A Special Surprise

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A Special Surprise Page 3

by Chloe Ryder

  ‘No way!’ exclaimed Stardust. She stared into the room. Divine stood over the table. Her eyes gleamed with madness as she talked to the tiny ponies huddled together next to a battered satchel. ‘How did she get to the human world? And why would she steal the riding school ponies? What’s she up to?’

  Pippa pulled away from the window. Stardust followed and they crept back to the front of the house where Divine wouldn’t hear them.

  ‘Maybe she followed you,’ Pippa said.

  ‘But she’d have needed wings to fly after me,’ said Stardust thoughtfully. ‘What do we do now?’

  ‘Confront her,’ Pippa said, boldly, even though she was trembling at the idea.

  A fearful look crossed Stardust’s face then she drew herself up and said bravely, ‘Let’s do it.’

  The front door was locked. In frustration Pippa shoved her shoulder against it but it didn’t even budge.

  ‘We’ll have to climb through a window,’ she said.

  Pippa found one with loose bricks around the opening. With Stardust’s help she prised the bricks away until the window was large enough for her to climb through. Pippa was trembling as she ran along the dusty corridor to open the front door for Stardust.

  ‘Thanks,’ whispered Stardust as the door swung open.

  They crept through the castle, stepping carefully to avoid the rubble littering the floor. A rat scurried across their path and Stardust reared up.

  ‘Eeek! I hate rats,’ she snorted.

  ‘I don’t like spiders,’ Pippa said, sympathetically.

  ‘Don’t look up then,’ said Stardust.

  Pippa couldn’t help it and only just stopped herself from screaming when she saw an enormous spider dangling from the ceiling above her. Her heart was thumping so loudly she was sure Divine would hear it. Pippa clutched her hands to her chest to muffle the rapid thud. When they arrived outside Divine’s makeshift laboratory Pippa paused.

  ‘Ready?’ she asked.

  Stardust nodded. Pippa pushed on the handle and the door creaked open. Divine was still hunched over the table. She looked up, startled.

  ‘You!’ she screeched at Pippa and Stardust. ‘Haven’t you interfered enough? This is my castle. Get out!’

  ‘Hello, Divine,’ said Pippa. ‘We’re not leaving until we get the riding school ponies back.’

  ‘They’re mine,’ said Divine, putting a hoof around them. ‘And soon I’ll have more!’

  ‘They’re not yours,’ Pippa stepped forward. ‘You took them from my world.’

  ‘How did you get there? Did you follow me?’ asked Stardust.

  An evil smile spread across Divine’s face. ‘Of course I followed you. Silly little foal. I knew if I waited long enough you’d weaken and need to visit your pet girl.’

  ‘But how could you fly? Cloud would never have given you wings.’

  Divine threw back her head and cackled with laughter. ‘Have you forgotten my ancestors? I’m a direct descendant of Nightingale. She was a genius. I took her scrolls and notebooks from Volcanica. I know all her secrets. I can make flying potions, growing lotions, shrink drinks. Her science and magic make me the most powerful pony on Chevalia! There’s nothing I can’t do now!’

  ‘So you shrank the riding school ponies!’ Pippa stared at the six tiny horses cowering on the table.

  Divine gave a half bow. ‘I saved the riding school ponies. They didn’t want to stay in the human world, performing tricks for silly little girls and boys, so I freed them from their miserable lives. These ponies love me. They are the start of my new empire. I’m going back to the human world to collect more ponies.’

  ‘That’s not true,’ Pippa said, hotly. ‘The ponies love the riding school! Snowdrop’s always pleased to see me. She wouldn’t jump so well if she hated doing it. And Mrs Woods really cares for her ponies.’

  ‘Enough!’ Divine snatched up the satchel and hung it round her neck. With one quick move she flipped the end of the table with her nose. As the table tilted the six tiny riding school ponies slid towards her. Divine opened the satchel wider and caught the helpless ponies as they slid off the end.

  ‘Pippa!’ squeaked Snowdrop in alarm. ‘Help us. We want to go home.’

  Pippa lunged for the satchel. ‘Give me that.’ But Divine reared up, forcing Pippa to jump back.

  ‘Goodbye, interfering girl, goodbye Princess. Let’s not meet again.’ With an evil cackle Divine sprang through the door.

