“I’ll walk you out,” Kris said.
“No. Please. You two carry on staring each other down. I know my way.” She sighed. “Crazy humans.”
“Say what?” Nick asked with a laugh.
“What is the point of this?” She waved the card.
“Why did you just call us humans like you aren’t one?”
“Forget it.” She dragged her hair back with one rough hand, a mocking smile at the corner of her mouth. She tossed the card down and rose. “Merry Christmas, gentlemen.”
“Wait.” Nick shot to his feet.
“Nick,” Kris said. “Let her go.”
“You honestly want that?” Nick demanded. “Just let her go and forget it? Another chance—a serious chance—gone?”
“It isn’t that.”
“She’s not running, Kris. Not unless you keep playing your asshole card.”
Kris reared back. He gritted his teeth, swearing softly.
“Now be nice,” Nick said. “Noelle, wait.”
She turned back, a fire burning in her icy eyes. Seeing her fearlessly face off against them, Nicholas felt something very male in him run possessively hot. He and Kris stood around six-two. She barely came up to Nick’s chin in her boots. She’d be so easy to put over his shoulder, to tie down and—
“I’m sorry if we made you uncomfortable,” Kris offered.
“Look,” she said, “You guys are the bosses around these parts. I don’t know the rules of whatever game you’re playing here. So I’ll go somewhere less conflicted.”
“We’re not conflicted,” Nick said. “Stop. Please.”
She just waved over her shoulder.
Nick looked beyond the windows. The gray morning had shifted into a winter wonderland without him noticing.
He looked at the snow rapidly coating everything. Kris looked to him, sheer panic in his dark eyes. Kris played everything so close, so reserved. But what he saw in Kris’ eyes ran easily as deep as his own desire. And the object of said desire was about to walk out.
He approached Noelle as she stuffed her computer in a case that had seen better days and laid a careful hand over hers.
“Wait,” he said, his voice low and soft.
She practically froze in place.
“This is new for us,” he said.
“That’s not the word around town.”
“Gossips.” Nick swore under his breath. “Well, if you’re listening to the word on the street, you kinda have an idea what we’re asking, right?”
She tipped her face up and he fell headfirst into her eyes. He’d never seen eyes so clear and pale, like a swirling snow blotting out almost any hint of color.
“To stay and…be with you,” she said, her voice husky. “With both of you.”
His dick turned to rock, imagining she sounded the same right after a screaming orgasm.
“With both of us,” he said.
Kris came to stand at his side. “Stay.”
“Please stay.”
Chapter Three
Oh my, the rumors were true.
“I thought maybe you both found me attractive—”
“We do,” Kris said quickly. “Believe me.”
She turned her head just enough to see them from the corner of her eye. What would they look like naked? How would their skin feel? Not silky and smooth like elfin men, she knew. Coarse, dark hair ran along Nick’s forearms, thinning to a sprinkle over his hands. Kris, though, had no visible arm hair. Human men had hair elsewhere, though. Legs, chests… groins. Her mouth ran dry.
His warm breath skated across her cheek and she jolted away. Alone with two men and, as the old song went, the weather outside was frightful. One look at the building snow and she realized she might be walking home after this business finished.
Nick skimmed a finger along her cheek. “What is this expression? I’d pay good money to know what you’re thinking about right now.”
“Noelle?” Kris asked warily. “Are you staying?”
She suppressed the need to soothe the worry she heard in his voice. It startled her to realize in nine months of small talk and wistful admiration she’d come to like them. To care about them.
Nick’s fingers just barely touched her neck and she shivered.
“Did you hope to say more than Merry Christmas?” Nick asked, the heat of him close enough to melt her. “Maybe yes to my invitation?”
“Please say yes.”
Her eyes widened as Kris shifted, trapping her between them. He skimmed his knuckles along her cheek, his fingers stroking along her jaw.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you,” Kris said, “since I first saw you in the spring. Never thought green hair would do it for me.”
