In Reference To

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In Reference To Page 2

by Savannah Jordan

  Hand-in-hand, we ignored the scathing glare of the librarian and walked to the door. On the front steps, Adam pulled me close, but I could not surrender to the passionate kiss he offered. The last bus of the evening sat waiting on the curb, and the driver honked the horn as he kissed me anyway.

  Reluctantly, I forced my way out of his embrace. “I’m sorry, Adam, but I have to go. This is the last bus, and I have to work early in the morning before my history class tomorrow.”

  “About that…” Adam would have continued but was cut off by another blast of the horn.

  I hate leaving him like this! I wanted nothing more than to go home with him, make love to him all night and forget the rest of the world existed. But I had the opening shift at the diner the next morning, and commitments meant a lot to me.

  “Come on!” The driver shouted through the open door.

  “I have to go,” I insisted, but my eyes pleaded for him to understand that I did not want to leave.

  “It’s okay.” He nodded, his voice heavy with disappointment. “I understand.”

  I sent him a smile. “I hope to see you again.”

  He winked. “I am sure you will.”


  The next afternoon, I hurried to my history class, eager to tell my friend the events of the previous night. She sat in her normal seat in the front row of the lecture auditorium, so I dropped in the seat next to her.

  “Danielle,” I whispered. “You’ll never guess what I researched last night!”

  Her eyes widened. “No idea-what was it?”

  “Not an it, Hun, a him, and his name is—”

  I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence as a sharp cough from the lectern caught my attention. I turned to face the head of the class.

  There stood Adam, his sexy body now covered by a tailored suit, his eyes still dreamy, framed by his sexy specs. I blushed, my heart pounding just at the sight of him, but he looked at me and then looked away.

  I reached under the little desk top and smacked Danielle’s leg. She looked at me sharply, until I nodded, wide-eyed, in Adam’s direction. Her green eyes narrowed with a question, but then widened with the realization that Adam was the man that I studied last night. She mouthed, “Bad girl.”

  She was right, it was a very naughty night, but I realized in that moment that our passion was not bad. It was right in a way that cut deep into my heart and left me wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in Adam’s arms. Somehow, our erotic adventure the night before had left me wanting more than just his body-I wanted to know his heart.

  But he completely ignored me. I know that he saw me, he looked right at me, but he didn’t even smile. My mind reeled, my throat tightened. Why didn’t he acknowledge me? Was I just a one night stand?

  My heart thumped a nettled pain with each look at Adam.

  Our regular professor introduced Adam as ‘Mr. Adam Scoffield,’ our student teacher for the remainder of the semester. I was numb, ablaze in a permanent blush and dreading Adam’s role as teacher.

  Last night might never happen again, I lamented.

  I pouted for the rest of the period. My heart hurt each time I thought of making love to Adam. And he acted as though nothing had happened. Tears threatened to fall each time I looked at the lectern and the handsome man that had been wrapped in my arms.

  At the end of class, Adam called me to his desk. He held my rather slipshod version of a research paper in his hand.

  “I am afraid I need to speak to you.”

  Here it comes… he’s going to brush me off for good!

  “And what is this in reference to?” I asked, fighting back tears.

  “Your research paper,” he replied. “It’s hastily put together, and some of the research documentation is missing.”

  After everything we’d done, all the ways he touched me, he wanted to talk about my research paper? I bit my bottom lip, but I lost the battle with my tears. Warm water trickled down my cheek as I took my paper from his hand.

  “I was a bit distracted in the Reference Section last night,” I informed him in a biting, churlish tone. I scrubbed at the tear on my cheek.

  “Now, don’t be like that.”

  Just then, the professor interrupted. “It is nice to see you taking such an interest in the students’ grades.” He patted Adam’s shoulder with a wrinkled hand before stuffing papers into his briefcase and excusing himself from the class.

  He took an interest in me, all right.

  Adam walked the professor out, but when he returned, I left his desk and was on my way to the door. He stood in my path, arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face. “Shawna, please listen.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I heard everything you said-and everything you didn’t say.” I pushed past him and paused at the door. “I’ll spend all night fixing this paper for you, Mr. Scoffield.”

  I stormed down the hall, a mess of tears and flapping papers. Adam called my name again, but I refused to look back, not when my heart broke with each glance.


  The clock hands pointed to 7:02 when I walked into the library.

  A different librarian sat behind the desk, a young man, barely into his thirties by looks. His chair was tilted back, his feet propped on the desk. Music drifted from earphones stuffed in his ears. He leaned over when I presented him my card, scanned it and waved me on.

  The Reference Section would never be the same. I couldn’t bring myself to sit at the table where Adam and I had flirted so heavily. I gathered my things and walked to the far side of the balcony seating. My heart ached, and my body yearned for Adam’s touch. Only stubborn pride kept me focused on my work. I was not about to let a man ruin my grades.

  Three footnotes later, a yellow slip of paper drifted down into the crease of the encyclopedia I studied. I lifted it out, and read the short note.

  You owe me one.

  Adam said that yesterday.

  Tears welled up immediately. I turned and looked over my shoulder. Adam stood behind me, his face twisted by a sad expression, one hand offering me a single red rose.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” I spat, snatching away the rose he held out and dropping it on my pile of books.

  Fists balled and tongue prepared for a good lashing, I stood to face the man that had loved and hurt me in the space of one full day. Adam didn’t give me the chance to bitch at him, he enveloped me in a fierce, passionate kiss.

  I couldn’t give in, not after how he ignored me in class. Pushing my hands between us, I shoved against his chest. His eyebrows pinched together, but he loosened his grip, lifting a hand to trail his fingers along my jaw line. Free of his embrace, I seethed with a mix of emotions—hurt, confusion and that damned weak-in-the-knees crush I had.

