobile accident. Although she was only 21 at the time of her death, Marcie had experienced many things and touched many lives. She was a beautiful young woman whose inner beauty surpassed even her physical beauty because of her compassionate nature and treatment of others.

  At the time of her death, Marcie was involved in a civil lawsuit against a school bus driver who had sexually abused her when she was 11 years old. Prior to her death, it had been expected that the case would be won, but since Marcie could no longer testify, it was going to be next to impossible to win. Marcie’s attorney met with her family to determine if the suit should be continued. He advised the family that Marcie had confided in him her intention to donate her entire award to help sexually and physically abused children if she won the case. Once this was known, the family had no doubt that the suit had to continue.

  The attorney’s strong commitment to Marcie prompted him to proceed with the case, and against all odds, it was won. Marcie’s estate was awarded a monetary settlement. With her attorney’s guidance and continued support, the family established a foundation as a tribute to Marcie’s life, which would continue her legacy to help children.

  To learn more about The Marcie Mazzola Foundation, please visit: http://www.marciemazzolafoundation.org

  Marcie Mazzola Foundation

  158 Burr Road, Commack, NY 11725

  phone: 631-858-1855 • fax: 631-462-8544 email: info@marciemazzolafoundation.org

  “It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”

  ― John Joseph Powell, The Secret of Staying in Love



  “What do you mean missing?” I kicked the chair that was in front of me, sending it flying through the dark living room of Bear’s house.

  He shook his head. “I don’t fucking get it either. That’s why I called you in the middle of the damn night.”

  “I just don’t understand how a quarter of a million dollars’ worth of product can just vanish from thin air.” I was ready to put my fist through the fucking wall. How could I have been so stupid as to let Bear talk me into dealing with this shit anyway? I stayed away from drugs for a fucking reason. This reason—it was messy as fucking shit and nothing ever worked out in the long run.

  “Do we have any idea who is behind it at least?” I asked my fellow president while he poured us glasses of bourbon.

  He chugged his glass down like a shot before answering me. “I know that the Sinners are in on it in some small way. Other than that, I got fucking jack shit.”

  Bear was one of my most trusted counterparts. I would never forget when he was a prospect for the Unacceptables’ charter in Atlanta. He was a beast of a man with a heart of a fucking lion. I knew that he was going to truly go places with this club, but right then I had started to second guess all of that.

  “All I know is that if this shit winds up in my fucking neck of the woods, it’s your ass that is going to have to clean it up.” I snarled at him before shooting the amber liquid down the back of my throat like it was water.

  “We made a bad call. We will fix it.” Bear’s confidence never wavered as he locked eyes with me.

  “We fucking better fix this and fast,” I snarled.

  “I already have Jaxon and Rigger on it. They’ve been tracking a few guys locally, trying to get more information.”

  “Do not make me regret this more than I already do, brother.” I grabbed my keys from the table and started to make my way for the front door.

  “That’s it? You’re leaving?” Bear shot up from his couch in complete shock.

  I nodded. “There’s nothing left for me to say and without any leads, there’s nothing left for me to do down here.”

  “That was a long drive for an hour of yelling.” He remarked.

  I got right up into his bread-covered face. “When business needs to be taken care of, I do it in person. I have a family that needs my protection. So, yes, it was a long ass drive, but necessary.”

  After a tiring drive through the night, I finally walked through the front door of my quiet home right as the sun was coming through the wind
ows. It was only a few days until my daughter’s wedding and the house was a wreck. From the center pieces and decorations, all the way to the bridal magazines and everything else, it looked like a frilly glitter bomb had gone off in my living room. But, I couldn’t say that it bothered me in the slightest. It was quite the opposite—I fucking loved it.

  Raine was the most precious thing in my life. Well, her brother was a close second. There’s just something about the bond between a father and daughter though. Collin didn’t need his old man now that he was an adult. But Raine did. She was and had always been my little girl and watching her get married was going to be the hardest and best day of my life.

  I made my way into the kitchen. Even though it was barely six in the morning, I poured myself a glass of Old Crow on the rocks and grabbed a packet of Fun Dip out of the pantry.

  Throwing my boots up onto the kitchen table, I indulged in my two favorite vices—whiskey and blue powdery candy. Well, they weren’t as good as sex but Crickett would have killed me if I woke her up this early. Usually it wouldn’t have been a problem, but my wife had been so stressed with wedding planning that if she didn’t get some sleep she was a bitch to deal with.

  Happy wife, happy life.

  I made a mental note to remind my future son-in-law about that when I saw him later on that day.

  “Dad?” Raine’s soft voice came from behind me. “You’re home already?”

  I jumped to my feet and wrapped my baby into a tight hug. “Of course I am, sugar. I have a suit fitting today. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  She started to make some coffee while giggling to herself.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked taking a seat again.

  “It’s just hilarious to me that I find you in the kitchen at the ass crack of the morning with bright blue lips and a glass full of liquor and it doesn’t faze me one bit. Actually, if I had found you down here doing anything else after visiting Bear I would be worried.”

  I put my hand on hers. “Well, I am glad that I didn’t worry you, sweetheart.”

  She shot me a kind smile. “Dad, I learned long ago to never get worried until you tell me to. Otherwise, I would be living my life in constant panic.”

  Chapter 1


  “You’re stunning,” Crickett said as she clasped her diamond necklace around my neck. It was my something borrowed.

  I stood, staring at my reflection in the mirror for a couple of minutes, trying to take it all in. This is really happening. This is really my wedding day. It didn’t seem real yet. Even though I was standing there in my dress, about to walk down the aisle, it still hadn’t sunk in that I was about to become Mrs. Walsh.