He looked to the ceiling with a short laugh, but not before she saw another hint of nerves. Maybe two men at one time was more of the wild side than some women thought they could handle, but she couldn’t find a single objection. Not when they touched her so gently. Her pulse rocked to think of four hands and two mouths roaming her body, wondering how they would touch her when they forgot to be so careful. When they knew for sure she wouldn’t run.
“You should kiss me then,” she said. “You’ve waited long enough.”
A shudder ripped through Kristian’s body. He captured her face in his hands, gripping too hard for just an instant, drawing her to her toes. Firm lips molded hers, urged her mouth to open and take his tongue. She moved to put her arms around him, a surge of unexpected excitement racing through her when she couldn’t. Nick held her wrists at her back, his hold tightening as she tried to pull free. She whimpered as his mouth nipped her bare shoulder, his tongue comforting the slight sting before moving to her throat. Kris kept right on devouring her mouth. A raw moan escaped her and Kris pulled away, chest heaving. Nick released her, stuffing his hands into the back pockets of his jeans as he put some distance between them.
Their touches and warmth faded, the loss striking deep inside her.
“This is your last chance to walk out the door, Noelle,” Kris said, his voice rough. “Now you have an idea what we want.”
“Stay the night,” Nick said, “and we’ll give you all the pleasure you can take.”
“On our terms,” Kris added.
“You’ll…hold me down?” Her entire body tingled at the thought.
“Tie you down,” Nick said.
“Tie me down?” Her breath caught. She’d never imagined being bound for her lover. Being bound for two? Heat flooded her breasts, arrowed down to her thighs and the moist heat between them.
“And up. Over. Around. How flexible are you?”
She laughed, clamping a hand over her mouth. A look back at Nick showed his hazel eyes dancing with mischief and hope. Kristian’s dark chocolate gaze gave nothing away now. He’d played his cards, as the human saying went, and let Nick tease her.
“There’s more,” Nick promised. “So much more.”
Nick trapped her hands once again, this time in just one of his own. He spun her against him. She sucked in a breath as her breasts collided with his harder chest. He scooped her hair into one hand, tugging until her head dropped back for his kiss. Struggling against his hold provoked a devilish grin from him and his grip tightened just to the edge of pain. He took her open mouth like a conqueror. Noelle closed her eyes, intent on memorizing the different tastes and feels of the two men. Nick’s rougher jaw offset his softer lips, but he matched Kris in skill, leaving her gasping for breath.
“Okay, now’s your last chance.” He kissed her forehead and let go.
One night and you walk away. You don’t get these feelings forever.
No, but she could keep the memories.
“Come upstairs with us, Noelle,” Kris said, his tone wavering between plea and command.
She had to say yes, right? Kristian sweated the answer to the question. Noelle seemed to have enjoyed the dual attention, even laughed at Nick’s full disclosure of what they wante
d from her.
“You understand what we’re asking, right?” He had to know for sure. He hated asking again, but the last thing he wanted for Christmas morning were regrets and recriminations.
Noelle cocked her head with a smile. “Bondage. And a … what do you call it? Ménage à trois?”
“What do we call it?” Kristian sputtered.
“Don’t mind him,” Nick said. “Kris hasn’t wrapped his feeble brain around the idea you might say yes.”
“Oh, and you have, right?” Kris snorted.
“I don’t really know you,” she said. She had a faint accent, Kris noticed. Something lilting and hinting of foreign origins.
He swept a heavy arm toward the door. “It’s open. Just go.”
“Why are you so certain I’ll say no, Kris?”
“They always do. It’s a risk, I suppose. What if it’s awful? Where do you go for coffee then?”
“If it’s anything like the kisses, I’m looking forward to your idea of awful.”
He had a terrible feeling his every thought and emotion showed in his face, so he looked anywhere but at her. “You change the entire atmosphere here whenever you walk through the door. Ask Nick, he’ll tell you. But I’ve never said anything, because in my mind you always say no.”
His neck cracked, he turned so quickly back to her.
