Loving Ambush [Erotically Yours 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Loving Ambush [Erotically Yours 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 8

by Leah Brooke

  Smoothing her hands over the blanket covering her legs, she waited nervously for Mac to come to bed.

  She knew he was still angry and hurt, but she didn’t know what to do about it.

  She’d been a little surprised that he hadn’t left after getting dressed earlier, desperately relieved that he hadn’t.

  He’d been quiet, but he’d stayed, and had even grilled steaks. After dinner, he’d gone back to his house just long enough to take a shower and change clothes, coming back with the large pads of paper and assortment of pencils he used to design landscapes.

  He’d spread everything out over her kitchen table and worked for hours, and other than a slight distance in his tone, and glint of frustration in his eyes, he acted as if nothing between them had changed.

  She knew it had, though.

  Hearing him come down the hall, she stiffened, hoping she could find the words she needed to say to make him understand.

  His eyes locked on hers as soon as he came into her room. “Something wrong, honey?”

  The endearment warmed her. Smiling in relief, she flipped back the covers on his side of the bed.

  “Other than the fact that, despite your insistence to the contrary, you’re still mad at me?” Swallowing heavily, she wiped her damp palms on the blanket. “You stayed. You’re mad. We had a fight, but you stayed.”

  Her eyes followed his movements as he undressed, her mouth going dry as she admired every gorgeous inch revealed.

  He stripped out of his underwear, freeing his already hard cock. “Of course I stayed. I already told you that I’m not going anywhere.” He blew out a breath, running a hand through his hair. “But, I’m not mad.” Naked, he slid into the bed beside her.

  Turning to his side, he propped his head on his hand, his relaxed pose not fooling her at all.

  “I’m not really mad, Jazz. I’m frustrated, annoyed, and impatient. I finally tell the woman I realize I’ve fallen in love with, a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and surprisingly hardheaded woman, that I love her, and she tells me I don’t. She also thinks that I’m so shallow that I could only love someone too young for me, who I have nothing in common with, and that I can’t be turned on by a woman with stretch marks. Yeah, it pisses me off.”

  Flattening a hand on his chest, Jasmine leaned forward to brush her lips over his chin, smiling at the smooth skin. “Hmm, you shaved for me.” Brushing another kiss along his jaw, she inwardly thrilled when his body tightened against hers. “You know I don’t think you’re stupid, or shallow.”

  Biting back a moan, she rubbed her breasts against his chest, wishing she hadn’t worn a nightgown to bed. “I think you’re a very sexy, intelligent, and thoughtful man. You’re patient, kind, and wonderful with not only your daughter, but my daughters, too. You know I’ve been hurt before—”

  “Not by me.”

  “True.” Sliding her hand lower, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, smiling when his body stiffened even more, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. Looking up at him through her lashes, she began to move her hand up and down the thick length, thrilling that it got harder by the second. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

  With a quick movement, Mac rolled her to her back, his hard body pressing hers to the mattress.

  Taking her hand from his cock, he pressed her wrists to the pillow, holding her gaze as he kept her immobile. “Yes, there is.”

  Jasmine drew in a sharp breath, the tension emanating from him setting off all kinds of thrilling alarms.


  Mac released her hands and began to play with her hair, his expression far too serious. “Since my divorce, I’ve always used a condom. I had a vasectomy about four years ago. When I realized how I felt about you, I had myself tested. I’m healthy.”

  A little surprised at the subject, Jasmine frowned. “I’m clean, too, and I had my tubes tied years ago. Why are we talking about this now?”

  Moving under him, Jasmine wrapped her legs around his hips as he reached under his pillow, sucking in a breath when he produced a ring box.

  Her eyes flew to his. “Mac?”

  He opened the box and tossed it aside. Taking her hand in his, he slid a square-cut diamond on her ring finger. “I want you to marry me, Jazz. I don’t want to use a condom anymore. I don’t want anything between us. I love you, Jasmine. I want you to be my wife. I want forever. I want you to trust me enough to marry me. I want you to know that I’m in this for the long haul. We’ll fight, but neither one of us is going anywhere. I need to believe that, and I need to know that you believe that, too.”

