Stronger With Him

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Stronger With Him Page 19

by JA Hensley

  "I've got Becca's meds and her favorite latte, and I can take you down with my mind. Get out of my fucking way." She laughs as she pushes past me into the apartment.

  "I suppose you want to come in, too," I say to my brother, raising one eyebrow. He shrugs and walks past me following Christin.

  "She's still asleep and I'd like to keep it that way," I tell them both as we sit down in the living room.

  "No, she's not, but thank you for that," Becca says as she limps into the room. I get up and help her to the couch, sitting her down and putting a pillow under her feet as they rest on the coffee table.

  Christin jumps up and heads toward the kitchen. She comes back with a glass of water. After opening the bag and getting out Becca's meds, she gives her the water and the pills to take. Thankfully, Becca doesn't argue and swallows the medicine.

  "Well, isn't this cozy? Is that a caramel latte I smell?" Christin laughs and hands it over. Becca sips and sighs. She looks at my brother. "How are you doing, Jude, is it?"

  "I'm fine, just a scratch." He winces as he moves his arm and I know it's a little more than that. He's too proud to admit it, though.

  "I'm sure you're lying to me, but I'm not going to fight with you about it. Thank you for what you did for me today. I still can't believe Ron is a drug dealer. I never knew anything." She shakes her head and tears fall down her cheeks.

  "He didn't want you to see it, hun," Christin says. "None of us knew. I'm just glad he's going to prison and won't bother you again."

  "I hope you're right. He's a sociopath and obviously capable of more than I ever thought possible." She shudders and I pull her close to me, trying not to hurt her.

  "We’ll make sure he spends the rest of his pathetic life behind bars, Becca. He won't come near you ever again, I promise." I kiss the top of her head and she sighs.

  "Colin's right. We've got enough evidence to put him away for good," Jude adds.

  "Thanks, guys. Knowing that helps a lot." She yawns and I take that as a sign to herd everyone out.

  "Okay, Becca needs to rest. Jude, here's the key to my apartment. I'm going to stay here so you can just crash next door. I'll come over in the morning and make sure you're all right." I hand him my keys as he and Christin stand.

  "Call me tomorrow when you get up, Becca. I'll come and check you over before I go to work." She gives her a small peck on the cheek.

  "I will, and thanks for getting my medicine and the latte. You're such a great friend."

  "No worries, it's my pleasure. Now, I'm going to get this guy tucked in before I call it a day." She smiles at Becca as she pushes Jude out of the apartment. I follow them and lock the door.

  "That's interesting," Becca murmurs sleepily.

  "I guess so. We'll talk about it in the morning. Let's get you back to bed." I pick her up and carry her into her bedroom. We get under the covers and she's asleep within minutes. It takes me a little longer, but I’m able to drift off.

  I wake up to Becca screaming. She's kicking and yelling, "Leave me alone. Don't fucking touch me!"

  I turn the lights on, hoping that will wake her up. She continues to kick and scream. Touching her shoulder lightly, I loudly call her name. It takes a few tries, but she finally opens her eye and looks at me.

  "Oh my God, Colin. Thank God you're here." She puts her arms around my neck, crying on my shoulder. I kneel down next to her and hold her until the tears let up.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I think so. I was dreaming about them putting me in the van. I tried to fight them off, I really did."

  "I know you did and I'm sure you gave them quite a challenge. Do you want to talk about it?"

  "No, I want to forget it ever happened. I doubt it's going to be that easy, though."

  "Well, you're the psychologist, but I'm afraid you're probably right. Why don't we plan to go see the shrink at the station tomorrow and maybe he can suggest someone for you to talk to."

  "Okay. I know you're right and it's the same thing I would tell someone, but I don't have to like it."

  "That's true, you don't, but I’ll be there every step of the way." I kiss her softly on the lips.

  Epilogue-Four weeks later

  My bruises are finally gone and my head is much clearer. I took a leave of absence for the semester due to the trauma and my advisor was very supportive. In fact, she was instrumental in helping me find Pam Herald, my social worker. Pam is a trauma specialist who works with victims of domestic violence and she’s been wonderful. We connected instantly and, through my work with her, I've been able to overcome the nightmares without having to resort to sleeping pills. I didn't want to go down that road and I'm glad I haven't had to.

  Ron was charged with so many different crimes Jude said the arrest warrant was nearly ten pages long. I'm going to have to testify about what he did to me, but it’ll be several months before that happens. He's been in jail since he was released from the hospital. He truly is a monster. I can't help but be somewhat satisfied that he got his nuts shot off. Of course, I would’ve been just as happy if the entire package had been blown away, but I'll take what I can get.

  Colin has been true to his word about staying by my side. I finally convinced him to go back to work a week after I came home from the hospital. We spent a lot of time that week talking about who he really is and what he wants out of life. He's put in for a permanent transfer here so he won't have to go out on assignment anymore. It's strange knowing that I'm dating a federal agent. He said that he hopes to be in the FBI someday, but he's willing to work his way into it. We're moving in together next weekend. He wanted things to be more permanent—stable—he said, so he bought a house. I'm glad he's got a lot of strong friends to move our stuff. All I have to do is label the boxes. Seems like a great deal to me.

