Zodiac Awakening

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Zodiac Awakening Page 11

by Drew Smith

  “Wow she really wants to be a knight,” Scarlette whispered, looking down at the table.

  “I think she wants to get stronger. I think she knows that there will be more fights like the one we had at the prison. I’m sure she’ll be ready next time something like that happens” Lumus added as he stood up. Scarlette got up after him.

  “I see. Lumus I need to ask you to stay a moment.”

  “Lady Concy?” Lumus seemed confused.

  “I’ll wait for you with the others Lumus,” Scarlette called back.

  “Thank you Lady Scarlette. I imagine you would have expected a bigger welcoming, but you have been gone twenty years,” Lady Concy whispered to Scarlette before she left.

  “I understand. The people of this city may not remember me, but I remember Capaz, and no matter how long I have been gone, I’m just happy to be home,” She replied as she took off into the palace halls.

  “Lumus, I know you must feel a little disoriented in all of this, and I know you still have a lot of questions too. So I’d like you to ask them.”

  Lumus looked over to Orson but he was looking out the window again, he looked back at Concy.

  “I feel answers will show themselves when they need to, I don’t need to know anything now.” “Lumus?” Orson said softly.

  “As a group, if you all intend to travel together, you all need to train a little. Zephry, Scarlette and you are still young, I would feel better if you stayed here a few days and trained. The palace has a knight training area in the basement, and if Zephry really does leave for her quest then you will be here for a few days anyway,” Lady Concy added.

  “Are you really going to let her go?” Lumus interrupted. Orson put his head down for a moment.

  “It is not up to me,” He replied.

  “Fine, maybe I can learn how to use my abilities a little better in the meantime,” Lumus agreed.

  “I will set teams then,” Lumus started, “I will train with Frostear since we are sword users, Concy can aid Scarlette with the bow, and Zelkem and Brinx can choose how they go about their training.”

  “I’ll tell the others,” Lumus left to the throne room. Concy sat down once again, and Orson sat across from her.

  “Lady Concy you wouldn’t mind helping Scarlette would you?” Lady Concy looked over to the window.

  “I think I could use some training on my bow as well. It shall work out. I will have Joffree and Lysilus help too, it wouldn’t hurt to train up for a few days. I would think Lysilus would be quite a match for your brother. Maybe we can arrange for them to work together.”

  “I wouldn’t count on Zelkem,” Orson looked back to the window.

  “Are you insane Zephry, you intend to go to Scorpial alone?”

  “I’m sorry Frostear, but I need to do this and no one can stop me. I need to become stronger. I need to prove to myself I can do this!” She yelled back. Frostear saw Lumus come through the door over Zephry’s shoulder.

  “Lumus, do you know anything about this? I don’t know you very well, but I can see that you allowed this.”

  Lumus walked up to the group that had formed a circle around Zelkem sitting in the throne.

  “Look, it is her choice to make, she can go if she chooses to.” Lumus crossed his arms as Zephry sat down.

  “Lady Concy and Orson told me that if we are going to continue to travel together we need to train together, so he is organizing with Lady Concy to train with us. Tomorrow we will begin for those that choose to. I am certain everyone has something to offer to someone else. Brinx you are very uniquely equipped. Frostear, you have exceptional skill. Zelkem your fighting skills have been proven with your survival here alone. Scarlette and I are still new to combat and we have things to work on, I am sure she agrees.” Lumus shot Scarlette a look hoping she would.

  “I haven’t had much time to work on my accuracy, so count me in.” Lumus looked back to Frostear.

  “Orson was hoping you would teach him a thing or two as well.” Lumus said with a grin.

  “Yes I’d be able to show him a few things I suppose.”

  “Zelkem what do you think? Lysilus and you could be a good match.” Zelkem stared at the ground.

  (“Lysilus? That know-it-all in the cheap armour that freaked out in the street?)

  “Yeah Lumus, I think I can show him a thing or two.” Zelkem had a small smirk on his face. Brinx walked over to the door without a word.

  “Hey Brinx? What do you think?” Lumus called out.

  “I don’t think training is needed for me. I’m one hundred and seven years old. I think I know everything I need to know.”

