Loving Ambush [Erotically Yours 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Loving Ambush [Erotically Yours 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 4

by Leah Brooke

“Stop saying things like that. Oh, Mac!” Her pussy clenched on him, the friction of his cock over her inner walls sending her arousal soaring. She couldn’t stop clenching on him, thrilling at the hard thickness moving inside her.

  So full. So hungry for more.

  This was Mac, the man she’d lusted after for months, the man who had women clamoring for his attention.

  He was her friend. Her companion. Her confidant.

  He was the man she couldn’t help falling in love with.

  With his mouth hovering over hers, he began to thrust in earnest, each smooth stroke stealing a little bit more of her heart.

  Her mind.

  Her soul.

  “No. I’m not going to make the mistake of not telling you how I feel ever again. Jesus, those soft cries you make are driving me crazy. I’m never gonna get enough of them—or of you.”

  Jasmine moaned, gripping his shoulders and closing her eyes against the intensity of his gaze.

  “You’re horny. Oh, God. It’s not me. It’s just—oh, God that feels good—just sex.”

  His reaction proved more than she’d bargained for. His movements became rougher, more frenzied, his eyes glittering with anger and frustration.

  “Damn it, Jazz! I’ve waited for you for months. I’ve wanted you for what seems like forever. I spent so many nights with you, tormented because I couldn’t have you, and with my cock so hard it hurt to sit down. Then, I spend half of the night awake with images of you just like this in my head, your body under mine and that look of hunger in your eyes, and you think it’s just because I’m horny?”

  He thrust harder, digging at a sensitive and needy place inside her with ruthless intent, seeming spurred on by each cry of pleasure he elicited from her. “Damn it, woman! I’m going to get through to you no matter what it takes.”

  Jasmine cried out, shocked and delighted at the intense pleasure of having Mac inside her. Every inch of her body trembled as the pleasure inside her mounted. Every muscle quivered under his touch.

  She’d never been so desperate to come. She’d never known herself capable of such all-consuming pleasure, the kind of pleasure that brought every nerve ending in her body to life and made her tingle all the way to her toes.

  Her nipples ached for his tongue, tingling almost unbearably. Her clit throbbed for his attention, feeling swollen and heavy. She couldn’t stop clamping down on his cock, her body thrilling at every firm thrust.

  He felt so solid above her, around her, inside her.

  Incredible. Thrilling. Delicious.

  “Mac. Oh, God. I’ve never felt like—ah!”

  Her orgasm hit her hard, the tingling heat spreading from her slit outward with a speed and force that left her shaken and clinging to him for support. Hot, sizzling waves of it washed over her, cresting with a sublime pleasure that left her breathless and trembling.

  When her world spun around her, she held on to the only solid thing in it—him.

  Mac thrust faster, his words coming faster with each thrust. “Yes. Come, Jazz. Come for me. I want it. I need it. I want it all from you.” With a groan, he went back on his heels, yanking her against him. Cupping her bottom, he moved her on his cock before bending her back over his arm and taking a nipple between his lips and nibbling at it.

  Stunned by the sensation of being impaled on his cock and the jolt of intense heat from her nipple to her clit, Jasmine cried out, shocked and a little alarmed when another wave hit her. Hearing his hoarse cry of completion, she gripped him tighter as the pleasure rolled through her, destroying her inhibitions along the way.

  His body tensed and began to shake, the satisfaction in his deep groans igniting a maelstrom of sensations inside her.

  Screaming his name, she came again, hardly able to recognize herself as the woman pleading with Mac for more.

  She held on to him as he lowered her to the bed, whimpering in distress when he untangled her arms from around his neck and rose above her.

  No longer able to hide, she felt vulnerable and cold under his sharp stare.

  Still struggling to draw enough air into her lungs, she tried to cover herself as the inhibitions came rushing back.

  “Mac, don’t look at me. Turn off the light.”

