Randle's Princess

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Randle's Princess Page 8

by Melissa Gaye Perez

“I’m not playing here lady. If you make one stupid move before we get outside I’ll drop you where you stand.”

  She could tell he meant it. This man definitely didn’t work for Randle she knew now. Randle might be mad at her but would never have her treated this way. Now she only feared it may be someone who detests Randle and knew she had best do as he said or he would kill her just to spite him.

  He placed the gun in his lower jacket pocket and turned her toward the door. She walked slowly as he followed her to the elevators and then across the huge foyer. He kept just behind her so close she could feel his body touching hers.

  The automatic doors opened and now she didn’t know what to do. “Straight ahead,” he whispered in her ear. “Just keep going, all the way to the blue sedan just ahead.”

  Now she was really afraid. He was taking her away and she had no idea where. Before they reached the car the back door opened and she could see another man’s arm from inside surely awaiting her arrival. The man behind her put his hand on her head and shoved into the back seat, climbed in next to her and slammed the door at the same time the car took off.

  Lia looked around but didn’t recognize the other man or the driver. Clearly not Randle’s people she was sure. Or were they? Maybe he was just trying to scare the hell out of her for running off. If this was the case he was doing a good job of it.

  “Who are you?” she then demanded. “Where are we going?”

  “You just keep quiet little lady,” the second man then ordered. “If all goes well you’ll be just fine.”

  She had now idea what he meant but it didn’t sound good. Now she was even more afraid as they drove for a few minutes to the edge of town. The car pulled up just outside of what looked to be a big empty warehouse. She was pulled from the car and led inside. The man holding her arm kept walking and all you could hear was the clicking of her heels on the concrete floor echoing throughout the empty building.

  They came to another door on the side wall of the building and he opened it and slung her inside immediately slamming it closed again behind her and she heard the click as he locked the bolt from outside.

  Lia stood stiffly for a moment then scanned the tiny room. It looked as if it used to be an office of some kind. To the rear was another door and going with her first instinct she walked over and opened it but only to reveal a small bathroom. She was hoping for an exit or at least another room with a window so she could make her escape but no such luck.

  Now with much more fear she was wondering what was to happen next, Lia slid down the wall in one corner of the room and began to shiver. There was a chill in the air and it was getting colder. She came to sit on the floor and bent her knees and folded her arms in front her.

  Finally it was apparent she would be here for a while. She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes trying so hard not to be afraid and kept telling herself she would be fine.

  Lia’s body jumped and she now awoke to the sounds of footsteps and voices outside the door. She had no idea how long she was asleep but it felt like hours. Finally the bolt lock clicked and the door opened. The same man from the night before came in and quickly yanked her to her feet and pulled her out into the warehouse. She looked around and scanned the second story balconies above, one on each side of the room with their simple medal railing seeing no one else, just the two of them.

  Then as she heard the front door opening the man grasped her around her throat from behind and aimed his gun directly at her head. It was Thomas who was entering now and her eyes widened at his sight. What possibly could he have to do with this? she wondered again.

  “Did you bring my money?” the man then asked him.

  So now she knew it was Thomas this man sought revenge from…not Randle. She was no more relieved to realize this…her life was still in danger regardless.

  Thomas bent slowly only a few feet away and carefully placed a small suit case on the floor.

  “I have your money,” he stated. “Now let her go.”

  “Not so quickly,” the man warned. “Open it.”

  Thomas was looking around nervously. Lia was again scanning the room looking for the quickest way out. As the man spoke with Thomas and held her firmly she looked straight ahead and noticed another door just in front her on the side of the building. If he were to ever let her go she would run for it.

  “Look, I wouldn’t risk her life. The money is there,” Thomas insisted still acting nervously and looking around as if he were expecting someone else to join them.

  “Open it!” the man then yelled louder growing more impatient.

  Then so suddenly six men now appeared on the balconies above three on each side. The clattering sounds as they cocked their rifles and all aimed directly at Lia and this man was near deafening. She closed her eyes for a second before opening them again knowing she was sure to die now.

  Then she got the nerve to look again. These men she recognized. A small glimmer of hope overtook her. He was here somewhere she knew and just the thought of it was giving her more faith now.

  Then she jerked again hearing a loud bang and the side door she had targeted for her own escape flew open. A small sigh of relief filled her. The man’s leg came to the ground quickly after kicking in the door and he now stepped forward from the small hallway and the shadow that covered his face lifted as he entered the room.

  “Randle?” the man asked. Now it was he that had fear in his voice. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Lia had no idea how this man new Randle and she didn’t care. Even knowing a huge fight between them was coming soon she was never more elated to see him even though his eyes were filled with rage as they came down hard on this man.

  “Let her go,” Randle demanded in a light but demanding tone, his gun now drawn and aimed at them as well.

  “This is none of your business Randle,” the man insisted.

  “You made it my business when you took Princess out of that hotel,” he then stated firmly. “Now let her go!” This time his voice was louder and more demanding.

