The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica

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The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica Page 11

by Rose Caraway

  “God, Jules. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It was a long time coming.”

  “Still. Hey, if you need to beg out of the overtime tonight, I understand.”

  “No. I’ll be here. I just have to run home and let the dog out. By that, I mean I have to get my key back from Jon. He’s picking up the rest of his stuff tonight.”

  Keith looked like he wanted to say something more, but he didn’t. Reaching for the door handle, he smiled sheepishly as he walked out. He turned to me one last time, before he left. I looked up and felt my stomach flip as he spoke again.

  “I’ll leave you alone, Jules.”

  “Thanks, Keith.”

  I pulled into the parking garage, feeling strangely empowered. Jon had tried to turn a simple exchange of things into a nightmare. But I refused to let him get to me. It took every ounce of strength I had not to give into his baiting. He left befuddled and angry, but I got to leave peaceful and calm. I walked into work with a lightness I had been missing for the last two weeks. When the elevator opened, the floor was all but dark, the quiet cut only by the hum of computers and fans. The only light that was on was coming from my office, but it seemed dark and distant. No one was around. There were no fingers clacking keyboards, no phones ringing off the hook. Something was definitely up. Slowly, I made my way through the dark, until I reached my door. I stopped dead in my tracks from shock.

  The whole office was illuminated by candles, flickering from every shelf. Music rang out from the tinny speakers attached to my computer. And, in the middle of it all stood Keith. His hair sliding down his forehead as he held out a single rose to me. The whole thing seemed out of a storybook, and I couldn’t help but chuckle as I looked around. I took the rose, but set it down so I could ask him the one question that was burning in my mind.

  “Keith, what is all this?”

  “I wanted to cheer you up. I thought you might need it after dealing with Jon tonight.”

  “That’s very sweet, but it actually went just fine. Is that really the only reason you did this?”

  He stepped closer to me, his stiff body relaxing a bit. His hands were close to my face, his movements smaller than usual.

  “All right, I admit it. I have my own selfish motives. I was trying to find the perfect way to tell you that I like you. Is it too much?”

  Surveying the scene, I couldn’t help but nod. He dropped his hands, looking dejected and sad. I immediately regretted my reaction.

  “Keith, I mean, this is all very nice, but…”

  “Stop saying I’m nice or sweet. I’m not as nice as I seem, you know.”

  “Keith, I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just that you’re not really my type. I like you a lot, but I just don’t think we have any chemistry.”

  “No chemistry, huh?’

  Keith took another two steps forward, his arms wrapping around my back before I could pull away. His face hovered right near mine. His eyes were filled with something I had never seen before. His hands dug into my lower back, grasping at my blouse with more force than I was used to. My body reacted before my brain could, my hips pushing forward against his. I felt my face grow hot, the proximity of his body to mine playing havoc with my senses. With him right in front of me, none of the little flaws I pounced on before seemed to matter. The fact that we saw eye to eye no longer bothered me, in fact it only made his piercing stare more potent. His hand slid up to the back of my neck, pulling gently on my hair. My mouth parted in a sigh, and he took advantage of my position and kissed me hard.

  Never had a single kiss had such a profound effect on me. My body leaned against his for strength, his arms literally holding me up. When his tongue made its way into my mouth, I couldn’t help but moan around it. Releasing me all too soon, he pulled back, still embracing me there in the dim light. His hands took on a whole new meaning, now that I had felt them on me.

  “You know what, Jules, you’re right. I don’t feel a thing. Maybe we should just call it a night.”

  “That’s not funny, Keith.”

  “I know. And, it wasn’t very nice either.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. His mouth dropped to my neck; the tug of his lips and teeth ripped a gasp from my throat. I clutched at Keith’s shoulders as he continued kissing my throat, his fingers coolly moving the pearl buttons of my blouse through their holes. He pulled me toward my desk, pushing aside papers and files we were supposed to be working on. I perched on the edge, throwing my shirt across the room in haste. He stood between my legs, sliding his hands up my thighs. My bra was still on, my nipples hard and aching for his touch. I looked at him, his hands tentative for the first time. I reached for both of his hands and pulled them up to my chest but he stayed motionless. I smiled at him as I signed.

