Before We Leave (Chronicles of the Maca Book 3)

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Before We Leave (Chronicles of the Maca Book 3) Page 5

by Mari Collier

  “Laddie, ye must be honest with yere true love. If she truly loves ye, she twill nay run.”

  Lorenz nodded and swallowed. He could not admit the emptiness he faced if Toni left him. He bent and laid his head on MacDonald's shoulders again. “Goodnight, Papa.”

  Chapter 9: Truth and Concepts

  Toni burped three-week-old Melissa Angelique and cradled her in her arms. She knew she should put the baby in the cradle, but it was cozy sitting here in bed with covers drawn around them and the heat coming from the stove. Unlike Martin, Lorenz had not quibbled about money when she began adding to and rearranging the original MacDonald homestead.

  “I do want a real dining room, a sewing room, a music room, and a spiral staircase, and, honey, y'all know y'all need your own office where y'all can close the door on the noise of the household.” She had rehearsed and rehearsed her speech for the enlarged home. It was all unnecessary preparation. Lorenz readily agreed. The building was rapidly nearing completion, and she could order the furnishings for when they moved. She had two complaints. The staircase was not a spiral one, but it had a certain sweep to it with an upper level landing before it turned to the upstairs bedrooms. The music room did not exist. Tonight, however, he might become angry with her request.

  Lorenz had promised to return by dark. The early dark of a January night had fallen, and it was cold. Where was he?”

  She felt the baby wiggle and looked down. She realized she had gone into the automatic rocking motion of a mother holding her baby and her soft smile faded as she heard a closing door and Lorenz's footsteps.

  Lorenz walked into the room and smiled broadly at his dark-haired wife dressed in a white, frilly nightgown of some kind, surrounded by mounds of white lace coverlets, holding a dark, curly haired baby dressed in white, and wrapped in a white, lace shawl. How, he wondered, had the good Lord brought him from a half-starved, half-clothed kid in so few years?

  “Sweetheart, y'all look like a perfect painting.” He moved over to the bed and bent to kiss her.

  “She's beautiful, just like her mother. Y'all want me to put her in the cradle?”

  Antoinette's face became grave. Suddenly she needed the baby as security for what she had to say. “No, not just now, but we have to talk.”

  Lorenz saw the serious look on her face and straightened. “Why, sure, but wouldn't y'all feel better if the baby were in the cradle?”

  “Lorenz, it is this baby we're talking about; this baby, Randall, Kendall, and y'all. Did y'all know she and Randall have two hearts just like y'all? Why? How does that happen? Is Kendall the only normal baby we have?” Her mouth was set and puzzlement was in her violet eyes.

  Lorenz wet his lips. “Well, it's probably because my biological father has two hearts.”

  “I thought y'all didn't know him.”

  “I've not spoken to the man since he arranged that Comanche attack on us when I was four. He came back twice to finish the job, but Papa stopped him the first time, and Grandmère helped me the second time. It was Mama and Papa who told me Toma had two hearts.”

  “I still don't understand. Does it affect one's health? What about our babies? Why didn't y'all tell me sooner?” Toni was still rocking back and forth with Melissa in her arms.

  “Well, I did, sort of.” He was growing more and more uneasy, knowing he was in the wrong and still wracked with the fear of losing his wife.

  Her eyebrows went up. “Sort of? How on earth does one 'sort of' tell another?”

  “It was when I told Mina's Story at Christmas time. Randall's old enough to hear it for the first time and become familiar with the concept of two hearts and being different. Fairytales have long been used to tell an essential truth. There really wasn't a Prince or Princess, and the Princess wasn't named Anna. Mina was just allowed to name her.”

  “Mina's Story contains something that's true? Which part and what essential truth?” She looked at him in exasperation. “Lorenz, that tale had people with two hearts living for “long year spans” and flying around the stars, other people with magnificent builds, and people with scales…” her voice died away and she took a deep breath.

  “Why was that part in there about the people with two hearts having copper-colored eyes and red hair?” She was looking directly at him and her teeth were almost clenched.