  “Princess?” the man asked unknowingly. “Your Princess?” Lia felt his body begin to tremble as he held her and she laughed inside now. Not so tough now are you she thought.

  Finally she felt his hold loosen, and now she thought she had it all figured out. Thomas owed this man money but he had no idea she was connected to Randle. She only prayed now it was enough to save her but her own anger at him was starting to build for putting her through this. For some reason this always seemed to happen when Randle was with her, she felt braver and more powerful.

  Finally the man let go and put his hands in the air. “Randle please believe me, I had no idea, really,” he pleaded.

  Lia turned and angrily kicked him in the shin. He lost his balance and fell to the floor with his head toward Randle and his feet facing Lia. He hit the concrete with such force his gun flew from his hand. He started to rise.

  “Stay down!” Randle demanded.

  Lia started toward him. “And don’t you move either,” he then warned as he looked back to her. She stopped instantly.

  Her fear was building. What was this all about and now what was to happen? Randle bent his knees and crouched down placing his own gun on the floor. With great force he shoved it and she watched as it spun in circles as it slid across the floor and landed at her feet.

  With eyes widened she looked straight into his face as if pleading for help.

  “Pick it up,” he then ordered with such a tone she dared not go against him.

  Now it was Lia who bent her knees slowly crouching and reaching for the weapon. With her right hand she took ahold of it and came again to stand staring back at Randle. She already knew what was next and wasn’t sure she could handle this. Was this her punishment?

  “Now do to him exactly what he was about to do to you,” he demanded again, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Randle look. I didn’t’ know,” the man pleaded again but with so many guns on h
im he dared not to move.

  Randle ignored his plea only staring down Lia now. “I said do it!” he then stated more powerfully than ever.

  Lia brought her left hand on the gun as well to help her steady her aim. She lifted it quickly, pulled the trigger then closed her eyes and turned her head not knowing for sure if she had done it, but she heard the bang and knew full well she indeed had.

  Then she heard footsteps coming at her and opened her eyes. Randle grabbed the gun from her hand and placed it back under his jacket. He took hold of her arm and started back toward the door.

  “Clean this mess up!” he then ordered to his other men and he continued out the door quickly.

  “Randle why’d you make that girl do that?” she then heard Thomas’s voice from behind.

  Randle continued toward the waiting car outside. “It’s about time she learns take care of business,” is all he muttered back. He pushed her angrily into the backseat and got in next her. They drove away leaving Thomas standing there.

  The car was driving quickly and Lia could only sit still afraid to speak or move. She couldn’t believe what had just happened and wasn’t sure if she should cry about actually killing someone or begin to apologize to Randle. She chose to stay quiet. And what was worse…Randle never spoke the entire trip back to the Malia either, just sat and steamed.

  They now made their way to the elevators inside but Randle punched the penthouse button and the elevator began to move swiftly. Finally they were making their way to the luxurious suite with Randle still tugging her by the arm faster now as they entered the suite and made their way through another door opening into the master bedroom she could tell by its furnishings.

  He kept pulling her all the way to the bathroom. “Take those damn clothes off and hurry,” he then ordered as she looked down over herself realizing now she was covered with blood.

  “Close the door,” she ordered as she reached for it.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Now get them off!” he yelled again.

  She knew he was in a hurry to get rid of the bloody clothes. She pulled off the shirt and Randle grabbed it from her right away. Then with mere embarrassment she now stood in just her bra and panties and handed him the pants.

  “Now scrub yourself,” he then ordered as he disappeared from the room with her bloody clothing. She had no idea what he was gonna do other than give them one of his people to dispose of for him.

  She quickly fixed her water and climbed into the shower. She grabbed a wash rag and lathered it up and scrubbed herself as hard as she could making sure she didn’t leave a trace. Still not believing fully what she had just done she closed her eyes and continued to scrub her skin almost feeling like she had been raped. She couldn’t get herself clean enough.

  When she was finally sure she had all the evidence washed away she turned off the water and grabbed a towel to dry herself. But now she had nothing else to put on. She grabbed another towel and carefully placed it around her and tucked it firmly under to hold it in place. She opened the bathroom door and thankfully Randle wasn’t there. She walked into the bedroom and began to look around in hopes of finding one of Randle's large shirts to better cover herself.

  Just as she eyed his suitcase the door flung open. Oh dear she thought standing there almost completely exposed except for the towel as

  Randle’s face filled with fury was upon her. He came at her so quickly it was all she could do to walk backwards trying to keep away from him. Then her legs hit the bed and she fell backwards landing with her elbows propping her upper body but he didn’t stop until he was nearly on top her near naked body with one hand on either side of her on the bed.

  His face was now only inches from hers. “What the hell were you thinking?” he let out with rage.

  “I’m sorry Randle. I really never meant to cause so much trouble,” she whined back.

  “Trouble? You almost got yourself killed. You almost got us all killed!” he ranted.

  Lia couldn’t move. Her towel covered body was nearly pinned to the bed as Randle hovered over her.