  “Only one hundred and seven?” Frostear blurted out. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m five hundred and three years old and I’m helping, you think you have nothing to offer?”

  Everyone’s mouths dropped.

  “You’re… five hundred and three years old, Frostear?” Zephry said finally.

  “Well I am a Drayhelm after all. We live to about one thousand years old if we don’t get killed.” Zelkem’s smirk disappeared.

  “Wow man, are you serious?” Zelkem seemed shocked. Brinx turned around.

  “I think I may have a few tricks that could help out. My vines can be cut and regenerate within a few seconds, maybe I can use that to test some of you?” Brinx gripped his wrist.

  “Perfect, that could be a big help. Alright guys lets meet in the basement tomorrow after we see Zephry off.” Lumus began to head for the door. Scarlette followed behind him. Zelkem slowly got off the throne.

  “You know the throne is kind of comfy but it just isn’t my style.” Zelkem headed out behind Scarlette followed by Brinx.

  “Frostear, are you really that old?” Zephry began to look sad.

  “Yeah why? What’s with the look?” Zephry ran quickly toward the door.

  “No it’s nothing, never mind.” She left Frostear in the throne room alone.

  (“Strange girl, does she? No that can’t be it…could it?”)

  “Orson, did Gerald say where he was going, he didn’t mention in his letter.” Orson peered from the window.

  “I believe he said he was going to aid Scorpial and that he had to leave right away.”

  Concy looked at him then over to the table.

  (“Scorpial, I don’t remember the Scorpial regiment needing help.)

  “I guess I missed that report about them needing help, he didn’t say anything else?” Concy sounded puzzled.

  “Not that I recall. He just sent me off and when I came back he was gone, I didn’t even see him leave.” A quiet knock was heard at the door, Orson turned around as Concy sat down.

  “Yes, please enter?” Orson said bluntly.

  “Hey sorry to interrupt Orson but I thought I’d tell you everyone is on board for tomorrow.” Lumus announced. He froze for a moment, and looked down as he let go of the door handle. A moment passed as if he had turned to stone.

  “Lumus?” Orson cried out.

  “Lears, he is alive. I can feel him.” Lumus stood up straight, his fist clenched hard and he began to emit a dim light.

  “He is back, I don’t know how, but I know he is.” Lumus grew in anger as his concentration focused on Lears.

  “Lumus calm down, look we will deal with him when the time comes, and all we can do now is focus on the now.” Concy began to worry. She knew Lears was still out there but for Lumus to broadcast it in front of her, she worried like it was new information.

  “Lumus I’ll show you to your room. We can worry about Lears later.” Orson walked over to Lumus and set his hand on his shoulder, and as he did the dim light faded and Lumus looked up at him with a smile.

  “Yeah, yeah you’re right. I beat him once I can do it again,” Lumus declared. Orson smiled.

  The red moon was full, the town slept like a calm stream. Not a sound could be heard except the Capaz soldier that would occasionally walk by on their rounds. Zephry laid awake on her bed staring at the roof. She was worried tha
t tomorrow would be her last day with her new friends. She almost felt that if she left she would never see them again. The window in her room was small but it allowed enough light into the room for her to find her way to the door. Zephry grabbed hold of the handle and gazed at it long and hard.

  (“I should go, but I want to see him before I leave. If I don’t I may never get another chance. I want to tell him how I feel.”) Zephry’s hand slipped off the small handle.

  (“What if he doesn’t feel the same, what if he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me?”) She had grabbed the handle once more, her palm was sweaty and her eyes locked on her hand like she could turn the handle if she looked at it hard enough.

  (“I need to know. I need to find out before I leave.”) Zephry turned the handle quickly and scurried down the long hall until she stopped at a wooden door identical to all the others.

  “This one I think, this is it…” Zephry grabbed the handle and slowly turned it. Slowly the door opened.

  “Frostear? Are you awake?” Frostear sat on the floor in a beam of light shooting into the room through the small window. He didn’t make a move, his arms out with his palms facing the roof and his legs crossed over.

  “Frostear?” For a moment it was silent. Suddenly Frostear opened his eyes giving Zephry a bit of a scare.

  “Hmm, Zephry what are you doing here so late?” Zephry began to blush. Well I am leaving tomorrow and I thought I’d ask you something before I left.”

