Peppermint Proposal

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Peppermint Proposal Page 2

by Kirsten Osbourne

  “Pastor Kevin sings? Really ?”

  “Oh, there’s a lot you don’t know about him. We had barbecues every Friday night, and he would always sing. I don’t know how they talked him into it, but he was really good. Sang all the old Garth Brooks songs. I’ve never heard anyone with as much natural talent as he had, and he wanted to be a pastor. I’ll never get it !”

  “I guess there’s no way to understand what’s in other people’s minds. If he loves what he does, then we should all be happy. I can’t believe he never sings for karaoke night. They always go, and they sit and talk and hold hands. They usually go with Bridget’s twin, Kaya, and her husband, Glen .”

  “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Bridget yet. Is she nice?” Max found he was very curious about Kevin’s wife .

  “Nice?” Joni thought about it for a moment. How could she describe Bridget accurately? “Bridget is very nice, but she’s…different than anyone you’ve ever met. I think you’ll like her .”

  “I’m sure if she loves Kevin and treats him right, I’ll like her just fine. Does she work here at the ranch?” He was surprised how little he knew about Kevin’s wife .

  “She runs the first-aid station. She’s a nurse.” Joni had always liked Bridget, but she was very odd. No one loved arguing about Disney princesses half as much as Bridget did .

  Max visibly shivered, rubbing his arms. “How far to the main house ?”

  “We’re almost there. Where’s your coat ?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t even have a winter coat. I have a jacket I use in the winter, but it’s soaked through. It was warmer without it. We don’t really wear winter coats in Texas. If I need something heavier than a light jacket, I just wear a sweatshirt underneath and keep on going .”

  “Really? I can’t imagine.” Joni shook her head. “I’ve always lived in Idaho, and it gets cold here in the winter. We’ll have to take you to the general store later so you can get yourself a coat .”

  “General store ?”

  She nodded. “We have an Old West town here, and there’s a general store. It’s laid out like an old-fashioned general store, but you can get just about everything you need there .”

  “Oh, good. I thought I was going to have to steal some of Kevin’s clothes .”

  Joni grinned. “He probably wouldn’t mind. There are other options, though. Do you know where you’re staying ?”

  “One of the cabins, he said. I let Kevin choose the place for me. I trust him .”

  “He’s a good man to trust.” She put her hand on the door to go into the main house, but he opened it for her. She walked to the front desk and smiled. “Hi, Natasha. This is Max. He’s Pastor Kevin’s brother, and he’s going to stay in one of the cabins for a bit.” She looked at Max. “How long are you here for anyway ?”

  “About a month .”

  Natasha grabbed a key. “This will open your front and back doors.” She pulled out a map and circled a square on it. “You’re here, but you want to go to your cabin, which is here. Follow the road around .”

  Max nodded, taking the key and the map. “Thank you .”

  “Do you want to put a credit card on file for incidentals ?”

  He pulled a card from his wallet and handed it to her. “Can I charge meals to my room ?”

  “In the restaurant you can, but not in the café. We have too many locals eating there for it to be practical.” Natasha handed him a few brochures. “This will explain everything we do here at the ranch. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay .”

  Max eyed Joni. “I have a feeling I’m going to love it here .”


  J oni rode with Max, directing him to the cabin. “I really think you should stop off at the general store first. You’re going to freeze to death otherwise. You need gloves, a coat, and a hat, minimum .”

  He frowned at her. “I have a hat .”

  “I mean a winter hat, not a cowboy hat. You look—” She stopped there, realizing she’d been just about to tell him that he looked great in his cowboy hat. What was wrong with her? “I think it would be prudent to get yourself something to keep you warm, not just to look good .”

  “You do know that cowboys wear their hats for a real purpose, right? It’s not just to look good. Without my hat, my face and neck would burn from the hot Texas sun. I need this hat .”

  “Not in Idaho, you don’t. I’m not sure if you realize that you left Texas days ago. It’s time for you to try to acclimate and dress like the natives dress. Or you can freeze to death .”

