Shadow of Doubt

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Shadow of Doubt Page 10

by Melissa Gaye Perez

  “Couldn't help it. I don't always wake up hearing all that yelling outside. It's usually rather quiet and peaceful around here.”

  “We're not lovers,” she stated bluntly, insulted that he could actually think such a thing. “That's not why he was here.”

  “Well, he obviously wasn't here to see me was he?” he retorted smartly.

  “I don’t know why he was here!” she yelled out in her own defense.

  “Oh yeah? Martin doesn't usually mess with women unless he's getting it,” he answered with certainty. And rather coldly, then simply took another drink of his beer.

  “I'm not that kind of woman Jordan,” she insisted. “I thought you knew better than that.”

  “Oh no? You were pretty easy going the other night until I was the one that stopped things.”

  Dolly looked at him sharply and wanted to crawl under the couch and hide, but couldn't move a muscle in her body for a moment. She felt insulted and her eyes were burning. She ran to her bedroom and slammed the door.

  “Doesn't he know I love him?” she wondered as she laid face down on her bed sobbing. “Now he thinks I'm easy because I wanted to show him my love. Now he'll never respect me. How could I have been so stupid?”

  “Dolly? Dolly?” she heard him call as he knocked at her door. “C'mon, let me in will ya? I didn't mean to make you mad. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings either.”

  “Mad?” she thought as she rolled to her back. “Ripped my heart out is more like it. Insulted and humiliated is more like it!”

  “Open this door will ya?”

  “Go away!”

  “Kicking me outta my own house now? Open the damn door!” he demanded, growing angry and banging harder.

  “Okay, I'm coming,” she finally gave in, then wiped the tears from her cheeks before unlocking the door.

  Jordan opened it slowly. He stared into her hurt eyes and could clearly she see had been crying again.

  “I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to...”

  “It's okay,” she cut in. “I understand.”

  Jordan fidgeted a second unsure what to do or say next. He couldn't stand it when she cried. “You okay?”

  “Yes…I'm fine. I just wanna shower and change so I can fix your lunch.” She wanted to hug his neck and tell him how much she loved him but now felt Martin just might be right. He would never allow himself to feel that way back. Especially with a woman he now thought was “easy”.

  “All right,” he mumbled as he closed the door and left her alone.

  Now Dolly wasn't sure if he really cared for her at all. Maybe he was just being nice because he felt sorry for her. She showered and changed into her jeans and red pullover shirt and slowly made her way to the kitchen.

  Much to her surprise she scanned the already fully set table and looked confused too Jordan who was sitting there waiting for her to come and join him.

  “Better hurry before it gets cold,” he insisted, motioning to the already prepared meal on the table. Two toasted poor boy sandwiches complete with fresh lettuce and tomato were awaiting them both.

  “What did you do that for? I was gonna fix it.”

  “I was bored,” he answered and motioned again for her to sit with him.

  They sat together silently. Jordan seemed to be trying now to make amends for his uncalled for accusation about her relationship with Martin. Dolly was afraid to speak at all fearing she'd only make the situation worse.

  “I'll get the dishes,” she finally offered as they cleared the table.

  “Let'em sit awhile. I need to go to the track. Wanna come along with me?”

  Dolly was surprised he had even offered but couldn’t resist the invitation. “I'd love too...that is...if you really don't mind me tagging along.”

  Jordan grinned with his sweet lazy grin. “I don't mind. Let me change first.” He disappeared off to his bedroom and changed into his jeans and black muscle shirt.

  Dolly waited anxiously in the living room. Finally she walked out on the oversized porch and watched the waves pound the fine white sands of the beach, dreaming of how life would be here forever with Jordan. Nothing seemed to be more realistic and more pleasant to think about now. The possibility that she could actually be married to someone else only occasionally passed through her mind, but she didn't see how it could be. She loved Jordan Scott far too much and no one else could ever change that.

