Criminal Core

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Criminal Core Page 14

by Nick Broad

  “And technically, you’re a sex android,” Shay added with a little smirk.

  Her remark lightened the tension around the room. Ruby grinned.

  “Look, I’m okay with the sharing thing,” I said, putting an arm around Ruby. “I enjoy the time I’ve spent with each of you, and if none of you want that to end, well, I definitely don’t.”

  “Who would?” Ruby said, snuggling up against me. “Having three cute girls fighting over you...”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “But let’s just...can we take it casual for now? Like, I don’t want a whole lot of rules around this. If one of you wants me, just make it known. Because I sure as hell will make it known when I want one of you.”

  There were looks around the table. Everyone seemed amenable to that.

  “Great,” Shay groaned, rolling her eyes. “I get to share my creation with two prisoners. Maybe when we swing by Beta together I can put a nice little reverse gangbang together for you...”

  “They’re not prisoners anymore,” I shot back. “We agreed. They’re crew.”

  “Yes, yes, I know,” Shay said, wiggling her fingers like a Victorian maiden dismissing the rabble. “Sorry. An obake and a Fae. Best crew in the galaxy. Really...”

  “Shay,” I growled, fixing her with a harsh gaze. “Stop.”

  She trailed off, her eyes going wide.

  “There’s something I need to know right now,” I said, not lowering my gaze. “From each of you. If you’re not okay with this arrangement - with all four of us being together on top of working with each other, you need to let me know now. If you’re in, good. If you’re not - we can talk about other options. But you all need to be honest with me. Understood?”

  Shay nodded. I saw both other women nod in my peripheral vision.

  “Shay,” I said, lowering my voice. “Do you accept this arrangement?”

  She swallowed hard, pointedly not looking at either of the other women. She met my eyes for a few seconds, haughty as usual, then something in her gave. “Oh, fine,” she huffed, crossing her arms beneath her breasts like a bratty co-ed. “I don’t have a problem with you sticking your dick in other girls, Noah. If that’s what makes you happy, then go for it. Form a whole harem for all I care-”


  “Yes,” she said, dropping the act with a sigh. “The answer’s yes, Noah.”

  “Good.” I stared at her a few seconds longer, then turned to Meiko. “Meiko?”

  She thought her words over carefully before speaking. “I don’t like not having a schedule, or any set rules,” she said, folding her hands in her lap. “I feel like some people will take the lack of both to try and run roughshod over others.” The corner of her mouth turned up in a smirk. “But woe be to she who tries it.”

  Shay scoffed.

  “Yes, Noah,” Meiko said, taking my hand. “I’m all for the harem.”

  A harem? Is that what this really is?

  I looked over at Ruby...who was staring up at me with the biggest smile I’d ever seen.

  “I don’t even have to ask, do I?” I said, chuckling.

  She shook her head. “No, Master,” she said with a titter. “You know I’ll do whatever you want. Besides, I like Meiko and Shay. They’re both super-cute and utterly fuckable. I’d actually wouldn’t mind bringing one or both of them into bed with us sometime...”

  After everything that had happened to me lately, it took a lot to surprise me. But that did it.

  “You want threesomes?” I sputtered, my cock raging to life in my boxers. “Foursomes?”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Meiko purred - but from the gleam in her eyes, it was clear she was seriously considering Ruby’s offer. The two of them got closer, almost as if they were about to kiss...

  “Nobody’s having a threesome this morning,” Shay snapped, making both women freeze.

  “Why not?” I asked, the words coming out in a strangled grunt that made all three women laugh.

  “Because,” Shay said after a moment. “You and I are going to Beta. We have to fix the reactor, in case you forgot in all your visions of Faerie, Obake and android orgies...”

  I hadn’t forgotten. It was just that the thought of Ruby and Meiko together was really, really hot.

  “The reactor’s been waiting for months,” I protested, watching both women nod eagerly. “I can take a little break first...”

  Shay cocked her head to the side. “They will be here when you get back, Noah.”

  I glanced at the pair. “You will, right?”

