Taking Command

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Taking Command Page 7

by Jennifer Leeland

  That was no hologram.

  Sprinting towards the man, he was barely in time to stop the down sweep of the stranger's knife toward Daniella's throat.

  She stabbed him in the heart.

  Blood spurted over her hand and covered her upper arm. Dropping the knife, she started to shake. There was no screaming or hysteria which would have been less eerie to Jake. Her eyes were huge and they met his. “What have I done?"

  At which point, she passed out on him.

  * * * *

  "For someone who doesn't faint, you sure do it a lot.” Daniella opened her eyes and met Jake's ironic gaze.

  "I killed that man. He wasn't a hologram,” she croaked out.

  "No.” Jake was holding her head in his lap. Apparently, he had dragged her into the Base Camp because the jungle was gone and replaced by the bedroom scene where she first met him.

  "Who was he?” she asked him.

  "His name is Samuel Grady. He's a soldier."

  "How did you know he wasn't a hologram before I did?” Guilt gnawed at her stomach.

  "No gun. He was stuck in the same parameters that we were. The only way he could get a gun was to take one. He must not have had the chance."

  "That never even registered.” She shook her head trying to clear it.

  "Honey, he was trying to kill you. You couldn't hesitate. I can't imagine why he'd want to kill you.” He stroked her head.

  "Where's his body?” she whispered as her eyes drifted closed to shut the scene away.

  "I don't know. I dragged you into the base camp and my focus was on you. Somehow, the body was removed.” She opened her eyes and the concern in his created a warm glow through her whole body. Warmth that went cold with his next question.

  "Those ATHVs, are you the only one who can fix those things?” he asked as his hand absently touched her hair.

  "I think so. I remember George told me that I was the only mechanic who had ever seen one of them dismantled. I worked for a company that was contracted by the military.” She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands.

  "I don't think Sam Grady is the one we're looking for."

  She sat up. “What do you mean?"

  "I mean, the program was still running while he was in here. Whoever messed with the program had to keep control of it on the outside. Sam was a paid thug.” His voice was hard, filled with contempt.

  "So, someone still wants to kill me?"

  "Yes.” Jake placed his hands on her shoulders. “I need you to trust me."

  She stared at him. “I'll try."

  "I want you to stay with me."

  "No.” Her answer was explosive. If sleeping with him might end his career, living with him would nail it to the wall. Not to mention the possibility of losing herself in him completely.

  "Hear me out. I can make the case to the General that you're not a suspect. That's worrying you, right?"

  She could only nod.

  "If you're staying with me, I can protect you and we've got something we wouldn't have if I turn you over to the Military Police."

  "What's that?"


  * * * *

  Biting her lip, Daniella studied Jake's quarters that would now be her place of residence for the next few days. It was stringently clean with only one personal photo of himself and a man that resembled him. She concluded the man in the picture with him must be his brother. There were very few personal items in the room. It reminded her a little of her own, only tidier.

  "I'll let you have the bed. I'm used to sleeping at odd hours, so I can take the chair.” He stared at her, as if waiting for some judgment.

  "Thank you.” Her nerves were shot.

  The vid phone jangled.

  Jake placed a finger to his lips and indicated she stay out of the line of the video feed of the phone. He answered short and concise. “Tarune."

  "What the hell happened?” The General's voice was harsh and the lines of anger on his face were clear to see on the Vid screen.

  "Someone tried to remove Ms. Pearce. They used the VFR."

  "So, it's someone with access."

  "Yes, sir. It's limited access, however. Whoever was controlling the VFR couldn't completely overhaul the programming. It is someone associated with Samuel Grady."

  "Any ideas?"

  "I need to find out who Grady's known associates are."

  "Where's the target?"

  "Safely stowed.” Jake's voice was mild. Daniella sent him a questioning look. Was he saying he didn't trust his boss?

  "Acknowledged. Are you expecting trouble?"