  He frowned at her. “I’m sure my cabin will be warm .”

  “Yes, it will. You’re planning on staying inside for an entire month? You won’t go outside to go to the diner? You won’t go to karaoke tonight to urge Pastor Kevin to sing? You won’t go snowmobiling or go on a sleigh ride ?”

  He sighed. “I guess I need warm winter gear to do all that. Though, I think I could wait until tomorrow .”

  “If you don’t go straight to the general store you’ll have to. They close at four, and it’s getting close to that now.” She’d been with him for a couple of hours, which was surprising. Usually if she was around a man for more than twenty minutes, she was bored out of her mind .

  “Fine. How do I get to this general store ?”

  She directed him to the store, where Heidi would sell him everything he needed for the winter. His cowboy boots wouldn’t be a lot of protection against the cold. She made a note to start harassing him about those as soon as he’d picked out a coat. She had no idea if he had the money to buy the things he needed, but she was sure Heidi would let him use her employee discount if it came to that .

  Once they were inside, she helped him pick out a thick, heavy coat that would actually keep him warm. Then she found a pair of gloves. “Now for the boots .”

  “Boots! I have boots .”

  “You have boots that are perfect for chasing down calves and riding horses. I’m talking about boots that are good for snowmobiling and hiking in the snow.” Joni crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him. “If you don’t keep your feet warm, you’ll catch your death of cold. And then Bridget will have to take care of you and nurse you back to health, and Kevin will be mad at you because you kept his wife away from him .”

  “Are you sure you studied to be a social worker and not a writer? Cuz those tales you’re telling me sure do sound like you’re practicing making up stories .”


  Heidi walked over then, looking back and forth between the two of them, a huge grin on her face. “Introduce me, Joni. I didn’t know you were seeing anyone !”

  Joni made a face. “I’m not! He came into the diner a couple of hours ago. He’s Pastor Kevin’s brother .”

  Heidi looked at him for a moment. “I don’t see a resemblance .”

  Max had to laugh. “I’m half-Mexican, and he’s as white as white can be. We’re foster brothers .”

  “I see.” Heidi turned to the display of boots. “Joni’s right. You need something that will keep your feet warm or you’ll get sick. It’s too cold to run around without proper protection on your feet .”

  “It’s only November!” Max protested .

  Heidi and Joni exchanged a look. “We had our first snowfall in mid-September,” Joni told him. “You’re not in Texas anymore, Toto .”

  “Apparently not.” He sighed, giving in and looking at the boot display. He saw a pair of fur-lined hiking boots. “Will these work ?”

  Heidi nodded. “What size?” Once she had her answer, she hurried off to the back room to find the right boots for him .

  Max looked at Joni standing beside him. “She assumed we were a couple .”

  Joni shrugged. “This ranch is known for matching people up. We even have a semi-crazy old lady who feeds people snickerdoodles, talks to fairies, and pushes people together every chance she gets .”

  “Why does she do that?” he asked, frowning .

  “Which thing ?”

bsp; “Any of it! Doesn’t she think that if people want to get together, they can figure it out on their own ?”

  “I’m sure she doesn’t think so. I’ve not been part of her matchmaking before, but I’ve seen enough of it to know she feels like she’s extremely vital to every one of the matches.” Joni picked up a hat and handed it to him. “You can wear your cowboy hat over it, but make sure you have that on to keep your head warm .”

  “Why do you want me to wear my cowboy hat over it? You like how I look in my hat, don’t you?” Max’s eyes danced with amusement. She was sweet, and he’d already figured out that she blushed when she was teased too much. He would enjoy exploiting that fact .

  Joni blushed, turning from him. “You’re being a pain, Tex .”

  He grinned, hurrying in front of her and tapping his index finger against her nose. “I am just calling things as I see them. That’s how we do things in Texas, you know .”

  Heidi came back with the boots in his size, insisting he try them on. “I want to make sure they fit you right before you walk out of here with them.” She looked over at Joni. “Are you going to karaoke tonight ?”

