Taking Command

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Taking Command Page 11

by Jennifer Leeland

  From his position, Jake observed the flare of desire in Troy's eyes. His hands on the floor curled slightly, but the rest of his body remained motionless. Sashina slid her hand down his body, his hip, to his engorged cock pressed against his belly. She gripped the tip between her fingers and scraped the bump just below the head of his penis. Troy trembled, but there was no jerk of his muscles. She knelt down with her legs spread apart and Jake caught a whiff of her desire. He knew that Troy's senses were being flooded with the smell of her and his cock jerked in response. With torturous touches, she continued to stroke Troy's cock.

  "Do you want to come, Troy?” she whispered.

  "Ma'am...” His voice broke and his neck muscled corded. “Yes, ma'am."

  "Do you want me to suck it out of you?” Her sultry voice carried through the room and Jake noted that Daniella trembled and shook, her head bowed and her body tense.

  Troy's voice was hoarse with longing and need. “Ma'am, yes, ma'am."

  "Too bad.” Sashina's fingers slid along his tip above the cock ring faster and she used her other hand to alternately deliver blow after blow to his ass cheek and claw his flesh with her long nails.

  Troy's breathing was shallow and fast but he maintained control. Sashina smiled and then delivered a stinging slap to his buttocks as she worked his cock until his hips thrust against her hand. “Come for me, Troy. On the floor. Now."

  On the last word, Troy's entire body convulsed and a steady stream flowed from his cock and spattered on the floor. But Jake's attention was on Daniella as Troy's release sent her over the edge and her own orgasm ripped through her body. Nothing was more beautiful than the tension that screamed through her body and the lovely nectar that dripped from her pussy. He could smell it. He wanted to taste it.

  "That was beautiful.” He was awed.

  Just as he finished the last word, the VFR shifted. Sashina's hand still grasped Troy's cock. “Shit!” She released him and wrapped her arm around his waist.

  "Help Troy.” Jake was kneeling beside Daniella. It would take her a minute to join the real world. Or the world some maniac was creating for them.

  His fingers reached the nipple clamps. He raised her chin to get her attention. “This is going to hurt, honey.” And he undid them. Daniella sucked in a breath as the blood rushed to her breasts, but she didn't cry out. He held her close and waited for her to come back to reality. She shook and trembled in his arms and he knew the pain and pleasure still wracked her body. She was almost completely limp.

  He shot a glance over at Sashina and Troy. She had removed the cock ring and had a hand under his arm to help him to his feet.

  Troy stood, shaking off Sashina's hand. Jake noticed the man was disturbed. Probably, he'd never been that deep before and definitely not with Sashina. He wondered if Troy had ever gotten off in their play sessions before. It was clear that some line was crossed and Troy wasn't sure he liked it or not.

  The room shifted and a forest appeared. It was different from the jungle that was part of Jake's training module. “I don't recognize this."

  "I do.” Sashina was looking into the trees. “It's one of mine."

  "What are the parameters? Is it a training fantasy?"

  She cleared her throat. “Um, no. This is ... a romantic fantasy."

  Jake didn't dare smile. “What is the premise?"

  "It's Robin Hood, only.... “She trailed off.

  "Come on, Sashina, we need to know,” Troy insisted.

  "Only Robin Hood is female.” Her face flamed.

  "And Maid Marion?” Troy insisted.

  Just then, a copy of Troy stepped out from the trees. “There you are, Sashina. I must warn you."

  Jake stifled a snort as Sashina looked as if she'd like to sink into the ground and Troy just stared at his copy.

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  Chapter Twelve

  "What the hell was that?” Troy's voice was hoarse and tight when they got rid of the hologram.

  Sashina swung the crop she still had and thwacked it against her boot. “It's a fantasy, Troy. That's all.” Her voice was firm, but Troy wasn't backing down. His hands were clenched into fists and his eyes flashed.

  "A fantasy? With me as Maid Marion? Is this some kind of outlet because we aren't fucking the way you want us to?"

  "Must we do this now?” Sashina's voice was cold.