“Maybe I’m looking to be accepted as I am, too. So the answer is yes,” she said.
Deep pink color overflowed her lips to the pale skin surrounding, territorial tracks from their kisses. She smiled and he nearly snatched her up. Damn, he hoped he could let her go in the morning and not cry like a baby for her to stay.
“Are you sure?” he rasped.
“Are you trying to talk me out of it?” she asked.
“No,” he said. “Hell, no. Nick, lock the doors.”
“Already on it.”
Kris crossed to Noelle, reaching for her hand. She flushed when he placed a lingering kiss against her palm. Fascinated by the hint of innocence, he followed the warm color with his lips. With his hands, he found her breasts, just enough to fill his hands and one hundred percent woman. Beneath her green sweater, he felt only skin. Her breath caught as he dragged his thumbs slowly across her nipples, the tender tips peaking beneath his touch.
“So soft and sweet,” he said against her cheek. He squeezed gently. “I’m going to tie these up, too.”
Noelle made a soft sound, firing his blood.
“You liked it when Nick held your hands, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” she murmured.
“You liked the helplessness.”
“I didn’t know I would.”
“Pleasure is sneaky like that.”
Nick slid up behind her, pressing in close until Kris could feel Noelle’s racing heartbeat against his chest.
“We should take this upstairs,” Nick said. “Where casual eyes aren’t likely to stop for the demonstration.”
“Yes,” Noelle whispered. “Please.”
“Race you upstairs.” Nick grinned and took off.
With a laughing curse, Kris scooped Noelle up in his arms and ran after Nick. She let out a surprised cry, her arms wrapping hard around his neck and shoulders.
“I can walk,” she said with a laugh.
“We won’t make it if I don’t keep my hands busy,” Kris said.
Nick fumbled with the keys to the apartment, laughing and panting
“C’mon, c’mon,” Kris urged, already so turned on he could barely see straight.
“I got it.”
The key slid home, making Kris think of slipping his aching cock inside Noelle. With shaking hands, Nick turned the key and opened the door wide. Kris carried Noelle in and Nick laughed to see her holding on for dear life.
“Afraid he’ll drop you, beautiful?”
Kris snorted. She had some sweet curves, thank God, but she couldn’t weigh more than a buck forty or so.
Nick locked the door behind him and damn near ran to join them in the living room. Kris had his eyes on a high, padded bench. More than once they’d fantasized about taking a woman there. Bound and spread open like a sacrifice.
“Shit, Kris,” Nick said. “Get a move on, or I’m gonna lose it before the fun even starts.”
Kris set Noelle down, letting her slide along his body. A riot of color bloomed in her cheeks, her pale eyes dilating.
“I want you naked,” he said.
“Right now,” Nick seconded, spinning her around.
Nick took the bottom of her sweater and pulled up.
Kris ran his hands over her satiny skin. Her breasts popped free and unrestrained, plump weights begging to be touched. He cupped them like an offering and Nick accepted, his lips closing over one pebbled nipple, his cheeks hollowing as he sucked hard. Noelle arched back into Kris. He dropped one hand to her hip and pulled her tight against his erection as Nick teased and tortured her beautiful breasts.
“So sweet,” he said. “You need to taste her, Kris. She’s sugar and spice.”
“But not too nice,” Kris said against her ear. “Just naughty enough for us.”
He let his hands wander. One found the ripe curve of her ass while the other settled between her thighs.
Noelle moaned, low and helpless.
Chapter Four
“You still have too many clothes on, beautiful,” Nick said.
As one, they picked her up and sat her on the bench. Kneeling at her feet, each unlaced a boot and pulled it away. Socks and jeans followed. Red satin panties stood as her last line of defense.
“We’ll leave these for now, I think. Kris?”
“For now. I believe we have some rope to match.” He grinned wickedly. Reaching out, he tweaked one nipple. “I can’t wait to bind these beauties.”
Noelle swallowed hard, a shudder running through her whole body.
“You still with us, beautiful?” Nick asked, cupping her cheek.