  Jasmine’s vision blurred, her tears making it impossible to focus on his handsome face. “Mac, I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe you really want to marry me. It’s a huge step.”

  Wiping her tears away, she focused on his beloved features. “I’m scared, Mac.”

  Mac smiled, running a thumb over her bottom lip. “Why are you scared, babe?” He ran a hand over her hair, his tender smile her undoing. “Say it. Do you really think I don’t know that you love me? Do you think it doesn’t show?”

  Fisting her hands on his shoulders, she lifted her hips against him. “Damn you for making me fall in love with you.”

  Taking her left hand in his, he kissed the ring he’d placed there. “Is that a yes?”

  Jasmine’s heart swelled, the happiness inside her making it difficult to breathe, but still she couldn’t give in. She wanted him too much to take this lightly, and with her ex-husband’s words echoing in her head, she no longer had the confidence a man like Mac deserved. “I’m boring. You need someone exciting.”

  Mac smiled, poising the head of his cock at her pussy entrance. “Oh, you excite me, Jazz.” Sliding a hand to her breast, he massaged gently, stroking his thumb over her nipple, his smile widening at her gasp of pleasure.

  “I’m never bored when I’m with you, Jazz. That’s for sure.” He pinched her nipple, groaning when she arched to rub her clit against the head of his cock.

  “You excite me just by walking into the room.” He rubbed the head of his cock over her clit, spreading her slick juices. “I won’t quit until you’re mine, Jazz, and I’m a very determined man. Say you’ll marry me.”

  She took a shuddering breath, a breath that came out as a sob when she saw the flare of emotion in his brown eyes.

  She’d never dared to dream that she and Mac could be together, and couldn’t deny that she still had her doubts. Clinging to hope like a lifeline, she lifted her gaze to his. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Shifting his weight, he slid his hands under her shoulder blades and lifted her breast to his mouth, flicking his tongue over her nipple and sending white-hot heat to her slit.

  “You know me. You know I won’t hurt you. I want you, Jazz, more than I’ve ever wanted another woman. Say yes. Say you’ll marry me, and we can spend the rest of our lives together.”

  Scraping his teeth over her nipple, he slid a thumb over her clit and began stroking, the dual attention sending sharp tingling pleasure everywhere. “Give yourself to me. I won’t take you this way unless you’re going to be my wife.”

  Writhing against him, she fought to get his cock inside her, desperate for him to take her with nothing between them.

  She wanted nothing more than to marry Mac. She loved him, probably enough for both of them, and she’d never forgive herself for not taking this chance.

  Even if she got hurt, it would be worth it.

  Gripping his shoulders, she lifted her gaze to his, stunned by the emotion in his eyes. “Yes. Mac, damn it, take me!”

  He groaned and surged deep, knocking the breath from her.

  She cried out, a cry he swallowed as his mouth covered hers, the possession and hunger in his kiss more pronounced than ever.

  Lifting his head, he studied her features, his eyes so dark they appeared nearly black. “You’re mine now, Jazz. Mine.”

  Shocked at the hard edge in his tone a
nd the intensity of his possession, she surrendered to him, and to the pleasure, digging her heels into his tight butt as he thrust into her.

  He rolled, catching her off guard, settling her over him before reaching up to cup her breasts. “Ride me, Jazz. Damn, you feel so good. Your pussy’s like hot silk gripping my cock.”

  The wicked gleam in his eyes and her body’s own demand for more had Jasmine moving, using her knees to lift and lower herself on his cock. He tugged at the straps of her nightgown, ripping the soft material.

  Aroused by the sound and excited by his forcefulness, she flattened her hands on his chest, digging her fingertips into the hard muscle.

  She sucked in a breath when Mac pinched her nipples, her own movements creating a tug that had her crying out at the sharp pull.

  “Mac!” Frustrated that she couldn’t move fast enough and that with each stab of pleasure, her movements became clumsier, she gritted her teeth and tried to focus, but the firm, controlled caress of his hands made it impossible.

  Lying back against the pillows, Mac grinned, seeming to enjoy her predicament. “Yes, babe?”