  “It’s okay, Keith. I want you to.”

  I urged his hands to move, my barely covered nipples slipping easily between his fingers. After a few seconds, he didn’t need any more guidance. The fire he set off between my legs shocked me, my body reacting quicker than it ever had before. Reaching behind me, I flicked open my bra, Keith moving his hands long enough to let the flimsy fabric drop. I watched his face, his mouth slightly open, his eyes shining. As his thumbs ran over my tight, hard nipples we both gasped in stereo and I noticed his hard cock pressing into the zipper of his black pants. Wrapping my legs around his hips, I started yanking at his shirt. His hands dropped to the button on my pants. He moved slowly, too slowly. I got his attention and said the only thing I could think of.

  “Keith, don’t be nice.”

  Pulling me from the desk, he turned me quickly, forcing my hands down onto the fake wood surface. There would be no more talking for a while. He slipped my shoes off, and I heard them softly thud on the carpet. Yanking my pants and underwear past my ankles, he pushed me forward, spreading my legs apart. As his fingers teased my swollen lips, his tongue ran up the back of my thigh, meandering all over the place, but not the one place I wanted. Finally, Keith’s tongue hit me right in the hot spot, his tongue thrusting into my wet, open pussy. His fingers played with my clit, strumming it in a steady rhythm. I was practically screaming, pushing my hips back against his face. I could feel my orgasm bubbling up inside me, the pressure of his fingers almost too much. Suddenly he stopped, turning me back toward him. His pants were sliding down his legs, his impressive cock standing tall from his body.

  It looked too good not to suck. Sliding to my knees, I wrapped my lips around the full, flushed head. Keith whispered out my name, the first time I’d heard his voice in so long. His hands, the usual form his voice took, caressed my head. My mind swam, every sense full of the new, sexy Keith. I had been so oblivious to him and all that he was. But no more. Grabbing his ass, I pulled him deeper into my mouth. But he didn’t let me stay in control for long. He pulled me to my feet, his hands fervent as he made a request.

  “I want you, Jules.”

  I sat back on my desk and fished in my top drawer for a moment until I found what I was looking for. He stepped toward me and I took him in hand, slowly sliding the condom down his cock. He guided himself inside me, sliding easily into my cunt as I put my legs around his back. His hands cradled my ass, pulling me to him, keeping me close. My teeth pulled at his bottom lip as I whimpered and moaned into his mouth. He swirled his hips as he fucked me, my clit bumping against his pelvis with each stroke. It was enough to tease me, but not enough to push me over the edge. He moved quickly one minute, the next slow and deliberate. I couldn’t resist looking between us and watching him pump in and out of me. Reaching down, I rubbed my clit, moving two fingers in small circles. I tightened my legs around him, knowing I wouldn’t last much longer. Keith moved his hands to my face, our eyes locked as I let my pleasure wash over me. I fought the urge to close my eyes, coming hard as he thrust into me over and over. Finally, he broke the stare, his head nuzzling into my neck as his own orgasm ripped through him. I felt him pulse inside me, his body going slack against me.

When he finally looked at me, I couldn’t help but smile. His transformation was complete. The old Keith I knew, the reliable, sweet coworker, was gone. He had been replaced by the man standing before me, the man who gave me more pleasure than I had ever known. I smoothed back his wayward brown hair so I could kiss his sweaty forehead. His hands told me everything I needed to know.

  “So, Jules. Would you call that chemistry?”

  “No, Keith. I’d call that sweet.”


  Kay Jaybee

  Flinging the back doors of his transit van wide open, Ryan called to his girlfriend as she unlocked the industrial-sized greenhouse where they worked. “Are you still up for helping me do the deliveries today, Beth?”

  “Sure am.” Beth began to box up some plants ready for loading.

  Ryan’s lips curved up suggestively as he took the first tray of flowerpots from her outstretched hands. “Good. A bit of company could be fun.”

  Beth couldn’t help but smile back when she saw the mischievous glint in his mahogany eyes. “No need to look so excited, I’m only going to be carrying boxes of flowers in and out of your van.”

