Zodiac Awakening

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Zodiac Awakening Page 24

by Drew Smith

  “Actually I would like to volunteer for that job. At least to get things started.” Zephry volunteered. Scarlette looked over in confusion.

  “Umm, Zephry? Shouldn’t you come with us?” Scarlette sounded worried.

  “I won’t be away long. I use to live on a farm with my family back in Piscyst. It only makes sense that I stay, and I could help get things rolling. Dyne laughed.

  “You are right on that one darling. I will also stay.” Zelkem shook his head.

  “I figured the lazy guy would want to sit back with his feet up. Ha-ha.” Dyne sighed. “Actually I am the one that drew up the blue prints for the houses we are building. Back when I was in Virphire I worked on a construction crew to rebuild homes lost in the Dragon Wars.” Dyne replied. Nex nodded.

  “He was up last night helping with the blueprints while you were sleeping. Actually we have Frostear to thank as well. He was able to help move the big trees. We tried to help him, but he said little men can’t lift big things.” Nex added. Dyne laughed. Lumus crossed his arms with a smirk.

  “Nex I am very grateful how serious you are taking this, and how much you have accomplished…” Nex smirked.

  “But you want to know about the digging. I thought that would be priority, so my men and I worked on that first. To our surprise we had a small tunnel heading east out toward Capaz, as we went further in it got wider and wider. All we really had to do was dig up at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel just about lined up with where we had to dig. Truthfully there are two holes we dug. The first led to the bakery in Capaz, and did we ever scare the young lady over there. She pelted me good too.” Scarlette giggled

  “That’s excellent news! So we can head over to Capaz anytime now, right?” Nex sighed. “Well yes, but you are still in for quite the walk, and some of the torches have gone out down there. You will have to bring some torches with you, but other than that you’re good to go. Oh I need to give you this too. It is a list of basic supplies we will need to get things going. If you can get a couple of you to do that I’d be grateful.” Zelkem shook his head.

  “Something tells me I’m getting supplies.” Lumus took a quick look at the list.

  “Okay, I don’t want to waste time. Zephry you will stay here, and work on the crops…” Zephry snatched the list, and added some things to the list.

  “I can’t plant anything without seeds!” Brinx walked up behind Zephry.

  “I will assist her, since I basically am a plant. I have a few things I can offer to the job.” Brinx added. Lumus smiled.

  “Okay, Orson and I can go look for the councillor Bruins. I have a few things I would like to ask him. Scarlette and Zelkem can get the supplies. We can walk down together, and meet back here whenever we finish our tasks. Zynx if you don’t mind I would like to get you to move some trees with Frostear.” Zynx snared, and then walked off toward Frostear.

  “Don’t worry Lumus that means he would be happy to help.” Dyne laughed. Okay are you all ready to head out now?” Orson turned to Lumus.

  “Yes, the sooner the better. Scarlette and Zelkem nodded. Great let’s start walking.

  “Don’t forget the seeds! Hurry back!” Zephry yelled as they faded into the darkness of the cave.

  Orson walked up beside Lumus and Scarlette leaving Zelkem a few steps behind.

  Orson stretched while cracking his neck. He slowed his pace and returned to Zelkem’s side. Zelkem walked silently. Scarlette began to wonder about her home town. It has only been just about a week, and she is grateful that she gets to once again revisit her home. Lumus was quiet too, Scarlette noticed him looking forward without his eyes even shifting from the path ahead. He must have a lot of things on his mind she thought. She turned her head to see Orson and Zelkem chatting away, again she looked back at Lumus but this time she smiled.

  “Lumus, what are you thinking about?” Scarlette squinted as she smiled. Lumus finally broke his concentration to look over.

  “Frostear’s son.” Lumus replied.

  “You mean Coldblood?” Lumus turned back to look down the path.

  “Yes. Ever since Sagnet, I feel like I felt another power like Frostear’s. I just feel like Coldblood was watching us, but it could just be my imagination. Kontaminate on the other hand, I have no idea what knowledge he may possess. I have begun to think, where did he come from, and how did he get to Twilight? Does he really just exist just to kill Lears and myself?” Lumus looked back at Scarlette. Scarlette sighed with a small grin.

