Caveman Alien’s Claim

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Caveman Alien’s Claim Page 10

by Calista Skye

  We walk the final hundred yards, and then I see it. It’s a cave.

  “There are many caves in this mountain,” Car’rakz says as we’re finally done walking for the day. “This one has the best view.”

  I turn around, and sure enough, there’s the whole jungle of Xren below us. Or most of it, anyway.

  I even think I can see something I recognize. “See peak there, close to horizon?”

  Car’rakz follows my finger. “A mountain.”

  “That’s Bune. In its new location. A spaceship, Car’rakz. I will tell you whole story. While we eat.”

  An hour passes while Car’rakz hunts down a not-sheep and builds a fire and I do some housekeeping in the cave. It’s not too stuffy, but we need some fresh leaves to sleep on.

  Finally, we’re sitting by a crackling fire, roasting not-sheep chops and chewing some leaves I found that don’t taste too bad.

  I sit between Car’rakz’s legs with my back towards his chest and tell him the story of me and the girls, the dactyls and the dragon and not-Alesya and the spaceship and the Plood and everything. I do some weeping here and there in the story, and the huge caveman puts his giant arms around me and just holds me as long as I need it.

  “So,” I finish. “That’s why must be able to kill irox. Dragons coming. One is here already.”

  “One is here already,” Car’rakz agrees. “This is bad news. The dragon is close to my tribe. But I wonder now if we shouldn’t go to the dragon first. The tribe might not be much help.”

  I feel some relief at his words. When some of the lab coat girls went to see their caveman’s tribes, it sometimes turned nasty. “Is good. Observe dragon first. Find where weak. Where irox has weak moment, dragon also has.”

  “I also have my weaknesses,” Car’rakz says. “As has been very thoroughly established. What is your weakness?”

  I turn around to look at his face. He’s being very sincere.

  I lean back into his hard, warm body, feeling very content and accepted. “Where start? Miss my home, Earth. Miss girls. Miss cave, even. Afraid of rekh. Afraid of irox. Afraid of every Big! Afraid of most Smalls. Afraid of men from other tribe. Not good at making weapons. Not good at hunting. And very, very afraid of dragons.”

  Car’rakz sniffs my hair, and I let go of the split second of worry I have that it’s not exactly newly washed. “Such sweet weaknesses.”

  “Not sweet when have them.”

  “I know.” He slides one hand up from my hip to cup one breast. Immediately, heat surges in me, and I moan softly as the nipple starts sending out little electric sparks of joy.

  His other hand gently rubs its way across my hip, over my dress, towards the point where my legs join together.

  I lean my head back onto his chest and just let go, allowing him to do whatever he wants.

  He’s slow and casual in his caresses, making me feel like we have all the time in the world. Which we do.

  His hands explore me, gently and enticingly, making me feel more accepted and attractive than ever before. I can hear Car’rakz slowly growling in my ear as he glides his hands all over my upper body, over the rough fabric. I long to be naked for him, but I’m determined to let him do his thing. I hope he’s over the weird moment after our bath.


  - Tamara -

  My moans come louder and with higher frequency. I just can’t help myself. While it’s nice to be eaten out, this kind of more laidback Worship is every bit as arousing. I can’t wait to see what he’s planning to do to me.

  It’s not a long wait. First, he lifts me so he can slide his pants off, and then I lift myself so he can pull my dress off.

  His rock-hard alien cock stands between us. Car’rakz checks me for wetness, and judging from his satisfied “hmmm!” I’m sure he finds me drenched.

  He lifts me again, with his hands under my knees. It opens me and spreads me for his cock when he slowly lets me down right onto the tip.

  My mind can’t quite handle the idea that I’m being lifted this easily, but soon I accept that I actually don’t have to do anything. My back is securely resting on his chest, and his hands are holding me in exactly the right way. He’s totally got this.

  He lowers me an inch, and I whimper in submission as his cock spears my sex, sliding so easily that I should probably feel ashamed and slutty at my incredible wetness.

