Dark Moon: Fae/witch paranormal romance (Hells Gate Book 1)

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Dark Moon: Fae/witch paranormal romance (Hells Gate Book 1) Page 3

by Terina Adams

  At the end of the hall, a thick barn door, the only wood door in the entire club, opened onto Wyman’s liar. The place had been built around some weird assortment of mortal scrap and added on without flare over the years as if designed by some wacked out architect on coke. It suited everyone fine so no one bothered to rearrange the walls.

  Wyman answered on Locke’s first knock. Locke entered and caught Holt swigging on his beer.

  “Girl settled?”

  Holt swallowed before replying “Sleeping pretty. I’ll get Aspen to check on her in a while, see if she’s awake.”

  He slumped onto the slouch lounge by the wall and directed his next question at Wyman. “Where’s she gonna stay?”

  Wyman stared at him over his steepled fingers a moment. “Glad to see you’re still capable of following your King's command.”

  “Apologies my Lord, the girl got to me. I needed to blow off some steam. I guess I got lost in female scent once back at the club.”

  “I appreciate your need for after retrieval entertainment, but your duties come first. At all times.”

  “My Lord, always. Please forgive my slip.”

  Wyman was a fair King, but not a man to play with. The guard was afforded special privileges, but only just. In the end they would be punished like the rest if their duties slipped.

  There’d been no hiccups tonight at the sacrifice, yet Wyman had left unsettled. After his little tete-a-tete with the demon, he’d sent Holt and himself racing across town to retrieve an innocent way before time. They still had the whole year to find their next sacrifice, yet Wyman had insisted on sending them out tonight with a name and address. Usually it took months to decide on their target. What had set Wyman on the girl like a tracking dog?

  “I’m thinking of sending her to the factory.”

  A low whistle from Holt stopped the King. “Aspen’s not going to like it.”

  “Aspen will do as she’s told. From now on the girl is Slade’s responsibility. He’s the only one I can trust out of you lot to leave her alone.”

  Locke and Holt exchanged a smirk. Not totally fair. Locke would never go against his King’s command, but perhaps he would find a way to enjoy her without breaking all the rules.

  “As Holt says, you’re stirring up a hornets nest with this decision.”

  “And it’s time you boys began thinking beyond your dicks. None of you will set foot inside the factory without Slade or Aspen present.”

  Again Locke and Holt exchanged a smirk.

  “Is that clear?”



  With that done, Wyman relaxed back in his chair and thumped his feet upon his mahogany table. “Now tell me.”

  “It was a clear retrieval. She squealed a bit, but it seems the neighbors were either not at home or not part of the neighborhood watch program.”

  “You played with her.” The King’s intense green eyes penetrated Locke to his core.

  “A little, my Lord. Only for a few moments. It was clear no one was going to intervene, so it seemed harmless.”

  Wyman dragged his legs off the table and sat forward. “You should never have taken the risk.”

  Locke slouched back into his seat. Here he goes again, acting like this retrieval was pivotal, when she was just another silly chick holding onto her virginity long enough to be of interest to Hells Gate.

  “I understand my Lord.” His answer was almost contrite, if he didn’t feel so damn confused about the King’s behavior over the girl.

  “I don’t think you do. This girl is the key to everything.”

  Locke and Holt did another of their shared looks, only this time raised eyebrows replaced the smirk.

  “If we understood what everything was, then perhaps—”

  “This is all you need to know. The woman is to be kept safe and innocent. If she is lost or defiled, you’re out. The doors of Hells Gate shall be closed to you forever. Is that clear?”

  A knock at the door, and both Locke and Holt craned their heads around as Slade entered, holding his beer by the neck.

  “You wasting time mulling over details with my father. Would’ve thought you guys would be entertaining some lucky ladies by now.”

  “The first thing on my agenda just as soon as we are finished here.” Locke glanced at Wyman, who reclined in his chair, giving his son a sober look, his fingers steepled again, the apex tapping on his lips.

