Stocking Stuffer: The Christmas Bunny

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Stocking Stuffer: The Christmas Bunny Page 2

by Camille Anthony

  With a snarl, I busted the side windows. The heater would keep him just warm enough to survive. I didn’t want him comfy. Her car I left untouched except for letting the air out of the tires, disconnecting the coil wire and hiding the keys.

  Finished, I shifted back and loped to where my accident had taken place. As wolf, it was no feat to locate my busted burned-out car. The black miasma of smoke from the recent fire still roiled in an oily cloud, fouling the air. As I’d thought, though, the black box I carried had survived the fire.

  Quickly, I piled snow over the box, cooling it enough to snap open the latch. My packmates wouldn’t hear my howls this far away, but there were sentries on guard who should smell the specially manufactured scent flares I’d designed.

  Sitting on my haunches, I shifted just enough to give me human hands. Ever try to set off a flare with your teeth? Don’t. Take my word for it. Just don’t.

  Flare lit, I resumed wolf shape and raced off to where my bunny and her would-be captors were disrupting the peace of the forest with their yells and cries.


  When had I started to think of her as mine? Why did it hurt me to hear the terror in her voice, smell the fear rolling off her brown skin in thick waves of bitter emotion? My lips curled back from my fangs. My ruff stood up stiffly. My pledge to you, little morsel… I will make them pay for every minute you suffer under their hands.

  God, they were loud. Humans amaze me. They are without doubt the noisiest, smelliest creatures in the world… and blind. I sidled up as close as I could get and remain under cover. It was obvious they hadn’t a clue they were not alone. How on earth could they think themselves hunters?

  The three men capered about her like jackanapes, mocking her, rushing at her. They laughed when she swiveled in panic, kicked out to keep them at bay.

  She was beautiful in her defiance, all dark rounded curves and lush valleys. Her hair fluffed about a dusky face, lips a full slash of rich mocha. Her eyes flashed and that intriguing mouth spat curses and threats -- the originality of some raising the fine hairs along my ears.

  Taunting, jeering, they surrounded her, closing in until they backed her against a large black oak. Crouched at the base of the tree, the woman held them at bay, fingers curled into puny claws. What was she planning to do? Scratch them to death?

  They weren’t impressed, but I silently applauded. Bravery deserved recognition.

  With a burst of harsh laughter they attacked, moving in concert so she was overpowered before she knew it. Refusing to give up, she continued to fight them, kicking and scratching. She batted at them, managed to hold them off, to keep them from getting that tattered rabbit suit off of her.

  Damn, but she was something else -- fiercer than a wolf bitch protecting her cubs. My cock twitched, slid from its sheath in hot eagerness. The fact she was fighting and not cowering turned me on… not that the men were fighting her.

  She went down, tripped by a protruding root, but was up in a lightning second, mouth tight with pain. I could see she was tiring. So could they. My gut churned. How long could she last? When would the cavalry come roaring over the hill?

  I watched, knowing I shouldn’t interfere until my backup arrived, but the wolf’s need to get the males away from her, from -- oh, Goddess -- my potential mate, grew stronger with each tense minute.

  Her fight came to an abrupt end when the wiry man finally subdued her with a brutal strike across the face. The blow dazed her. I watched her head snap back and then loll bonelessly to the side. She dropped to her knees in the snow.

  She lay unmoving, pressed to the frigid earth. Something snapped inside me. I couldn’t wait any longer, couldn’t continue in the role of spectator while they manhandled her. Howling with pent-up rage, I tore from my hiding place.


  I struggled to catch my breath, but my lungs seized and I clutched my side, trying to hold in the pain. Hobbling as quickly as I could, I sought a patch of shadowed growth, constantly aware of the three horny hillbillies close on my tail.

  Worn out, close to exhaustion, I leaned against a broad tree trunk. With luck, they wouldn’t see me. Even as that hope teased me, I shook my head. Any luck I had ran out when I befriended Patrick. They crashed through the clearing behind me and circled the tree, yelling and hooting.

  I hauled my tired ass up and took a defensive stance.

  “Hot damn, she gave us a good run, Bo!”

