The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty

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The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty Page 5

by Jessica Frost

  Belle’s brow lifted, and a curious look came on. “Oh, that late. What is it you and Trevor do, anyway?”

  James’s eyes shifted for just a second. “Oh, nothing much, just some maintenance here and there.”

  “Maintenance on what?”

  “Anything and everything our boss can think of.” James fidgeted.

  Trevor saw his partner falling and jumped in for the rescue. “Ah, Belle, we best be going if we want to make it on time to eat. I’m sure the saloon’s kitchen doesn’t stay open long.”

  Still frowning in confusion, she replied, “You’re right, Trevor.” She glanced at James. “Have fun at work, James. Hope the tasks won’t be too tiring.”

  James had ascended to midway up the staircase by now. “Oh, no, the work will be pretty fun, actually. Have a nice evening, the two of you.”

  Trevor placed his hand on her back and guided her to the door. “Shall we go?”

  She grinned and looped her arm in his, gazing into his eyes. “Yes, of course.”

  Stepping out the door to the inn, Trevor glanced at her while they walked. Her allure enamored him, and he doubted he’d be able to concentrate on spying tonight. His mind had much more pressing things to consider, like how she actually looked without that dress on.

  * * *

  He couldn’t help gaping while he listened to her sweet words. He never figured Belle knew so much about history, culture, and many other things. It certainly was an unexpected, refreshing delight.

  They arrived at Sherry’s saloon twenty minutes earlier and the place had been packed. But lucky for them, Belle knew Sherry, and when Sherry’s daughter saw them come in, she arranged for them to have the first available table the second it became vacant. Within five minutes, they got seats at a corner table where they could talk and enjoy their meals and each other’s company in quiet privacy.

  Sitting just across from her at the narrow table, he couldn’t help but admire her beauty up close. The bright lighting in the room allowed him to actually see the finer details of her features and skin. He hadn’t noticed that her mesmerizing blue eyes also had specks of brown surrounding each pupil and that her long, black eyelashes twitched slightly when she batted them. Oh, it beguiled him so.

  He also didn’t before note that she had a tiny mole on her face, close to her right ear. Her smile enchanted him. She had perfectly straight, pearl-white teeth that sparkled when she smiled. And her lips, well, he already noticed them the night before, admiring their fullness, softness, and red color. But tonight, having her so close to him and seeing her lips move with every word she spoke, had him leaning in closer so he could register each movement and imagine how it would feel to kiss those enticing, sinful lips.

  Taking a deep breath, he tried to remember why he brought her here. Images of James hounding him if he got back to the room with no further lead on their mysterious neighbor–saloon singer urged him on. James could be a real pain in the ass when he wanted. And when James obsessed on a case, Trevor knew James wouldn’t rest until all the loose threads had been resolved. James was so sure Belle was the notorious, ruthless outlaw.

  He had his doubts, but his dubiety shouldn’t be the issue here tonight. The fact remained Belle could very well be Wild Isabelle LaRue, and they needed to extinguish or prove that theory soon before another train robbery occurred under their surveillance.

  The captain sent them down here to check out the past robberies, and if LaRue was really behind them all. But he also expected him and James to prevent any further robberies from happening, thus the reason he got them the expressmen’s jobs on the train.

  They’d be protecting the safe and all its valuables on the train. Them and only them. And if all the rumors about LaRue’s cunningness and ruthlessness were true, they had to be alert and observant constantly.

  He heard she could outsmart any man and that she and her posse loved to walk around among the town people, posing as regular folks. This way they could get all the information they needed on the local lawmen and the train workers before they committed their heists.

  Yes, that sounded logical. And now as he stared at the gorgeous saloon singer before him, he thought that just maybe James had been right and she could very well be Wild Isabelle LaRue. She could be working him right at this very moment without him even realizing it.

  Coughing to clear the lump of air that lodged in his throat as he pondered over his dilemma, he thought it high time for the investigating to begin.