  “You are thinking too much, think about it, he is all alone, and you have all of us. Even if your strength is equal, you have an edge. Every one of us would fight at your side.” Scarlette turned to see a crack of light up ahead. Orson sped up past Lumus and Scarlette to look up toward the light.

  “This is it. We can use this ladder to reach the palace. Orson climbed up as he reached the top he poked his head up to have a quick look around.

  “Lumus this is the first floor guest chambers. If we go through here we can head left out the door to the main hall.” Orson said as he looked around. Orson climbed into the room, and looked out the window. Scarlette and Lumus made their way into the room. Scarlette looked over at the bed.

  “That is odd, the bed is a mess? Usually this place is pristine.” Lumus opened the door to the palace a small crack, and peaked out.

  “I don’t see anyone, nor do I hear a thing.” Scarlette and Lumus turned to Orson.

  “The city is too quiet. There is nobody in the streets. Something is wrong.” Orson drew his sword. Zelkem crept up the ladder.

  “Hey thanks for leaving me in the dark, you guys have the only torches you know.” Zelkem looked around the room.

  “Lumus take Scarlette for the supplies, Zelkem and I will find Brunius.” Orson suggested. Scarlette opened the window, and headed into the streets. Lumus hoped over the window seal behind her.

  “Lumus, Zelkem and I may be a while. If you can keep an eye out while you wander through town, people may still be around. Maybe we can find out what’s going on.” Zelkem walked over to the door, and opened it wider. He looked around then walked into the hall.

  “Wow this place seems completely empty. Where is everyone? How does a whole town just disappear?” Orson turned to Zelkem.

  “Keep your voice down until we know what is going on.” Orson turned back to see Lumus and Scarlette walking off into town. Orson notice there was no damage to the buildings, or any things lying on the ground.

  “(If there was a struggle people would have dropped things in their panic, I suppose that is a good thing.) Zelkem we need to head…” Orson turned to the door way, but Zelkem wasn’t there. Quickly Orson ran to the door with his sword drawn. He looked out to the right then as he turned to the left Zelkem was standing directly in front of him.

  “Whoa, hey no need for the muscle. Put that thing away before you hurt yourself.” Zelkem yelled out. Orson sighed.” You fool don’t just disappear like that.” Zelkem laughed.

  “I’m barely a foot from the door. Anyway shouldn’t we be looking for Brunius?” Zelkem turned, and began to walk off down the left hallway. Orson put his sword back in his sheath.

  “Zelkem, Brunius enjoyed the library. It is possible he is there, it’s this way.” Orson pointed down the right hallway. Zelkem turned around.

  “Well lead the way then, I don’t know this place like you do.” Zelkem replied. Orson began to make his way down the hallway with Zelkem following behind him. Orson had his hand placed on his sword before each turn, Zelkem noticed each time he did, but laughed to himself each time he saw it.

  “Lumus where do you think everyone has gone? Do you think everyone is collecting somewhere in fear of Lears? Or even Kontaminate?” Lumus walked just beside Scarlette although they each faced opposite ways looking for anyone left in town.

  “I’m not sure. If they did all leave to go somewhere safe I guess we wouldn’t have much use for all the tunnels down below. On the other hand, Lears wouldn’t collect every
one from the town. He wants to rule, and I have a feeling that he doesn’t kill unless he needs to.” Scarlette looked at Lumus then back to the left.

  “A feeling? You can sense his thoughts can’t you?” Orson added. Lumus stopped.

  “Not exactly, Ever since I saw him for the first time in Twilight prison it’s almost like I can see what he is thinking in his head, but it is too fussy to see clearly. Sometimes I see images, and other times I can just hear him.” Lumus replied. Scarlette turned to Lumus.

  “If that is so, then he would be able to see and hear your thoughts?” Lumus looked up to the eclipsed moon directly above them.

  “I don’t know. I suppose it is possible.” Scarlette kicked some dirt on the ground.

  “Can you see Kontaminate’s thoughts?” Orson hesitated to ask Lumus shrugged.