  I can only move my arms, and I reach them up behind me, finding his face and running my hands up into his dense, silky hair.

  His cock invades me again, slow and unstoppable. A part of me wants to say “stop” just to feel him not stopping, but it’s too early for that. Instead, I whimper again and feel my center coming to life when the alien invader slides in without encountering any resistance.

  “Fuck me,” I beg in English, assuming the meaning isn’t lost.

  And it isn’t. Car’rakz lowers me all the way down until he bottoms out, and then he slowly lifts me again as easily as if I were filled with down.

  My flesh reluctantly lets the exotic cock slide out, hoping it will soon be back.

  Which it is. Very soon. Now that I’m wet all the way in, Car’rakz lets me down onto his cock faster, catching me right before he bottoms out, then lifts me again.

  Fireworks of bliss are going off in my pussy at each stroke in or out. This is a different angle than he’s taken me from before, and I think it’s placing more pressure on the g-spot. Because it feels different. Just as good, just as deep, just as wonderful. But different.

  “Ooooh yeee-aaaahhhhh!” Okay, maybe even better.

  He fucks me hard and fast, and my hands go to his steely forearms and squeeze them hard. I’m spread open with my back to him, and even in the darkness I can sense the panorama of the wide jungles of Xren in front of and under me. I’m being fucked here, being spread and mated and taken for all the world to see. And the defiance in it takes my breath away. Even now, I’m showing Xren that it didn’t conquer me.

  Car’rakz’s cock makes my cunt go crazy. And something big is about to happen. The way his cock keeps hitting one particular spot in there has a new heat spreading fast.

  I’m about to come. Now if only there were a little more attention on my clit…

  And then there is. I jerk and buck and squeal as something massages my most sensitive nub just right. Because of course this guy has two cocks. I should have known for the thinly veiled hints the married girls keep giving.

  I’m coming. And then I realize that I’m coming harder. And then I scream out my triumph as my mind and body are filled with bliss and I think I’m spraying fluids, but I don’t care because this is too wonderful to stop. I draw breath and scream again as loudly as I can, wanting all of this planet to know that I’m being fucked to a sensational orgasm.

  Car’rakz increases the speed of the fucking, he twitches underneath me, his cock swells and jumps inside me, and then his moves go jerky as he gives bassy grunts that rattle my lungs while he sprays his juice inside me in a hard spray.

  He keeps lifting me and letting me down, making me fuck myself on his still hard cock until I have to beg for mercy.

  He lifts me up so his cock slowly slips out, then sets me down on his lap while his cock still twitches between my thighs.

  I ride out the aftershocks, panting and still whimpering. “Oh, my love…”

  He presses me to him, and I know I will never want to leave.

  - - -

  We spend the night in the cave, and next morning I just take a minute to admire the view before we walk on. The thought that I was spread wide open for the whole jungle still makes me smile. Well, nobody could see anything in the dark, but maybe a tribe or two could hear me and wondered what it was.

  The terrain is still rocky and mountainous when Car’rakz gestures to me to stop. He peers over a rock for a moment, and then he turns around and waves me up to him. “The dragon’s cave.”

  I raise my head so I can see. And there it is. It’s just a hole in the side of a moun
tain, down to the ground, but the chills the sight of it sends down my spine is confirmation enough that it’s the home of something bad.

  It has to be a quarter mile away, but still I feel a strong urge to run.

  “Feels danger,” I whisper.

  “It’s dangerous,” Car’rakz responds softly. “But I think the dragon itself usually flies around during the day. I doubt it’s here now.”

  I’ve been wondering about why a dragon could make you feel scared when it was close, even if you couldn’t see it. Because Troga definitely did that. We just knew when she was somewhere close in her trench, even if she was being quiet and stayed out of sight.

  The best theory I can come up with is that dragons set off some ancient senses that we maybe used to have. Some animals, like carrier pigeons, can sense magnetic fields. The human brain also reacts to them. But not in any way that we’re aware of. And bumblebees and sharks can sense electric charges, using that ability in crucial ways. This may be something like that, just much stronger.