  Instead, he flattened his hand over her abdomen, his eyes glittering with emotion so raw it made her stomach clench. “I would love to have been the man to plant a child inside you.”

  Nothing he could have said would have surprised her more. Her stomach muscles quivered as his firm strokes moved higher, brushing her hand aside as he continued to her breasts.

  Lowering himself over her again, he warmed her body with his again, kissing her long and slow and with a tenderness that brought tears to her eyes. He held her until her tremors eased, swallowing her low moans and whimpers as she made the slow descent back to earth.

  Dizzy from his kisses and lethargic from her orgasms, Jasmine sighed when he lifted his head, not bothering to open her eyes. “Mac, I don’t think—”

  With a groan, Mac dropped his head on the pillow next to her. “Good. Don’t think. You wore me out and I’m too damned drained to argue with you.”

  Lifting his head, he dropped a quick kiss on her lips before rising and heading for the bathroom. “It’s an argument you’d lose anyway. I’m not about to let you put any distance between us again.”

  As soon as he closed the door behind him, she jumped up and rushed down the hallway toward the other bathroom, grabbing her robe along the way.

  Her legs felt like rubber and she found she had to hold on to the wall a few times, her body still humming, but she finally made it.

  She looked in the mirror, shocked at what she saw. She looked disheveled, her hair a wild, dark tangle. Her eyes looked too big for her face, and still appeared slightly unfocused.

  Her lips, red and swollen from his kisses, still tingled. Still flushed—everywhere—she looked like a woman who’d been well and truly tumbled.

  She turned away from the mirror, her smile falling, and filled with a vulnerability she couldn’t quite overcome.

  She loved Mac, and it terrified her.

  After freshening up, she felt a little more secure. She’d wiped away traces of mascara and dabbed on a little more perfume. She’d brushed her teeth and combed the tangles from her hair, all the while wondering if Mac would still be there when she came out.

  After what they’d just done together, and her overwhelming response to him, she didn’t know how she could ever face him again. She needed some time alone to get her bearings again, but just the thought of him not being there when she came out made her want to cry.

  She’d done it. She’d let him see her weakness for him, something she’d sworn not to do.

  He’d always been kind to her, and would probably let her down gently, coming up with some excuse to never see her again.

  She couldn’t put him through that. She loved him too much to force him to lie to her.

  She couldn’t live with any more lies, and couldn’t bear one from Mac.

  Sucking in a breath, she opened the door to the bathroom, her heart lurching when she heard the soft rustle coming from the bedroom.

  Prepared to find him getting dressed, Jasmine took a deep breath, lifting her chin, and strode down the hall.

  She stopped abruptly at the doorway to her bedroom, her gaze zeroing in on his tight butt as he straightened the covers.

  He’d folded her clothing and his, and had placed them neatly on the chair in the corner. Straightening, he turned and smiled, holding out a hand to her.

  “We made a hell of a mess of the bed. I had to remake it or neither one of us would have had any covers.” He frowned when she sidestepped him. “Something wrong?”

  Jasmine shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed, clasping her hands together to hide the fact that they shook. “Thanks for straightening up in here, Um, you don’t have to stay. I know you never spend the entire night with your dates.”

  Mac’s brow went up
, his eyes flat. “You trying to kick me out? If so, I think it’s only fair to tell you that it’s a waste of time.” Going around the bed, he got in on the other side and turned toward her. “Turn off the light, Jazz. Get some sleep and we’ll talk in the morning.”

  Still in her robe, Jasmine lay stiff and nervous next to Mac, listening to his breathing. She’d been glad he’d stayed, but trying not to brush up against him, and thinking about facing him with morning breath and puffy eyes had her wondering if it wouldn’t be better just to try to stay awake all night.

  His lovemaking, though, had worn her out, and every few minutes she found herself dozing off and jolted herself awake again.

  With a curse, Mac snaked an arm around her waist and yanked her against him. “I can hear those wheels in your head spinning. Everything’ll work out just fine, baby. You always worry too much. Just let me hold you. Go to sleep.”