  My hair was swept up in a loose, curly ponytail. My makeup was on fleek. My dress was simple: a sweetheart neckline, strapless, formfitting, off-white, and lace. My something new was an Unacceptables patch stitched to the underside of my dress at the bottom as a surprise for Ryder and my father.

  “Dad has my something old and blue right?” I asked while fixing a few curls in my stepmother’s hair that had fallen a bit.

  “That’s what he told me. I don’t know what they are, though.” Crickett and I both hated surprises, and my old man fucking loved teasing us with them.

  Right as I was about to complain about Dad running late, he and my brother both walked through the door. They were in charcoal gray three-piece suits, and I was taken aback by how well they had cleaned up for the big day. Collin was the spitting image of our father—stormy eyes, dark hair, beard, tall, and muscular. The resemblance was almost scary, and if not for my dad’s graying hair and crow’s feet, people would mistake them for twins.

  “Very dashing,” Crickett remarked as she kissed her husband and son on the cheek.

  My father stood with his jaw hanging open as I turned to him. “You like?” I motioned to my dress before hugging him.

  “I have never seen a sight quite this stunning in my entire life.” His voice was low as he held me tight. My father wasn’t usually one to get sappy, but I caught him getting teary as he looked down at me in his arms.

  “Don’t you fucking cry, Abel.” Crickett sniffled. “I’m barely keeping it together over here and I do not want to have mascara running down my face before I even get out there.”

  Collin wrapped his arm around his mother’s shoulders, pulling her into his side. “I think a lot of us are going to lose our man cards today seeing our little Raine finally tying the knot.”

  I shoved my brother’s arm. “Don’t forget that I’m older than you, punk.”

  My dad forced a cough while pulling a jewelry box and an envelope out of his jacket pocket. “Sweetheart, I have something to give you.” He opened the box to reveal a stunning set of blue sapphire earrings. “They were your mother’s.”

  A lump formed in my throat as he helped me take them out of the box. I was speechless, and then he hit me with another blow—the card.

  “It has never been opened. I don’t even know what it says. Your mother insisted on writing it the day you were born, said she never wanted to worry about not having the right words to say to you on this day. I never knew what it truly meant, but I kept it all this time.”

  With shaking hands, I opened the card, sinking down in a chair to read the simple note my mother had written to me all those years ago.

  To my Raine,

  As I sit here, watching you sleep peacefully in the bassinet beside me, I am flooded with more love than I ever knew one person could possess. I have only known you for hours, but without you, my life wouldn’t be complete. I hope you never question the undying love I have for you, how proud I already am to be your mother, or how blessed I am to have such an angel on earth. You’re truly a miracle. Today, on your wedding day, I want you to know how beautiful you are, inside and out. I know you’re marrying a prince because your father wouldn’t let just anyone have the blessing of marrying our precious princess. Always know that you are stronger than you think and when in doubt, your family will be here to back you up. I have no idea what the future holds for our family, but I do know one thing: you are the light in my life.

  I love you with all of my being, my beautiful daughter.

  Always, Mom

  Tears streamed down my face. It was the first time in my life that I’d ever seen her handwriting. My mother’s death happened when I was still in diapers and I barely knew what she looked like, but in that moment, I felt a connection with her that I’d never known I craved.

  I grabbed a tissue, checking my eyeliner in the mirror. “Well, that was a kick in the feels.” I tried to make light of it all and everyone followed my lead perfectly.

  “Are you ready to get this show on the road, sugar?” Dad held out his arms for me to take as Crickett and Collin walked out of the room.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. Are you?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “Let’s get one thing straight: I am not giving you away to Ryder today. I’m just letting him marry you. You’re always going to be my little girl.” With a quick hug, we were off to meet my Prince Charming. He might not have ridden a white horse or worn armor, but in my opinion, a cut and motorcycle were way sexier and badass, and I knew my mother would have agreed.


  Holy fuck.

  This is it.

  I couldn’t believe how damn nervous I was.

  Suck it up, buttercup. It’s show time.

  Standing in the middle of the Unacceptables bar and pool hall in a suit and tie while sweating bullets was making me jittery. It felt wrong not being in my cut, flannel shirt, and worn out jeans, but Raine wanted me dressed in a monkey suit and she was the boss.

  Happy wife, happy life—right?

  I couldn’t believe it was finally time to make Raine Hellock my wife. It felt like it had been forever since I asked for her hand in this same bar, and I couldn’t decide if I had been more nervous then or if this moment was going to trump it.

  The whirlwind of our rela
tionship was finally calming, and there I was standing knee deep in my version of a happily ever after. I didn’t know how an outlaw like me could ever deserve someone as perfect as Raine, but I wasn’t going to question my luck.

  All of my club members and their families were gathered to help witness our big day, donning their Sunday best—well, all except the Unacceptables. They were embracing the complete biker heaven wedding with cuts and beer flowing from the kegs.

  My dad was standing next to me with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He put his hand on my shoulder as he said, “I’m really proud of you son.”

  “Thanks Pop.” I gave him a quick hug.

  Holton Walsh had become so much more than just a father to me in the short time we had been together. It was strange to think that he hadn’t always been in my life, but better late than never. We had all come a long way since I rode into that small mountain town in the middle of North Carolina. I had nothing more than a name to find a man who hadn’t known I existed. My mom kept my existence a secret from my biological father for the first eighteen years of my life. I didn’t blame my mother for making the choices she had in raising me, but I was happier with the life I had found with the family I hadn’t known I was missing. Holt, along with the rest of the Unacceptables were my true family and I don’t know how I went so long without them in my life. All I knew was that I never wanted to be without any of them.


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