Inevitable (Colombian Cartel Book 3)

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Inevitable (Colombian Cartel Book 3) Page 13

by Suzanne Steele

  Chapter Twenty Five

  “You really need to stop wiggling so much or I might lose my grip on this rope.” Victor looked over the side of the building where he had William Briggs hanging upside down by nothing but a rope tied to one of his ankles.

  Victor swung the rope back and forth with ease while Briggs did his best not to move a muscle. He didn’t want the crazed man holding the rope to drop him.

  “Victor, stop being so mean,” Valentina said. “The poor guy pissed his pants. Isn’t that embarrassing enough?”

  Victor looked back over his shoulder at Valentina. “We need to know this guy will never talk. If we scare the shit out of him then he’ll know we mean business.”

  “Oh, so scaring the piss out of him isn’t good enough?”

  “Well, my arm is getting tired.”

  “Noooooooo! Please I’ll do anything, just don’t drop me!”

  “You sure you can keep your mouth shut, Briggs-y boy?” Victor yelled as he leaned over the edge, letting the rope slip a little as he did so.

  “Yes. Please just get me back on solid ground.”

  “And you’ll help us with the FCC and any other shit we need?”

  “Yes. Anything!”

  Victor pulled him up with ease, and tossed him onto the roof where the terrified man promptly got sick. He sauntered over to Briggs and stood over him, regarding him coolly. “The only reason you’re alive tonight is because of my fiancé and my father. If you fuck up, I’ll toss your ass off this same roof and everybody will think you jumped. Your wife will be husbandless and broke—insurance doesn’t pay off when it’s suicide. One more thing: stay away from my woman. Don’t even think about her. And find your own way home, asshole.”

  Valentina waited to speak until they were all back in the van. “You are so mean, Victor. You made that guy pee his pants. You’re like a schoolyard bully.”

  His face looked like hewn granite as he cut his eyes at her. “Maybe so. But I bet I won’t have to worry about him bothering my woman again.”

  She had seen a side of Victor tonight that was far crueler than she ever expected he could be. It was one thing to put a gun to someone’s head and pull the trigger—that was brutal, but the way he had toyed with Briggs tonight was like a game of cat and mouse. She thought back to the time she’d caught her cat with a mouse when she was a little girl. He’d toss it up in the air and allow it to run away only to catch it again, each time giving it false hope that it would get away. Systematically the cat would wear its opponent down until each attempt to escape took more energy. At one point, she’d even tried to save the little guy but her cat had grabbed its prey and taken off into the woods where her shouts of reproof went unheard, or more like ignored.

  She’d felt like that tonight—like Victor was the tomcat toying with the mouse at his mercy, teasing it with promises of freedom and then threats of death with a little humiliation thrown in for good measure. It didn’t get any more humiliating than a grown man so weak that he pissed his pants, at the mercy of an alpha male.

  There were times during the hour-long escapade she had feared for William Briggs’ life. But her panties were beyond soaked so Victor’s schoolyard bully routine had been its own form of foreplay. The danger, the power, and the control he’d exuded had been a turn-on. She was as fucked up as he was. All the fighting she’d been doing against him was because she enjoyed bringing out the beast in that beautiful man.

  “You’re staring.”

  She was glad he couldn’t see the blush that crept up her neck. Tonight she had seen a more intense side of Victor – and of herself. She had enjoyed watching him indulge his darkness. She settled her guilt down to a dull roar by reminding herself that Briggs wouldn’t even be alive if it weren’t for her. Dull roar or not, it didn’t change the fact that she had seen herself for who she truly was tonight…a beauty in love with her sexy beast.

  They pulled into the driveway and were allowed to pass beyond the tall security gate at the entrance to the Ramirez estate. As the car rolled up the long driveway, smaller homes dotted the property in the distance. The main house was a plantation-style mansion, immense with wrap-around porches on the top and bottom floors. If one didn’t know better, one could be forgiven for thinking the Ramirez men were heavily involved in the horse racing that fueled the local tourist industry. The property had the feel of a grand horse farm with its lush green lawn, rolling pastures bordered by woods, and beautifully manicured flower beds.