  At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Because magic? Not my thing.

  “I think is here now,” I whisper. “Can we go higher distance away?”

  “I don’t know any other place where we can hide while seeing the cave,” Car’rakz says.

  I sigh. It probably wouldn’t have helped, anyway. No place on Xren is quite far enough away from this thing for my liking. “It not can see us?”

  “Not from the sky,” Car’rakz says and points up. “The trees are too dense. But of course, it can see us from the cave opening.”

  Just the idea that the dragon might actually be inside that cave right now makes me have to fight back bitter tears. Fuck, a thing like Troga except bigger and more shrewd and even flying…

  “They blow fire,” I whisper. “Hot fire. Kills, burns, turns sand to glass.”

  Car’rakz clearly struggles with something. Then he places one warm hand on my shoulder. “You go back to your tribe. I will spy on the dragon and then tell your tribe everything I see.”

  “No!” The thought of leaving Car’rakz trumps the temptation to do as he suggests. “No. I stay. Afraid little only.”

  He takes my hand, and he must feel the trembling. “Afraid much, I think.”

  “Much,” I confess. “But I am zoologist. Must watch to understand ethology.”

  “Many alien words,” Car’rakz sighs.

  “Yes. Not is zoology on Xren! Only zoologist, Tamara! Not have words for spying on animal, make seem less… sneaky. So. What we do is understanding ethology of dragon. Is not spying.”

  “Andestani esoloji. Very well. We shall.”

  We stay behind the rock for a while. The fear of the dragon doesn’t go away or even weaken. I just know that it’s in there. And if I can sense it, then surely it can sense me, too.

  “Not necessary stay here hour and hour and hour,” I try when I just can’t stand it anymore. “Is waste of hour.”

  “It’s afternoon,” Car’rakz points out. “If the dragon is out flying, it will soon return.”

  “Maybe,” I counter airily. “Maybe not. Maybe is in cave, sleep all day. Not will show us.”

  “We’ll stay until we can see it,” he decides. “If not, there was no point in coming here.”

  “Fine.” If I had been here alone, I would be long gone by now. We probably need Car’rakz’s stubbornness for this.

  Time passes, and just as I’m planning to repeat my suggestion to leave, the dragon shows itself.

  Car’rakz makes a hissing noise and waves me closer. “It was inside.”

  Forcing back tears again, I raise my head the bare minimum to see the dragon.

  And there it is.


  - Car’rakz -

  Tamara barely peers over the rock. For one heartbeat, she is frozen. Then she gives off a tiny squeal and runs, crashing through the underbrush in a total panic.

  I let her run while I check if the dragon heard it. If it did and it’s coming, then I better stay here and deal with it while Tamara runs.

  The huge, beautiful beast lazily turns its head to stare right at me, and I can hear a low, cruel laughter. But it doesn’t appear to be coming for us. It just stuck its head out the opening to its cave, and now it has withdrawn inside.

  I wait for a moment more while I itch to run after Tamara. I can still hear her, running through the bushes with no heed for the noises she’s making.

  The dragon seems to be content to stay inside. But it was alerted. It knows we’re here.

  I sprint into the woods in the very straight and trampled path Tamara has left. I catch up with her shortly after, still running.

  “Tamara!” I hiss, but she still runs.

  I grab her arm, and she screams in fear and tries to yank herself free, looking me full in the face with wild eyes.

  I have to take hold of her and embrace her, pinning her arms to her sides while she shakes and weeps sorely against my chest.

  I can’t make sense of what she’s trying to say, but she sounds afraid and apologetic.

  “It’s all right,” I say into her luscious hair. “The dragon isn’t coming for us.”

  She trembles and whimpers in a way that’s completely different from the way she sounds during Mating. Her little fists are tightly balled up.

  After a while, she calms down.

  “I sorry,” she says with a voice that seems sore. “Not know what came over me.”

  “The dragon scared you,” I state the obvious. “And that’s fair. It is a scary thing.”

  “Suddenly not know what to do. It look straight at me. As if looking into me. So evil!”