  The That’s what you think, stare Ryan gave her in reply sent a mild stirring of unease tripping down Beth’s spine.

  Holding Beth’s gaze, Ryan picked up three thick blankets. “You can start by helping me lay these blankets on the van floor.”

  The memory of the fantasy Ryan had shared with her the night before, as they’d rolled around, limbs entangled, on his king-sized bed, suddenly loomed large in Beth’s mind. “You aren’t serious?”

  Not sure she wanted to hear Ryan answer her question, Beth busied herself with wrapping extra strips of bubble-wrap around the bases of the flowerpots, giving herself time to remember how to breathe properly. She knew precisely what that dangerously sexy expression on Ryan’s face could mean.

  Two months ago, while walking along a beach, he’d shared a seafront fucking fantasy with her. The next minute Beth had been on her hands and knees, her lover’s beautiful cock easing in and out of her, while her nub was tickled with the tip of a hermit-crab shell. The memory of how scared she’d been of someone spotting them while they rutted in the sand, and how aroused the thought of discovery had made her, sent quivers of confused longing through Beth’s chest. The look he’d given her then, and the one Ryan was giving her now, were almost identical.

  “You know I’m serious.”

  Trying and failing to keep her voice as steady, Beth protested further. “But we can’t! The chances of being spotted are huge!”

  Carrying on as if Beth hadn’t spoken, Ryan layered the rugs over the metal floor. “You said the same thing when I stripped you in your kitchen window and flicked your nipples until you came. You went all paranoid about your neighbors spotting you, but you didn’t move away.”

  “I was scared stiff they’d see! I would’ve had to move house.”

  “Rubbish. You’re gorgeous; they would have enjoyed the view.”

  Beth’s chest tightened at the thought of how Ryan’s rough gardener’s hands had reduced her clothing to nothing but her oversized shirt in seconds. He’d even managed to thread her bra through her sleeves without removing her top. All the time, her head had nagged at her that it was insane, but she’d been too caught up in pleasure to stop him, even though her heavy chest had been on show to anyone who happened to be passing.

  “You are an exhibitionist, Bethany Parker, and don’t you forget it!”

  “I am not!” Beth felt strangely indignant, especially as she had a horrible feeling that Ryan was right.

  Satisfied with the placement of the blankets, Ryan began to secure the trays of plants to be delivered into the special crates strapped against the van’s right side.

  Beth swallowed. Ryan usually balanced his crates on either side of the van. Today he was leaving one side free.

  When the last tray was in place, the space on the left side of the van’s floor remained horribly obvious. Beth didn’t dare ask why. Her eyes frantically scanned the greenhouse in case there was a pile of compost sacks ready to put on, to balance out the van’s load. There were none.

  The lack of conversation between them was beginning to get to her, and Beth finally braved the question she’d been afraid to ask. “What goes there?”

  “You already know the answer to that.”

  Taking a step away from the van, Beth nervously wiped some soil from her hands. “Come off it, Ryan, that was just a fuck-time fantasy.”

  Her boyfriend didn’t answer, but continued to double-check that the stack of plants was secure and wouldn’t fall in transit. Then, brushing past Beth as if she wasn’t there, he picked something off his workbench.

  “Oh good grief, I haven’t seen one of those for years! Where did you get it?” Beth felt her unease drop a fraction as she stroked the old black cassette recorder he was holding with nostalgia.

  “I’ve had this since I was a child.” Ryan popped open the tape holder. “I used it all the time, poor thing had a right battering.” Slotting in a worn-looking blank cassette, he snapped the lid shut.

  Thinking that perhaps he’d just been teasing her with the whole fantasy thing, Beth began to breathe more easily, until Ryan carried the antiquated machine into the back of the van. She watched in fascinated horror as he took two lengths of extra-strong packing tape and used them to stick the cassette recorder into place on the floor next to the plants.

  “What’s that for? You’ll never hear anything from it in the front of the van.”

  “It’s obvious isn’t it?”

  “Obvious? I know you’ve lost your iPod, but does that thing even still work?”