  Frostear rose to his feet. In comparison he was exceptionally larger in size to her. Zephry took a few more steps closer as the door shut behind her. She walked into the light of the moon shining through the window, and as she did she tripped. Frostear caught her in his arms before she could fall to the floor. Zephry threw her hand softly behind his head. They looked deep into each other’s eyes for a while. She pulled herself toward him for a kiss as she shut her eyes. Her lips landed on his slowly. His eyes remained open for a minute, then slowly closed.

  Outside, high above in the sky, clouds began to push in front of the room, blocking the rays of light from shining down through the window.

  Sounds of hard Zufore feet along the Torson region plains echoed loudly through the night. Gerald was racing fast along the flat terrain. No one was in sight, no animals, and no light. Gerald’s cape flew in the wind as he picked up speed and his Zufore panted quietly.

  (“I wonder if Lumus’ survival will change things, I am curious to see how things work out.”) High above in the sky the red moon seemed darker than normal as it shined down violently over Gerald racing hard along the plains.

  (“How come I didn’t get my own room, I bet Orson did this on purpose. Look at him over there. What is he trying to do anyway.”?)

  “You know we have a few days ahead of us to train why don’t you knock off the push-ups, I’d rather not smell you sweat as I try to sleep.” Orson paused for a second to look over at Zelkem. “I heard a rumour when I was younger that a few exercises before sleep would improve your endurance greatly, so every day for about twenty or so years I have done them.” Zelkem rose to his feet.

  “And I have to say I feel stronger when I wake up each morning,” Zelkem added as he sat back down and rolled over to his side facing the wall.

  “Yeah well, if you believe that then maybe you believe there are monsters in the lakes,” Orson laughed.

  “I don’t believe everything I hear especially kids stories like those Orson, but you know, I did hear a story that I thought was worth looking into. Along time ago a soldier mentioned a tale of the great Zodiac waterfall. I think he said something about a secret entrance behind it. That would be quite the adventure to explore if it was true; wouldn’t you think Zelkem?” Orson waited for a response but after a while there was still no sound.

  “Well maybe some secrets aren’t meant to be discovered. Good night brother.”

  Orson pulled his covers over himself as he went to sleep. Zelkem laid silently with his eyes open thinking hard to himself.

  (“Maybe one day we could go to that waterfall brother. Maybe we could be the first to see the hidden secrets it has to offer.”) Zelkem smiled.

  The wind blew gently through the window as the brothers drifted off to sleep. The night sky sank as the city slept for a new day.

  Lumus sat in a chair in his room down the hall from Orson and Zelkem. He had his head down, and thought about Lears.

  (“Lears I can feel your power, I know you’re out there. Next time we meet I will be ready to end things. I may have been caught off guard when I saw you, but it won’t happen next time.) I shouldn’t have held back on that attack to Lears at Twilight Prison. Damn it, because of that he sent those Krotins to Taurald village. Another thing I could have prevented. It will be different next time Lears I promise you that.” Lumus called out.

  “Coldblood, what is your report?” Lears faced out a window in a partially burnt house in Taurald. “Master Lears, Lumus and the others that follow him were here, they must have known somehow that we were coming. We chased them into the East Mountains toward Leodot. I sent Aire there, but they didn’t show up.” Lears turned to Coldblood.

  “I see, send for Hedree and Antsos and tell Ged to report to me immediately. He has some explaining to do.” Lears turned again to the red moon up in the sky.

  “Master Lears, I hate to bother you once more, but Lord Ged has not returned. We have been unable to find him yet.” Coldblood reported.

  Lears didn’t move this time. He continued to stare off into the sky. “Lord Coldblood, you had better find him. He has some information I’d like to hear so find him now, and give me no more excuses, do you understand?” Lears yelled back.

  “I understand.” Coldblood replied.

  “One more thing, where is Levitz?” Coldblood paused for a moment.

  “Lord Levitz is still following Lead Councillor Gerald. His last report said he was leaving Capaz toward the South.”

  “What is that old fool up to now? Who was he with?” Lears turned his head to his right shoulder interested to hear Coldblood’s response.

  “He was alone, Master Lears.”