  “So, Belle, you haven’t yet told me how you got the job at Eden’s Paradise. You came to town a few months back, didn’t you?”

  She looked behind him, and her brows furrowed slightly as her face took on a serious tone.

  She remained silent a few seconds and then replied, “Yes, I came to town about two months back.” She took a breath and continued. “I guess getting the job at Eden’s Paradise was pure luck. I was passing by and heard they were looking for a singer and, well, I went in and asked for the owner or manager.

  “That’s when Mr. Petry asked me to sing in front of the crowd. Not many people were in the saloon at the time, so I didn’t mind trying out then. He liked my singing and Sally did, too. I think it was her coaxing that convinced him to hire me on the spot.”

  Returning her gaze back at him, she finished with, “That’s about it.” She took a sip of her water, peering intently over the rim at him. He saw assertiveness in her stare. Mmm, he liked it.

  Placing her glass down, she smiled and nodded while leaning forward. Her cleavage teased him as the front of her bodice dipped with her body. When she took a deep breath and her mounds lifted, then sank, his eyes opened wider of their own accord, and he hoped she hadn’t noticed. All his resolve and probing focus went out the window when his manly urges surfaced, taking over his body and brain. His breathing became shallow with the tightening of his throat, and he fidgeted, trying to regain his breath and hide his erection, which he knew could be visible if she peeked at the crotch of his pants.

  When he saw her gaze come to rest there, he knew he had been caught.

  * * *

  It was now or never. All her planning and plotting she had been obsessing about all day long and she had yet to get anything out of him. She certainly hadn’t expected to be so dazzled by him, or that they would see eye to eye on several issues. And according to him, she and James also had the same philosophy on life. How interesting.

  These handsome, mysterious men just kept surprising her. Maybe that was the reason why she completely forgot about her ploy. Maybe. Or maybe it had to do with his bewitching stare. She couldn’t help gazing into his dreamy brown eyes and getting lost.

  She caught Greta ogling him several times when they first got here. Sherry’s daughter had been overly hospitable this evening, going out of her way to get them a table quickly. She had never done that before, especially not in five minutes flat, a world record for her, no doubt.

  And after they were seated, she kept glancing over at him while she served other tables. Could she be any more obvious? Frankly, she found it outright rude of Greta to behave in such an unladylike manner. She had half a mind to get up the next time Greta ogled him from afar and tell her to stop it. That was no way for a young lady to behave.

  But the fact Trevor hadn’t even noticed her made her think twice before doing it. She’d look pretty foolish getting up out of the blue and going over to reprimand the young lady. Why, it’d look like she was jealous. Jealous? Her? Never.

  Taking a sip of water, she stared at him and decided it was time she forgot about Greta and got down to the business at hand. And that was finding out who Trevor and James really were and the real reason they came here.

  She leaned forward and gave him a warm smile. She noted his eyes fixed on her bosom then, and when she saw the bulge of his manhood rise in his pants, well, she knew she had him.

  Ordinarily, she felt uncomfortable when men leered at her at the saloon. In fact, it repulsed her, but she endured it b
ecause she had no choice. That was all part of the game. It came with being a saloon girl singer. She had to accept it and live with their stares. Quitting was out of the question. She needed to be there to be the eyes and ears of the operation. So she just ignored it and went on performing night after night.

  But this evening was a totally different story. Trevor’s heated stare made her skin tingle and her heart skip a beat. Why, it even made butterflies flutter in her stomach and her legs weak. And staring at his excited erection made her pussy quiver and undergarments wet with arousal as she imagined his naked body under his attire, his surely muscular chest and arms, and his other enticing attributes.

  She inhaled deeply, trying to catch her breath since her lungs had stopped functioning for a second. She folded her hands under her chin. “What exactly do you and James do again? James was vague when I asked him earlier.”

  Her words seemed to break his focus, and he slid his gaze from her chest to her face in surprise. “What we do?”

  “Yes. Is it a hard job?” She nodded.