  I'm sitting at Raffiki's waiting for the girls to join me for lunch. It feels like forever since I've been out and I feel very safe here. Colin has taught me a few things about keeping myself safe when I'm in public, like sitting with my back to the wall so I can see who's coming and going in a restaurant. I also never leave a building now without my car keys in my hand, one in between my fingers to use as a weapon if I need it. Of course, I haven't been out at night alone since the kidnapping, so I haven't really had to use that one.

  Christin and Stephanie walk in together and I see someone following behind them. When they get to the table I can tell that they have planned something.

  "We have a surprise for you," Christin says practically jumping up and down.

  "What is it? You look like you're going to explode." I laugh at her excitement.

  The person who walked in behind them takes a step towards me. She looks like Susanna. I'm so happy to see her that I start crying immediately and hug her. She hugs me back and when I look at her again she's crying, too.

  "How did you . . . what . . . I'm so happy to see you!" I can barely get words out. She smiles and pulls me into another hug.

  "I'm not Susanna, but I'm so glad you're okay. My name is Maya Garcia and I work for the Department of Justice. Susanna is my sister who was taken a few weeks ago after her shift at a restaurant. Ronaldo and his men were going to sell her as a sex slave. But now she’s back home in Texas with our parents. She told me all about how you helped each other. It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Rebecca."" she says.

  Stephanie clears her throat and we let go of each other to look at her.

  "We have a lot to tell you, Becca, so why don't we order some food and we'll fill you in on all the details." I nod and smile at my friends as I move back to my seat.

  My favorite waiter, Paulo, comes and takes our drink order. Once he leaves, I look at my friends with impatience. They both laugh at me and then Susanna's look-alike joins them.

  "All right, missy. Here's the story," Christin starts. "After you were discharged from the hospital, I got to talking with Jude. I mentioned Susanna to him and told him you were worried about her. He promised to find out what he could for
you. I asked him quite often if he'd found anything basically bugging the shit out of him so he didn't forget. Then, about a week ago, Stephanie got a call."

  I look at my other friend and she has a look of mischief on her face.

  "Well, I was working on the computers at the DOJ field office, and happened to be at the front desk when Maya walked in. She showed me her badge and said that she had an appointment with the supervisor in the Civil Rights Division. The only types of cases they're working on have to do with human trafficking. I thought it was ironic that she was in the office so soon after everything that happened."

  I look at all three of them slowly. I give a questioning look to the woman.

  "I don't understand. Were you there, too?" I'm so confused but relieved at the same time.

  "No, I wasn't there, but I have been working on this case for the Department of Justice. We’re collaborating with the DEA, Interpol and the CIA trying to find the source of the money that funded Ronaldo's operation.

  "I feel like my life has become some sort of spy movie." I look pointedly at Christin and Steph. "Do either of you have something to tell me about who you really are?" They glance at each other and look back at me. I can't keep a straight face and we all start laughing. It feels good to be able to laugh again.

  Lunch passes quickly, but we all have a great time. I have enjoyed getting to know Maya better. She may be working with Colin on occasion, so I might get to see her again.

  I try to get more information out of Christin about Jude, but she refuses to give me anything. There's something going on there, but I have no idea what it could be. I give all three of them a hug. I ask Maya to give my regards, and thanks, to Susanna as I hug her again.

  I had just started the car when my text tone alerted me to a new message.

  Are you coming home soon? I have a surprise for you.

  Colin. He's been surprising me with all sorts of things lately.

  Are you at apartment or house?

  It doesn't take but a second to get his response.

  House. See you soon.

  I smile as I head toward our new home.

  When I pull into the driveway, things look the same as they have since he bought the place.

  Stepping inside, I'm greeted by the sound of soft classical music and a trail of red rose petals leading toward the front of the house. I smile at the thought of what might be waiting for me. Colin hasn't touched me since before I was hurt and I've been hoping he would soon. I follow the path of flowers through the kitchen and dining room, past the living room and up the stairs to the bedrooms. I wonder what he's up to because we don't have any furniture up here yet.

  The floral trail continues down the hallway and stops at the closed door of our bedroom. There’s a note taped to the door that says "Open me slowly." I slowly open the door and I'm greeted with a beautiful sight. Colin is laying on a brand new king sized bed, completely naked. He's got a bottle of champagne on the night stand and two glasses are full of the golden liquid.

  "Welcome home, darling," he says seductively. I want to jump for joy at what I know is going to happen, but I maintain my composure for now.

  "What have you been up to, you sneaky, sweet man?" I ask as I move toward him.

  "I wanted to do something special to celebrate," he says as he hands me a glass of bubbly.