  They parked in front of the house, next to a fountain that emptied into a koi pond. As soon as the car came to a stop, Valentina jumped out and headed for the front steps, determined to go straight to her room and not his. Ricardo had given her a suite in the main house when she first arrived and right now she was on a mission to avoid Victor’s all-knowing gaze. She sped past the table in the center of the foyer that held a crystal vase full of the usual fresh flowers. Normally, she would have stopped to enjoy the scent of the fresh blooms, but not today.

  She was inches away from the staircase and freedom when she felt a hand grip her elbow, stopping her in her tracks.

  “Not. So. Fast. Where do you think you’re going?” Victor demanded to know as he started up the stairs, dragging her along behind him. He led her down the hall to his suite of rooms. When she was safely inside the room, he closed and locked the door.

  “I’m sleeping in my room tonight.” She folded her arms across her chest to convey a confidence she didn’t feel.

  He prowled toward her and she felt small and delicate as he towered over her.

  “Your place is here with me. I shouldn’t have to remind you of that.”

  “And yours is in a fucking zoo. That was ridiculous, what you did to that man tonight.”

  He pinned her against the wall, burying his face in her neck, letting her scent fill his nostrils. He slid his hand up the inside of her thigh, past her silky thigh-highs and garter belt, until his fingers slid between her legs and pushed her panties aside.

  “Don’t get mad at me because your pussy gets wet when you see power. It’s normal for people like you and me to get off on dominance and submission.”

  “You’re nothing but a bully.” Her breathing was labored even though she was trying to hide it. There would be no hiding from Victor, tonight or ever. He knew her well because he made it a point to know her. He was always watching her, always studying her. Learning her.

  “No, you’re the cock tease who got Briggs in trouble. Then when you watched me deal with him, you got all hot and bothered…and wet. Now you're mad at yourself for being turned on when I defended your honor. I’m still mad at you for saving that little wimp’s life. How are you going to make it up to me?” He was breathing in her ear as he spoke in a hoarse whisper; the softness of it was raising goosebumps up and down her neck.

  She raised her eyes to his and reached for his belt buckle. Sliding the length of leather through the buckle, she knelt at his feet and unfastened his pants, lowering the zipper so slowly that he growled at her impatiently. Suppressing a smile, she lowered his pants just enough to take his cock out and admire it. She stroked the hard length with one hand and cupped his balls with the other.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. He had never let her take the lead before so she was going to take full advantage of the element of surprise.

  As she pumped his cock with one hand, she ducked her head down and licked him with the flat of her tongue, starting at his taint and working her way up to the base of his cock, taking time to suck his balls into her mouth one at a time, rolling them around with her tongue as she sucked. She pressed kisses up the length of his shaft, making steady progress to her goal: the drop of pre-cum that shimmered along the slit at the tip. She reached it with the tip of her tongue, humming with pleasure as his flavor filled her mouth.

  “Dammit, woman, what are you--”

  “Ah-ah-ah…” Valentina shook her head and repeated the taint-to-tip lick once more before pulling him all the way into he
r mouth until the bell end of his cock slid against the back of her throat. She sucked his cock long and hard, pumping the base with her free hand and stroking his balls with the other.

  Victor’s hips moved of their own volition, instinctively moving in tandem with her mouth as he let the wave of heat radiate from his cock to his lower back. Shit, he was going to cum like some over-anxious rookie if he didn’t stop her. But he couldn’t muster the will to call a halt to her oral assault on his cock and balls. It just felt too fucking good. So, he took her head in his hands and took over, fucking her mouth with abandon, and falling for her even harder when she didn’t resist but instead took everything he gave her as if she were starving for him.