  Ruby’s head bounced up and down. Her hand snaked around Meiko, neatly cupping the underside of her breast through the fabric of her top. “Oh yeah, Master. I think while you’re gone, I’ll see how Meiko’s species tolerates fairy dust...”

  Fairy dust? Meiko mouthed at me.

  I laughed. She had no idea what she was getting into.

  “Fine,” I said, getting up from the table. “We’ll check it out. But I want, like, a half day or something. You know, it’s the future! An eight-hour workday is barbaric! They didn’t have to do manual labor on Star Trek...”

  I followed Shay out of the galley, already fantasizing about the scene that was going to be waiting for me when I got back to Alpha.

  It was the scene at the Beta reactor I should have been worried about.

  Fourteen: Shay, Shay, Shay

  “So when do we reach the radiation?” I asked, eyeing the cell block nervously. “‘Cause, you know, I’ve never actually walked through an irradiated area before...”

  A few feet ahead of me, Shay sauntered down the hall. Her ass swayed back and forth like a model on a catwalk, practically commanding me to stare. For a while I’d figured that was just the way some horny developer had programmed her to walk, but she didn’t do it when Ruby or Meiko were around - just for me. So she was choosing to.

  “The sealed-off layer of Beta is just below this one,” she said, stopping at the top of the stairs. “If you’re nervous, I could get Chirrup to locate a dosimeter for us...”

  “Nah,” I said, shaking my head. “Just - you did say our android bodies were immune, right?”

  She chuckled. “You’re too much, Noah. You’ve got to start discarding that whole ‘twenty-first century guy’ attitude, you know? You’re still walking around like you’re some sort of meatbag, all worried and shit...”

  I followed her down the stairs, entranced by her strut. “I’d like to think I’ve evolved considerably,” I said. “The old me would never have had the balls to sit in front of three girls he’d had sex with and eat waffles. Much less share all of them...”

  She shot an irritated glance at me over her shoulder. “Yeah,” she drawled, cocking her head to the side. “But you still think like a human.”

  We came around the corner and entered the next cell block. It looked identical to the others, although this far down the cells were both cleaner and in better condition. Shay’s lockdown of the bottom three floors must have caused the Oubliette to stop assigning prisoners to the area long ago.

  “I thought you wanted me to think like a human,” I said with a smirk. “Isn’t that my whole purpose as a Core?”

  “The people who designed this place wanted that,” Shay said, laughing. “I just wanted someone cool and fun to hang out with. Someone I could show all my secrets to...”

  As she finished her sentence, we came to a door. It was a massive slab, cut right across the space between two cells like it had slid right out of the wall - which, after a moment, I realized it had. A big yellow quarantine sticker still hung from it, half-faded.

  “So the radiation’s past here,” I said, feeling uneasy about the whole thing. Unlike the situation in Gamma, I wouldn’t see anything disturbing - the radiation was invisible. But that didn’t mean it didn’t set my teeth on edge. The wall was strangely warm beneath my fingers. “Weird.”

  “I said, someone I could show all my secrets to,” Shay said from behind me. “Did that not, like, click
with you at all?”

  It finally did. “What do you mean by that, Shay?”

  You could have barely fit a playing card between us. Shay stared up at me with her big eyes, batting her lashes like the most innocent little whore in the world. “You want me to tell you?” she asked, her hands sliding to my zipper.

  Fuck, I was hard. I was still thinking about Ruby and Meiko back in Alpha, but the image kept slipping. It was hard to concentrate when there was a gorgeous little blonde right in front of you.

  “Yeah,” I grunted.

  She nuzzled my neck, then worked her way up until her lips were at my ear.

  “That torture chamber I mentioned to you earlier?” She sounded half-desperate with need. “Well, it’s actually the fun kind of torture chamber. And the person who’s supposed to get tortured”

  My jaw hit the floor. “You did what now?”

  She nibbled her bottom lip. “Don’t judge me! AI go stir-crazy when they’re left alone. I spent ages building the perfect nest for the perfect playmate - one who isn’t afraid to spank me, choke me and use me like the bad little girl I am.”