  “So what’s their punishment father, for you to retain them from their fun.” Slade came forward, and slumped along side Locke on the lounge.

  “The girl will be housed at the factory for the next year.”

  Slade jerked forward, choking on his recent mouth full. “That’s going to make—”

  “Aspen will bite her tongue or leave. You don’t let the woman out of your sight. She is now under your protection and while you're absent Aspen will be her keeper. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, father.” The words came out strong, but the look on his face accompanying the reply spoke other words in silence.

  She’d only just arrived, but the girl was already proving to be trouble. What other problems would she create?


  “Jet, where are you?” Selene tried to keep the exasperation from her voice.

  “About to turn onto the street now.”

  “Not before time. I said eleven.”

  “And my watch says, two minutes to. That would make me right on time.”

  Selene punched the button on her cell to end the call.

  Dami slid off the bonnet and came over to stand next to her. “So where are they?”

  “Here.” Selene watched Jet swing her car around in a U-turn and slip in alongside the curb behind her own car. Nyx flashed her a smile through the passenger window before opening the door and stepping out. Jet came around the car, glancing at her watch as she marched past, heading for the gate. “Eleven o’clock, best not keep them waiting.” She paused long enough to flip the latch before clip-clopping up the paving to the front door. On passing, Nyx leaned in and gave Selene a kiss on the cheek, then took Selene’s hand and led her through the gate.

  “It was my fault. She would’ve chosen her outfit a whole lot sooner if I hadn’t made her switch between three dresses a dozen times because I couldn’t decide which suited her the best.”

  Selene sighed her smile.

  Nyx leaned over and gave her another cheek kiss. “Anyways, we’re here, on time, so Marlene can’t flail your ass for our tardiness. Besides if she does, I’ll take all the blame.”

  “Nyx, you know why we’re here.”

  They mounted the four steps to the veranda.

  “Because the elders want us to save everyone’s ass again—”

  “Welcome, ladies.”

  Jet swung around, her speech truncated by Marlene’s appearance at the door. “Eloquently said, Jet. Thank you.”

  Jet beamed her smile back as Nyx and Selene climbed the last step, Dami coming close behind.

  Next time those two are arriving in separate cars or being driven by Dami or me.

  Selene dropped Nyx’s hand and moved forward, inclining her head a fraction. “Lady Marlene. I hope we haven’t kept anyone waiting.”

  “Hon, it’s eleven.” Jet glanced at her watch. “Oops, make that one minute passed. The only reason anyone’s been kept waiting is because you’re busy apologizing.”

  Marlene eyed Jet. “I’m sorry if this meeting has interfered with you’re shopping trip.”

  “No. It’s fine. Nyx managed to make up her mind with a couple of minutes to spare. Any longer and I would’ve bought all three outfits.”

  Marlene managed a smile more suited to a tolerant parent than that of a High Priestess. Selene couldn’t suppress the twinge of jealousy. Some people had the right kind of personality, making their outrageous behavior seem desirable. Nyx was no help. Despite looking the opposite, the two could’ve been twins.

  Dami came up behind and gently ran h
er hand down Selene’s arm, a soothing warm touch, which spoke of understanding. Selene turned and gave her a grateful smile. Don’t beat yourself up about petty feelings.

  Marlene moved aside to let them enter, Jet and Nyx filing through and down the corridor like they were returning home. To Selene, entering the High Priestess’s home was like entering hallowed ground, so she moved past with another tilt of her head, almost as an apology for the others’ behavior, which was unnecessary, Marlene would forgive Jet and Nyx. It was Selene who had to act the adult.

  Sketched artwork lined the corridor walls. Black and white streetscapes or a single rose faithfully rendered with the first signs of wilt. Marlene’s sharp eyes touched everything—her sharp mind was keener. Age gave her the most esteemed place in the hierarchy, but her wisdom and steel would’ve put her there without times help.