  He held her head still and pumped in and out of her mouth, never taking his eyes away from the action. Fuck, but her lips looked sweet wrapped around him. He’d known they would from the first time he saw her. She had waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention when they were introduced because he couldn’t stop staring at her lips, couldn’t stop imagining them hard at work taking his cock, pushing and pulling on his meat as she worked him into a frenzy. Talk about awkward; it had been obvious that she knew exactly what he’d been thinking about. But he had met her amused stare with a heated one of his own, making no secret of his intention of turning that fantasy into reality, sooner rather than later.

  But even more than he wanted a blowjob, he wanted to be deep inside her when he shot his load, so he pulled out of her mouth with a low, frustrated moan. “Fuuuck, you gotta stop, baby.”

  With a pout, she pulled away, licking those red, swollen lips. “Why?”

  “Because I want in you again. Now, how about you turn around and palm that wall while I fuck you from behind?” He turned her around so quickly, she had no choice but to do what he wanted because it was what she wanted, too.

  He slid her panties down and pushed his pants down past his hips until they pooled around his ankles. She wanted to claw the paint off the wall when he pushed inside her until he was fully seated from root to tip. He was balls deep, buried in her and playing with her clit while she palmed the wall. It felt so good that she felt a pleasurable, tingling sensation starting low in her abdomen, like her damn ovaries were in overdrive.

  “You and I are so fucking good together,” he groaned as he moved inside her.

  Her body was on board with that statement as the tingle became a slow burn and she climaxed so hard that her knees felt weak. He supported her with one muscled arm around her waist as he shuddered and unloaded hot jets of cum deep inside her.

  Maybe tonight would be the night his son would be conceived. Smiling at the thought, he picked her up and carried her over to the bed.

  Slowly he undressed her and went to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth. He cleaned her up with a tenderness she had never seen in him before. She could hear him moving around in the room as she lay half asleep with the sheet draped loosely over her waist.

  Valentina drifted off to sleep with Victor’s big, strong arms wrapped tight around her. She knew it took more discipline and control for him to not kill Briggs tonight than it would have taken for him to empty his Glock into him and walk away. Everything he had done tonight had been for her. All the ugly rage and humiliation he had unleashed on Briggs had been because of her.

  Oh, how she loved her beautiful, damaged beast.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Every day that went by, Maria felt more cooped up and restless than the day before. She’d stirred up all the gossip and trouble that she could, so now she was bored and nobody was speaking to her. The way she saw it, everybody had an addiction and hers was drama. At least she was woman enough to own it—no denial there.

  She’d be the first one to admit she loved the adrenalin high of being right smack dab in the middle of trouble. Like a magnet, trouble followed her everywhere she went. It was one of the reasons her boss, Diego, was so intent on watching over her. He almost felt a big brother type feeling toward her and nothing was going to change those dynamics.

  If the man was anything, he was loyal. He considered every woman who worked for him to be his responsibility. It was one of the reasons he didn’t hire just anybody. Diego carefully considered every hiring decision because throwing people under the bus was something he wasn’t capable of doing. His employees loved him for it and his woman, Brook, respected him for it. Though he didn’t know it, the Ramirez brothers respected him too. The brothers knew that true loyalty was harder to come by than ever.

  Maria had tossed around the idea of sneaking out, but up until today there hadn’t been an opportunity. But today had potential. It was a rare day when everybody seemed to be busy doing their own thing and nobody was hovering. Now…with the opportunity staring her in the face, she couldn’t resist.

  She took one more look out the window at the parking lot and when she was convinced no one was out there, she grabbed her phone and climbed through the window before she could change her mind.

  The cool air on her face was invigorating and she had a spring in her step for the first time in a good while. Other than the occasional catcalls from passing drivers or the johns slowing down to get a better look at the blue-haired beauty, nothing seemed out the ordinary.

  She was beginning to question her suspicion of Santiago following her. Maybe it had been paranoia after all. With all the talk of serial killers and Sinaloan vendettas, anybody would be forgiven for being a little paranoid. She was surrounded by cartel and it was enough to make even the drama queen nervous sometimes.