  Joni nodded. “I plan on it. I’m enjoying having a little more free-time .”

  “I’m sure you are! As long as I’ve known you, you’ve had your face buried in a schoolbook. Now you’re working like a crazy woman for Kelsi. How are the twins? Have you heard?” Everyone on the ranch felt they had a vested interest in the first grandbabies of the next Weston generation .

  “The sheriff came in at lunch. He said they were mostly better, but Kelsi felt like she wanted them home from daycare for one more day. So I’ll run the diner tomorrow, and she’ll be back Monday.” Kelsi was the youngest of the Weston siblings, and she’d married the sheriff, Shane Clapper .

  “Oh, good. I hate that they got so sick. When are Wilber and Bobbi due back? Have you heard ?”

  “They’ll be here the Wednesday before for Thanksgiving. Bobbi said she was going to be here from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. I think that’s a little over a month, but she wants to be with her grandbabies for their first holiday season. You can’t blame her for that .”

  Heidi shook her head. “Sure can’t. She’s so in love with her grandbabies, it’s almost comical .”

  “It would be impossible to not love those two sweethearts!” Joni looked at Max, who was standing wearing the snow boots. “How do they fit ?”

  “They feel tight, but I think they’re supposed to. They’re warm.” He took a few steps in them. “I think they’ll work for outdoor activities.” Looking at Joni, he frowned. “I think since you forced me to come in here and get all suited up for winter, you owe me a tour of the ranch. Tomorrow ?”

  Joni shook her head. “I have to work tomorrow. I can do it after church on Sunday .”

  He grinned. “Sounds good to me .”

  “Have you ever ridden a snowmobile ?”

  Max shook his head. “Anything like a four-wheeler?” When he’d been a teenager, they’d done some four-wheeling on the ranch, all of them ending up covered in mud and laughing. Peter, Adam’s father, had always laughed, but Lillian would get annoyed with the extra work it caused her .

  “I guess a little.” Joni hadn’t really had the opportunity to ride either very much. She’d always studied harder than anyone else she knew, and that kept her from having a lot of fun outdoors. Her schooling mattered to her, though .

  “I’m in. Do you go to church here on the ranch? I can take you to lunch after, and then we can explore .”

  “Sounds good to me.” She felt her heart racing a little. Was he asking her out? Or were they just going as friends? Either way, she was determined to have fun .

  “What time is karaoke tonight?” he asked, gathering all of his purchases and carrying them to the counter where Heidi rang them up. He winced when Heidi gave him his total, but he paid with cash .

  “Seven. If we go to the restaurant at six, we’ll have good seats .”

  “I’ll text Kevin and see if he and Bridget will join us .”

  Joni realized they were talking as if it was a given that they’d go together, but she wanted to go with him, so she said nothing. It would have been nice if he’d asked, but men rarely did what she wanted them to do .

  “Sounds good.” She still wasn’t sure what to make of Bridget, but she could spend the evening with her. With a wave to Heidi, she headed for his truck. “Do you want me to meet you at the restaurant ?”

  He frowned. “Why don’t you come to my cabin, and we’ll go over together.” He wanted others to know she was with him. He wasn’t sure why, because he’d never felt possessive of anyone before, but there was something special about her .

  “Sounds good. I can be there about quarter ’til six? Then we can walk over—or drive, if you can’t handle the cold.” Joni hid her grin. She didn’t know why she was challenging him, but she sure did enjoy it .

  “If you can handle it, I can handle it.” He wanted to tell her that he’d love to see her in the heat of Texas and see how quickly she melted, but he was trying to be a gentleman. Lillian, his foster mother, had drilled it into him from an early age that you acted like a gentleman in the presence of a lady. Period. There were no exceptions to the rule .

  “You’re on.” She climbed into the passenger seat of his truck and gave him directions to his cabin. “There’s a hot tub out back if you feel like soaking for a bit .”

  “Do people really get into hot tubs in the winter ?”

  She laughed. “There’s no other time to do it !”