  “Sho ’nuff, she did, Ro, and got me all excited! As eldest, I’ll go first… crank her open and widen her for you two, good and proper like.”

  Bo, the nasty turd, rubbed his disgusting crotch at me. He could just forget poking me with his deformed penis! They’d promised me a choice if I evaded them more than half an hour. I’ll never know how I did it -- I’ll take desperation for a hundred, Alex -- but I’d lasted waay longer than that.

  “That’s not fair! I wasted more’n a week courting her. I oughta get first poke.”

  On second thought, I just might choose Bo after all, because Ro was mean as a black mamba. The thought of letting that snake close enough to put his hands on me was terrifying. I really didn’t have much choice. Ro was out. Bo was built like a bull and would probably rip me apart while he um… tapped his sap. Still, if I had to, I’d choose him for two reasons. One, he’d more than likely kill me accidentally so I wouldn’t have to face the other two. Second, Patrick had already ripped my heart and self-esteem to shreds. I’d rather die than give him my body, too.

  “You jes take it easy, Pat. There’s a ’nuff holes here for all us. I’ll bang her pussy first while Ro takes her bung hole. You can have her mouth. When I finish, we’ll switch around.” Bo smiled, showing his three teeth. “Now that’s fair, ain’t it?”

  Pat nodded. “I guess…”

  “Hey, wait a minute! You just admitted I gave you a run for your money. You promised I got to choose who I wanted.” I slanted a squint-eyed glare at Patrick. “And it sure the hell isn’t going to be you, Patrick Smith, you sorry backstabbing son-of-a-bitch -- with apologies to dogs everywhere.”

  “Gal, we had to get you peaceably into that suit.”

  I was so shocked I missed the tangle of gnarled root. My foot twisted beneath me and I went down hard, landing heavily on my knee. Frantic, I scrambled up, trying to balance on my left leg and failing abysmally. Pain shot down my thigh all the way to my ankle, a blazing white bolt of sizzling agony. I bit back a scream. I wouldn’t be doing any more running tonight.

  I don’t know why his confession surprised me, considering the source, but it was the last straw. So angry I could barely think, let alone articulate, I dropped my arms and fisted my hands on my hips. “You big fat turd! How dare you lie to me!”

  While I was screaming at Bo, Ro -- that damned fast slick of hillbilly lightning -- got in under my guard with a nasty jab. “You’ll not talk to your masters that way, ya saucy black slut!”

  Fire exploded in my face, the pain so fierce it dropped me right to the ground. I fell sideways, stunned. For a dazed moment, I rested my cheek against the soothing iciness of the powdery snow, the heat from the throbbing injury melting the flakes.

  Their hands on me shook me from that quiet place. Fear fueled my anger, poured strength into me and I made them work to subdue me. I kicked one-legged and scratched, even bit when I got a chance… all to no avail.

  Something -- hope -- gave way inside me. I was so tired. I couldn’t stop them, could only delay the inevitable. My body went limp. Tears flooded my eyes, obscuring my vision, and I didn’t try to clear them away. I didn’t want to see the men yanking their clothes off, couldn’t bear to watch their lust-distorted faces.

  They’re really going to rape me. Oh God, this can’t be happening!


  I’m a big wolf, and with the added intelligence of a thinking man, a formidable foe. I’ve taken down deer on my own. With my attacks fueled by mating frenzy, the three men didn’t stand a chance against me. Sure, they knew enough
to terrify one lone woman, but when faced with a rabid wolf, they panicked.

  Screaming, they scattered and ran, tripping over each other in their haste to disengage. Clothes half off, puny human flesh vulnerable to the cold, they searched for discarded weapons while tugging up their pants.

  The soft powdery drifts of snow hindered them, caused them to flounder. The pads of my paws found perfect traction. I dodged a swinging arm and darted in, fangs bared in fury. The lumbering idiots staggered into my lunges and I tore at their flapping clothes, using teeth and claws to shred the coverings and get at the flesh beneath.

  Snarling, I darted in and out, ripping at tendons and flailing arms. I sank my teeth into the scrawny arm of the man who’d struck the cheek of the woman I was coming to think of as mine. A flood of fierce joy filled me as I drank the sharp sweet fear spiking his flowing blood.