  "Yes, sir.” His lips pursed together.

  "Right. I'll do some digging. Do we know why the Tribunal is involved?"

  Daniella's head spun. Why did she feel there was more going on here than she knew?

  "No, sir."

  "Protect the target. I'll find out about Grady. And, Tarune, get to medical. You're bleeding all over my equipment.” The General clicked off.

  "What is going on?” Daniella's fists were clenched at her side. Things were spiraling out of control and she had no idea who wanted to kill her.

  Jake indicated that she sit down on one of his couches. She noticed he sat across from her as if he didn't want to be too close. “It's complicated."

  "Try me."

  He sighed. “I'll try and condense it all. Someone is trying to sabotage the military equipment. Whoever it is didn't go for our weaponry. They went for our transportation that we'd use on the planet. That implies that someone wants to stop the colonization."

  "Okay. Nothing new there. We've already talked about the P.P.A.” She was confused.

  "Right, but it's someone in the military contingent on board."


  "The only people who had the access needed to sabotage those vehicles were all military. One of them was Tribunal."

  Tribunal. Space Elite. Spooks. Daniella barely knew anything about them, except that they developed to replace the Central Intelligence Agency when space travel became possible. All she knew was that they worked by their own moral code and Tribunal soldiers were assassins.

  "Who is slated to be assassinated?"

  Jake shook his head. “We don't know."

  "What does this have to do with me and the sabotage?” Thoughts whirled through her head and none of them made sense.

  "You're the only one who can fix the ATHVs. That was not considered by our saboteur."

  "Did the Tribunal try and kill me?” Fear skittered along her nerves.

  "If the Tribunal was trying to kill us, we'd be dead. They have infinite access. Nothing keeps them out."

  "So, the person who wants to stop the military is out to get me."

  "I think so. I don't know what the Tribunal has to do with all this, but I figure a little talk with Paul Lestrano might be in order."

  "Paul Lestrano?” Daniella's eyes widened and she gasped.

  "How well do you know him?” Jake's black eyes pinned hers. The scene came back to her, tied to a chair with Jake questioning her. Her pulse jumped at the memory. She wanted to do it again. She shook her head to clear it and answered his question.

  "He's one of the best Sky Chess players on board. He and George are my favorite sparring partners.” Her face felt hot. Admitting the next part wasn't going to be easy. “He suggested I go to the VFR."

  Jake nodded. “He has access to your psych evaluation. It's no surprise that he'd encourage you in that direction."

  "There's a lot that makes sense now.” She nibbled on her thumb, lost in thought. “He asked me about my experience with military vehicles. It was because of him that George assigned me to fix the ATHVs.” Frustration rolled her stomach. “I feel manipulated and pushed around. I don't understand any of it."

  Jake was also thoughtful. “Lestrano knows something we don't. I'll pay him a visit and you need to stay put."

  She glared at him. “And wait for someone to kill me? No. You said you were going to protect me. So I'
m going with you."

  He considered her for a moment. “Okay. Let me ask the questions."

  As she shrugged her shoulders, she headed for the door. “That's fine with me. He's going to lie to us anyway."

  "What makes you say that?"

  "He's Tribunal. Top Secret spy stuff. He's not going to tell us anything."

  "You're probably right.” Jake smiled a little.

  "What are you hoping to find out from him?"

  "I'm hoping he'll tell me how you're tangled up in this thing. Tribunals don't just play Sky Chess. There was a purpose behind it."

  Daniella thought for a moment as they walked toward the Military section. “He always seemed relaxed and charming. I'm trying to remember every interaction.” Memories of intense games, small talk, even laughter filtered through her mind. It was hard to believe that Paul Lestrano had any other motive in mind other than distraction.

  But he was Tribunal. They were mission driven. If he was there on a mission, nothing distracted him. Playing Sky Chess with her was part of his mission, whether it was camouflage or something more complicated.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Eight

  They found Paul at home in his quarters. He didn't seem surprised to see them and invited them in.