  “That will be all Coldblood, return to Piscyst and tell the others I will meet them there.” Coldblood bowed and left toward the North Gate of Taurald.

  (“Gerald you are quite sneaky, but I know what you’re up to. I will reveal you soon enough.”) Lears broke out into laughter.

  Chapter Seven: Zephry’s choice

  All of Capaz slept with no sign of movement, except for Frostear and Zephry at the North Gates. They quietly made their way just outside of the city to be sure they were alone. A moment of silence crossed them like a light breeze. Zephry set down a small bag of supplies, then stretched as she turned to Frostear to say her good byes. He was already right in front of her as she turned around.

  “Zephry, be safe out there okay? I know there will be a lot to frighten you on your journey but just remember why you want to finish your training, and you will succeed. If you run into trouble just get out of there as fast as you can. Don’t take main roads, and stay hidden as best you can.” Frostear said almost forgetting to breathe.

  Zephry was blushing.

  “You big softy, I’ll be fine, and it’s only a six day trip. I’ll go North to Geminite, and then to my hometown Piscyst. I can get a boat there to Fargon region. Three days there, and three days back, piece of cake.” Zephry smiled.

  Frostear took a step forward, and hugged Zephry tightly. Zephry was still blushing, but this time she smiled.

  “I need to go before the others find out I’m leaving. I don’t need to see five other sad faces… Although Brinx wouldn’t really be able to show that kind of emotion. He’s too scary looking.” Zephry giggled as she let Frostear go.

  “Be safe out there.” Frostear blurted out. Zephry turned back to her bag. She threw it over her shoulder, and started to walk away from Frostear. She turned while she walked, and waved back to him. He gave a quick wave as she faded i
nto the morning fog. He waited a moment, then made his way back to the palace with his head down.

  (“How did this happen, how can I have these feelings so quickly for her, and a human? Maybe I am getting soft in my old age?”) He thought to himself.

  The fog thinned as he neared the palace, but it cleared to reveal Lady Concy sitting on the palace steps.

  “You love her?” Concy said quietly.

  “What are you doing here Concy?” Frostear asked.

  “Well dear Frostear, after I was announced councillor of Piscyst I guess I needed to come see off one of my citizens.” She said with a smile. Frostear stopped at the stairs to the palace doors.

  “You know what I mean, why are watching me?” He demanded

  “I had to see the woman that replaced me, my dear. I had to see for myself.” She replied.

  “It’s none of your business. You chose to leave me when you became part of the council. First of Fargon, but now of Piscyst?” He said with anger in his eyes.

  “Don’t get too mad Frostear, we don’t want another Dragon War now do we?” Concy said with a smile pushing past her, he made his way up the stairs.

  “Oh Frostear, how is our son doing?” He paused for a moment then continued to walk into the palace.

  “Coldblood, wherever you are, I hope you’re nothing like your father.” Concy looked out toward the plains where Zephry had started her journey. She sighed, and turned back to go inside.

  The morning came swiftly. Lumus rose early from his sleep, and decided to make his way to the dungeon training area to wait for the others.

  He waited patiently. The others began to show up just as he was about to go look for them. Scarlette came walking through the basement gates with Frostear, Zelkem, and Brinx.

  “Has anyone seen Orson or Concy? Lumus sighed.

  “Fine we will begin without them.” Suddenly the basement door flew open once again.

  “Orson and I are very sorry, you see the councillors have many obligations.” Concy announced. Lysilus and Joffree followed in after Orson.

  “Okay listen up, I’m not going to waste any time here. I will divide us into appropriate groups for our six days down here. So, let’s begin.” Lady Concy and Scarlette. Zelkem and Lysilus. Joffree, Orson, and Frostear. And finally Brinx and I will make the final group. Don’t forget we are not leaving this basement for six days, it is up to you whether you stay or leave now.” Lumus felt confident everyone would stay. Sure enough no one spoke up. Concy and Scarlette took off to the south end of the basement to the shooting range. Frostear followed Orson and Joffree to the east section, which contained alternate terrains perfect for training in. Zelkem and Lysilus went to the west side. The west was flat, perfect for hand-to-hand combatants. Lumus lead Brinx to the north located directly below the palace gates. He took a moment to appreciate the architecture of the training facility.


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