  ‘Quick,’ shouted Pippa, racing after her. ‘We can’t let her get away.’

  Chapter 6

  Divine fled along a short corridor and burst through a door at the back of the castle. Once outside she kicked it shut with her back hooves. Pippa stuck her foot in the doorway just in time to stop it from closing.

  ‘Hop on,’ cried Stardust.

  Pippa vaulted on to Stardust’s back and the pony took off. The narrow path climbed steeply up the mountain. Pippa felt a rush of fear and excitement as they hurtled over the rugged ground.

  ‘She’s heading for the ridge,’ shouted Stardust. ‘We’ve got to stop her before she crosses over or we won’t see which path she takes.

  Pippa’s mind whizzed like a blender. There wasn’t enough room to overtake Divine, so how else could they stop her? Soon the path ahead forked. One way led up and the other down. In a low voice Pippa called to Stardust, ‘How can we make Divine choose the path down to the beach?’

  ‘Like this,’ Stardust whispered back. ‘Hey, Pippa,’ she shouted loud enough for Divine to hear this time. ‘Which path do you think Divine will take?’

  ‘Up,’ Pippa yelled back. ‘She’ll definitely go up.’

  Ahead of them Divine positioned herself as if to take the higher path. Pippa held her breath. At the very last moment Divine swung left and took the other path. Stardust had anticipated that Divine would do the opposite of what Pippa had said and was already committed to going down. As she galloped after Divine the gap between them slowly closed.

  The path to the beach was even more treacherous than the route up to the spooky castle. Pippa clung on to Stardust with her hands and legs and kept her eyes fixed on the pony’s neat, white ears. Stones spun from Stardust’s hooves and once she skidded. Pippa gasped and shot forward. For a few bumpy strides she clung to Stardust’s neck until she was able to push herself back. A trickle of sweat rolled from her hairline and down her face. It tickled but Pippa was too scared to wipe it away.

  She could hear the faint shush of the waves on the beach and smell the salty sea air. The path twisted and turned, then opened into a small cove with a sandy, white beach. Ahead of them, the sea sparkled in the sunlight. Behind, the cliffs rose up to the Horseshoe Hills. Divine pulled up at the water’s edge. Her eyes were wild. ‘Think you’re clever, do you, tricking me like that? Well, this laugh’s on me.’ She dropped her head and caught the satchel as it fell over her neck. She flipped it open and held it over the water. ‘If I can’t have the riding school ponies then no one can.’

  ‘Stop,’ said Stardust. She pawed at the sand. ‘Please don’t hurt them. The ponies haven’t done anything wrong.’

  Pippa slid from Stardust’s back. The sea breeze caught her hair and dragged it over her face.

  ‘Stay back, silly girl,’ Divine swung the satchel. ‘One hoof closer and I’ll drop them.’

  Pippa pushed her curls out of her eyes. Her fingers brushed against something solid. The tiara. She’d forgotten she was wearing it. It reminded her of Triton and Rosella.

  ‘I wish they were here now,’ she murmured.

  Divine swung the satchel higher. Pippa held her breath. She thought she could hear the tiny riding school ponies whinnying in fear. If Divine wasn’t careful they could fall out into the sea. Without thinking, Pippa stepped closer to the water. A wave washed over her sandals. She felt her toes tingle with magic.

  ‘Stay back,’ screamed Divine. She swung the satchel even higher then let go.

  Pippa watched in horror as the satchel spun i
n the air. She leapt forward and ran into the sea. Everything seemed to slow – the spinning satchel, her legs as they splashed through the surf. She jumped up, her arms extended to catch the satchel, but she wasn’t close enough. From the corner of her eye she saw Divine’s triumphant smile as the satchel plummeted. Pippa braced herself for the splash and when it came she was shocked at how loud it was. The sea looked like it had been hit by a mini whirlpool. She’d never find the riding school horses now. Then she gasped. Triton and Rosella burst through a wave. Rosella lunged and caught the satchel in her mouth.

  ‘Great catch!’ Pippa cheered.

  Rosella’s face darkened. ‘What’s in here?’

  ‘They’re from my riding school,’ said Pippa. ‘Divine has shrunk them with a magic potion. And she’s going back to my world to steal more ponies.’

  Rosella nosed open the satchel. The ponies snorted and the satchel bulged as they backed into a corner.