  The corridor opened out into a light airy room filled with treasured relics from Marlene’s history dotted amongst modern furniture for comfortable living. Dianne and Bridgette sat waiting with floral china cups poised for a sip.

  “Tea, ladies?”

  Jet slumped herself down into the closest sofa. “I’ll have something cold, thanks. Waters fine,” and as if remembering at the last, “Lady Marlene. I haven’t stopped running since this morning.”

  Nyx seated herself on the arm of Jet’s sofa.

  “Thank you, Lady Marlene, but I know where everything is, I can make it.”

  “Nonsense child, sit. You’re my guest, Dami. Just relax.”

  Jet patted the cushion next to her. Selene joined her on the sofa, Dami on the other side.

  “You may begin, Dianne.” Marlene disappeared into the kitchen, but remained within earshot.

  Dianne placed her cup down on the coffee table. “I guess there is no secret as to why we have called you here. The upset of last night's festival has left us with a lot to think about.”

  Jet sat forward. “So what was all that about a woman being the key? I don’t think we need too many guesses on who’s done the kidnapping, but what I don’t understand—”


  “What?” She turned her head to Selene, her features trying for innocence, which on Jet was an ill fit.

  “Let Lady Dianne continue.”

  Jet turned to Dianne. “Sorry.” Being contrite didn’t work either.

  “No need child. I understand you’re all as anxious as we are.”

  “Anxious no, intrigued yes.”

  “Jet.” Both Selene and Jet sighed together, but for different reasons.

  Marlene returned, balancing three china cups, a glass of water and a new pot of tea upon a tray. Dami got up to help. “Sit. You’re my guests. I want you listening, not serving. Continue, Dianne.”

  “It is very important the four of you find and rescue the girl from her fate before Samhain next year.”

  They sat staring at the elders in silence.

  “Can we back track a bit?”

  Selene gave Nyx a stern look. “No really. I mean, forgive my rudeness,” she cast a glance at Selene, “but we’re going to need more than that.” She turned to the elders. “You can’t send us into Fae territory without further information.”

  Marlene put her cup down. “You’re right. But you must understand the sensitivity of the situation. There is only so much knowledge we can share. For your own sakes as well as those involved.”

  “Okay, this gets better and better.” Jet pushed herself to the edge of her seat.

  “Lady Marlene, we understand that you can’t supply us with all the information.” Selene turned to give Jet and Nyx a sweeping glance to reinforce the we in the statement. “Any information will be of help.”

  “There is little doubt the Fae have the girl. She is intended as the sacrifice for next Samhain—”

  “That makes no sense.” Selene would never cut an elder off mid-sentence, but she managed to pick up some of Jet and Nyx’s attitude due to the gravity of the situation. “Why now? On the night of Samhain when they have a whole year.”

  “You heard Cerberus. The girl is special. They would not risk losing her.”

  “What makes her special? And special for what?” Dami’s calm voice held an edge.

  “She is the key to the underworld.”

  “You’re joking right.”

  Marlene shifted her glance to Jet and pinned her for a few seconds. “Do you think I would joke about something like this?”

  “So you mean key as in unlock and open the door.” Jet was not going to be deterred despite Marlene’s stare.

  “We’re not sure at the moment how she will be used. It is possible she is the opener of the door—”

  “No way. How can that be?”

  Selene was as shocked as the others so didn’t bother casting Nyx a warning look.

  “That is as much as we are able, or willing, to tell you. You can see the seriousness of the situation. And now you understand the importance of her return.”

  “She’s not a witch. I mean the Fae wouldn’t dare take one of our own, but her name is curious.”

  Marlene focused on Selene. “Her name is a coincidence and of little importance other then to guide you. You can try scrying for her, but I suspect the Fae will be prepared for that.”

  Jet stood abruptly. “I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time we paid those pumped up fairies a visit.”

  Selene stood too. “Perhaps, but we’re not going anywhere until we have a plan.”