  As the two men greeted each other, Daniella couldn't help but make comparisons. Paul was taller, with a slighter build, dark hair and dark brown eyes. He had a Latin American look that most women found romantic. He was very good looking and it amazed Daniella that she hadn't noticed it before. Not once, in the times they spent together, did he exude any sexual energy toward her.

  All these thoughts took an instant to flash through her brain and when his eyes met hers, she believed she saw some regret in them. Jake began to ask him questions.

  "I don't have to ask if we're clean, do I?” Jake asked.

  Paul smiled. “I've checked. If we're being watched or listened to, it's by someone smarter than me."

  "What does the Space Elite want with a bunch of colonists and some military personnel?"

  "You don't expect me to answer that.” Paul's eyes were on Daniella.

  "No, I don't. Someone is trying to kill Daniella."

  "Really? What makes you think that, Captain?” Paul's voice was smooth and easy.

  "Sam Grady showed up in a Training module I have for the VFR to try and kill Daniella. The parameters were changed and she was the focus.” Jake's features were hard and Dani noted his fists flexed, as if he were trying to keep them unclenched.

  Typical Tribunal, Paul gave nothing away. “Why come to me?

  Jake sighed. “Because you're Tribunal. You're an assassin."

  Paul's eyes were sharp. “Dani was not an intended target."

  "Maybe not for the Tribunal, but once she fixed those ATHVs, she may have become someone else's."

  The only sign this disturbed Paul was a hand to the back of his neck. “Perhaps. It's more complicated than you know."

  Jake snorted. “It usually is."

  Meeting Paul's eyes, Daniella searched his face. “You pushed me into this. Somehow, you knew those vehicles were sabotaged. Why me?"

  Something flickered in Paul's eyes, but it was gone too quickly for her to grasp it. “You knew how to fix the ATHVs.” He shrugged.

  A thought occurred to her. The precision of the sabotage, the manipulation to get her involved, all pointed back to Paul Lestrano.

  She took a risk. “Why did you sabotage those vehicles?” She stared into his face.

  "Daniella...” Jake started, but she quelled him with an upraised hand.

  "No. That sabotage was perfect. It was just bad enough to look suspicious but within my expertise to fix it. Every vehicle was damaged in exactly the same way."

  "Very good guess, Dani.” Paul smiled at her.

  "That isn't an answer."

  Those chocolate brown eyes contemplated Daniella and Jake. Then, he seemed to make up his mind.

  "How much do you know about the Ang?"

  Confused, Daniella shook her head. “They're a race of beings that contacted us about twenty years ago. All I know is that they're peaceful."

  "They've helped us improve our space travel. That's all I know about them. I've never even seen pictures of them.” Jake responded.

  "Sit down. This is going to take a while.” Paul sat down in a plush chair and indicated the couch for Daniella and Jake. “Being Tribunal, I'm authorized to share information as I see fit.” He smiled, grimly. “I suppose it's because the government can disavow me that they give us such free reign. It's my life I'm risking, my mission. If I fail, someone else will take my place."

  Paul's long thin hands rested in his lap. “The Ang contacted us twenty years ago and we've had a good relationship with them. After a few years and some intense negotiations, the Ang apparently decided to trust us. They informed us that they didn't view time the way that we did. The Ang see time all at once. Past, present, future all lay out in front of them everyday. They kept it pretty simple for me, but this is what it amounts to. A member of this crew is going to create an interstellar conflict in the future. His actions now determine several factors that domino into a major war with another race. This war has far reaching consequences for the rest of the known planets."

  "You've got to be kidding.” Jake shook his head, his eyes wide.

  Daniella glared at Paul. “What does that have to do with the sabotage?"

  Paul's smile was faint. “You were very close, Dani. I didn't sabotage those vehicles. This person that is going to influence the known universe is one of us. He's Tribunal. But he's gone rogue. We thought he was dead."

