The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica

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The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica Page 13

by Rose Caraway

  Lauren thought about her consultation as she got ready to meet Dr. Harrison in the prep area. Who would have ever thought the prospect of going to sleep for five years would be exciting, but here she was, excited. She had received her message the day before, telling her not to eat anything twelve hours before preparation.

  Dr. Harrison had begun by asking her what kinds of exercise she preferred. Was she a runner? Did she like to swim, play tennis, lift weights? She had told him she liked swimming, rock climbing and skiing. Then he had asked what she found sexually stimulating. She was a little taken aback by the question. He assured her that whatever she said would remain confidential. He told her she would find her dreams more fulfilling if she could be honest about her sexual proclivities with him.

  He explained that she would be stimulated sexually while she slept. Every muscle in her body needed to be stimulated and exercised, and as time wore on, this exercise would need to be more and more constant.

  The longer the body remained weightless, the more exercise it needed to be able to function in Earth-type gravity. This is why long periods in space before the advent of artificial gravity had been so dangerous. Astronauts were unable to exercise as much as was necessary and still get any work done. Some people came back from flights lasting several years and needed the same amount of time just to recuperate back on Earth. Some even ended up with their muscles so badly atrophied that they never regained use of them again.

  He explained that all her involuntary systems would continue to work, but the rest of her muscles would need to be maintained through exercise. That included her vaginal muscles, her colorectal muscles, her sphincter, everything. He said he could stimulate these muscles for her and she would derive some pleasure from it, but psychologists had discovered people were happier and enjoyed their sleep periods more when they were stimulated sexually, allowing their own bodies to create the exercise these particular muscles needed.

  She thought about her discussion with Dr. Harrison as she hurried through the ship, making her way to the passenger preparation area. She had already become slightly aroused by the time she arrived.

  Dr. Harrison greeted her then asked when she had eaten last. Satisfied with her answer, he led her to another, smaller room.

  “You’ll be wearing a tight-fitting suit and it must make good contact in order to work properly so we need to remove all your body hair, or at least the hair below your neck. This cabinet will remove the hair with sound waves.”

  He opened the doors to a small box-like cabinet and Lauren saw a stool inside.

  “Now, if you’ll remove all your clothing, you can step inside and have a seat on the stool.”

  She sat down and he closed the doors around her neck, leaving her head sticking out of the top. As he flipped a switch, she felt a tingling sensation, which built in intensity and quickly cycled back down to nothing. The whole process was finished in less than two minutes.

  Dr. Harrison opened the doors, and as she stepped out, the first thing she noticed was her missing pubic hair. That was a shock. She couldn’t help touching herself. Her mons felt so smooth. She noticed the doctor waiting for her and began to blush.

  “That’s all right. Practically everyone has the same reaction. Now, if you’ll follow me into the next room,” he said. “Have a seat in the chair and put your feet in the stirrups. I’ll be giving you a douche and an enema.”

  Lauren noticed that the seat was horseshoe shaped. When she sat down, only her legs made contact with the chair. She put her feet in the stirrups and the doctor strapped them in and spread her legs apart. After placing a basin underneath her and donning gloves, the doctor opened her labia and inserted a nozzle. He opened a clamp, allowing the liquid to flow inside her. It was body temperature and felt good. She felt a steady stream of fluid running out of her body as more entered her. He removed the nozzle and let the rest of the liquid run out of her into the basin below, then blotted her dry.

  “I’m going to tilt the chair back now, Lauren. Don’t worry, you won’t fall. You’ll be lying flat on your back.”

  He pushed a button and she felt the chair begin to tilt backward. She held on to the armrests until it stopped, then found it was more comfortable to put her arms across her chest, just under her breasts. She found it a little disconcerting to be lying on her back with her legs apart and her feet up in the air. As she was thinking this, she felt a lubricated finger prodding her anus.

  “I’m going to give you an enema, Lauren, then put a device inside you to keep the solution in while I take Jim Carson to his place in the hangar.”