  “It had to be there so that any of our children or Papa's children will not panic when a child is born with copper-colored eyes and two hearts, or just the two hearts like Papa and I have.”

  “Father MacDonald has two hearts too? Isn't he supposed to be the one with the magnificent build and be a Prince?”

  “Well, he has the magnificent build of a Thalian, but he also has two hearts like his Justine father; and, he isn't a Prince. He's the Maca of Don. It seems Grandmère's titles were Lass of Don and Captain of Flight”

  “Lorenz, y'all better start at the beginning and explain everything. Then I'll see if I can believe anything y'all are saying which right now doesn't make any sense at all, and I still don't know if there's anything wrong with my babies.”

  “Fair enough, I'll tell you what I've been told and seen. And, honey, there's nothing wrong with any of our babies.” He held up his hands as though to stem any more questions as he saw her brow start to wrinkle.

  “It seems my biological father left his home planet to explore for research purposes and somehow became stranded here. In the meantime, war broke out in the star system inhabited by the people, beings as Papa calls them, in the tale. The Thalians were thoroughly beaten. Grandmère was taken prisoner and sent into exile. Her guards were one elderly Justine and several Kreppies, that's the ones with scales. She used her feminine wiles to seduce the Justine (Toni's eyes widened at the thought of the muscular woman she had christened Grandmère having any feminine wiles). When they finished, ah, being together, he relaxed against her, and she snapped his neck.”

  He paused at Antoinette's gasp.

  “She then killed the rest of her guards, flew the Kreppie starship into the bay of the Golden One (it's what the Justines call all of their starships), and took off. Grandmère spent several months becoming familiar with the new starship and plotting revenge against the Justines. To her surprise, she realized she was pregnant. Somehow she had Papa alone, managed to get near enough to Thalia to leave Papa with a friend and instructions for his care before taking off into space. When she next appeared, she aimed the Golden One into the Justine planet and used the Kreppie ship to fly out of the Golden One just before impact. She killed over a million Justines that day, but didn't know how many still lived or how many ships the Kreppies possessed. She started hunting for a livable planet in another star system. She spotted this Earth before the Kreppie ship gave out. That ship had been slightly damaged when the planet exploded, and was almost out of fuel. She buried it in the Adirondack Mountains of New York where she landed. That's why Papa, Mama, Mina, and Grandmère took that trip to New York last year. Papa made sure that the land is now in our possession.

  “Anyway, on Thalia, Papa's Uncle pretended Papa was from one of the important people of Don and wished to raise him. His wife approved the subterfuge. When Papa turned twenty, he wanted his first bedding. They think it's like a religious rite and arranged by the main Houses or political groups.”

  Toni's mouth dropped.

  “Since this would have resulted in someone hearing two hearts thumping away, his uncle tried to dissuade him. By this time conditions were harsh on Thalia as there were enough Justines left to impose their idea of a new rule, but not enough left for enforcement. They used the Kreppies to guard the Thalians and turned the government over to a newly created House called the Sisterhood. Papa challenged a young woman from the ruling House to a fight in the Arena for a bedding. It's another of their customs. After a Guardians Council meeting, people from the Houses can challenge for a fight. The winner can claim a 'bedding.' Uh, that means going to bed like you're married only you're not. To the horror of everyone, he won.”

  “I hardly find that surprising,” came Antoinette's icy voice. Inside she shrank at the idea of such a custom.

  Lorenz's smile was more of grimace. “I know, but men weren't supposed to win under the rules of the Justines and the Sisterhood. They had Papa medically examined to see if he had taken any drugs. Of course, they found the two hearts and notified the Kreppies and the Justines. Papa was taken to where the Justines lived and put under isolation. He was allowed to study and exercise, but he nearly went insane. Thalians need contact with other beings.”

  “Since the Justines were down to about two dozen people…”

  “How in the world did they control others if there were so few?”

  “I'm not sure of all the details, but their technology enabled them to destroy all of the Kreppie warships. They are able to control the Kreppies with their minds.”