  He shook his head while looking around. “No, just light manual labor.”

  She lifted her brow as curiosity urged her to probe further. “What exactly?”

  He huffed. “Boy, I’m starving. When will they be coming to serve us?” He lifted his finger when a saloon girl passed by the table. “Excuse me, miss, but can we order?”

  She nodded looking at the table. “Greta didn’t serve you yet. I’ll just go get her.”

  “That’d be mighty nice of you, miss.” He smiled.

  Oh, he wasn’t going to get away with avoiding the question. She squinted and glared at him. “Well?”

  He observed her and grinned while taking her hand. He brought it up to his lips and kissed it, never breaking eye contact. Her breath caught in her throat at the unexpected move on his part.

  “I didn’t intend on talking about work this evening, pretty lady. We’re here to enjoy ourselves. And talking about work sure isn’t entertainment to me,” he replied

  Before she could respond, Greta came to the table. “I’m so sorry. It’s been so busy.”

  Trevor let go of Belle’s hand that instant and looked at Greta. “What do you have to eat?” Greta didn’t respond, but just stood there wearing an obnoxious grin while she gawked at Trevor.

  Belle glared up at her. “Well, aren’t you going to answer him?”

  The young lady glanced at her and then returned her attention back to Trevor. “I’m sorry. What was the question?”

  Belle wanted to curse, but decided to stay quiet when Trevor looked at her to give her a sideways smirk.

  “What do you have for dinner?” he asked Greta again.

  “Oh, we have fried chicken with potatoes and grits.”

  “Now that sounds good. We’ll both have that,” he replied.

  Greta grinned and before leaving the table said with a look of embarrassment plastered on her face, “You shouldn’t have to wait long. My ma runs an organized kitchen.”

  The minute she left, he laughed lightly. “The young lady seems to have gotten under your skin, Belle.”

  “Why would you say that?” She opened her eyes wide and heat rose to her cheeks.

  “Well, the frown on your face when she waited at the table gave me a clue.”

  Think, Belle, think.

  What could she respond to that? Certainly not the truth. When she gazed at him again, she saw a wide smirk spread over his features. Hmm, so he toyed with her. An excellent deflection to her previous question.

  Taking a gulp of water, she waited for the perfect reply to come to mind and thank God it did. “Well, she had interrupted our conversation. You were going to tell me what exactly was yours and James’s job.”

  He shook his head. “Pretty lady, you sure are persistent.”

  “Sometimes.” She nodded.

  He lifted his brow and bent forward, whispering, “I like that.” Leaning back in his chair, he replied, “If I answer your question, do you promise you won’t ask me any more questions about work?”

  “I swear.” She lifted her hand.

  Taking a huff, he replied, “We work on the train. Light maintenance work.”

  “Oh” was all that came out of her mouth. She certainly wasn’t expecting the complete truth, but somehow she expected a more elaborate lie.

  Dumbfounded, she focused on her folded hands resting on the table. She prodded her mind, hoping her next move would come to her, but it didn’t. For the first time in her life, she was stumped as to what to do or say next.

  * * *

  He intended to make his move as they walked back to the inn. But circumstances made his plan impossible to accomplish. For a small town, Fort Smith had its share of people. Everywhere he looked, he saw people traveling in wagons, on horseback, or walking. He needed to go someplace isolated where they could finally be alone.

  Once their meals had come at the saloon, they ate and talked for an hour more about anything under the sun. He marveled at how easily conversation came to them. They had many interests in common. And on further reflection, he realized the same could be said about James. If he had been on this date instead of him, Trevor was sure Belle would have had the same ease conversing with James as she did with him.

  And as promised, Belle didn’t ask him any more questions about work. He found it odd she obsessed on it for some time. His suspicions rose with her persistence. Did this mean she really was Wild Isabelle LaRue? Not really, but it did tell him she sure as hell wasn’t just a singer. She was too smart to be just that.