  She felt his lubricated finger enter her then withdraw to be replaced by a nozzle pressed against her anus. It slid inside her, and she felt the liquid begin to fill her bowels. The doctor continued to talk to her while working.

  “You may have noticed he was the passenger right before you on the list. Well, it’s like an assembly line around here. He’s just been through the same thing you are doing now, minus the douche, of course.”

  She felt the doctor remove the nozzle from her rear end and slide something else inside. Her nipples had gotten hard from all the attention. She realized that she was becoming aroused from the doctor’s ministrations. She hoped he hadn’t noticed; it was embarrassing. At least he hadn’t said anything.

  “I’ve just put a small plug in your anus to keep the solution inside while I get Mr. Carson situated. I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes. Just relax.”

  As he left the room, she felt the pressure of the fluid in her abdomen but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Her hands went instinctively to her pubic area. She explored the clean, smooth, hairless skin. Her stroking and gentle prodding was beginning to get her hot. She let her fingers delve between her lips and explore her moist slit. As she touched her clit, she felt her juices begin to flow more copiously.

  Lauren hadn’t planned on this. She had only wanted to feel her hairless mound, but now she couldn’t stop herself. She brought one hand up to her breast and began to alternately pull and rub her already hard nipple. Although it had started out lazily, the finger rubbing against the side of her clit had picked up speed. Her nipple play now matched in speed. She felt herself climbing up to the edge, as her breathing became shallow and rhythmic.

  The climax rolled over her like a wave. When the quaking subsided, she opened her eyes to find Dr. Harrison smiling down at her. She froze, and a blush suffused her entire body.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “It’s normal. Just about everyone does that while waiting for me to come back. I’m going to bring your chair back to an upright position and help you to the bathroom.”

  Lauren held on to the armrests as the chair slowly brought her to a sitting position. Dr. Harrison removed the straps from her feet and lowered them to the ground. He took her hand, helped her up and walked her to the bathroom. He placed her hand on the plug.

  “Just sit on the toilet and pull out the plug. You can leave it in the sink. When you’re finished, I’ll be waiting outside.”

  After cleaning herself up, she returned to where Dr. Harrison was waiting.

  “Just follow me. Your suit is waiting by your station,” he said as he led her into the passenger hangar.

  The site was overwhelming even though there were only about a hundred people, as yet, in stasis. The room was large and the stations were situated closely together. People wearing tight black bodysuits were lying prone in midair, suspended in slings about three feet off the ground. Wires and cables, attached to the suits, were gathered together and plugged into several towers throughout the room.

  Even though artificial gravity and life support were still on and would remain on until the last passenger was put to sleep, she could see a lot of movement. Feet were being flexed, arms and legs were being bent and heads were being rotated on necks. Occasionally, she heard gentle noises coming from the sleepers.

  They stopped at an empty station. A suit had been placed over a cart by the sling. She noticed s
ome devices on the cart. The aforementioned Jim Carson was in the neighboring sling. Jim, unlike the other passengers, appeared to be lost in the throes of a rather intense orgasm. She could see his cock straining against the fabric of his suit and his hips were pumping up and down as much as his sling would allow. His fingers were grasping, his legs were stiff and his toes were pointed. He was breathing hard and she could see his pulse pounding in his neck. She turned to Dr. Harrison to ask what was going on but before she could say anything, he started to explain.

  “It’s the suit, you see,” he said. “He’s just getting used to it. The suit, itself, is very stimulating. You’ll understand when you put it on. Because he was aroused while he was still awake, the suit is bringing him to climax. Climaxing just after one loses consciousness seems to put people into the most relaxed state possible. It also starts their dream off with a bang, so to speak.”

  He unzipped the suit and held it open for Lauren to see. There were wires and thin metal plates everywhere. There were also concentric silicone rings on either side of the chest. The suit interior looked a little like a computer chip. She reached for it.