  I spared a glance at my woman. She lay in the snow, her wide eyes staring at the scene in a sort of stunned wonderment. She didn’t seem frightened. She lay curled on her side, full plump breasts on naked display. Even as I harried her tormentors, my eyes roved the curve of her rounded tummy, skimmed the long lines of her thick, well-muscled legs before darting a quick look to the dark tuft of hair guarding her fleshy mons.

  Her calm -- the way she lazed on the snow as if curled in her own bed at home -- frightened me, told me I had to finish this quickly. After all her exertion, her body was cooling too rapidly. She was freezing to death before my horrified gaze. I had to get her out of this cold before hypothermic shock shut down her internal system.

  With renewed anger at the men for putting her in such danger, I quit playing with my prey. Systematically -- as brutally as they had planned to do to her -- I ripped out the throats of the two oldest men, deliberately leaving the third for last. “Patrick the betrayer,” she had screamed at him.

  I loomed over him, fangs wide, my muzzle wet with his blood and the blood of his dead brothers.

  Earlier, when he was about to rape the woman, he’d stepped out of his boots to get his pants off. All his subsequent running and fighting had been with bare feet. I’d taken advantage of his mistake, easily hamstringing him, and now he scrambled backward on his butt and hands. He wouldn’t be running down frightened women any more…

  I lowered my muzzle, teeth bared, ready to bite off his right hand, when a muffled sound alerted me. I turned, aligning myself so I could see both Patrick and my woman. The wolf had taken over, making human speech difficult to understand.

  “Don’t… don’t kill him!”

  I hadn’t planned to, but her compassionate plea for a male that had betrayed her shocked me, nevertheless. I shifted into human form to answer her.


  The cold must have gone to my head. I was having delusions. A wolf had just killed the two older Smith brothers and was threatening Patrick. If the wolf killed him, I wouldn’t be able to… “Don’t… don’t kill him!”

  Damn it. Is that my voice… so squeaky and weak?

  I hated sounding all girly and helpless, but I quickly forgot in the face of what was happening. Figuring I must be feverish, I watched the wolf change into a gorgeous man.

  Oh my God! He had to be 6’ 5” of the most beautiful body I’d ever seen, but pale! Broad shouldered, lean-hipped perfection. Except for the smears of red around his mouth, he was all flowing white hair against warmer white skin. Pale blue eyes -- not icy, but almost clear, like a mountain stream -- gleamed down at me out of an angular face. High, sharp cheekbones, full lips…

  My mind kept replaying the phrase What a piece of work is Man!

  Amen, sister! Sing it again!

  My eyes teared in sheer enjoyment as he walked up to me, crouched by my side.

  Why am I lying here cataloguing this man’s admittedly beautiful body when I should be screaming in horror?

  If anything could make me fight for the strength to move, it would be the cock hanging between those corded thighs. Long and thick, it was nothing like the late Bo’s. Unlike that monster, this sleeping giant made me want to sit up and beg… or fall to my knees in worship. And it was staring right at me…

  “I’m not going to kill him. I thought I’d save him for you.”

  I blinked. Fantasies aren’t supposed to talk, are they? This one wouldn’t stop.

  “Baby, I’m going to lift you off the snow. I think it’s going to hurt, but I’ll be as gentle as possible.”

  Hope, that capricious prankster, sprang anew. Why would he bother being gentle if he was planning to kill me? I had to check it out, but had a hard time getting my voice to work. I croaked, coughed and tried again, “Are you planning to eat me?”

  His red-smeared mouth widened in a lustful grin. “You better believe it! Both before and after I fuck you!”

  It didn’t sound terminal, so I figured I could live with that. Besides, he’d saved me from the Smiths. I owed him my sanity, if not my life. And I wasn’t overlooking the fact he was hot as hell! Hot enough to warm more than my frozen pussy.

  His broad, warm hands slid under my shoulders, waking up my flesh.

  I screamed.

  * * *

  I woke to blessed limb-stretching, toe-curling warmth, and the near rumble of bass voices.

  “Take one more step and I’ll gut you.”

  “Cut it out, Vance. I just want a sniff.”

