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Business Adventures Page 46

by John Brooks

Gifts, taxes on, 109

  Gilbert, John, 290

  Gilbert, Lewis D., 280–282, 290–295

  Gillespie, S. Hazard, 142, 143

  Ginn, William S., 207–212, 215, 219, 221, 223

  Gold, 317, 337; in exchange for dollars, 320, 323, 381

  Gold-exchange standard, 339–340

  Gold pool, London, 381–386

  Gold standard: abandoned in U.S., 339; adoption of by European countries, 338; in Great Britain, 337

  Goldman, Sachs & Co., 192

  Goodrich Co. (see B.F. Goodrich Co.)

  Goodrich v. Wohlgemuth, 304, 305

  Gore, Albert, 117

  Graphite, 121

  Great Ascent, The (Heilbroner), 12

  Great Britain: balance of payments of, 319, 372; bank rate of, 334, 335, 376, 377; gold standard in, 337; income tax in, 81, 82; introduction of xerography in, 170; raising of interest rates in, 325; sterling crisis in, 315–389; tax collecting in, 88; tax law of, 103

  Great Treasury Raid, The (Stern), 117

  “Greater Tax Savings—A Constructive Approach,” 110

  Greene, Nathan, 260, 264, 265

  Greenewalt, Crawford, 263

  Gregory, Seth, 256, 257

  Haemisegger, H. Fred, 134, 142

  Haloid Co., 150, 152

  Haloid Xerox, Inc., 149, 153

  Harcourt, Brace & World, 162

  Harding, Bertrand M., 91

  Harlem Railway, 228

  Harriss, C. Lowell, 78

  Hart, Philip A., 205, 212

  Harvard Business Review, 278, 281, 286

  Harvey, Frank H., 305, 308, 310, 311

  Haupt & Co. (see Ira Haupt & Co.)

  Hayakawa, S.I., 65

  Hayes, Alfred, 319, 323–326, 328, 341–370, 383, 388, 389

  Head taxes, 80

  Heart of Japan, The (Campbell), 210

  Heilbroner, Robert L., 12

  Hellerstein, Jerome, 85, 95, 102, 107

  Henry Anspacher & Co. (London), 189, 194

  Hentschel, H. Frank, 217, 218

  Hickenlooper, Bourke, 253

  Hinton, Longstreet, 135, 140–142

  Hofstadter, Richard, 108

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 303

  Holtrop, Marius W., 362, 364

  Holyk, Walter, 122–126, 130, 133, 136, 138

  House Judiciary Committee, 164

  Hovde, Frederick L., 287

  Ideologies of Taxation, The (Eisenstein), 113

  India, 255; devaluation of rupee in, 322; expenditure tax in, 115; income tax in, 82

  Indus River, 255

  Ingraham, Joseph C., 57

  Injunction, origin of, 305–306

  Income tax, 80–82; avoidance of, 100; in Communist countries, 88; in Florence (15th century), 80; in various countries, 88

  Income-tax law, 97

  Inside information, legitimate use of, 118–144

  Insider Trading and the Stock Market (Manne), 120

  Intellectual work, and taxes, 108

  Interdict, defined, 306

  Interest, withholding of taxes on, 96

  Interest rates, 316, 325

  Internal Revenue Code: (1954), 79, 96, 98; (1964), 100, 101, 102, 108, 113; complexity of, 111

  Internal Revenue Service, 89–97; and taxpayer education, 112

  International Business Machines, 8, 9, 14, 18, 152

  International Harvester, 378

  International Latex Corp., 298, 299, 301, 306–311

  International Monetary Fund, 322, 324–325, 329, 330; members of, 328; special drawing rights on (S.D.R.), 387