  “It does indeed. I want it there so that I don’t miss any of the noises you are going to make. As I’ll be in the cab and you’ll be in the back, I’m bound to miss out on hearing some of your lovely moans and groans. I figured we could listen to the tape together later.”

  Beth’s mouth opened and closed as her boyfriend strode toward her. Engulfing her in his arms, Ryan soon had his lips on hers, eating her protests away before they had the chance to escape from her mouth.

  The night before, she’d been able to picture every moment of Ryan’s fantasy as they’d playfully discussed it. Now she could see the possibility of it right before her—with the addition of a tape recorder.

  “You’ll love it.” He spoke softly in her ear.

  Beth said nothing. She knew he was right, but she wished he wasn’t.

  “I will keep you safe.”

  “How? I’m bound to be seen!” She raised her voice, half in panic, half because she realized by asking the question she had just agreed to go through with this. Suddenly, every nerve in her body felt as if it was attached to a piece of string that was being sharply tugged toward her twitching crotch.

  Cupping her face, Ryan tucked Beth’s chestnut hair behind her ears. “Don’t worry babe, I love you, and I will protect you. Any entertainment we might provide for others is just a delicious bonus.”

  Beth’s stomach did an internal backflip. He’d really thought this through. She was barely whispering as she asked, “But how?”

  Ryan returned to his bench. A heavy-weave fabric ground sheet sat neatly folded. “We’ll use this.” He lifted it up by one of the short ends, and flapped it open.

  “Oh my god!” Beth stared at the doctored sheet before her. Three rectangles had been cut out of it in salient places; if this had originally featured in his erotic dream, he had neglected to tell her.

  “Anyone who might catch a glimpse of you won’t know who you are. Now, get undressed.” Ryan spoke as if refusal was not an option, but Beth couldn’t move. Her feet felt as if someone had super-glued her to the floor.

  Reaching out a hand, Ryan cupped Beth’s groin through her jeans. Her sigh gave her away. “I know you want to. You know you want to. Let’s just get you into position before I’m late for my rounds.”

  Beth’s fingers came to her shirt buttons
. She fumbled clumsily, struggling with the small white fastenings as her hands shook. The memory of the climax she’d had when Ryan had told her how his fantasy went made every fiber of her being buzz with erotic expectation. “But what if…?”

  Ryan cut her off. “I told you, I’ll be very careful. Just get undressed, baby.”

  Her clothes fell to the dusty floor. It wasn’t cold, but Beth shivered anyway.

  Ryan’s expression spoke more about his approval of her naked body than any amount of words would have managed. Taking her hand, he helped a turned-on but trembling Beth into the back of the van, without failing to notice the slight glisten that had started to form at the top of her thighs.

  Lying down, her back to the mattress of rugs, Beth’s hands felt restless at her sides. Even though her knowledge of the fantasy meant she knew it was coming, the zip of the packing reel made her heart drum faster. Then without a word, Ryan taped her right wrist down onto the top rug, before repeating the move over her left wrist, and then over each ankle.

  With a lingering look into the lustful yet uneasy hazel eyes of his girlfriend, Ryan threw the prepared sheet over her, lining up the holes, so that her tits, pussy, and mouth were all on show, but her face was carefully hidden. He then climbed up next to Beth, pressed RECORD on the tape player, and retreated before he gave up on his plan and jumped directly on top of her instead.

  The shake and noise of the engine as Ryan switched on the ignition reverberated through Beth. The stale compost-smelling air of the van’s interior rippled over the rectangles of exposed flesh as she lay, unable to move.

  Even though her mouth was free, the heavy cloth over her body, and the sensation of being captured in the confined space of the van sent a wave of claustrophobia over Beth, and she found she had to concentrate on breathing. She wondered if the sound of her loud rasping breaths would be audible when Ryan played the recording back later.

  There was an abrupt jerk, and Beth yelped as the van began to move. As its speed crept up, Beth’s fingertips gripped into the rugs beneath her. The sensation of swaying from side to side and yet being kept perfectly still made Beth feel as if she was on some sort of kinky roller coaster. As Ryan took a corner, the flower pots, rocking in their stacks, showered a fine rain of loose soil onto her, its dampness adding to her arousal as it spotted her chest with muddy freckles.


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