  Her hand reached between my legs. I was achingly hard against her fingers.

  “I haven’t been waiting for a partner,” she said, her eyes flashing. “I want a Daddy, Noah. Why do you think I grabbed a connectome from the era when Internet porn was at its kinkiest?”

  Pieces of the puzzle clicked together in my brain. Shay’s thumb rolled up and down the fabric of my shipsuit, stroking my shaft through the fabric.

  “There’s no radiation on the other side of that door, is there?” I gasped. “You sealed that part of the station off because you didn’t want any prisoners going through your private things. That’s where you’re hiding your little ‘torture chamber’...”

  “And that’s why I didn’t want any of those other bitches coming down here with us,” Shay said with a giggle. “This is our secret, Noah. Just yours and mine. I’m going to show you that I’m all the girl you need.”

  She felt so fucking good. But those last words of hers hit me like a punch to the gut.

  “That’s not happening,” I said, trying to put a little space between us. “You heard Meiko. We’re a harem now. The whole crew is-”

  Suddenly Shay’s hands were at my waist. While another hand was on my shoulder.

  I glanced over and froze. There was a second Shay standing next to us. Behind me there was a little laugh, and I swiveled over to see a third Shay waiting half-shrouded in darkness, her legs crossed and a smile on her face.

  “Oh baby,” the first Shay - my Shay - whispered as she tugged my zipper down. “I’m all the harem you need, sweetheart...”

  I’d been ambushed by three Shays. Three identical blonde goddesses, in skintight shipsuits and high heels. All of whom wanted to fuck me so bad I could taste it.

  “...and I know you’re exactly what I need.” Her face lit up with a grin. “I’ve vetted you properly and everything, Noah. You’re just who I want to be my sexy Dom Daddy forever. Or at least for the next three hundred years or so.”

  Next to me, the two Shay clones embraced and started making out. The one on the left shoved her tongue deep into the one on the right’s mouth, tearing at her shipsuit. It came free easily, and it was clear that neither of the clones had on a stitch of underwear underneath. I watched the pair go at it, hot and heavy, and was only distracted when I felt a tug at my waist.

  “Come here, girls,” Shay groaned, working my zipper down my chest. “Noah wants you to show him what you can do with those mouths. With my mouths.”

  Both of the clones dropped to their knees in front of me, giggling and purring. Everything about them was exactly like the Shay I knew, from the way they held themselves to the way they handled my cock. When they pulled the throbbing crown of my dick between their lips and made out while passing it between them, I nearly overheated and ended up back in my Core.

  “Holy fuck that feels amazing,” I said, watching the two identical Shays lick and suck my member. “Two of you look even better than one...”

  I felt Shay’s mouth on mine. We kissed hard, my hand squeezing her ass as the two clones at my feet started deepthroating my dick one after the other. I groaned against her neck, mauling her ass and tits as I explored her body.

  “How about three?” Shay’s eyes shined with glee as her duplicates took turns on my cock. The whole thing was completely insane, but I couldn’t get enough. Even the thought of the two women I’d left behind in the Alpha spire couldn’t keep me from enjoying the hell out of the Shays.

  “Three are fucking great,” I panted, thrusting my hips into one of the Shay’s throats. “Jesus, you’re a freak, aren’t you, boss?”

  Shay’s eyes flashed with need. A little moan spilled from her lips as she licked them, almost as if she could taste what her clones were doing on their knees. “I am,” she confessed, grinning. “I’m a filthy little AI slut, Noah. I’ve just been waiting for someone to come in here and show me what I’m for.”

  “It’s always the control freaks,” I grunted, my mouth against Shay’s ear, “who end up being the super submissive ones.” My free hand mauled her round ass roughly, even as her two clones kept making out around my cock. “You just can’t help yourself, can you...?”

  Suddenly Shay grabbed me by the hair and pulled me into a kiss. Her free hand slapped a panel on the wall, and the door behind my ass slid open. I nearly fell backwards, which would have been super inconvenient as my cock was still buried in the second Shay’s throat, and glanced over my shoulder into the hidden ‘torture chamber’.