  International Telephone & Telegraph, 378

  Ira Haupt & Co., 176–189

  Iran, 250, 270, 274

  Italy, 250, 272, 347

  I-T-E Circuit Breaker Co., 213, 217

  Ivory Coast, 250–251, 272

  J. R. Williston & Beane, 177, 179, 181, 182, 185

  Japan, income tax in, 82

  Javits, Jacob, 384

  Jefferson, Thomas, 260

  Jeter, R. G., 302, 306–308, 311–313

  John Birch Society, 155

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 80, 197, 381, 384

  Judge, J. Emmet, 48, 49, 50

  Kaiser, Henry J., 29

  Kaldor, Nicholas, 115

  Kamerman, Morton, 176–180, 183

  Kappel, Frederick R., 278, 280–285

  Karp, Irwin, 163

  Kashmir, 255

  Keedoozle stores, 247, 248

  Kefauver, Estes, 200, 207, 210, 214, 216, 218, 221–223

  Kefauver Subcommittee, 205

  Kennamer, Frank E., Jr., 136, 142

  Kennedy, John F., 3, 80, 104, 105, 177

  Keynes, John M., 339

  Khuzistan, 250, 270–274

  Kidd-55 segment, 121–136

  Kleinwort, Benson, Ltd., 189, 192, 194

  Kornei, Otto, 150, 151

  Krafve, Richard, 28–74

  Kreisler, Charles, 46, 63

  La Branche, George M. L., Jr., 15, 16, 17, 18

  La Branche and Wood & Co., 15

  La Rochefoucauld, François, 146

  Lamont, Thomas S., 128, 133, 135, 136, 140–143

  Lasker, Albert, 255

  Lasser Tax Institute, 107

  Latex (see International Latex Corp.)