  He shook his head. “You’re going to make sure I experience Idaho, aren’t you?” He wasn’t sure he was ready to pretend to be a polar bear. Did they have polar bears in Idaho ?

  “You’re only here for a month. I think a crash course is going to be necessary .”

  He sighed. “I’m going to be the best displaced Texan in Idaho you’ve ever seen! I promise you that !”

  * * *

  A fter unpacking, Max called Kevin again, thankful to find him alone this time. “Can we do karaoke at the restaurant tonight ?”

  “Sure. Bridget and I love karaoke .”

  “So why is it no one around here talks about the fabulous crooning of Pastor Kevin?” Max couldn’t wait to hear Kevin’s answer to that. Driving Kevin crazy had been one of his favorite pastimes for over a decade .

  Kevin sighed. “Who have you been talking to ?”

  “Joni. The girl who works at the café .”

  “What did you tell her ?”

  “Just that you sound like Garth Brooks when you sing, and I was never sure why you’d chosen to be a pastor when you could be a singer.” Max grinned, knowing he’d gotten Kevin’s goat. It wasn’t easy to do either .

  “Fine. Don’t tell anyone else, okay ?”

  “Why not? You’re hiding your light under a bushel. Aren’t you supposed to use your talents for God ?”

  “I’ll see you there. What time?” Kevin sounded exasperated, and Max pumped his fist in the air .

  “Six. Does that work ?”

  “Sure. Six is good .”

  “If you get there before us, get a table for four, would you ?”

  “Yeah. Who’s the fourth ?”

  Max pretended not to hear and ended the call. He’d almost forgotten just how much he enjoyed bothering the unflappable Kevin. He’d missed his friend .

  * * *

  J oni went through her closet four times before she found just the right outfit to wear that night. Karaoke was always casual, but she couldn’t be casual the first time she went out with Max. Whether he thought it was a date or not, she was going to look at it that way !

  She found just the right pair of jeans, and a silk blouse. Spending more time than usual in front of a mirror, she actually put make-up on and styled her hair. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d done that .

  When she felt like she was ready, she took one last look in the mirror before hurrying o
ut to her car, not bothering to lock the door. The town was small enough that she knew everyone. She wasn’t even a little bit worried about anyone breaking in .

  She drove the short distance to the ranch and straight to Max’s rental cabin. When she got to the door, she knocked quickly, hoping he was ready. She wasn’t sure if she would be too nervous to talk to him if she had to wait. Why he made her nervous, she didn’t know. Oh, wait. Yes, she did. It was because he was unbelievably sexy .

  He opened the door, dressed for the night. He was wearing his cowboy hat instead of the knit cap she’d talked him into buying, but they wouldn’t be outside for too long. Besides, she really did like how he looked in his cowboy hat. He was wearing jeans, his winter boots, and the heavy winter coat she’d helped him choose .

  “You ready ?”

  He nodded, stepping outside. “Yup. I’m ready. I’ve been singing all evening, getting my voice warmed up .”

  She grinned. “So you’re going to sing, are you ?”

  He shrugged. “I might be talked into it.” He glanced down at her, smiling at the way she looked with her hands tucked deep into her pockets and her shoulders hunched against the cold. “What about you? Are you singing ?”

  “Maybe.” She wouldn’t though. She never had and she never would. She knew she sounded like a wounded bear when she sang, and no one would get her to sing in public. “Are Pastor Kevin and Bridget meeting us there ?”

  “Yeah, they’ll be there at six. I told Kevin if he got there first to go ahead and get a table for four .”

  “Did you tell him you were bringing me?” Joni wasn’t sure how she would feel if they became a couple in people’s eyes. She liked the idea of actually being half of a couple with him, but people assuming they were together when they weren’t was something totally different. River’s End Ranch was like a small town, and nothing happened without everyone else knowing about it .

  “Nope. I like to keep Kevin guessing.” He shook his head. “I know it’s silly, but he was always the perfect one growing up. If someone else made the honor roll, he made all As. If I made the football team, he was the quarterback. Kevin has always been good at everything he did, and he made me feel lacking .”


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