  “First there are appliances that must be installed,” he said as he draped the suit over the cart again.

  Dr. Harrison donned a pair of gloves and began to spread lubricant on a large black plug he picked up from the cart.

  “Okay, Lauren, turn around with your back to me, spread your legs, bend over and put your hands on your knees. I’m going to insert a plug into your anus and then another into your vagina. No, no, don’t worry, you’ll like it, you’ll see,” he said soothingly as she started to tremble.

  He spoke reassuringly to her, telling her to take deep breaths, as he deftly inserted the anal plug. Nerves had gotten the best of her but once the plug was in, she relaxed.

  “Let me put the vaginal plug in, and then you can stand up. After that, there’s one last appliance to install before we can start putting you into your suit.”

  There wasn’t any need for lubrication, as Lauren was already quite wet. She sighed as he inserted the remaining plug into her opening. With a hand against the small of her back and against her upper chest, he helped her stand up and turned her around. She was smiling and her eyes were half closed.

  “See, I told you it would be enjoyable. I think you’re really going to like this next piece.” He held up an item shaped like a large flattened arrowhead. One side was smooth and flat, but the other side had a small cup cut into it. He knelt down in front of her and with his lubricated, gloved finger between her labia, he began stimulating her clitoris. She gasped and started breathing erratically. When her clit was erect, he placed the shield over it. Her clit just fit inside the cup. He smoothed her labial lips back over the shield to help hold it in place.

  He helped her put her feet into the suit then smoothed the tight material over her legs. As he pulled it up over her buttocks, she could feel both plugs lock into ports in the suit. She placed her arms in the sleeves, and Dr. Harrison pulled the suit up over her back.

  “I’ve just got two more pieces for your breasts,” he said.

  He showed her two more shields. They were small. Only enough material to cover her nipples and areolae. They also had cups cut into them. He put lubricant inside the cups and used his lubed fingers to stimulate her nipples. When they were hard, he placed the shields over them, fitting her erect nipples into the cups, and then closed the front of the suit and zipped it up, keeping everything in place.

  Lauren felt a bit antsy. The stimulation was constant, but not intense enough to cause an orgasm. Dr. Harrison adjusted the sling around her body. She barely realized what was happening when suddenly she felt her feet leave the floor as her body was placed in a prone position in the air. She felt completely supported. When she had first seen the other passengers suspended in slings, she wondered how it would feel. Surprisingly, it was extremely comfortable.

  She could feel him plugging wires and cables into the back of the suit. Cables were attached to the anal and vaginal ports, where they protruded from the suit. He plugged more wires into the front of the suit, including a cable over the clitoral shield and a cable over each breast shield.

  The first piece to wake was the clitoral shield. She felt the cup grip her clit and begin massaging it. A surprised yip came out of her mouth. She felt the anal plug undulating inside her. Soon the vaginal plug began the same undulation. She felt muscular contractions building in her anus and rectum as well as her vagina as she began rocking her hips back and forth. She felt the nipple shields grip her erect nipples and begin squeezing them gently while the silicone rings on the inside of the suit began to knead her breasts.

  “Oh, wow,” she murmured as her body began to buck.

  Dr. Harrison stood beside her, smiling. “I’m going to put you to sleep now, Lauren. Sweet dreams.”

  A Perverted Fairy Tale

  Emily Bingham

  Little Red skipped to the outskirts of town in her short gingham dress, delighting in the red-and-white pattern that hugged the womanly curves of her buxom breasts and shapely behind. It matched her hair and danced in the breeze, floating just above her kneesocks and Mary Janes. As her walking took her farther from the village she tired of the wind making hurricanes of the abundant waves about her face and took a set of sateen ribbons from her pocket to tame her locks. She put one flopping braid on each side of her head and began to skip her way into the woods feeling the braids sway in time to her steps.