She leaned into the touch, turning to kiss his palm.
Kristian disappeared to another room, returning a few moments later with several lengths of shiny red rope. The men worked in tandem, and she felt like the central prop in an elaborate dance. Nick pulled her arms behind her, bent at the elbows so her forearms crossed the width of her back. Lips followed hands as they moved her into position.
Ropes wrapped above and below her breasts, then hooked around her neck and between them, looping around and tightening. The pressure made her aware of each breath she took, sensation arcing through her bound flesh with each expansion of her rib cage. Her breasts thrust forward, framed in red.
“This is called Ushiro Takatekote,” Kris said as he wove the ropes in, out, and around. “It’s noted for both its beauty and comfort.”
“Meaning, we can keep you like this for quite some time,” Nick said. “Our pretty little sex prisoner.”
The men bent to her nipples, at once easing and increasing the heat inside her. Another rope leashed her biceps to each other. Two more wound around her forearms.
Nick and Kris stepped away to admire their work.
An experimental wiggle took her breath, drawing a throaty moan of acquiescence from her.
“That’s right,” Nick said. “You’re all ours.”
“Exquisite,” Kris said. With both hands, he mapped a path of bliss from her neck, through the valley of her breasts, down her abdomen to the heat between her thighs. One finger searched along the satin covering her and found the damp proof of her willing excitement. “Like a gift just waiting to be opened.”
His finger probed, pressing just barely inside her pussy. The friction and slight intrusion drove all thought from her head.
“I know it’s Christmas Eve,” he said, “but I think we can open you early.”
“You should.” She gasped, head dropping back as Kris let his finger wander up and down. Nick moved behind her, sup
porting her as Kris brushed up over her throbbing clit, down to press teasingly into her. “You definitely should.”
“You heard the lady, Nick.”
The world shifted off its axis. They dipped her down onto the bench. The cushioned surface supported her from shoulder to hip. Nick dropped to his knees in front of her hanging head and gathered her hair into a ponytail and carefully wound a rope around it. He kissed her deeply as he anchored it to the legs of the bench on either side. She tried to lift her head, but found she’d been secured as thoroughly here as with her arms and breasts.
“I can’t—”
Nick filled her mouth with his tongue and she forgot all about anything she couldn’t do.
When Nick stood again, heat rushed through her. The bench stood at the perfect height for her to take the cock pressing hard against his jeans into her mouth. Another spasm of desire shook her as Kristian worked her panties off. The men were the same height, which meant her pussy—
“Oh, fuck,” Kris breathed.
Reverent fingers touched her bare mound.
“No hair?” Nick said. “You wicked, wonderful woman.”
“I’m going to eat this naked pussy until you scream, Noelle,” Kris said. Fuck. Not a trace of hair anywhere. She trembled as his breath teased her swollen, glistening core. Her mulled wine scent, stronger here, made his mouth water. He ached for her taste. “But first things first.”
Kris kissed and licked his way along her legs, pausing to tease the backs of her knees, her tender arches. She giggled and squirmed, losing her breath as he firmly pulled her legs wide open. He teased her skin with the edges of the rope, winding it around her thighs and ankles slowly, letting her fully realize her captivity.
Spread wide and utterly helpless, just the way he wanted her.
“How do you feel, Noelle?”
“Amazing.” She groaned softly as they trailed their fingers over her. “Alive.”
“Let’s get our lady ready for us, shall we?” He looked to Nick.
“With pleasure.” Nick sank to his knees and took Noelle’s left nipple in his mouth.
Her body shook, arching up for their touches as much as the ropes allowed.
Kristian worshipped her right nipple and listened to the glorious sounds of pleasure coming from her mouth. She whimpered, moaned, and pleaded, her voice husky and raw. He ran a hand down to her vulnerable pussy and found Nick already there. Eyes meeting, Nick nodded. Together they each slid a finger into her. A growling scream answered their penetration. Kris ran his thumb over her swollen clit.
Their First Noelle Page 2