  “No, Kontaminate is different. Lears and I have a link because of the way we were born, Kontaminate on the other hand, I’m not entirely sure where he came from. He may look like Lears and myself, but he isn’t the same.” Scarlette looked up to the moon.

  “Did you know the Blue moon’s nickname is Cobalt, and the nickname for the Red moon is Scarlet. I was named after the Red moon, at least that’s what I was told. I believe that Cobalt means Silver and white, it was nicknamed Cobalt because when the blue moon rises over the horizon it looks silver with a white glow. Pretty neat huh?” Scarlette looked over to see Lumus staring at her.

  “I didn’t know that, I just realized I don’t know a lot of things. I feel like I have been sheltered all my life. All I really know is what I learned on Dystopia, survival skills, basic combat, and farming. Everything else I learned from you when you came by the farm.” Scarlette laughed.

  “Yeah I guess you are still new to Twilight. You will learn so much more Lumus. It isn’t all bad like we both seem to be used to. In all fairness, I don’t know all that much either. I died when I was eleven years old. All I really learned in that time was how to run this city like my father.” Lumus smiled. “I guess we are more alike than we thought.” Lumus added.

  “Zelkem hand me that book there.” Zelkem paused.

  “What book there is like a thousand books?” Orson shook his head.

  “How have you survived this long? Give me that one with the read spine.” Zelkem shook his head mimicking Orson.

  “Really…they all have red spines… Shouldn’t we focus on finding your councillor buddy?” Orson pushed Zelkem aside.

  “This one, those are a dark orange you fool, and Brunius isn’t here. At least I can grab a book that may have some insight about myths, or legends.” Zelkem smirked.

  “I’m not going to say a word, too easy. Oh, and what do you plan on reading about these monsters for?” Zelkem walked over to a desk with a map of Twilight on it. He sat down in the chair facing the map.

  “I haven’t seen a map of the world in sometime. Why are these so rare, you think someone would make one map then just create copies for travelers? Actually when we find where everyone went, I’m going to make copies, and sell some maps, its genius.” Zelkem laughed. Orson took a deep breath, then continued to look for his book.

  “I don’t care I’m taking this map. Hey, you have hook ups here right? Tell them I’ll get them a copy would you?” Orson leaned on the book shelf.

  “Tell who Zelkem? Everyone is missing. Orson yelled. He took another deep breath then continued to look for his book once more.

  “No need to yell…I’m still taking the map.” Zelkem looked closer at the map. He noticed Twilight prison was on the map, there were also three small x’s marked on the map. “Orson I know you are busy looking for your red book, but I don’t think this map belongs to Capaz” Orson stood up, and turned to Zelkem.

  “What do you mean?” Orson walked over to the table.

  “Someone has drawn the Twilight prison on here, and what are these marks? I think Lears was here, or at least one of his Lords. That means Lears may have had something to do with the people that are missing. We should hurry back to the others.

  “Scarlette the door is locked. Is there a back door?” Lumus turned his head to the left of the general store. Scarlette ran past at the door with her shoulder knocking the door off its hinges.

  “There it’s open. Grab a bag to carry the supplies.” Scarlette walked in to the general store ahead of Lumus. Lumus had a shocked look on his face.

  “Should we really have done that?” Scarlette smirked at Lumus.

  “Yeah I guess this isn’t the time for rules.” Lumus hurried to the back, and began to fill a bag with seeds and medicine. Scarlette stopped at the side door, and peered into a room. “Lumus I hear something in here.” Lumus dropped his bag, and rushed over.

  “Let me have a look.” Lumus walked slowly toward the room. His hand pushed the door open as he walked in the room.

  “Hello, is there anybody in here?” Lumus saw shelves and bags labelled with various merchandise for the store.

  “Hello?” Suddenly a woman poked her head up from behind a few barrels.

  “I recognized your voice lady Scarlette.” The lady said with a scared voice.

  “Penelope?” Scarlette rushed over and hugged her tightly.

  “My lady I am glad you are safe.” Penelope said with a smile. Lumus turned to Scarlette. “You know this woman Scarlette?” Scarlette giggled.

  “Of course I do, Penelope use to deliver goods to the palace for me.” Lumus turned his attention to Penelope.