  "I think this is the perfect time. You negotiated ‘no sex’ when we're together and I've respected that. You want me to trust you. But you've never revealed this...” His hand waved around the grove. “—and I wonder what else you're holding back from me."

  Sashina glared at Troy. “What do you mean?"

  "Maybe I'm just one of many fantasies you have."

  Her jaw dropped and her green eyes were wide. “We have an exclusive agreement. I don't play with anyone else."

  "Maybe you don't think a hologram is ‘anyone else',” he shot back.

  "That's not true."

  "Perhaps we need to renegotiate."

  "Troy...” Sashina reached out her hand to touch him, but he withdrew. Troy turned and stood apart from the rest of them, clearly trying to find control.

  Daniella put a friendly arm around her friend. Troy wasn't speaking to her and Jake's amusement was obvious, though he tried to contain it. “I'm sorry, honey. I know you wouldn't share this voluntarily."

  "It's so embarrassing. And Troy...” She couldn't finish. Daniella understood.

  "You know how Jake and I actually met?"

  Sashina smiled. “Not mutual friends?"

  "No. The computer decided that we were perfect for each other. So, it sent Jake into the VFR with my fantasy. Mine. My little submissive fantasy involving handcuffs."

  Her friend laughed a little. “That must have been interesting."

  "I didn't know he was real. I didn't figure it out until the second time."

  "Wow. How did you handle that?"

  "I bolted.” Daniella smiled ruefully.

  "Well, I can't bolt.” Sashina pouted.

  "No, but you can put the best face on it. What's the story with this?

  "It's a journey fantasy. Troy is kidnapped and I rescue him."

  "When is he kidnapped?"

  The words had just left Daniella's mouth when the pounding of horse hoofs sounded through the forest.

  "Oh shit.” Sashina whipped around to face the oncoming group of horsemen. Daniella was knocked to the ground, and with the dust and confusion, she couldn't see what was happening. Shouts and loud cursing surrounded her, but her vision was blurred by the swirling dust and avoiding horse flesh. She was knocked on her stomach by another horse and her breath left her in a whoosh. As she tried to catch her breath, she glanced up to see Sashina flung to the ground by two of the men. The horses blocked her view again and she struggled to get to her feet.

  When the horses finally galloped away, Sashina was bending over Jake and Troy was gone.

  "Jake!” She ran to Jake's prone body, relieved to hear him cursing and growling. “Are you okay?"

  There was a knob on his forehead, but otherwise he seemed fine. Sashina was more shaken than Daniella had ever seen her.

  "Well, Sashina?” Jake sighed. “Who took Troy?"

  "Who else?” she snapped. “The Sheriff of Nottingham. That's the story."

  Slipping through the forest, Daniella, Jake and Sashina worked their way to the castle where Troy was being held. Since this was a journey fantasy, they had to finish the story. Sashina's fantasy was to rescue the “damsel in distress” or in this case the “man in distress” and kill the Sheriff. Like the training module, they couldn't leave until the story was told.

  This fairy tale was more elaborate than the actual tale of Robin Hood. First of all, Sashina wasn't a bow wielding thief. She was a whip wielding heroine. Daniella imagined it was humiliating to be revealed this way for Sashina, so there was no discussion about the particulars. She did get the impression that Sashina indulged in sexual fantasies
throughout with the Troy copy. Obviously, Sashina wouldn't sleep with the real Troy, but a hologram of him was irresistible.

  "So the parameters allow us to go straight to the castle?” Jake asked.

  Daniella didn't think Sashina could get any redder in the face, but she did. “It's a journey fantasy. There are ... challenges."

  "Judging by the outfit you're wearing, I'm assuming they're sexual in nature.” His gaze traveled over the leather boots, black halter top and wicked looking whip in her hand.

  Sashina's chin came up. “No. They're about control. I'm supposed to deal with three submissives.” She stopped, but Daniella knew there was something more, something she wasn't revealing.

  She shot a glance at Jake. “What changes can someone make to these fantasies?"

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “Anything."

  Sashina's face twisted. Daniella could sympathize. The idea that someone could manipulate one's fantasy wasn't a pleasant thought in this case.