  Lazard Frères & Co., 254–257, 269, 272, 275

  League of Nations, Financial Committee of, 329

  Lever Brothers, 72

  Levy, Gustave L., 192, 193, 194

  Libraries, photocopying activities of, 161

  Lilienthal, David, Jr., 266

  Lilienthal, David E., 249–275

  Lilienthal, Helen Lamb, 252, 253, 254

  Linowitz, Sol M., 151, 152, 165, 171, 172, 175

  Livermore, Jesse L., 231–235

  Lloyd George, David, 338

  Locke, John, 147

  London gold pool, 381–386

  London Times, 334, 336, 341, 365

  Long, L. W., 218

  Loopholes, tax, 100, 104, 116

  Louis XIV, King, 81

  Luncheon Club (N. Y. Stock Exchange), 132

  McCahill, Tom, 58

  McCarthy, Eugene J., 117

  McColough, C. Peter, 172, 173

  McCormack, James, 293, 294, 295

  McKeen, John E., 289

  McKellar, Kenneth D., 251

  McLuhan, Marshall, 162, 164

  McNamara, Robert S., 72

  Magnavox Corp., 157

  Mahoney, James P., 196, 197

  Maistre, Joseph de, 97

  Manne, Henry G., 120

  Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., 186–187

  Margin calls, N. Y. Stock Exchange, 9, 10

  Martin, William McChesney, 341, 342, 347, 362, 381, 396

  Martinsburg Monster, 91

  Maudling, Reginald, 345

  Maxims (La Rochefoucauld), 146

  Mechanix Illustrated, 58

  Mekong Valley, 275

  Memphis Commercial Appeal, 238, 242, 243

  Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, 6, 7, 15, 141, 182

  Meyer, André, 254, 256, 260, 269, 272

  Mimeograph machine, 145

  Mimeographing, early use of, 147

  Minerals & Chemicals Corporation of America, 251, 256, 259

  Minerals & Chemicals Philipp Corp., 256

  Minerals Separation North American Corp., 256, 258

  Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 148

  Mollison, Richard D., 122–138

  Morgan, Arthur, 268

  Morgan, J. P., 1

  Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., 135, 186

  Morgan Library, 39

  Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 115

  Moore, Marianne, 39, 40, 41

  Mothner, Samuel, 6

  Motor Trend, 58

  Mullaney, Thomas E., 191

  Municipal Art Society of New York, 315

  Murray, Arthur, 303

  Mutual funds, 23; selling by, 10

  Myrdal, Gunnar, 336

bsp; Nance, James J., 64, 65

  National Automobile Dealers Association, 71

  National Broadcasting Co., 291

  National Education Association, 163

  National State Bank of Newark, 189

  Netherlands, revaluation of currency in (1961), 322

  New Republic, 202

  New York Herald Tribune, 128, 129

  New York Produce Exchange, 178, 181

  New York Public Library, 161

  New York Stock Exchange, 1–25, 176–198

  New York Times, 12, 57, 128, 129, 183, 197, 230, 241, 250, 385

  New York University Law School, tax department of, 112

  New Yorker, 39

  New Zealand, income tax in, 82

  Newman, George H., 177

  Northern Miner, The (Canada), 128, 130, 131, 132, 141

  Northern Pacific Railway, 228

  O’Brien, Sir Leslie, 373

  Office reproducing machines, 147, 149

  Offset printing press, 147

  Oliver, John, 270

  Olmstead, Fred, 58

  “One-per-cent program,” of charitable contributions, 154

  Open Market Committee, 347, 348

  Overcopying, 160

  P. R. Mallory & Co., 150

  Page, Jerry, 219, 220

  Pakistan, 255

  Paper gold, 387

  Paxton, Robert, 206–215, 219–223

  Peel, Sir Robert, 82

  Personal holding companies, 103

  Pfizer & Co., 289

  Phase-of-the-moon formula, 218

  Philippines, 272

  Phillippe, Gerald L., 278, 286–289

  Photostats, early use of, 147

  Piggly Wiggly Stores, 225, 229, 230, 235, 236, 238

  Playtex Golden Girdle, 306, 307

  Plumley, H. Ladd, 19

  Pound sterling, 314–389; bourse rates of, 345; departure of from gold standard, 322; devaluation of, 336, 340, 374, 376; origination of, 337; symbolic importance of, 336

  Powers, John J.Jr., 290

  Powers of Attorney (Auchincloss), 80

  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 91

  Price-fixing, 200, 201

  Professional stockholders, 280–296

  Princeton University Press, 163

  Procter & Gamble, 149

  Professional athletes, and taxes, 109

  Puerto Rico, 251, 272

  Pyrites, 121

  Radio Corporation of America, 149, 255; charitable contributions by, 154; stockholders’ meeting, 290–291

  Regulations of tax law, 95

  Restatement of the Law of Torts, 303

  Restricted stock option, 87

  Revenue Act (1964), 98, 104

  Revolving credits, 329

  Rhode Island, colonial revenue system of, 83

  Roche, Thomas J., 344, 349

  Rochester, New York, 171

  Rochester Community Chest, 154

  Rolo, Charles J., 11

  Roosa, Robert, 341, 342, 347, 348, 362

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 201

  Rothschild, Nathan, 119

  Rule 10B-5, of S.E.C., 119, 120, 139, 141

  Ruskin, John, 146

  Ryan, Allan A., 228

  Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 228, 229

  S. Japhet & Co., Ltd., 189, 194

  Sarnoff, David, 291, 292

  Sarnoff, Robert W., 291

  Saturday Review, 163

  Saunders, Clarence, 226, 229–238, 240–248

  Saxon, O. Glenn, Jr., 278, 281, 286

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 95

  Schultz, William J., 78

  Schwegler, Walter, 358

  Scott, Max, 213

  Scott, Walter D., 291

  Securities and Exchange Commission, 120, 136–143, 177, 232, 240, 241

  Securities Exchange Act (1934), 119, 120

  Security analysis, antiperistasis system of, 22

  Selenium, 168, 169

  Seligman, Edwin R. A., 81, 87

  Selling short, 227, 328

  Seymour, Walton, 270

  Shepard, Leonard, 299

  Sherman, John, 84

  Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 84, 201

  Shilling, introduction of, 337

  Short selling, 227, 328

  Silver, 337

  Singer Co., 378

  Sixteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 85

  Smith, Raymond W., 214–217, 220

  Sole Owner stores, 247

  Sole Owner Tigers football team, 247

  Soss, Wilma, 280–287, 292–295

  Special drawing rights (S.D.R.), on International Monetary Fund, 387

  Special-interest provisions of U.S. tax law (see Loopholes)