  She turned the corner and stepped into a small neighborhood convenience store to get a drink and some chips. Yeah, it felt good to be free.

  A girl can only take so much of four walls. I don’t know how Brook does it. Diego’s dick must be something else.

  “How you doin’ tonight?” The man behind the counter greeted her, breaking into her wandering thoughts about captivity and Diego’s dick.

  “Fabulous. The night air feels great. It’s a wonderful night for a stroll.”

  “That, it is. Let me know if you need help with anything.”

  The overly friendly cashier smiled, revealing tobacco-stained teeth. He eyed the blue-haired beauty with a mix of lust and intrigue. The blue hair, combat boots with stiletto heels, and the short skirt with a chain loosely hung around her hips, was a look that really worked for her. Where another woman might look like a social outcast, this girl was truly beautiful. Not that he was a fashion connoisseur but he was a man, after all, and he knew beauty when he saw it. Hmm, maybe if she knew I own this store, she might be a little more interested. I am quite the catch, his overly confident ego assured him.

  Maria ignored his hungry gaze, but threw a little extra swing into her hips as she made her way to the back of the store. She bit her lip as she considered the wall of refrigerated beverages in the back. She decided on an energy drink and was headed one aisle over to get a bag of chips when all hell broke loose at the front of the store.

  “Open the fucking register!” a frantic voice bellowed.

  She slumped down around a corner and out of view. Peeping around a snack display rack, she saw a man standing in front of the register with a gun pointed at the cashier. Maria closed her eyes and prayed. God, please don’t let him say anything about a customer being in the back. She was glad she hadn’t been rude to him when she noticed him staring at her.

  Note to self: Maybe being nice isn’t so overrated after all. I’ll be working on that one.

  “Are you shitting me?!” Diego bellowed in disbelief.

  “I wouldn’t shit, er, I mean, kid, about something like this, sir.”

  “Crush, how the hell did she get past you?” Diego glared up at the massive wall of muscle who served as a bouncer and bodyguard for The Club. Knowing how shrewd Maria could be, Diego was certain she’d outwitted the guy somehow. Outwitting the bodyguards was entertainment for these girls.

  If anybody understood the battle of the sexes that had been
going on throughout the ages and still raged at The Club, it was Diego. It didn’t matter how highly trained the men were, they would never be immune to female wiles. Sometimes there was strength in numbers, but not against his Club girls.

  “Her bedroom window is open, so she must have climbed out. It’s been quiet around here, everybody kinda’ off doing their own thing.”

  “If it’s been quiet then, yeah, Maria’s not around. Hell, I should have picked up on it for just that reason. They’re just like fucking kids, Crush. When the women around here get too quiet, they’re up to something and you need to haul ass and check it out. You’d do well to remember that.”

  He shook his head with frustration before continuing. “You’d think the girl could stay in for a few fucking days. It’s not like I asked her to cut off her arm or sell off a pair of her precious shoes.” Diego shook his head again and pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated at having to deal with unnecessary bullshit.

  Maria could stir up more trouble in one night than the rest of the women put together. He wondered sometimes why he didn’t just fire her, but he knew he never would. If she didn’t have him to look after her, she would be in trouble. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to one of his women because he dropped the ball or wasn’t on top of his game. Alicia may have been on her own time when she was murdered, but he would never stop wondering what he could have done to have averted the tragedy. And he wasn’t going to allow it to happen again.

  “So, what do we do, boss?”

  “We wait. There’s a tracking device on her phone.” Somewhere in the back of Diego’s mind he had known she was going to do this, and that he’d need to anticipate it and be ready to deal with it. He still managed to be surprised by how impulsive she was. For a girl like Maria, it was hell to be on lockdown. Knowing her, she’d go for a walk and show up later tonight. Keeping up with the Club girls meant always staying two steps ahead of them. He was good at it, but this time one had gotten away from him.


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