  “Damn it.” She fucked herself on his cock, her movements nowhere near as graceful as his. “I can’t. Do. It. Right.” Tightening her thighs on his waist, she slapped at him. “Help me!”

  The change in Mac’s demeanor excited her. The playful gleam in his eyes turned to possessiveness and hunger. The fact that he let her see just how much he wanted her made her feel even more desired.

  Running his hands down her sides, he settled them at her waist, his hands clenching as if he couldn’t help himself. “Like this, Jazz?”

  Holding on tight, she cried out as the head of his cock surged deep. “Yes. Yes. Mac, oh God! Yes!”

  Releasing her, he slid his hands over the tops of her thighs, holding her still. “Like that, honey?”

  Jasmine shrieked, struggling against his hold. “You son of a bitch! You knew I was about to come.” Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as she moved on him, her pulse leaping at his devious smile.

  “Bastard. If you think I’m going to marry a man so mean—”

  Mac laughed. “You are, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming to the altar. I told you you’ve forgotten how to play, if you ever even knew how.”

  Placing his hands over her breasts, he rubbed his callused palms against her nipples, smiling as the friction had her writhing on him again.

  “I plan to change that, and play with you every chance I get. You want to come, part those soft folds and expose your clit, and I’ll make you come.”

  Jasmine gripped his forearms, whimpered cries pouring from her one after the other. Not sure she’d heard him right, she gulped in air and looked into his glittering eyes. “What did you say?”

  God, he was such an exciting lover.

  With another wicked smile, he traced his fingers over her inner thighs, working his way to her slit. “You heard me. Part your folds. Show me that clit and I’ll make you come.”

  His teasing couldn’t hide the underlying steel in his tone, a tone that emphasized the strength and solidness of the man under her. Inside her.

  Eager to give him pleasure, and curious about what he intended, Jasmine reached for her slit. Feeling naughty, she arched, pushing her breasts more fully into his hands.

  A little shocked at the raw, sexual tension building inside her, she parted her folds, drawing in short, ragged breaths as she met his heated gaze. “Touch me.”

  Mac’s smile nearly made her come on the spot. “Very nice.” Reaching out a finger, he touched it to her clit, his eyes narrowing when she jolted.

  “Keep moving, Jazz. Fuck me hard, the way we both want it.”

  With another shuddering breath, Jasmine lifted and lowered herself on his cock, crying out in abandon as he ran his finger back and forth over her swollen clit.

  Each slide of his finger made her body tighter with need, her movements becoming clumsier and more frantic with every delicate stroke to her clit.

  Reaching up with his other hand, Mac tugged her nipple. “It’s amazing how completely you can be controlled with just one finger, isn’t it, babe?” He flicked his finger over her clit again, his eyes steady on hers as she cried out and rocked her hips. “Maybe I’ll just do this every time you give me trouble.”

  “I hope you don’t think that’s going to be much of a deterrent. God, Mac. I’m never going to be able to get used to the things you do to me. Oh!”

  He grinned, his eyes alight with mischief. “I’m going to make sure you don’t. I’ve got a few surprises up my sleeve.”

  Jerking at each slide of his finger, Jasmine used her knees to work herself on his cock, her movements becoming more desperate when his fingers began to move faster and firmer on her clit.

  Between one heartbeat and the next, she went over, the rush of warm ecstasy sending pinpricks of pleasure dancing over her skin. “Oh, God. Mac!”

  She’d never get used to the way she felt with him. It was as if she’d never been touched before.

  Shaking uncontrollably, she started to slump. Releasing her folds, she gripped his forearms for support, crying out in frustration when her movements became too clumsy to get the friction she wanted.

  She couldn’t get the speed she wanted, couldn’t move as smoothly as he did.

  She wanted to feel his cock pounding into her, filling her with the rough movements he used when he was about to come. She wanted to give him every bit of the pleasure he gave her.

  Feeling like a failure, she blinked back the tears of frustration pricking her eyes.

  “Mac, please! I can’t. I’m sorry. I want you to come, but I can’t move right. I’m no good at this.”