  Spinoff, 257

  Standard Oil of New Jersey, 8, 18

  State and municipal bonds, tax exemptions on, 100

  Statistics of Income (I.R.S.), 99

  Stehlik, Frank E., 212–219

  Stephens, Claude O., 124, 128–138

  Stern, Philip M., 117

  Stock crash (1962), 2, 4

  Stock market fluctuations, 1–24

  Stock-option provision, 101

  Stock options, 103

  Stock traders, 120

  Stockholder meetings, 276–296

  Stutz Motor Co., 228–229

  Styling, of automobiles, 30

  Suez crisis (1956), 329

  Sulphides, 121

  Sunday Times (London), 374

  Susskind, David, 101

  Swap network, 329, 330, 372–373

  Switzerland, banking laws of, 327

  Swope, Gerard, 219

  T.V.A. (Tennessee Valley Authority), 250, 268

  T.V.A.: Democracy on the March (Lilienthal), 251

  Tape delays, on N. Y. Stock Exchange, 5

  Tax advice, 112

  Tax rates, 79

  Tax-checking, automation of, 91

  Tax deductions, 104–107

  Tax-free foundations, 103

  “Tax home,” 106

  Tax laws, 95

  Taxpayer’s account number, 90

  Telecopier, 157

  Territorial Enterprise, 83

  Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 120, 121, 123–140

  Thermo-Fax machine, 148

  This I Do Believe (Lilienthal), 251

  Time Magazine, 68

  Timmins, Ontario, 121

  Toronto Daily Star, 128

  Trans World Airlines, 72

  Travel deductions, 104, 105, 106

  Treasury Department, 117

  Trusts, and taxes, 111

  Twain, Mark, 83

  Typewriter, early use of, 147

  Trade secrets, 302–312

  Trade secrets (Ellis), 309

  United Nations, support of by Xerox, 155

  United States: abandonment of gold standard by, 339; Army Corps of Engineers, 272; gold base in, 381; gold supply in, 381; tax collecting in, 88; weakening of dollar in, 347, 382–388

  United States Steel Corp., 18, 149, 279

  United Stores, 229

  University Microfilms, 156, 162, 165

  University of Rochester, 152, 153, 154, 171

  User taxes, 114

  Value-added tax, 114

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 228

  Verifax machine, 148

  Vietnam, 275

  Vinson, Arthur F., 214–220

  Voluntary compliance in taxation, 92–95

  Voorduin, W. L., 270, 271

  Waage, Thomas Olaf, 365–366, 368, 373, 376–377, 380, 383

  Wagner, Wieland, 132

  Wall Street Journal, 64, 68, 69, 195, 203, 379, 385

  Wallace, David, 34–42, 62–73

  Wallis, W. Allen, 171

  Walston & Co., 182

  Warnock, C. Gayle, 47, 48, 51–54, 62, 72, 74

  Warren, Earl, 223

  Watson, Russell, 195

  Watts, Henry M., Jr., 181, 186, 187, 191

  Welch, Leo D., 293, 295

  Westinghouse Electric Co., 4, 203, 204, 21

  Wherry, Joe H., 58

  Whitney, Richard, 18, 203

  William Brandt’s Sons & Co., Ltd., 189, 193, 194

  Williston & Beane (see J. R. Williston & Beane)

  Willkie, Wendell L., 249

  Wilson, Harold, 324, 334, 335, 342, 372, 374, 375, 377

  Wilson, Joseph C., Jr., 149–156, 164–166, 170–175

  Wilson, Joseph C., Sr., 150

  Withholding tax, 96

  Witteveen, J. W., 364

  Wohlgemuth, Donald W., 297–313

  World Bank, 255, 329

  Xerography, 148–152; copyright infringements by, 161; introduced in Great Britain, 170; and offset press, 163; problems of, 160; use of selenium in, 168; uses of, 159

  “XeroX” (trademark), 153

  Xerox Copyflo, 157

  Xerox Corp., 145–175; community’s attitude toward, 171; donations to educational and charitable institutions by, 154; United Nations support by, 155

  Xerox 813 copy machine, 157

  Xerox LDX, 157

  Xerox 914 copy machine, 157, 158, 159, 169, 170

  Xerox 2400 copymachine, 157

  “Your Federal Income Tax,” 89

  “Your Income Tax,” 107

  Yukon, 272

  All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.

  Copyright © 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 by John Brooks

  All of the material in this book has appeared in the New Yorker in slightly different form.

  Cover design by Andrea Worthington

  ISBN: 978-1-4976-3885-3

  This edition published in 2014 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.

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