  Pressed against the hard lines of his body, Jasmine stiffened even more, shivering when he curled around her and his lips touched her ear.

  “You’re going to have to get used to me because I’m not going anywhere. Good night, baby.”

  Lying in silence, Jasmine held herself stiffly, trying not to lean against him. She’d forgotten how it felt to be held in the darkness.

  Her husband had never liked to cuddle, and it had been so long since she’d been held that having Mac spooning her from behind came close to bringing tears to her eyes.

  One by one, her muscles began to relax, the heat pouring from him warming her all the way through until she felt as if even her bones melted.

  If she slept just a little while, she could be up before him in the morning.

  It appeared she didn’t have much choice. With the warmth of his body seeping into hers and her lethargy after their lovemaking, she just couldn’t keep her eyes open.

  * * * *

  Breathing in Jasmine’s sweet scent, Mac stared into the darkness and listened to her breathing even out.

  He still couldn’t get over his anger that she’d gone out with another man, probably one of the doctors she worked with.

  Obviously he hadn’t been clear enough in his intention to have her. He sure as hell hoped that she’d finally gotten the message.

  Over the last three years, he’d watched her go from a sad, lonely woman, terrified at the prospect of supporting two girls on her own, to a woman more comfortable in her own skin and confident in her ability to face whatever life threw at her.

  He didn’t blame her for being insecure regarding her ability to hold a man.

  Her husband had been a first-class bastard, a man who she learned after almost twenty years of marriage had been cheating on her all along.

  He’d worked hard to build her confidence, letting her know just how beautiful he found her, how fascinating, how warm and caring, and how much he admired her strength.

  Now, he needed to convince her just how necessary she’d become to him, and how much he’d come to love her.

  Smiling when she sighed and cuddled closer, he gathered her more firmly against him.

  He knew it would take patience and time to get her to believe he wanted her forever, but he would do it. Fighting her insecurities would be difficult, but he wouldn’t give up.

  He finally had Jasmine right where he wanted her, and had no intention of ever letting her go.

  Chapter Three

  Waking slowly, Jasmine first became aware of being cocooned in the most delicious warmth. Smiling, she cuddled into it, a little surprised at its firmness. It felt so good, a safe haven that she never wanted to leave. With a sigh, she snuggled deeper.

  A deep rumble came from under her ear, a low sound that added to the sense of warm comfort.

  “You sure like to burrow, don’t you?”

  Jasmine stiffened as the events of the previous night came rushing back. Embarrassed to have Mac see her before she had a chance to freshen up, she tried to turn away, but his arm tightened around her, keeping her close.

  “Nope. You stay right where you are.” His voice, low and deep, washed over her, the intimacy making her shiver.

  Stiffening, she lifted her head, surprised and a little disconcerted to find that she’d all but wrapped herself around him. She had indeed burrowed against his side and partially under him, her arm across his chest and her leg thrown over his thigh.

  Her face burned when she realized that the hardness she felt against her calf was his cock.

  Reluctantly meeting his gaze, she carefully slid her leg back, holding the lapels of her robe closed as she braced herself on her elbow.

  “Sorry. Good morning.”

  Mac grinned, reaching out to slide his fingers into her hair, cupping the back of her head to pull her closer. “Don’t apologize. I think it’s cute as hell.”

  Brushing his lips over hers, he ran a hand up and down her back, pulling her half on top of him. “It’s a very good morning.”

  Jasmine pushed against him, rolling away. “Mac, I haven’t even cleaned up yet.”

  Despite her struggles, Mac pulled her back, lifting her chin to force her to face him. His eyes held hers, the look of frustration in them unmistakable.

  “Jazz, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable with me, or think you have to be perfect. You’re perfect to me just as you are. I know it’s going to take some time for you to believe that, but please don’t push me away.”

