SeaLand, 176
séances in Amityville haunted house, 25, 26–27, 29
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
Giuliani steps up to leadership, 120, 246–49
Ground Zero, 113, 121–23
hearing about, 113–14
images of World Trade Center towers, 114, 118, 119, 120
interviews of people with missing relatives, 118–19
New York City is closed, 114–16
patriotism swelling up from, 123
small motorboat takes Scott to Manhattan, 116
smoke rising from Ground Zero, 115, 116, 120
WPIX newsroom, 116–20
Shakel, Michael, 45
shootings and other violence
Kennedy assassination, 10, 85, 85–89
King assassination, 108–12
Lennon murder, 100–102
McDonald’s massacre, San Ysidro, California, 39–43
in Mississippi, 105–7
Scott and his murderous pen pals, 276–79
in Tennessee, 108–9, 110–11
See also criminals; terrorism and terrorists Simms, Phil, 219, 220–22
Sinatra, Frank, 9, 10, 209
Sinatra, Tina, 9
S is for staring (CLASP interview technique), 206
Sitzman, Marilyn, 87
six-day war between Israel and Egypt, 127–28
Sixteenth Round, The (Carter), 263
Skouras, Spyros, 177–78
Smash His Camera (HBO documentary), 268
Smith, Walter, 49–50, 51
Song to Remember, A (film), 251–52
space program
overview, 80
Apollo space program, 73–76
deaths of Grissom, Chaffee, and White, 73–75
Journalist-in-Space program, 79–80
Kennedy’s commitment to, 71
man on the moon, 75–76
reporters at Cape Canaveral for launches, 72–73
Space Shuttle Columbia, 77–79
Viking spacecraft communications system, 95
Stans, Maurice, 177
Starr, Ringo, 98, 102. See also Beatles, the
Stavisky, Leonard, 184, 186
Stevenson, Adlai, 272
Strawberry Fields, Central Park, New York City, tribute to John Lennon, 101–2
Suez, Egypt, 128–32
Talbert, Alarik, 159
Taylor, Elizabeth, 235
television news
overview, x, xi
alcoholic suspended for being intoxicated three times, 82
Cronkite’s legacy, 219–20
film developing process, 257
fugitives walking into studio to talk, 58
getting the story no matter what, 257–58
as life-story-telling opportunity, 254
newsroom during Kennedy assassination, 10
Tennessee, racial hatred and violence in, 108–9, 110–11
Teresa, Vincent, 269
terrorism and terrorists
Pan Am 103 bombing, 170–71
TWA Flight 847 hostage situation, 256
See also Palestine Liberation
Organization; September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; shootings and other violence
Tito, Josip, 220
Tong, Kaity, 119
Tram Knar, Cambodia, 137–38
Trenton State Penitentiary, 63
Truman, Harry, 280
Trump, Donald, 203
Trupp, Mike, 178, 179
TWA 800 crash over the Atlantic Ocean, 171–73
TWA Flight 847 hostage claimed by The Today Show producer, 256
TWA flight in collision over New York City, 81–84
Twain, Mark, 34–35
Twin Towers, New York City, 122. See also September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Two Women (film), 224
United Airlines jetliner in collision over New York City, 81, 81–84
Updike, Amy, 159
Ventola, Richard Louis, 55–57
Very Different Love Story, A (Pugach and Pugach), 6
Vessel Exchange Act provision, Maritime Acts (1960 and 1965), 175–76
Vietnam War, 133–34
Viking spacecraft RCA Space Center, New Jersey, 95
violence. See criminals; shootings and other violence; terrorism and terrorists; war
Wagner, Al, 59–60
Walsh, Charlie, 11 bank discovers error and files grand larceny charges, 14
bank error gives him $100,000 in 1978, 11–12
bank’s settles for Walsh’s remaining assets, 19
caught in Portland, Oregon, 17–18
extradition via first flight in his life, 18–19
as local celebrity, 19–20
neighbor interviews, 14
road trip he’s always wanted, 14–17
Walsh withdraws money, 12–14
Pol Pot’s war crimes exposed, 140
reporting on, 127, 133
six-day war between Israel and Egypt, 127–28
Vietnam War, 133–34
War of Attrition between Egypt and Israel, 128–32
See also Cambodia
War of the Worlds, The (Welles), 90, 90–95
Warren, Ed, 28
Warren, Lorraine, 26–27, 28, 29
Waterman Steamship Corporation, 176–77
Watkins, Jim, 166
Weber, William, 28, 29–30, 279–80
wedding, Pugach and Riis, 5
Weicker, Lowell, 177
Welles, H.G., 91
Welles, Orson, 90, 90–95
West Virginia, Kennedy campaigning in, 8–9
Whartman, Len, 127
White, Edward, 73–75, 281
Wiesel, Elie, 238–41, 242
Williams, Doug, 45
Willis, Peter (attorney), 61, 63
Wilson farm, Grover’s Mill, New Jersey, 93, 94
Winborn, Rev. Conrad, 75
“witness” was actually the perpetrator, 259
Wojtowicz, John “Dog Day,” 226–28
Wolfe, Thomas, 213
Wonder, Stevie, 288
working the street, 200, 200–202
Yeager, Chuck, 212, 212–14
Zapruder, Abraham, 86–88, 89
Zapruder, Lillian, 88
Zapruder film of Kennedy’s assassination, 85, 87, 88–89
Zigo, Eddie, 276–78
Zimmerman, Isadore, 65, 65–67
Zorin, Valerian, 272
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