  “You have some serious explaining to do, Adam.”

  “Which is why I wanted to talk to you last night, Shawna. I knew this would be awkward. But, gods,” he groaned, touching my cheek again, “once I had my hands on you, I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “But then why didn’t you say something in class. A smile, a wink…anything?” Tears welled up and ran down my cheek. “Anything would have been better than ignoring me. Your silence hurt.”

  Adam looked away then back again and reached up to wipe away my tears. “I am very sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You’re a senior, Shawna. You know how the system works, that I can’t keep my job if I show favoritism. The college would kick me out on my ass if word got out how I’ve fallen for you or what we’ve already done. I tried to explain that after class and tell you what you mean to me, but you stormed out.”

  He has feelings for me? My resolve to anger melted.

  “So, I’m…I’m not a one night stand?”

  “No, Shawna-I want to spend many, many nights with you. But, we need to be careful if we want to be together.”

  I nodded in understanding, and dabbed at tears of a different kind.

  “You do want to be with me,” he asked in a velvet
tone. “Don’t you?”

  “Gods, yes! The classroom, hallways—campus in general—will have to be off limits.”

  “Agreed.” He smiled that heart-melting, desire-flaring grin again. “At least until the end of the semester—then, Young Lady, you are all mine.”

  I like the sound of that!

  “So,” I asked, in a flirtatious voice, “What are we going to work on tonight?”

  “I believe we can review what we studied yesterday.” His voice slipped into a suggestive, husky timber. “I was not finished with my lesson.”

  “‘Not finished?’“ I echoed. “Looks like I have a lot of learning to do.”

  My heart pounded, all the pain of earlier gone, replaced with hot desire as Adam took me by the hand and threaded his way through bookshelves, up a flight of stairs to the restricted room. At the door, he produced a key.

  “Where’d you get that?” I gasped.

  “My friend, the substitute librarian.”

  Adam eased open the door and pulled me inside the room and into his embrace. He turned and locked the door. Clothes poured off into a puddle that he pushed aside, and then he stood waiting for me as I folded my skirt.

  “You’re late,” he admonished me. “Never keep me waiting. If I had a paddle, I’d turn you over my knee and spank you”

  Ooh! Yes please.

  I picked up the role of Naughty School Girl with consummate ease.

  “You could always apply your rod to my seat of knowledge.” I winked.

  “A fit punishment for keeping me waiting.” He then proceeded to turn me over his knee for a sound spanking.

  My ass tingled, hot and smarting, and that heat blazed through me. Then he massaged my stinging cheeks, soothing the pain. His hands roamed farther with each pass over my curves, until his fingers stroked over the folds of my pussy, exciting me in a way I’d never experienced.

  I wriggled in his grasp, turning over on his lap to face him. The hurt within had been burned away by the flames of desire, and I was eager to taste the man that was mine. I pressed my breasts against his chest, sliding my knee dangerously close to his rock hard cock as I straddled his thighs. With our lips trapped in a searing kiss and his fingers teasing my nipples, I wrapped his shaft in my fingers, pumping on the piston of his dick. He twitched beneath me, and I smiled against his lips.

  “Like that?”

  He could not answer, he only groaned.

  Then I slipped from his lap to kneel in front of him. Slowly, I licked the length of my palm and fingers then encircled his cock again. Adam’s eyes rolled closed as I slid my hand downward and took the tip of his shaft into my mouth. I pulled back up and then off, to a chorus of pants and sighs from Adam. He tangled his fingers in my hair when I licked his swollen head, and then I swallowed him down again. Adam’s fingers clenched into knots, his thighs muscles tight.

  “N-no,” he groaned. “No one comes until you do.”

  He loosed his fingers from my hair and guided me up onto his lap again. My knees to either side of his hips, I hovered above his dick, enjoying the way the smooth, round head slid through my cunt honey and up into me.

  I clutched the sofa, my fingers clenched along the back edge as Adam took hold of my hips and guided my pussy down the length of his shaft. I moaned, eyes rolling as he filled my walls and the tip of his cock once more throbbed against my G spot. My hips bucked against him in wild abandon as he pushed them down and he drove upward into me. Sweat trickled down the small of my back and glistened on his cheeks.

  Adam toppled me over onto my back and on top of the sofa cushions. His sweat-covered chest glided past my eyes as he rose above me. Anticipation welled within, and I didn’t have to wait long. One finger on my clit and the other hand guiding his cock, Adam rode the length of my crease, spreading the slick moisture, teasing all my sensitive points until I twitched and moaned.

  “Please,” I begged. “Make me come, Adam!”

  I didn’t have to ask twice. He pressed his swollen cock fully into me and then quickly out while his finger worked small circles on the tingling bud of my clit. I couldn’t feel anything other than the pleasure he gave. Writhing in ecstasy, I rocked with him, echoing the rhythm of his hips until an orgasm curled my toes and I cried his name aloud.

  Exhausted and shaking in the aftershocks of bliss, I curled onto Adam’s lap. He wrapped me in his arms, stroking my hair and caressing my cheek.

  In the freedom of knowing Adam cared for me, I surrendered completely to the passion we shared. The orgasm had been so powerful, all I felt was the waves of pleasure flooding me, and I had no idea if Adam had actually shared that same release.

  “Please tell me,” I panted. “That you came this time, too.”

  Adam smiled, a soft tender expression. “Yes, I did.” And then, he affected a scholarly tone as he said, “And thus ends our first lesson in love.”

  I sighed, looking into his blue eyes. “I believe, that you are a subject I would like to study for the rest of my life.”

  “I’ve always wanted,” Adam kissed me once more, “to find someone who would be my partner in the pursuit of knowledge.”

  “Then I’m your girl.”

  Wrapped in new love, wrapped in each other, we knew that the Reference Section of that library would never be the same.




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