  Chapter 6

  Dolly again watched eagerly as Jordan's black car screeched to a halt just in front of her. She watched his gorgeous body crawl from the window of the car. He grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler and sat next to her while he let his crew handle the car alone this time.

  “Is it hard driving that thing?” she asked curiously as she watched him down his drink. She didn't want to seem to be persisting anymore but couldn't help it. That car fascinated her so much.

  Jordan laughed. “Not really why? I guess now you wanna drive it.”

  “I don't think so,” she replied with a chuckle at the mere possibility. “Do you come out here a lot?”

  “As much as I possibly can, I love the power of that thing,” he answered staring proudly at his prize possession.

  “I can imagine. It must be a great feeling,” she murmured dreamily.

  Jordan rose and disappeared toward the locker room area for a few minutes without a word to her first. Dolly had no idea what he'd gone to do. She slowly walked to his car and rubbed her hand across it as she circled around, admiring every last inch of its shining beauty.

  “Here...put it on,” Jordan then ordered her as he came up from behind and handed her a racing suit and helmet.

  Dolly stared with her mouth open then saw Jordan's nervous grin.

  “You mean it?” she asked excitedly. “You're actually gonna let me ride with you? For real?”

  “If you quit squawking about it and put that thing on,” he laughed as he pushed the suit into her arms admiring her never ending enthusiasm.

  “I don't believe it,” Martin smartly interrupted as he propped his body on the back of the car. “Is my old buddy going all soft again or what?”

  “Get lost Martin,” Jordan blurted out not seeming at all happy with the constant presence of his supposed friend. “She just wants to go for a ride, that's all.” Then he turned to Dolly. “Hurry up will ya?”

  Dolly smiled as she quickly pulled on the blue jumpsuit over her jeans and zipped it up. She wasn't sure what had changed his mind, but didn't care. She only hoped their talk about his mom had helped ease his fears. Evidently, it had, because she was finally about to go for a ride in the fastest car she’d ever seen.

  “I'm ready,” she cheerfully stated as she neared Jordan. “How do ya get in this thing anyway?”

  “You've seen me do it enough, figure it out,” he teased as he rounded to the driver's side, leaned against the car and watched her from over the top of the roof.

  “Well?” He was nearly laughing out loud now watching her leer back across at him. He was surely enjoying the moment.

  “You don't think I can do it myself do you?” she asked then saw Martin nearing out of the corner of her eye.

  “Need some help sug?” he asked arrogantly and put his hands on her waist and started to lift her up.

  “No thank you,” she replied and again threw his hands away from her and grabbed the top of the window herself. “I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.” Smiling, she crawled easily into the car and watched as Jordan joined her on the driver side.


  “Yes. I've been ready.”

  “This doesn't scare you?”

  “Uh-uh. Not yet anyway. Why? Are you planning to scare me on purpose?”

  “No ma'am. I'm not that stupid,” he replied laughing at the childish look about her face. He was still having trouble determining her age and now she looked even younger than ever before as he shifted the gears, stomped the gas pedal and sped away with her.

  The car seemed even louder th
an ever before at first to Dolly as she sat motionless for a bit watching Jordan shift and skillfully maneuver the car around the curves nearing 140 miles per hour now. Her body felt like it was being pulled backward against the seat but she was loving every second of it. She didn't even realize the big smile she had on her face as they sped around the track again.

  “Wow! This thing goes that fast?” she asked yelling over the roar of the car after she finally figured out how to read the speedometer.

  Jordan smiled again. “Yes. I can go even faster if I wanted.”

  “Then do it!”


  “Oh c'mon, I love this. I'm not scared...really,” she pleaded.

  “I'm not tearing up my car because you’re having fun either,” he answered still chuckling at her youthful expression.

  Dolly watched as they passed a car and neared another. “Why don't you ram the back of him?” she joked.

  Jordan laughed loudly. “What's wrong with you?”

  “You did it the other day.”

  “I was driving for money the other day,” he stated as he whisked around it.