  ‘It’s all right,’ said Rosella gently. ‘You’re safe now.’

  ‘Mine,’ shrieked Divine. ‘Give me that. The ponies are mine.’

  Divine dived for the satchel but Rosella swam out of her way.

  ‘How dare you! The seahorses always answered to my ancestor, Nightingale, and you must obey me too.’

  ‘Never,’ said Triton. ‘Our ancestors were happy to serve Nightingale. She was a great scientist. She was also kind-hearted and used her magic and talents to help ponies in need by creating Chevalia.’

  ‘She would be ashamed of you,’ added Rosella.

  Triton reached into his pouch and pulled out the blue bottle of growing potion. Deftly he sprinkled twelve drops over the satchel. The liquid sparkled and turned to lilac as it landed in the bag. There was a startled neigh then two hooves burst out of the satchel. Snowdrop shook herself as she jumped out of the bag and landed in the surf. She was followed by Sunflower, Rose, Bramble and Hawthorn. The ponies flattened their ears and hunched their shoulders as they stared nervously around.

  ‘About time too,’ said Petunia, the last out of the bag. ‘It was hot and smelly in there.’

  Rosella guided the ponies through the surf and on to the beach. Snowdrop hung back and made for Pippa who was knee-deep in the sea. She nuzzled her nose against her neck.

  ‘Thank you, Pippa, lover of ponies. I knew you’d rescue us.’

  ‘Stardust, Rosella and Triton helped too,’ said Pippa, including her friends with a wave of her hand.

  ‘Ponies wait! She’s no friend of yours,’ Divine screeched. ‘Come with me and you’ll never have to be ridden by silly little girls.’

  ‘I like being ridden,’ said Snowdrop. ‘It’s fun.’

  ‘I do too.’

  ‘And me.’

  The riding school ponies neighed in agreement.

  ‘Pah!’ shouted Divine. ‘Fools, all of you! This isn’t over yet. It’s just the start.’ She reared up, her cloak billowing behind her, and galloped across the beach to the cliff path.

  Chapter 7

  Pippa led Snowdrop on to the beach. Hawthorn and Bramble were splashing in the surf. Hawthorn had sand all over his legs and seaweed hanging from his tail.

  ‘I love splashing,’ he whinnied. ‘Come and play with us, Pippa.’

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ said Rose. ‘We haven’t got time to play.’

  ‘Oooh, silly, are we? At least we’re not prickly like you, Rose, or should we call you Thorn?’ snorted Bramble.

  ‘I’d love to play but we have to get back to the Castle,’ Pippa interrupted. ‘Queen Moonshine and King Firestar are waiting for us. Aren’t they, Stardust?’

  ‘A castle!’ said Petunia. ‘With a real King and Queen? I need to practise my curtsy first.’ She trotted away on her own and began to curtsy to an imaginary audience.

  ‘Line up, everyone,’ said Stardust. ‘Pippa and I will show you the way to my home. Hop on my back, Pippa.’

  ‘Pippa’s my girl, she can ride me,’ said Snowdrop, coming to stand on Pippa’s other side.

  Pippa flushed. She didn’t want the ponies to argue over her. She ran her hand down Snowdrop’s neck. ‘It’s probably better if I ride Stardust, here in Chevalia. It’s a long way back to the Castle and there are some dangerous bits. I’d hate it if you fell and got hurt.’

  Disappointment flashed in Snowdrop’s eyes. She blew softly through her nose at Pippa.

  ‘You’re the perfect girl, always putting the pony first.’

  Pippa and Stardust led the riding school ponies up the cliff path. They stopped for a rest at the top then Stardust started back to Stableside Castle at a flat-out gallop. Pippa hunched over Stardust’s neck with her hands wrapped in her mane. The wind made her eyes water but she loved the sense of flying and urged Stardust to gallop faster. They arrived in the Castle courtyard in a clatter of hooves. Royal Ponies rushed from every corner of the Castle to greet them.

  ‘Are these the riding school ponies?’ asked Queen Moonshine. ‘How charming.’

  ‘I’m sure I’m really a princess. I think I was switched as a foal,’ said Petunia. She stepped forward and curtsied to the Queen and King.

  Queen Moonshine hid a smile as she graciously bowed her head.