  My eyes went as wide as saucers.

  Shay had decorated her private chambers like something out of the world’s swankiest BDSM club. Dark reds and purples dominated the space: a large room studded with plush couches, uncomfortable-looking sex chairs and implements I could only guess at the purpose of. My jaw dropped open when I saw the highlight at the center - a large, x-shaped rack, with cuffs at the top of each wing of the ‘x’. It was that rack that Shay’s eyes were fixed on, even as she moaned in reflected pleasure as my cock slammed against the back of her clone’s throat.

  “That’s what you want, isn’t it?” I asked, gesturing towards the rack with my chin. “You want me to strap you to that thing.”

  Shay locked eyes with me. “Would you? Please?” She squeezed her thighs together. “Just the thought of being tied up and helpless in front of you has me creaming my panties...”

  I smirked. “You’re not even wearing panties.”

  “You’re right, I’m not.” Her hand was at her zipper, tugging off her shipsuit. “And I’m fucking soaked, Noah. I’m so fucking horny that all the bandwidth in the universe wouldn’t let me think straight. Will you please, please punish me like the naughty little girl I am?”

  Fuck, I thought, my cock pulsing in the Shay-clone’s mouth. What red-blooded man could turn down an invitation like that?

  Technically, I wasn’t red-blooded anymore, I didn’t think. But the statement still applied.

  With a grunt, I pulled my cock away from the other two clones. The frustration was so strong it nearly hurt, but faded a bit when I grabbed Shay underneath her ass and tossed her over my shoulder. She went with a squeal, grinding her hot wet pussy against my back as we entered her chambers.

  “This is what you want,” I said with a smirk, carrying her over to the rack. “Isn’t it? Speak quickly, little girl, or I’ll make the choice for you...”

  “Yes! Yes!” Shay was totally shameless now, unashamed of how badly she wanted me to dominate her. I loved it. “Those handcuffs built into the top - put me in them. I want to feel the metal cut into my skin when you tie me up, Daddy...”

  I could do that. I lifted Shay onto the rack and snapped each cuff around her wrist. Behind me, the two Shay clones let out little gasps of pleasure as each one tightened, clearly experiencing a mirror of their creator’s pleasure.

  “You bad little bitch,�
�� I said, stripping her out of what remained of her shipsuit. “Always trying to get your way. When all along, what you really wanted was for me to take control of you. Isn’t that right?”

  Shay moaned and squeezed her thighs together. Her pussy boiled over, glistening with juice. “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered, and the sound of her submission was like steam from a kettle.

  “Here,” I said, grabbing her legs and spreading them. “I don’t think you’re fully hooked up yet.”

  I’d just noticed the cuffs on the bottom of the rack as well - designed to hold Shay against the rack without being able to move. She fought me a bit, surprised as I clasped them around her ankles. Then she was completely under my control.

  “That’s better,” I said, grinning as I looked her up and down. Shay’s thighs kept tensing, but she was no longer able to grind them together. No more pleasure for her needy little pussy, not even what she got from rubbing her legs together - not unless I gave it to her. Fuck, this really did feel amazing.

  How had I not brought her down here before now?

  “Let’s see what we have here,” I said, rifling through the drawer next to the rack. Inside was a whip with a long, black handle, looking well-used. I took it out, and the motion of the drawer let me know something bigger was all the way in the back.

  I reached in and pulled out something long and gray, covered in bristles. There was a button on the hilt, which I pressed gently with my thumb, curious as to what would happen.

  The thing lit up in my hand, electricity passing from bristle to bristle like a fucking taser.

  “It won’t hurt me,” Shay explained, staring at the prod with a look of pure need. “Well, much. Our android circuits are a little different from a human body - the charge overloads everything for a few seconds.” She blushed. “It feels like the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had and the sharpest pain, all at once. It’s my favorite.”

  I looked at the prod with newfound respect and nodded. Then I flicked it on with my thumb and smacked one of Shay’s clones across the tits with it.


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