  Reaching inside her robe, which had come loose, he cupped her breast, running a thumb lightly over her nipple. “I’m not your ex. I know trust isn’t going to come easy for you, but don’t paint me with the same brush as the bastard who cheated on you.”

  Jasmine sighed, looking away. “Mac, please don’t say things like that. Last night was—”

  Gripping her chin, he turned her back to face him, his eyes narrowed. “If you say it was a mistake, you’re going to be sorry. I promise.”

  Her stomach lurched at the calm nonchalance in his tone, especially when the hard glitter in his eyes said he was anything but. Nodding, she rolled to her back, closing her robe again. She couldn’t bear to lose him, and feared she’d made a mistake that would end up costing her a friendship she valued dearly. “I knew you wouldn’t like hearing that. We’re friends, Mac. I don’t want that to change. Having sex has a way of changing things.”

  “I hope so.” Rolling to his side, he laid a hand on her stomach and stared down at her. “I want more than friendship from you. I’ve been patient with you, haven’t I? I’m not trying to rush you, but I’ll be damned if I’ll stand aside and watch you go out with someone else. Obviously, you’re ready to be with a man again. That man’s gonna be me.”

  His low tone and the feel of his hands on her body thrilled her and had her thighs already coated with her juices. With no apparent effort, he had her body humming with need, her love for him making it damned near impossible to resist him.

  If he knew that she’d only gone out with David to forget about him, he’d be even more determined to continue their affair. She had to find a way to get through to him, to get him to understand why an affair would never work, but she wanted to brush her teeth, and needed a cup of coffee before she could even attempt it. Staring into his handsome, sleep-roughened features, Jasmine took a deep breath and let it out slowly, so filled with love for him that she thought her heart would burst with it.

  Forcing herself to look away, she nodded and sat up, keeping herself covered so he wouldn’t see the stretch marks on her breasts and belly.

  “I’ll shower in the other bathroom, and then I’ll get breakfast started. Do you have to work today?”

  * * * *

  Mac bit back a sigh as he watched Jasmine roll out of bed, inwardly cursing at her efforts to pull her robe tight to cover herself as if he hadn’t seen and touched every inch of her.

  “I took the day off. I checked your calendar and saw that you have the weekend off. I thought maybe we could spend it together.”

  He didn’t mention that once he realiz
ed she’d gone out on a date, he’d spent an hour on the phone rearranging his work schedule so he could spend the weekend with her.

  He planned to spend every minute with her that he could, pushing his advantage before her insecurities had her trying to put road blocks between them.

  She nodded, loosening some of the knots in his stomach, her red face convincing him that he had a lot of work to do to make her more comfortable with him. Staring at where his cock tented the covers, she blushed furiously, making him wonder what kind of naughty thoughts went through her mind.

  He hoped that over the weekend, he could provoke even more.

  His cock hardened even more under her gaze, and delighted to see that her nipples had pebbled and pushed at the front of her robe, he couldn’t help but wonder if his adorable little nurse had a kinky side.

  He briefly considered tying her to the bed to keep her from escaping, but figured that letting her see his kinky side this soon would only scare her off.

  He’d kept that part of himself hidden for so long that even the possibility of setting it free again filled him with a level of excitement he hadn’t felt in years.

  His wife had changed her mind about a lot of things almost as soon as he’d married her, including her views about what kind of man she wanted to be married to.

  Jasmine wanted him just the way he was, the love and desire shining in her eyes unmistakable.

  She smiled faintly, the desire clouding her eyes even now making his cock even harder. “Sure. I have a couple of steaks in the freezer that I can thaw out for dinner.”

  Throwing the covers aside, Mac rose from the bed, delighted that she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of him any more than he could stop looking at her. “Good. We’re both going to need our energy. Go take your shower, honey.”

  Unable to resist, he went to her and rid her of her robe, enjoying the brief skirmish. “Maybe one day soon you’ll be comfortable showering with me, but for now, I’ll give you some space.”

  Touching his lips to her shoulder, he chuckled. “Not too much, though.”


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