  The woods were dark and it was rumored evil beasts resided here, but Little Red hadn’t a passing hint of fear; the darkness fascinated her. Secretly she hoped to find one particular creature she had heard thrived in these enchanted woods. Wearing such an irresistibly impish outfit, she knew she could lure him out of hiding. She did love an adventure.

  Breathing hard from her long journey, she sat on a nearby flat rock to rest. She leaned back, sunning herself in the beams of light that pierced through the trees. Popping open the first button of her thin dress she realized how nice the warmth felt on her skin. Little did she know that in the nearest burst of bushes her dangerous visitor already watched.

  It had big eyes gleaming with wickedly growing intent. It was strong and powerful. The hypnotic intonations of its speech could lull and elicit desire from anything that crossed its path. These spells were especially useful on scrumptious women like the one it was gazing upon. Thankfully for Little Red, the voyeur was, however, powerless in the light of day. Darkness was the only time it could leave the shadows. The full moon made it even more dangerous. He was, though, a patient Wolf and had every intention of getting his paws on this red-haired morsel.

  Drooling, he watched as Little Red fingered open several more buttons on her dress, exposing her delicate neck and chest to the sun. He noticed new freckles appear on her white skin as she rolled about on the rock deep in sleep. By the time the sun was tracing the edge of the horizon and Little Red was grinning her way through the end of a dream, the Wolf was shivering in anticipation. He counted the moments on his claws until he could leave the thick grove of trees and make his way to the lady in the sunny clearing. The deepening shadows were already strengthening him.

  He watched as the pools of blackness spread across the rock Little Red lay upon. Dusk first tickled the edge of her stocking toes—her shoes long since tossed aside in the dirt—then it moved up her strong legs. The dark also played across the pale bit of thigh peeking between the edge of her socks and the lace of her crinoline. The Wolf tongued his jowls at the sight, suddenly hungry and thirsty at once. Soon the shadows puddled together so that only Little Red’s hair was kissed by daylight. The angle and color of the setting sun cast an extra crimson shade to her long braided locks.

  Now the Wolf left the protection of the trees to get a closer look, savoring the scent of flesh as he shortened the distance between them. She would be dinner eventually, but first he would play. It had been too long since he had come across something this lovely.
The stray lumberjack or farm animal that he was accustomed to were nothing but food to fill his belly; this girl was a treat. He wanted this to last.

  Proceeding in silence, the Wolf tiptoed to Little Red’s sleeping rock. He waited until the moon took over the sky to get close enough to disturb her slumber. He blew hot mouthfuls of rancid meat-flavored bursts over her neck, the earthy musk of her sweat making him dizzy. It wasn’t long before the tickle of his breath began to wake her.

  Still wrapped in the fog of sleep, she thought herself at home in her room being roused by the family dog and instinctively reached out to pet the Wolf’s tangled coat. This was going to be easier than he had imagined; she already had a fondness for his kind, and was all too happy to stroke the harmless dog lost in the forest.

  It took all of his self-control to stifle a toothy grin and not reveal himself as something other than an ordinary wolf. He delighted in her first moment of heart-quickening surprise when she was jolted fully conscious. Humans were such a joy to toy with. Her realization that she had awoken outdoors far from home, alone with her hand near a strange creature was priceless.

  She curled her knees to her chest and slid on her behind to the farthest edge of the rock, falsely comforted by the space between them. He remained still, enjoying her fear. The concern in her wide eyes sent bolts of electric lust through him. He breathed in deeply the smell of what he thought was fear, savoring the beauty of this moment, his control over her. From here he also had the benefit of the view her folded legs afforded him.

  Her skirts hung so loosely she might have purposely done nothing to cover her thin linen bloomers. He assumed that thinking only of the danger she was in, Little Red had momentarily forgotten her modesty, which suited the Wolf just fine. He had a perfect view through the fabric as it clung to her sun-moistened skin. Each fold of her flesh was outlined in nearly transparent cloth, hinting at the intricacies hidden between her legs.


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