  Dolly just smiled endlessly as he took her around the track once more. “Don't stop, I wanna go again!”

  “No! We've gotta get home,” he answered still grinning at his little daredevil as he slammed the breaks and screeched to a sudden halt.

  Dolly nearly pouted again when Martin pulled her from the car. She felt as if she could stay in it forever and didn't even mind the fact that Martin was following her around again.

  “No wonder Jordan craves racing the way he does,” she thought admiringly.

  “Well I see you survived,” Martin stated as he helped her to her feet.

  “She didn't want me to stop,” Jordan interrupted with pride beaming from his face as he took her hand and pulled her behind him. He seemed rather proud of the fact that she loved it as much as she did.

  Dolly's hand tingled at his touch. Maybe he really does believe that I wasn't involved with Martin. Maybe he really does care for me after all.

  This time it was Martin who didn't seem too happy. He followed as they neared Jordan's truck, still holding hands.

  “Where ya going?” he asked, then glanced nervously to Dolly.

  “Home, where else?” Jordan answered as he opened the driver door and motioned for her to get in on his side. She happily crawled in and sat in the middle of the seat waiting for Jordan to join her.

  “Give me a ride?”

  Jordan didn't seem pleased. “How'd ya get here?”

  “I walked, it's not far from my house,” Martin answered nervously picking up on Jordan's unpleasant attitude toward him.

  “Get in,” he muttered with a frustrated tone clearly not wanting his friend along today.

  Dolly felt bad again feeling she had caused trouble between these two. The last thing she wanted was to cause tension among life long friends, but she was madly in love with Jordan and wanted nothing more than to be with him always. It wasn't her fault Martin kept persisting.

  As they drove Dolly was still smiling just thinking about the ride she had just taken. It was the most thrilling thing in the world and she couldn't wait to do it again...if Jordan were to allow it. They dropped Martin off at his house then headed toward home at the beach.

  “That guys hung up on you something awful,” Jordan bravely stated as they drove through town.

  Dolly was shocked he had even mentioned it. “I don't care. I don't like him.”

  “That's not what he says,” Jordan answered seeming angry at the mere thought.

  “Just what does he say?” she asked not believing Martin had actually discussed their friendship with Jordan. Must have been when Jordan went to the locker room to get her the jump suit.

  Jordan didn't seem to want to answer. He held the wheel tightly as he sped towards the beach.

  “Slow down Jordan,” she pleaded growing afraid as he seemed to become more furious just thinking about Martin, and now neared 50 miles per hour through town, a 30 mile an hour speed zone. He didn't respond to her.

  “What's wrong with you? What did Martin tell you about me?” she pleaded.

  “Doesn't really matter,” he finally replied, never looking in her direction. He seemed to be lost in thought as he drove. Not good thoughts apparently.

  Now Dolly knew she was probably right. And so was he. It doesn't matter, he would never believe her over Martin anyway, whatever it was he had told Jordan. But now she was troubled wanting to know what kind of lies Martin had been spreading. Surely he hadn't tried to say they had slept together? Whatever it was, it had Jordan upset and Dolly was frightened as they sped through the crowded streets of Daytona.

  “Please slow down Jordan,” she pleaded again.

  “Quit your nagging!” He briefly turned to look at her as he angrily yelled then glanced back ahead when he heard a horn honking, but it was too late.

  Jordan stomped on his brakes and the truck began to skid and squeal to a rough stop. He rammed into the side of another car crossing the intersection. Dolly screamed as she felt her body slamming into the dashboard and heard glass shattering and medal clanging as her limp body fell to the floorboard. She hadn't put on her seat belt so she could sit next to Jordan.

  Jordan jerked around but his seat belt held him firmly. He was stunned as he shook his head realizing what had just transpired. Then a horrified look took over his face when he saw Dolly lying on her back on the floor, her head toward the passenger door, motionless. The only movement he saw was her stomach as she breathed at least letting him know she was alive.