  With his eyebrows forming a frown, Jake nodded. “He doesn't have the same access, but he's got all the other training."

  "That's right. And that's why he's still alive. I still don't know who he is. He's manipulated records so that he could be anyone. I have suspicions, but I have to make sure it's the right person."

  "Don't the Ang know?” Daniella asked him.

  "No, they don't. They only know the results of his presence. Their time view has limits. Apparently, two things happen that create the impending conflict. The military vehicles are sabotaged and Daniella Renea Pearce is killed."

  Daniella's stomach dropped. She was going to die? She shook her head to clear it.

  "I'm confused.” Leaning back against the cushion of the couch, fatigue swamped her.

  "I interfered in the future,” Paul stated.

  "By getting Daniella to fix the ATHVs, you've changed the course of events already, correct?” Jake asked him.

  "Yes. The Ang were fixated on Daniella. I don't know why. Something she does, or something she is, will influence the future."

  "Great,” she muttered. “No pressure or anything."

  "Once you had her fix the vehicles, why didn't you protect her?"

  Paul's smile was almost sheepish. “I was supposed to."

  "Well, what happened?” Jake demanded.

  "I knew the VFR was programmed for the perfect fit. I also knew that Daniella wouldn't be specific. I tried to time my entrance to coincide with hers."

  She stared at him. If Daniella's face could have gotten any hotter, she would have gone up in flames. It could have been him entering her fantasy. Anger warred with humiliation.

  "Isn't that going above and beyond the call of duty?” she asked, bitterly.

  "No. The computer was programmed to find your perfect fit. If I wasn't the right fit, I wasn't going to be in your VFR. When it didn't work, I figured the computer programmed you a partner.” Paul's brown eyes clashed with Jake's black eyes. “I had no idea that it would put you with Tarune."

  "I don't know what to think.” Her fists clenched and her stomach churned with frustration. “I don't like being moved around like a chess piece."

  "Well, whoever this guy is, he's trying to take you out. Does that answer all your questions, Tarune?” Paul eyed Jake inquiringly.

  "For no
w.” Jake stood up and started for the door with Daniella beside him.

  Like a cat, Paul stepped in front on Jake. Something dangerous and lethal lay in his eyes. “For all I know, you could be the guy I'm looking for. If anything happens to Dani, I'll know where to look."

  "Fair enough.” Jake nodded. “I suggest you call your bosses and get answers. I can't protect her if I'm flying blind."

  As Paul relaxed a fraction, Jake walked around him and, with his hand gripping her arm, they left the room.

  "Let go of me.” Suddenly, Daniella was done. She'd had enough. Facing him in the hallway, her anger radiated through her body. “You'd better have a plan. I'm done being the pawn in this chess game."

  He ruffled his black hair as he thrust his hand through the strands. “We're dealing with the Ang, Daniella. They're involved somehow. I don't know enough about them to have a plan to deal with this yet."

  "We have to do something. I'm not waiting around to try and figure out who's trying to kill me. For all I know, it could be you.” The words flew from her mouth.

  Though he didn't step any further from her, the distance between them was instant. “I see.” The pain was evident in his eyes as they flickered over her face. She winced, but held her ground. Confused, it seemed she didn't know the people around her. And Jake was so dangerous to her well ordered and protected heart.

  She gritted her teeth. “Do you? I'm supposed to have some kind of influence over the future of the known universe and I'm blind here. Who am I supposed to trust, Jake? Everything Paul just told me means that someone I know could kill me.” She placed her hands on her hips. She wanted to wrap them around herself and hide, but that would seem too vulnerable. What she really needed was reassurance from him that he wasn't the one out to end her existence. She needed to know that the games they'd played, the intimacies they'd shared, meant something, that they weren't just moves in a complicated political game.

  If anything, the distance widened. “If you can't trust me, I can't help you."


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