  “Be reasonable, Vance. A human bitch in pack lands during the festival is fair game.”

  “A lot of us are going to want a taste of her.”

  That certainly caught my attention. Crap! Have I escaped the terrible trio to land in even worse trouble?

  The voice I recognized spoke again. “A taste of my mate? No one touches her. Not even to sniff. She is claimed.”

  “You dare? None are allowed to mate without sanction of the Alpha. Not even you!” Boy, did that guy sound shocked.

  “Are you challenging my word? Or perhaps --” the voice went gravelly with menace “-- you need me to enforce my claim.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  “My apologies, sir. We’ll just leave now…”

  The noisy scramble of feet vacating the room was music to my ears. Then my eyes almost crossed as the white wolf-man’s face came into view.

  Oh God, he was just as scrumptious as before, thick hair curling about his trim waist and tight buttocks, wakened cock riding high between his muscled thighs. My mouth dried and my pussy clenched, drenching the top of my thighs with warm liquid lust.

  He leaned over and I noticed he’d cleaned his face. All traces of the Smiths’ blood had been washed (or licked) away. His slashing grin revealed sharp white teeth. “Welcome back.”

  “You really were that wolf, weren’t you? You’re a werewolf.”

  “All of us here at the lodge are werewolves. So, if you’re thinking about leaving this room, I’d advise against it. Against one or even five I can hold my own. Not even I could protect you against ten or more males determined to have a piece of your luscious dark hide.”

  “Then why did you bring me here? Do you plan to share me around?”

  “I smelled your fear clear across the room so I knew exactly when you woke up. I know you heard our conversation, heard me officially claim you as my mate. You’re mine and nothing… no one will stop me from having you.”

  That slashing grin widened his full lips, giving a glimpse of his sharp canines. My heart kicked into a frightened tattoo. “So I’m supposed to be all right with this? I’m to be thankful there’s only one wolf planning on having his way with me before eating me?”

  His mobile lips quirked as his big hands captured my thighs, inexorably spreading my legs. “You’ve got me confused with my cousin -- the big bad wolf. I’m definitely going to eat you, and you’ll definitely scream during the process, but I guarantee you’ll feel more alive than ever when I finish with you.”

  He smacked his lips, staring down at my splayed cunt before cupping my dripping flesh with his broad palm. Pressing h
is thumb into the crease between my swollen labia, he crooned, “Baby, this sweet treat is what I want to sink my teeth into.”

  I blushed and squeezed my eyes shut, embarrassed for him to see the wetness of my desire. For him. My clit throbbed like a sore tooth and my pussy pulsed with hunger, wanting the heft of him inside me, needing to be filled.

  I felt the heated brush of his breath against my crotch as he bent to examine me closer and whimpered, tense and excited, not sure which way I’d jump when he touched me… and I knew he was going to touch me… in ways I’d never been touched before. Heart deep. Soul deep.

  Those pale blue eyes stared up at me from between my legs, the heated glow letting me know his intent. He was going to have me, fuck me. And I wanted him to just that. Being taken by him might kill me, but I suspected I’d die happy…


  She was not classically beautiful, but her warm chocolate brown skin glowed with health, her round curves filled my palms and her full, heavy breasts overflowed my hands. I fondled them, familiarizing myself with my mate’s body. My cock hardened at the thought of my pups one day tugging at those nippled mounds, but today I intended to feast on their pert sweetness.

  I pushed her legs further apart, eyes drinking in the cream sparkling in the dense patch of crinkly hair. She didn’t fight my touch. Instead, her rich scent rose in a perfumed cloud to my nostrils, making my balls tighten in their sac. She wanted me, almost as much as I wanted her. “I’m not like your earlier captors. You have a choice, here.”

  Her eyes popped open.

  My breath caught.

  Whisky light, almost topaz, their beauty knocked me for a loop. I had to clear my throat before continuing. “You’re a human in pack lands during our High Fertility Festival. As such, you’re considered fair game. You can take your chances with the others, or you can mate with me.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much of a choice.” She whimpered, but I’m pretty sure it was in response to my finger swirling her slick wetness around her stiff clit.


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