  “Yeah, well that's the Justine's ability that other beings don't possess. Let me finish, please.” Lorenz was desperate to avoid the whole truth as long as possible as he wasn't certain how well any of this was soothing Antoinette.

  Antoinette looked up at him and then down at the curly haired, sleeping baby. For some reason she noted the perfectly formed little hands and pink nails. It took her a moment to raise her head and nod her assent.

  “The Justines decided to risk one Justine to search for Toma, my biological father. His presence would increase their ability to procreate. They knew the area he intended to search. The crew consisted of six Kreppies. They sent Papa because they meant for him to be left on a suitable planet. To the Justines he is a mutant: beings that aren't biologically able to exist. Their teaching is that beings from different planets cannot procreate. If for some reason they do, we are presumed to be like mules and incapable of reproducing. That obviously is not true.” He nodded at the child in her arms.

  “They found this planet, and what Papa called traces of a previous visitation, and investigated. The Justine selected an area with a red haired populace and used a smaller craft to land. He left two Kreppies in charge of the landing craft and took Papa with him as a servant. It never occurred to him they might be attacked. When they were, he stood there trying to control a mob with his mind. It was a harsh lesson. The Justines can't enter everyone's mind on this planet. Papa had the sense to run. The Justine was killed.” By this time there were lines in Antoinette's brow and her eyes were opened far wider than normal. Lorenz continued with his recital.

  “Papa went back to the landing craft. He'd been here long enough to decide Earth was a far better place to be than isolated on the Justine refuge. He killed the two Kreppies, returned to the Golden One, and killed the remaining Kreppies. Then he searched for a quiet, unpopulated place to hide the Golden One. It's buried up in the hills to the east. I'm not going to relate how he and Uncle Herman fell into each other's company, but Papa went with him to hunt furs. Over the years they became friends and business partners. It's why their ranch is next to ours.

  “I've been meaning to tell you this since Mama passed away. Papa insists we need to decide which one of us will suppress the ability to have children until we decide to have more. We both should go to the Golden One and prepare the necessary medication. While we're there, it will give you a chance to see that everything I've told you is the truth.”

  Antoinette's eyes were still wide and her mouth partially open. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “Y'all still haven't explained completely about the red hair and strange eyes. My brother Red fits that description. So does your sister Margareatha and our son Randall. Are y'all saying we're related, and they can go into people's minds?”

  Lorenz took a deep breath. “Yes, they can go into people's minds. So can I, and Melissa and Randall will probably be able to do so. That's why y'all are so important. Y'all have to help me teach them how to behave around people. Remember, in the story the Justines can go into another being's mind and control them.”

  “Is that what y'all do? Have you been into my mind?”

  “No, not into your mind, but I did locate your presence when you were on that stage to the nunnery. Y'all would know if I actually went into your mind, but, yes, I can go into people's minds just like the Justines in Mina's Story.” He let out his breath.

  “Can Daniel do the same thing with his mind?”

  “No, he's a normal human being. He doesn't accept the fact that Toma and Papa are from different planets. He refused to go see the Golden One.”

  “What about Kendall and Mina? Does Mina do that?” Her voice was almost shrill.

  “No, Mina can't mindspeak or enter another's mind, and I don't believe Kendall will. He's like Mina and Daniel, a completely normal Earth human.

  “Are you and Margareatha somehow related to Red?”

  This time Lorenz had to swallow before answering. “Uh, well, yes, we are. Toma is also Red's father. Red is our half-brother.”

  “I'm your sister?” Toni screeched out the question.

  “No! Red's our half-brother. Our biological father is Toma; the same as Red's. Your father and mother aren't related to us at all.”

  “You cannot tell me that my mother committed a venal sin!” Her face was becoming as hard as her voice.

  “Honey, I'm not saying any such thing. Y'all can't blame your mother. She couldn't have been much more than sixteen or seventeen, and who knows if Toma went into her mind or not.”

  “Mother MacDonald knew all of this. That's why she was so opposed to our marriage, isn't it?” She noted that Lorenz winced at the accusation.

  “Yes, she felt I should tell y'all everything before we married and had children.”