  "The first test is the nearby stream. I have to fight and top a submissive there."

  "Then we'd better get going. I don't know where Troy is right now, but we have to find him.” Jake patted Sashina on the shoulder.

  She hefted her whip and strode through the trees. “It's this way.” Her voice was short and curt.

  The stream was a clear babbling brook that twisted around several trees. The birds chirped and fish splashed. It was a beautiful spot. A small bridge lay across the stream and Sashina stamped over to it. Through a break in a clump of trees, a man stepped out.

  He was big and muscular with a flat face devoid of expression. This was a submissive? In his hand, he carried a long staff of polished wood. Sashina reached over to a low hanging branch and removed a similar staff. She clasped it with two hands and crouched.

  "This is my bridge,” the big man boomed.

  "Yet, I will cross it.” Sashina stated.

  The man barreled towards her and their staffs clashed with a thwack. Daniella could barely follow the thrust and parry of their dance of conflict. At one point, the man pinned Sashina's staff to the bridge railing. Her friend only smiled. “That's a new move."

  There was no answering smile on the big man's face. He lifted his elbow and struck Sashina in the cheek. She stumbled backwards and blood slid down her face. Daniella realized that whatever Sashina programmed in this man, their rogue Tribunal had changed it.

  The blows came faster and harder, but Sashina was fluid and quick. The big man staggered and Sashina hit him on the back of the head with her staff, ending the confrontation.

  She was breathing heavily. “That is not what I had programmed."

  Jake nodded. “This isn't your fantasy anymore. You can't anticipate that it's going to be the same. What's next?"

  Sashina managed a feral grin. “What else? I'm supposed to rob the rich to help the poor."

  Daniella groaned.

  As they hiked toward the location where Sashina knew the “king” was going to pass, Jake asked her, “What was the original program? You beat the big man and then what?"

  "I whip him and he likes it.” Sashina said.

  "So, these are usually more sexual in nature?"

  She glared at him. “Of course. I don't want to fight for my life. I just want a challenge when I top a sub."

  "That would explain why Troy is so fascinating.” Jake's voice was mild.

  Sashina stopped and went nose to nose with Jake. “I don't know you. What's between Troy and I is none of anyone else's business."

  "Someone has made it our business.” His black eyes were expressionless, but Daniella shivered.

  "Stop it,” she demanded. “Let's just get this over with."

  For a moment, Daniella wasn't sure either of them would listen. Finally, almost at the same moment, they both stepped back. She let out the breath she held and followed Sashina, climbing into a tall tree.

  Situated in the trees, they watched the road for the horse and the “king". The sound of hooves had them all alert. Sashina crept closer to the end of her branch. When the horse galloped by, Sashina dove from the tree and tackled the rider.

  That's when Daniella realized the “king” should have been called a “queen” and looked exactly like her.

  "Damn,” Jake murmured.

  Daniella had to admit that Sashina made her beautiful. The leather pants, the tight shirt, the makeup all served to make an exotic treat. To see herself in that light was both disturbing and thrilling.

  "Apparently, she's wanted to top you for a long time,” Jake whispered.

  "I can't believe it.” Daniella just stared.

  The two women, Sashina and Daniella's copy, faced each other. There were no weapons.

  "On your knees,” Sashina ordered. Even the real Daniella's womb clenched at that order. The copy dropped with fluid grace and downcast eyes.

  "She's not nearly as beautiful as you are when you submit.” Jake's eyes raked over Daniella's form and her breath hitched.

  Her eyes were drawn away from him as Sashina topped the copy. At some point, she stopped and her eyes searched the trees. “It's not the same."

  Just as she said that, the Daniella copy lashed out her foot toward Sashina's inner thigh. Sashina avoided contact by inches. The sexual play turned deadly.

  Whoever changed the program added deadly intent to the menu. Daniella's copy was adept at hand to hand combat and Sashina used every trick to defeat the hologram.

  The copy over-reached and ended up face down in the dirt and Daniella stared in horror as her friend twisted her neck with a deadly crack.