  ‘Welcome to Stableside Castle. I’m sorry your first impression of the island was so frightening. You’re safe from Divine now and better still, you’re free from the humans who have mistreated you. I trust you will all be very happy, living here in Chevalia.’

  ‘Live here?’ The riding school ponies turned to each other in alarm.

  ‘But I want to go home,’ said Rose.

  ‘Me too,’ said Sunflower. ‘I can’t wait for Billy to ride me in the gymkhana.’

  ‘Harry’s riding me,’ said Bramble. ‘We’re going to win the sack race.’

  ‘Jess and I have spent hours practising for the dressage,’ wailed Rose. ‘I can’t let her down now.’

  Snowdrop stepped forward and curtsied. ‘Your Majesties, Chevalia is a wonderful place but our home is special too. We love working with all the girls and boys who visit us. Some come back every week and we’ve made lots of friends. We never asked to be taken to Chevalia. Our home is with the children at the riding school.’

  ‘I see,’ said the Queen. ‘Then home you must go. But will you stay for the surprise birthday party we are having for our youngest foal, Stardust?’

  ‘Definitely! I never say no to a party,’ said Snowdrop.

  ‘A royal party,’ beamed Petunia. ‘My kind of party.’

  Stardust’s smile was brighter than a candle. ‘Come on up to my room, everyone, and I’ll lend you some things to wear. Snowdrop, you’d look great in my second-best tiara and Hawthorn, you’ll love splashing in my bath with my gorgeous Mane Street Salon strawberry-scented bubble bath. Pippa, all your clothes are here from our last adventure.’

  A short while later, Pippa, wearing a daisy print dress and sparkly sandals, and Stardust, in her best pink diamond tiara, led the riding school ponies into the courtyard. The girl ponies were neatly groomed and wore tiaras on their heads and the boys had brightly coloured sashes around their necks. Everyone’s hooves glimmered with gold paint and Petunia’s hooves were painted with pink and silver striped hoof polish.

  ‘Look at the courtyard,’ breathed Stardust. ‘I love the glitter balls.’

  ‘The ribbons are pretty too, and the flowers,’ said Pippa.

  A pony quartet sang to everyone from the stage. Pippa loved dancing and to her amazement so did Snowdrop.

  ‘You’ve got great rhythm,’ she shouted over the music.

  ‘Mrs Woods taught us to do dressage to music,’ Snowdrop said, modestly.

  After the dancing there was a banquet. Pippa ate her favourite food of fish and chips, washed down with lemonade. The Stableside cook served it personally to her on a plate with a knife and fork and a glass. There was a pudding of strawberries and cream to follow. The ponies ate honeyed oats, sugar-dusted carrots and barley-dipped apples. There was a huge birthday cake in the shape o
f a golden horseshoe and topped with candles.

  ‘Happy birthday, dear Stardust, happy birthday to you . . .’ Pippa sang heartily and she clapped the loudest as Stardust blew out all her candles in one breath. ‘Wish,’ called Pippa. ‘Don’t forget to make a wish.’

  Stardust gave Pippa a secretive smile. ‘It already came true,’ she said.

  Pippa felt a warm glow inside her. If she had a wish it would be to return to Chevalia to have more adventures with her Princess Pony friend. But Pippa knew it was almost time to go back to her world.

  Cloud had been enjoying the party celebrations from the air but now she swooped lower. ‘It’s time to go home, Pippa.’

  Pippa said her goodbyes then climbed on to Stardust’s back. Cloud and Stardust rubbed noses. There was a crack and a flash of light. Snowdrop jumped back in alarm. ‘You’ve got wings!’

  ‘Me too,’ whinnied Bramble, who’d just rubbed noses with Cloud. He flapped his feathery brown wings in delight. ‘Human world, here I come!’

  A strong draught lifted Pippa’s hair as Stardust rose higher into the air. The riding school ponies wobbled as they flew after them but soon they were swooping along like giant swallows. Pippa sat back, her hand resting on Stardust’s neck, as the pony flew her home. Cloud led them back to Horseshoe Cove. It was exactly as Pippa had left it with the tide still in and the morning sun bright in the sky.

  ‘Are you staying for the gymkhana?’ she asked Stardust.

  Stardust shook her head. ‘I’d like to but I have to get back to my family. I was behaving like a silly foal, thinking that they didn’t care about me. Next time something upsets me I’ll know to talk to them about it, instead of galloping away.’


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