  Mac flipped her to her back with a speed that left her breathless and pumped his cock into her, his hard, forceful thrusts sending her even higher. “I’ve got you, baby. Yes. Keep coming. Milk me dry, Jazz. You’re incredible.”

  With a hoarse groan, he surged deep, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her impossibly close.

  Holding on to his wide shoulders, she whimpered as the waves continued to wash over her, trembling helplessly in his arms.

  Keeping her against him, he turned off the light and rolled to his side, gathering her close and covering them both.

  Breathing heavily, he groaned, his tone harsh. “I love you, Jazz. I don’t want to hear any more talk about you not marrying me. You’re mine. We belong together. One by one, we’ll rid you of all those insecurities until you realize what an amazing, sexy woman you really are.”

  Jasmine had to work up the energy to speak, so weak she could barely lift her head. “I can’t believe you made me do that. You’re always so physical! I’ve never known anyone like you. You make me feel so…sexual.” Fisting her hand on his chest, she blew out a breath. “Mac, I’ll marry you, but I’m still not convinced that I’m what you need.” A giggle escaped. “Hell, my lips are numb. God, I feel so good.”

  Mac’s chuckle ended with a groan. “We need each other, Jazz. You’ll see. Stop worrying so much. Get some sleep. We’ve both got to get back to work tomorrow, and I don’t want you driving when you’re tired.” He kissed her forehead while stripping the torn gown from her, his movements so clumsy and unlike him, she couldn’t help but smile. “I like you naked against me. Go to sleep, baby. It’ll all work out. I promise.”

  Lying in the darkness, Jasmine listened to his breathing and tried to believe him.

  Chapter Six

  Leaning back against Mac, Jasmine giggled, her body already humming. Her laughter broke off, becoming a moan when his hands slid higher under her shirt and began to massage her breasts.

  Loving the feel of his hands on her, the possessive rhythm of his caress, the texture of his palms, she smiled and let her head fall back against his shoulder. “Is this your idea of helping with the dishes?”

  Shivering in delight when he began to nuzzle a particularly sensitive spot, she tilted her head to the side to
give him better access.

  Chuckling softly against her neck, Mac ran his palms over her nipples, the feel of his big work-roughened hands on her skin reinforcing the overwhelming sense of femininity she always felt around him. “I’m pleasuring the woman washing the dishes. Isn’t that close enough?”

  Scraping his teeth down her neck in a seductive and thrilling display of dominance, he pressed the hard bulge in his jeans against her lower back. “I really like your habit of going without a bra when I’m around. It’s an invitation I can’t resist.”

  Lowering the plate she’d been washing into the sink, Jasmine laughed softly and moved against him. “I’m sorry to rain on your parade, but I always shower when I come home from work, and change into comfortable clothes, which means, no bra.”

  Gripping his biceps with her wet hands, she let her eyes flutter closed as warm desire flowed through her. “God, that feels good. I love when you touch me.”

  Mac chuckled again, the soft vibration of it rumbling against her neck. “Good, because I plan to touch you a lot.”

  Turning her in his arms, he tilted her face to his, his eyes narrowed on hers. “You’re lying. Every time we’ve been together after work, you’ve been wearing a bra. Believe me, I looked.”

  Tightening her arms around his neck, Jasmine pulled herself closer, moaning again when Mac slid his hands lower to close over the cheeks of her bottom. Wrapping her legs around his waist when he lifted her against him, she held on tighter and pressed her slit against him.

  Looking up at him through her lashes, she grinned, enjoying yet another aspect of a loving relationship, and one she’d all but forgotten.


  He seemed to be enjoying it as much as she was, grinning down at her, his eyes dancing.

  Thrilled that she made him happy, she tightened her legs around him. “I can’t believe you noticed that. You’re a very naughty man.” Rubbing against him, she bit her lip in an unsuccessful attempt to hold back another moan, her heart racing at the playful amusement and tender affection in his eyes.

  Turning slightly, he reached across the counter and picked up the ring she’d taken off to wash the dishes. With a small smile, he slipped it back onto her finger. “I notice everything about you, babe, and you don’t even have a clue about how naughty I can be.”


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