  Gazing at her now while they walked at a slow gait, he extended his arm and meshed his fingers with hers. Her warm, soft hand squeezing his back gently made his heart open up a notch more to her, and for a split second, he experienced bewilderment with the sentiment. But the sensation dissipated when she turned her face to him and smiled. He stared at her full, soft, red lips and yearned to kiss her and see how they felt.

  “Sherry’s was great. Thanks for being with me this evening, Belle. I had an amazing time and enjoyed getting to know more about you,” he said.

  “You’re welcome. I had fun, too. But now I’m stuffed.”

  Raising his brow, he said, “Well, since this is a beautiful night for walking , the moonlight super bright, why don’t you give me a tour?”

  “All right. If we turn on that road up ahead, it’ll lead us to the market and shops.” She scanned the area.

  He shook his head. “No, Belle, I was thinking of someplace we could walk alone and talk. Enjoy each other’s company some more without having a crowd around us.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened. “Well, the small woodland behind the inn would be perfect for that. There aren’t many trees to hide the moonlight, so we’ll be able to see where we’re walking, and since the land belongs to the inn, we can walk in there without being disturbed.”

  He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist as he guided her behind the inn. “Now that is the perfect suggestion.”

  She giggled and he found it adorable. Sometimes, she seemed like two different women—the innocent, shy Belle, and the enchanting vixen that she let surface only briefly when she looked at him.

  Once they were alone with no one to spy on them, he guided them toward a tree.

  “This is much better. Although I had a great time at the saloon, the food was delicious, I couldn’t wait to be alone with you.” He stared deep into her eyes. By moonlight, they sparkled like bewitching stars. “You’re smart, funny, and so beautiful, Belle.”

  Instead of bowing her head in timidity, this time she leaned on the trunk behind her and reciprocated his stare while saying in a whisper, “Thank you, Trevor. I can same the same for you.”

  “Oh, you find me beautiful, too?” He laughed.

  “No! I meant smart and funny.” She gazed down with a look of embarrassment.

  “Then I’m ugly?” he jested as he lifted her chin, forcing her to stare into his eyes again.<
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  Her obvious bashfulness dissipated with his remark and she smiled at him. She focused first on his left eye, then his right, bringing her gaze down to his nose and then his lips.

  With her stare centered on his lips, she replied in a sultry voice, “No, not at all. You are very handsome.”

  “You find me handsome. Good.” Her enticing tone and hungry eyes induced his next move. He brought his arms on either side of her so she was trapped. Not that he thought she would run. She definitely wanted this, him. The way she fixed her gaze on his lips, licking her own, he knew she wanted him to kiss her, which was what he had been thinking from the second he saw her coming down the inn stairs earlier.

  He bent down, bringing his eager lips close to hers. With his mouth a mere inch away from hers, he lifted his hand, caressing her soft curls. They felt like strands of silk sliding through his fingers. This close to her, the sweet fragrance of her perfume reminded him of fresh cut grass and he became utterly captivated by her. He dipped in closer, touching his lips to hers, and waves of electric arousal surged through their contact into his body, making shivers travel through his back, down to his legs.

  His cock rose and thickened with desire. His constrictive underwear and pants rubbed against its head, and he tried to control a passionate moan from escaping his lips while he took the kiss further.

  He pushed her lips open, and when his tongue met hers, he took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around her, crushing her body to his. His hardened cock pushed against her pelvis, and he swore he almost lost his willpower then. And although her dress had a frilly hoop skirt, he knew she could feel his arousal because she wrapped her arms around his neck and let out a soft, pleasing groan and breath while her tongue played along with his, enticing him to continue.

  Her warm exhale tickled his chin. He could feel the rise of her bosom then and yearned to gaze upon it.

  Freeing her mouth and pushing her hair behind her shoulders, he glided his lips down her neck and shoulders. She licked her lips and sighed. He sensed goose pimples form on her skin because of his heated breath and inched his way down to the top of her mounds that rested in temptation for him.


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