  Daniella's stomach rolled. She dropped down from her branch and approached the dead hologram. Then, she lurched for the trees, unable to stop the nausea welling from her stomach. On all fours, she retched and heaved. She was vaguely aware that Jake was beside her, holding her hair away from her face.

  "I'm sorry,” she choked out, with her eyes closed.

  "It's okay, Daniella.” His voice was gentle and low. “It was like seeing your own death. You're not military. This isn't something you're used to."

  Tears leaked from her eyes. For some reason, the sight of her friend snapping her look-alike's neck disturbed her. She wondered if she'd ever known Sashina at all.

  "I can't do this,” she whispered. “I won't be a pawn in this asshole's game. Isn't there any way we can get out of here?"

  "We aren't pawns. He may make some stellar moves, but we'll win the game.” Jake's face was stone and Daniella knew he meant it.

  "Where's Sashina?” She glanced over her shoulder to try and find her friend.

  "She's standing out of sight. I think she figures you don't need her here."

  She got to her feet. “We have to keep going. I'm fine.” Daniella put a hand on her friend's shoulder. “What's the next challenge?"

  "I have no idea.” Sashina wouldn't meet her gaze.

  "Well, where is it?"

  "In a small cottage outside the castle. I have to go there."

  "You're afraid of what you'll find,” Jake stated.

  Sashina whipped around to face him and shrugged off Daniella's hand. “Yes, I am. This guy has changed everything. Instead of dominant control, it's chaos."

  Jake's voice was firm. “He knows that will throw you. This isn't your romantic fantasy. This is a challenge from him."

  "I can't keep killing people that I've fantasized about for months.” She slashed the whip in the air and started pacing. “What if the next hologram looks like...” She stopped, as if about to reveal too much. “Look, isn't it bad enough I had to kill Daniella's hologram? Can't we just wave a white flag or something?"

  Jake shook his head. “Not with this guy."

  Sashina quit pacing and took a deep, shuddering breath. “Okay. The cottage is this way."

  The small cottage had a thatched roof and a wooden porch. Standing in the doorway, was a tall, blond woman dressed in black from head to toe. In her hand was a crop that she slashed against h
er gloved palm in rhythmic slaps.

  Daniella gave a side long glance at Sashina. How was this woman in her dominant fantasy?

  Her friend stopped dead. “We can't do this."

  "Why?” Jake's voice was sharp.

  Sashina glared at him. “Because in my fantasy, the ‘king’ doesn't get killed. She comes with me here. The fantasy is watching this woman top the ‘king'. Does that answer your question?"

  Dread gripped Daniella. She knew what this meant. To get to the end of the journey, she was going to have to put herself in the hands of this female Dom, this Amazon. It was different for the hologram to be topped by the blond giant. The hologram felt no pain, no fear.

  "No.” Jake's answer was explosive. “She can't do that. There's no trust, no limit."

  Sashina nodded. “Yes, there is. I hold out as long as I can and then I can tell her to stop."

  Jake glared at her. “Then don't let it start. There's no way that woman is going to mark my submissive."

  His submissive. The way he'd said it spoke of possession, need, passion. Daniella stared at him. She was his. He would protect her.

  But if she didn't submit to this woman at the cottage, they would be stuck here and Troy might be hurt. For him. She would do it for him.

  "Let me do it. I'll be fine."

  "It's too dangerous.” He slashed his hand down in a negative motion. “You don't know what she'll do or how you'll react."

  She lifted a hand to his face and traced the line of his jaw. “I trust you. You'll know when I can't take any more."

  Daniella turned toward the cottage and Sashina gripped her arm. “You don't have to do this."

  She stared into her friend's green eyes. “We both know I do. Just don't let it go too far."

  They approached the cottage and the big woman smiled. “You've brought two for me this time?"

  "No, Risa. I've brought the submissive and another Dom to watch.” Sashina led Daniella to the woman.

  "Shall I punish her severely?” The woman's grin was wicked.

  Sashina shrugged. “I wouldn't. I've more interest in seeing if you can work her without pain."

  Risa shot a piercing gaze at Sashina, who was maintaining an air of indifference. Daniella kept her eyes lowered. “Without pain? This is new."


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