  “I hate to break up the reunion, but Penelope do you know what happened to everyone here in town? Where did everyone go?” Penelope wiped her tears from her eyes.

  “I was taking an order over to the palace like I usually do, it was mid-day yesterday. As I walked out of the palace I noticed the moons had eclipse, and the sky was an odd purple. I guess it had been like that for a while. I was just too busy to notice I suppose. I was just about to arrive here at my shop when a bright purple light crashed by the town gate. When the dust cleared I saw a man with a purple light surrounding him. At first people began to cheer, we thought it was you. When the man’s head rose his face had such an evil look upon it that even now I get chills just thinking about it. He claimed to be a god. Then he began stabbing people in the streets.” Scarlette gasped.

  “He stabbed people!?” Penelope crossed her arms to hold herself.

  “They didn’t die though, they…” Lumus checked the window.

  “They began to change. At first the people he stabbed cried out in pain, then their hair changed purple, and then…” Scarlette rested her hand on Penelope’s shoulder.

  “What happened Penelope?” Penelope looked up at Scarlette then to Lumus.

  “They grew what looked like spikes, almost like horns around their body. I heard the man say, spread the infection my children. That’s when I fled into my store room.” Lumus notice a tear race down Scarlette’s cheek.

  “A purple man, it could only be Kontaminate. He must be amassing an army since he lost to me at Lake Twilight.” Lumus said as he clenched his fists. Scarlette sat on the ground. “Lumus what if he has moved onto another town, what if he is doing this to everyone?” Scarlette replied. Lumus turned back to the window.

  “We need to get all we can carry, and head back to the tunnels.” Penelope moved a few sacks of grains off a hatch.

  “A man came through the floor just before this all happened. He told me you would be coming. I had a carpenter build a hatch that locks from inside the tunnel. We can use this to go down there. Though I should ask, where does it go?” Penelope said as she cleared the hatch. Scarlette brushed away her tears with her hand.

  “The tunnel leads to a large cavern under Lake Twilight, we have many friends there. We have Captain Nex, and a few of his men helping us build a town there.” Scarlette said with a smile. Penelope smiled with what little hope she had left.

  “Then of course I would like to join you there, maybe I can offer some help to you?” Penelope looked at Lumus, still with a smile. L
umus opened the hatch.

  “Of course you can, but we must hurry back. If Kontaminate is going to each town and infecting people, then we have to come up with a plan to stop him. Scarlette you and Penelope head back with everything you can carry. I will find Orson and Zelkem.” Lumus said. Scarlette nodded. Lumus headed to the door, and turned back to see them heading down.

  “I found it! Orson I think this is the one we need. It says Opal thirteen, Myths of Demons that’s the one right?” Orson hurried over to Zelkem, and grabbed the book from him.

  “Yes, this is it. Okay lets head back to the tunnels.” Zelkem stood up and looked over to the door way leading into the palace halls.

  “Orson, the torch in the hall went out.” Orson looked over to the door.

  “What is that light? Purple lights?” Orson reached for his sword, and after a pause, he looked over at Zelkem. Zelkem took a torch from the wall nearby. When he turned back the lights were gone.

  “Where did the lights go Orson?” Orson had his sword facing the door with his eyes focused.

  “I don’t know they just disappeared. When I say rush we rush toward the door. On three. One. Two.” Lumus came crashing into the library glowing bright, he rolled on the ground toward Orson and Zelkem, and he stood up quickly lighting the room. In front of them was a woman with purple eyes and two large spikes, one on each arm. The woman lifted her arms facing the spikes up at the three of them.

  “Lumus, what the Dystopia is that?” Zelkem said with a panic.

  “Kontaminate has infected the town. All of the people have become his puppets.” Lumus replied. Orson panicked.

  “Scarlette, where is Scarlette?” Lumus shifted his head toward Orson.

  “She left into the tunnels with a woman named Penelope. They are safe.” Orson paused. “Penelope? I know her. She owns the general store.” Orson replied.

  “Yeah that’s all awesome but can we focus on this crazed Kontaminate wanna be?” Zelkem interrupted. Lumus began to focus his energy.


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