  Jet shrugged. “If we act now—”

  Selene turned to Marlene, cutting Jet’s words off before she incited herself and Nyx into foolish and dangerous actions. “Thank you, Lady Marlene, for entrusting us with the truth.”

  “Some of the truth.”

  Marlene chose to ignore Nyx and stood. “You’re powers make the four of you our only choice. With such a dangerous adversary we couldn’t risk asking any of the other covens to complete this task. I’m sorry it has to be you, please understand.”

  “Of course we do.”

  “Ladies, you have until Samhain next year, but I hope it won’t take that long. The thought of an innocent in the hands of the Fae wrenches my heart.”

  “Well, we know they won’t touch her. Not in that way, at least.”

  “It’s not the point, Jet. The girl should never have been taken to begin with. The Fae must finally be stopped.” Everyone knew Bridgette’s private crusade to end the Fae’s yearly sacrifices. She’d tried dragging all the covens into her obsession, until Marlene reined her in. No witch wanted to see an innocent’s life wasted, but the practice proved impossible to stop. The Fae had been doing it for millennium and many attempts on the witches' side to stop them ended bad. The Fae were anything but fairies. They were cunning, manipulative, smart and powerful. Too many witches lost their lives following Bridgette’s cause or pursuing their own will to stamp it out.

  “Our focus is on saving the girl.” Marlene spoke as the High Priestess for all the covens. Her words were final.

  Bridgette’s mouth thinned, but she would never contradict Marlene. She clenched her hands together and rested them in her lap. Her desire to end the Fae would never release her, but while Marlene was High Priestess, there was little she could do to follow her passion. Thank god. She would likely lead them all to destruction with a war against the Fae.

  “Thank you again, Lady Marlene. We will not disappoint you.”

  “I know you won’t.” Her gaze was steady.

  Selene led the others out onto the veranda.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I kinda felt they were holding somethings back in there.”

  Selene frowned at Nyx and placed her finger over her lips before marching down the steps toward her car.

  “Come on, Selene, the elders are not that fragile.”

  “They have their reasons for not confiding the whole truth. You should respect that. We need to focus on what we have and work from there.”

  Nyx slouched back onto Selene�
�s car. “I’m all for jumping into the viper’s pit and stirring up some hell.”

  “But you won’t until we can work out a plan. You’re not dealing with mortal men. Your long legs and lashes may draw them in, but it will not ensnare them. You’ll be nothing but a play thing for the time it takes you to hold their amusement, then you’ll be in trouble.”

  “You might be right, but god I would enjoy it.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Dami swatted Nyx playfully on the arm.

  Jet came over and slouched on the other side of Dami, “Sure, haven’t you ever wondered what a Fae would be like in bed. Such big boys are bound to have big—”

  Dami pushed her away, laughing. “I would change sides if they were the only ones left to choose from.”

  “No you wouldn’t, hon. I’d make sure of it.”

  “Are we finished?” Selene could sense Jet's spirit firing to run with her own ideas, and Nyx was likely to follow, both flinging loose on some dangerous ambition to capture themselves a Fae. It was time she asserted her authority as High Priestess of this coven before their fiery natures led them all into trouble.

  “I forbid you both to do anything without me. None of us have a hope of succeeding against the Fae alone. So we do this together.”

  Dami was excused from Selene's dictum. Being the weakest link, she was the least likely to execute her own plans unaided by the coven. Both Nyx and Jet surprised her with their quick capitulation.

  “Sure.” Jet shrugged her agreeance.

  “I think it’s best we concentrate on our drumming circle and meditation tonight. Tomorrow we can start to devise tactics.”

  “I’m fine with that.”

  Selene was unsure whether to feel grateful for their ready compliance or fearful. They would never go against her, but with those two, she had to be on her toes.

  “It’s at mine, right?” Jet confirmed as her and Nyx walked toward the car behind.

  “Yeah, see you there,” Dami replied.


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