  Toni's chin went out. “Why didn't y'all give me that chance?”

  At least her drawl is back, thought Lorenz.

  “Toni, I swear to the good Lord above, I was afraid I would lose y'all; that y'all would turn away from me in fear…” He stopped as he saw how hard her eyes were.

  “Well, Mother MacDonald was right. Y'all had no right to presume I am so childish.” She stopped.

  “Y'all said I'd know if y'all had been in my mind, but how would I? If he controlled my mother so easily, why didn't he do the same to Mother MacDonald?”

  “He couldn't go into Mama's mind. It's how she fought him later. She was only seventeen when she married him. Later she felt she had to obey the vows she made before God's altar. It's why she took all of us and went to Texas with Toma when he insisted on moving here. Y'all know about the Comanche attack.”

  Toni still looked troubled. “Did Mother MacDonald know whether your father or Father MacDonald had two hearts before she married them?”

  “She didn't know about Toma, but she knew about Papa. Papa hugged her when she agreed to marry him. As soon as she heard the two hearts, she refused. That's when Papa explained everything to her. Since he believed the Justines about not being able to have children, he told Mama what he had been taught: that there would be no children. Mina is another Justine teaching proven wrong. Just like our children. The Justines are wrong about a lot of things.”

  He took a tentative step forward, his voice pleading. “Toni…”

  “I need to know why y'all didn't tell me before. Didn't y'all believe my letters?” She derived a certain amount of satisfaction from the pain on his face and in his eyes.

  “I was afraid y'all would react like Daniel, and then maybe y'all would have thought it was safer to choose Daniel or that rich, old man Red had chosen. I was wrong, but I can't change that now. I'm sorry I didn't trust y'all.”

  “Why on earth would I choose either one? That old man was revolting, and Daniel didn't smell nearly as good as y'all, and he's still nothing but a hired gunny; and another thing Lorenz Adolph MacDonald if y'all ever, ever, not tell me what is going on, I am going to be so angry with y'…”

  Her words stopped as Lorenz moved swiftly across the floor, gathering her and the baby into his arms, hugging them both.

  “Lorenz, y'al
l are going to squeeze us to death,” came Toni's muffled protest.

  He kissed her ear, then her cheek, and then the baby's cheek before releasing them and stepping back, a wide smile on his face.

  “Will y'all put Melissa in the cradle now?”

  Lorenz gladly took the child and gently placed her in the cradle. He pulled the blanket upward and rocked the cradle back and forth; hoping Toni would listen to the rest of what happened so long ago; listen and decide to stay here. He smiled down at the little girl and turned back to Toni.

  She was watching him while settling things in her mind. The man could be so gentle and yet, he was so strong. It was like a tiger lurked beneath his surface. Her decision was right. Her words to him when they were sixteen were true. She had no intention of living like an Indian or being poor. Daniel would never provide for her like this man.

  Lorenz dug into his pocket and pulled out a vial. “Here, this is what I was working on all afternoon. I used the instructions Papa wrote down, and followed the directions in the medical unit of the spaceship. It's what Papa called a “strengthening potion.” It contains all the nutrients our body system needs. Toni, when y'all are stronger, we'll ride up there and I'll show y'all the starship. We'll go inside and y'all can see how other beings live.”

  Antoinette eyes grew larger. “I cannot imagine such a ship with sails strong enough to go into the sky.”

  “Uh, it doesn't have sails.”

  Antoinette's eyes grew hard again. “Lorenz, I will not take something called nutrients, whatever they are, if y'all don't answer my question. How does a ship sail without sails?”

  For a moment the light went out of Lorenz's grey eyes as he thought of the huge golden, ovoid craft buried in the earth. This was going to be a very long night of explanations.

  Chapter 10: A Summer Day

  Six trail hardened men looked down at was left of their companion, Taylor. Farley had sent him ahead to check out the Rolfe spread to see how vulnerable it was to a take over. Michael Walton, the husband of Shelton's oldest daughter, had warned them that Rolfe was old, but still dangerous. He suggested they hit the Rearing Bear Ranch instead.


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