  Sorely, he unbuckled his seat belt and bent to see if she was okay. He heard voices all around outside of the truck as people asked if they were all right, but he didn't answer. He only wanted to check on Dolly. She looked so helpless and her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving.

  “Dolly?” he whispered out as he stroked her face with the back of his fingers. His voice shuddered with fear and guilt. He felt sick at his stomach knowing his anger and jealousy was the cause of the accident. He was upset with whatever Martin had told him and wasn't paying any attention to the traffic. It was his fault he had ran the red light and struck the other vehicle. Not even giving Dolly the chance to give her side of the story, just became upset and wasn't paying attention.

  Not thinking about the possibility of injuring Dolly or anyone else, Jordan had greedily let his own anger cause this. Now he only stared at Dolly's motionless body wishing she would open those beautiful eyes and talk to him. Then he heard the sirens nearing from a distance and only when he sat up to see how close they were did he feel the pains in his own side.

  “Are you okay mister?” one of the paramedics asked as he pulled the truck door open.

  “I think so,” Jordan gulped out as he glanced again to his passenger, still unconscious and not moving.

  “You're hurt, let me see.”

  “I'm all right. Check her first will ya?” he replied as he stumbled to his feet and held on to the door for support, clearing the way for the paramedics to climb inside and take care of her. Then he squinted in pain as he saw the damage to his truck and the other car. His wasn't so bad, but the car...he didn't want to think about the cost.

  “Everybody okay over there?” he asked a police officer as he looked toward the other vehicle again now showing concern for the other driver.

  “Yeah, I think so,” the officer replied. He too watched from the passenger side of Jordan's truck as the paramedics worked frantically to help her.

  Jordan felt a little relieved but was worried about Dolly. He saw her hit the dashboard and heard her scream in pain as she fell hard to the floor. He knew it hurt her badly and couldn't stand the thought of her being in such torment, especially after all that she's already been through.

  “She's coming too,” he heard a voice cry out. Jordan watched anxiously as she slowly blinked her twinkling eyes and tears began to stream down the sides of her face immediately. Sh
e began to slowly look around and sob out loudly.

  “I need you to talk to me miss. Okay?” the paramedic told her. “What's your name?”

  Jordan suddenly froze and looked palely as Dolly only stared back at the paramedic. The thought had finally entered his mind that she may wake up as someone else entirely. She may not be his Dolly anymore, but a total stranger again. Or maybe she'll have amnesia all over again and not even remember she is supposed to be Dolly.

  He stood sternly at the edge of the truck, almost afraid as he greatly anticipated her reply.

  “Dolly? You okay?” he too then directed toward her after she didn't respond to the paramedic. Hoping if he called her that then that's who she would still be. Hoping his familiar voice would bring “Dolly” back to him.

  “My arm hurts,” she whined and then let out a wail.

  Jordan still wasn't sure if she remembered him or anything else yet. She may have just been responding to his question thinking him a total stranger and not knowing why he had called her Dolly.

  Dolly's eyes looked fearful as she looked around. “I hurt all over,” she then gasped.

  Jordan watched as they placed a backboard beneath her body and gently raised her up and out of the truck, gently placing her on a waiting gurney just outside. They looked her over once more. She didn't make a sound when they removed her from the truck but Jordan saw the pain and agony in her face. He nearly forgot his own pain due to his concern for her.

  “Sir, I think you should come along too,” the paramedic then suggested noticing how Jordan was holding his left side, obviously in great agony himself.

  He started to protest but wanted to be at Dolly's side anyway so he could try and ease her pain and calm her fear. She was taking it bravely he knew but her tearful blue eyes told all. She was hurting immensely and Jordan couldn't stand it. He had carelessly done this to her.

  The paramedics gently loaded her into the back of the ambulance and helped Jordan inside as well.

  “Take your shirt off sir,” they instructed wanting to inspect Jordan's injuries.


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