  "What are we celebrating?" I take a sip of the chilled sparkling wine and the bubbles tickle my nose.

  "We’re celebrating us. It's been four very long weeks since I last touched you and I know that the doctor wanted you to have time to heal. I've been dreaming of being back inside you for what seems like a lifetime, so I wanted to do it right. What do you think?"

  "I think it's wonderful." I lean down and place a kiss on his lips. It quickly escalates to a deep, passionate dance between our lips and tongues. Colin takes the glass from my hand and places it on the bedside table. He then reaches for the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head, only breaking our kiss to remove the fabric.

  "You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I need to worship this amazing body and reacquaint myself with every inch." He kisses a trail from my mouth to my ear and down my neck. I move my head to the side to give him easier access and he doesn't disappoint. I feel his hands move behind me and unclasp my bra, sliding it down my arms and tossing it on the floor.

  His hands find my breasts and they squeeze gently, eventually moving to pinch my nipples. I groan into his mouth at the sensation and he growls back at me. His hands move to my hips, and before I know what's happened, I’m on my back underneath him. Colin moves to my breast, suckling and pulling, making my back arch. He gives the other breast the same treatment and I'm ready to climax.

  "Not yet, babe. I'm not ready for you to come." I can feel him smile against my skin and I groan in protest.

  He moves slowly down my stomach, kissing and nipping along the way. When he reaches the waistband of my pants, he takes his time undoing the button and lowering the zipper. The seduction is just as hot as the man doing it.

  He pushes my pants open with his nose and inhales slowly. "I love the way you smell. I can't get enough of it." My panties are soaked now and I wish he'd just take me. I squirm underneath him, hoping he'll get the idea.

  "I know you're greedy, and I know you want to come. Trust me to know what you need and how to give it to you. I'll always take care of you." I sigh in defeat and settle back into the mattress. It's futile to try to make him hurry.

  Colin pulls down my pants and panties and kisses his way back up to my center. "So fucking beautiful. I'm such a lucky man," he whispers. I close my eyes, knowing he's going to kiss my other leg, but I'm surprised when I feel him part my folds and run his tongue through my slit. He flicks my clit twice and it sets me off into ecstasy. Colin continues to lick and suck while I ride out my orgasm, lapping up my juices in the process. He kisses his way back up to my mouth and devours it while covering my body with his.

  "I need you to know how important you are to me. I've never felt this close to anyone before. You make me a better person and I really like who I've become." He kisses me so passionately that I lose the ability to speak.

  Once I've regained my senses, I look into his eyes. "I'm so glad you came into my life. Not just because you helped me get away from Ron, but because I'm stronger with you. I'm more confident and sure of myself. Now, are you going to make love to me or what?"

  Colin chuckles and shakes his head. "You're definitely more confident," he says as he enters me slowly. I close my eyes and enjoy the fullness that only he can provide. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. He starts to move and I hang on. Never before has anyone been able to make me feel safe and cherished every time I'm around him.

  "I have to tell you, Becca. I love you. You're my everything." He ends each sentence with a thrust of his hips. I'm staring into his eyes and I see the emotion reflecting his words.

  "I love you, too. I promise I'll never let you go." He continues to move inside me until we both find our climax. He rolls me over and pulls me to him, holding me close.

  In that moment I know that my life will be better than I ever thought possible and I’ll be stronger with him in it.

  The End


  I couldn't have done this without the support and encouragement from my friends and family.

  My husband and daughter put up with many days and nights of mommy glued to the computer and not being around. You are my biggest cheerleaders, greatest supporters and I love you very much for it.

  Sydney Logan, you are, without a doubt, the best friend an author can have. You helped me get started on this road to writing and publishing, and you continue to put up with my crazy questions and ramblings about all manner of things. Why you do this is beyond my comprehension. LOL!

  To the most awesome Beta Readers on the planet! Jennifer G., Danielle D., Jennifer T., Angi, Kristin, Jovena, and Christy. You've been with me from the beginning and
I thank you for always being willing to help out!

  Pam, I have no idea how many times you actually read this book but I know it was a lot. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for all that you do to help me. Danielle G. and Claire, my editors-at-large! Your input really helped me get things "cleaned up" for final edits.

  My dearest friend, Stephanie. You let me take some of your life story and use it in my book. I hope you like how it turned out. Your strength is amazing and I'm so lucky to have you as one of my very best friends on the planet.

  Christin, you've helped shape this story and your character. Can't wait to see what happens in book 2!

  My mother helps me with the plot and my Aunt Patti is my proofreader. Without them, there would be so many mistakes it would make Kathie's work that much harder.

  Kathie Spitz, you are amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me and telling me when things weren't good. This book would have been a mess without your wisdom and guidance. Katie, your formatting skills leave me in awe! Sommer, the cover is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you!

  All of my author friends who give me encouragement and friendship, the bloggers who take the time to read and review my work, and the readers who enjoy it, thank you. None of this would be possible without you!

  Connect with JA Hensley






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