  “I didn’t mean too, really,” she nearly whispered. “I just wanted a little freedom. I swear it won’t happen again.”

  Randle finally rose but his eyes never left hers. “It had better not.” He seemed to be trying to calm himself.

  “How did you find me?” she then got the nerve to ask.

  “I knew where you were the moment you walked into this hotel,” he informed her.

  Lia looked with astonishment. “But how?”

  “Arthur called me right after you checked in. He promised to keep a close eye on you so I agreed to give you a few days before coming to get you. But then Thomas called and told me what was going down at the warehouse so I boarded my plane immediately and came to fix this mess.”

  “And Thomas?”

  “He’s done a couple of jobs for me. I’ve known him for awhile.”

  Lia thought for a moment and then it hit her. The day she went to Randle’s office with him Jessica had paged that Mr. Whitman was on the phone for him. She never put it together that it would be the same Mr. Whitman.

  “So he’s a business partner of yours?” she then asked.

  “Well, sort of,” he began. “Lia, I built this hotel two years ago.”

  “You own this hotel?” she cut in with much surprise.

  He came to stand just in front her with his hands on her bare arms. “No. I built this hotel with the money Joseph put away for you after he sold your family property. It was supposed to be a surprise for your twenty-fifth birthday.”

  Lia looked confused. “What are telling me?”

  “You own this hotel Lia. Arthur Whitman doesn’t work for me. He works for you. I named it the Malia, short for Malcolm-Lia.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she began to speak again. “How funny is that? How could I possibly have picked this place to stay in not knowing that I myself owned it?” She chuckled now at the thought.

  “It was fate again,” Randle replied as his eyes steadied with hers. “It has always been fate Princess.” He again took her chin in his hand to bring her to look up at him.

  Then his mouth again met hers. Lia actually found herself wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back and enjoying the passion more than she ever had.

  Then a knock at the door stopped them. Lia actually felt disappointed.

  “Dammit,” Randle mumbled out as he neared it. “That must be James. He was gathering up your things from your room.” He opened it and reached out to take the bags from James. He walked back over and threw her suitcase and purse on the bed.

  “Get dressed Princess. We’re going home.” Then he turned and again left her alone in the room.

  Chapter 5

  The flight home from Vegas was rather quiet but uneventful. A couple of weeks had passed now and Lia and Randle seemed to be getting their relationship back on track as he was finally easing up speaking to and treating her as he always had. It was a beautiful Saturday morning now as Lia looked out her bedroom window and knew Randle would be home today. She was hoping now she could talk him into taking her into town to do some shopping or maybe even a movie or something.

  She dropped the curtain and now made her way down the staircase toward his office. All was quiet and peaceful and she knew even Betsy had the day off today so felt her chances were good because surely she knew Randle wasn’t about to cook for them.

  Not bothering to knock, Lia opened his office door and made her way inside. Looking over she saw Randle sitting at his desk talking on the phone with someone as usual but he didn’t seem bothered by her sudden presence. He only motioned with his fingers for her to come on in. She made her way around to the back of the desk then made herself quite comfortable as she scooted up and sat on top of it just next to him, so close she was enjoying the smell of his cologne and admiring how handsome he actually was with his perfectly groomed brown hair, glowing blue eyes and clean shaven face. And t
oday he was actually dressed in blue jeans but still had his white dress shirt and suit jacket on as well. It was rare for her see him wearing jeans but she found herself thinking he looked rather sexy in them now.

  “Fine, I’ll see you this afternoon then,” she heard him say as he finally ended the call.

  “Good morning Princess,” he greeted with a bright grin and seemed in a rather happy mood today.

  “Good morning, why are you all smiles today?” she then asked.

  “Oh I don’t know. Do I really need a reason?” he chuckled up at her.

  “I guess not. So how busy are you today?” she then asked.

  “Uh-oh. Why do you ask?” he teased back. “There’s usually trouble when you get bored.”

  “Oh come on. I was just hoping the two of us could go into town today. Spend some alone time together,” she replied finding herself almost flirting with him.

  “Maybe later. I have a few calls to make and I’m expecting a visitor later this afternoon,” he answered as he began shuffling through some papers on his desk.

  “Well, at least you didn’t say no,” she responded with a little disappointment. She knew now he’d probably get so involved with all his work the day would be over with by the time he finished it. That’s usually what happened.

  “Oh come on Princess. Don’t look so sad. I’ll hurry the best I can just for you. I promise,” he then tried to assure her as he stood up and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

  “But I really miss getting out with you. Marc just isn’t the best company,” she persisted.

  Randle smiled at her sweet voice. He could almost never say no to her. “Ok, my visitor isn’t coming till later so I guess a couple of hours out and about won’t hurt a thing,” he finally gave in.

  She relaxed her hands on his shoulders and smiled back. “So where too? A movie maybe?”

  “That takes too long. I need to be back here sooner than that so how about lunch and little shopping?” he offered as a settlement.

  “Sounds awesome but this time I get to pick the place and you’re just gonna have to suck it up,” she teased.


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