  I nod. “It can feel strange. But it’s not here now. It went back into its cave.”

  “So sorry,” she says again. “When first saw dragon flying over bridge, too far away to scare much. Now…” she just shudders in my arms.

  “We’ll find a place to spend the night,” I decide. “Far away.”

  “In cave from last night?” she suggests in a thin voice.

  It’s further away than I ideally want it, but right now I can’t deny her anything. “Yes.”

  “Thank you,” she says and tries to squeeze me back, but her arms are still pinned to her sides.

  I move to release her.

  “No,” she sniffs. “Not move. Your arms feel good. Feel safe.”

  So I keep her in that captive hold a while longer.

  “So sorry,” she says. “Just… panic. Dragon is like Troga. Just more Troga. More dragon. And saw me.”

  “It saw us both. But it didn’t attack. According to what you told me, the dragons aren’t coming for your tribe or for us. They’re coming for other aliens, the Bune aliens, who are now extinct. Perhaps this one will leave when it realizes its enemies are no more.”

  “Perhaps,” Tamara agrees, finally breaking free from my embrace and wiping her nose with her hand. “But why it must feel so evil?”

  “It’s its nature?” I suggest. “Irox attack, rekh attack. They make your scared, too. But they aren’t evil. It’s their nature.”

  “The dragon feels different,” Tamara says. “You also say. Feel like human, you say.”

  “It does give the impression of being a thinking entity,” I agree. “And evil, too.”

  Tamara uses a leaf to wipe some moisture off her face. Her beautiful eyes have red edges now. “Entity. Difficult word. I will never learn warrior speech.”

  I take a deep breath and repeat my suggestion. “Go to your tribe. I will deal with the dragon.”

  She smiles bravely up at me. “You really want Tamara go, warrior?”

  “I don’t want you to go. But this is plainly more dangerous than I had thought.”

  “And Tamara show great weakness in front of dragon. Yes. But no. I stay. Spy on dragon until—”

  “Andestani esoloji,” I correct her. “Not spy.”

  She punches my chest. “Fine. Understanding ethology until we find where weak. Weaknes
s. Then figure out, how hurt dragon using weakness.”

  “Hurt or kill,” I agree. “Ideally kill.”

  “Of course,” Tamara says. “Don’t worry. I will not fail like this again. Very dangerous be weak when dragon is near. I was surprised only. In mind, suddenly Troga was alive again and much bigger.”

  I take Tamara’s hand and start walking back to the cave.

  I could take her to the village, which may even be closer than the cave. But not in the state she’s in now. She will need to feel well and strong to face my tribe.

  We’re about halfway back to the cave when Tamara points. “Stop here. Have idea.”

  I look at the sheer rock face she’s pointing at. It has an overhang and can’t be climbed.

  “Still have rope?” Tamara asks. “Not for tying me again. For other thing.”

  I get the long, thin rope out of my bag and hold it out.

  “Not yet,” Tamara says. “First must make something.”

  She directs me to chop down some trees and to fasten them together, and about an hour later we have a wooden contraption with the long rope attached to it. It’s really just a bunch of saplings and thin branches tied together in a rough star shape.

  “That,” Tamara says and points at it on the ground, “is irox. Highly dangerous! Car’rakz must kill!”

  I scratch my head. “Ah.”

  “So. Tamara stand up there.” She points to the top of the cliff. “Hold down deadly irox on rope. Car’rakz stand here, defend against irox.”

  I understand what she means, and I can’t hold back a laugh. “You want me to keep practicing!”

  “Yes,” she says so innocently I melt. “Is important. We have saying on Earth: When practice, become better. No. That not the saying. Wait. When practice, makes… um… highly better. No. Hmm. Flawless? Yes. Makes flawless!”

  “Practice makes flawless?”

  “Yes! Very flawless saying. I want Car’rakz flawless kill irox. Now practice!”

  I walk up the hill with her, check the surroundings for danger, see her sit down on the edge of the cliff with the ball of leaves and branches dangling on the rope, and then walk back down.


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