Chronicle of Ages

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Chronicle of Ages Page 26

by Traci Harding

In a flash of etheric light Maelgwn found himself kneeling on the rooftop. His world had stabilised, and up ahead the wormhole parted to reveal the darkened, star-sprinkled depths of deep space.

  In the central control chamber above his lab Gibal hovered about on his throne, which psychokinetically connected him with all the command systems of the massive ship.

  Ah, Dragon, there you are, the Lord commented without looking at Maelgwn as he entered. You weren’t too badly affected by our passage, I trust.

  ‘No, no,’ Maelgwn commented casually. ‘It was rather enlightening really.’

  Very good. The Lord lowered his control seat to the ground and disembarked. I am tracking the Aten at present, but as it will be some time before we catch up, I am going to my quarters to refresh myself before our arrival.

  Before he went, Gibal showed Maelgwn the device to alter Aquilla’s memory. The Lord was about to instruct the Dragon on the operational procedure, when Maelgwn realised that he was already familiar with the memory modification function of the apparatus.

  Excellent. My brother has prepared you well, Gibal appeared pleased to concede, for the mental effort of moving Mazua had obviously exhausted him and he needed to rest and regenerate. I have set Aquilla’s stasis to end presently, but I have left you ample time to make your way to her chamber before she awakens. I shall revive the remaining city occupants upon your instruction.

  Maelgwn nodded in appreciation, and although he hated to detain the Lord from his much needed rest, he had to inquire. ‘Before you go, could you tell me how Aquilla’s husband died?’

  The Lord frowned, concerned as to why the Dragon should be interested in Aquilla’s private affairs.

  ‘I believe it may have some bearing on this case,’ Maelgwn clarified his reasons for asking.

  I don’t see how … Durak died shortly after Aquilla and I became associated, many years ago now. Gibal raised both brows — although none of the Nefilim had any facial hair that defined the exact line of their eyebrows. However, I believe he died when an underwater archaeological site collapsed … he was an archaeologist, you see.

  ‘And they found his body?’ Maelgwn queried him further.

  A mountain collapsed on the man, Dragon, so there was precious little point.

  ‘Are you aware of what Durak’s archaeological interest in the site was?’ Maelgwn questioned as an afterthought.

  I have no idea. Gibal tired of the subject. Why don’t you ask Aquilla?

  ‘I shall,’ Maelgwn granted, thankful for his patience.

  Maelgwn accompanied Gibal to the outer security doors of the lab, where they parted ways. The Lord went to his rest and Maelgwn to Aquilla.

  The chamber door departed in time for Maelgwn to observe the charichalum tube open and expose the sleeping beauty it harboured within.

  The sight of Aquilla captivated Maelgwn as he waited for her to emerge from her slumber. He thought it interesting that his higher self had not warned him away from this woman as everybody else had. Or had Adama’s spiel about finding wholeness within himself been intended to set his mind at rest on the issue? The thing was, his mind was already committed to the fact that any intimate association with her would be deemed unlawful. It was his body and his spirit that craved her and his obsession was beginning to exceed his desire to maintain his good reputation or his loyalty to his Nefilim Lords — at least those Nefilim still residing in the physical plane of existence. What was worse, his preoccupation with Aquilla was preventing him from fully concentrating on his mission here on Lura. But if Adama’s directive, that the Chosen were to challenge the Nefilim’s interstellar rule and persuade them to return to the etheric realms, was Maelgwn’s true life quest, then should he be adhering to the word of the Nefilim’s fallen souls? Deep inside he suspected that he was just looking for an excuse to pursue his desire. If his union with Aquilla was meant to be, then why would his higher self have enlightened him with the knowledge that Durak was still living and breathing? Still, Tory was presently having Maelgwn’s child via the relationship she’d had with his twentieth century incarnation. Why then should Maelgwn feel that this situation was any different — because Aquilla was of a different human tribe to himself?

  Great Goddess, advise me, for I have never been so confused. His instinct was so clouded by desire, fear and guilt it was hard to cut through the thoughts that others had impressed on him to perceive his own true feelings on the matter.

  As the sleeper began to awaken, Maelgwn ceased to stare and moved to the window in the hope of quelling his desire. There was still some inner force compelling him to abstain, but this instinctual hesitation could have been part of his pre-programming, which was yet another reason why he hesitated to trust his own instincts.

  Aquilla’s eyes parted and on sighting the Dragon beside the window, she breathed deeply and had a stretch.

  ‘Did you sleep well?’ Maelgwn asked, without looking to her.

  ‘Mmm …’ she moaned with satisfaction, ‘erotic dreams.’

  This comment served to get Maelgwn’s attention instantly.

  ‘Oh, don’t worry.’ She raised herself to a seated position. ‘They were about you.’

  When Maelgwn realised that she’d said ‘were’ instead of ‘weren’t’ as expected, he couldn’t contain his smile.

  ‘I saw that,’ she teased, as he quickly suppressed his delight.

  As Maelgwn broke into a huge smile again, he wondered why he even bothered trying to deny how he felt, as Aquilla obviously wasn’t being fooled. ‘You are making my life impossible,’ he confessed.

  ‘Good.’ She climbed from the stasis tube and began to dress. ‘So long as I make an impression.’

  He nodded to assure her that she did.

  Back in the city’s central control chamber, Maelgwn fed the information that needed to be wiped from Aquilla’s memory into the modification system. Once this was done, he removed the headset recorder and handed it to Aquilla, but she refrained from setting it in place on her head.

  ‘You didn’t cut out any of the warm, fuzzy bits, did you?’

  Maelgwn understood that she referred to their kiss. ‘I thought about it,’ he admitted, ‘but no, I did not.’

  Aquilla bit her lip and appeared to be gathering her courage. ‘Look, I have to have this out with you now, while I still remember everything. Not that I don’t trust you,’ she clarified, and took a deep breath, whilst she figured out how to proceed. ‘Our feelings for each other are fairly plain and so I was wondering what it is that is not permitted about us? Is it our racial differences or our life expectancy differences?’

  ‘A little of both, I’m afraid.’ Maelgwn was more than happy to be frank, having wanted to explain his reluctance anyway.

  ‘Therefore, am I right to assume that the event of offspring is what is forbidden rather than the actual relationship itself?’

  When Maelgwn nodded to concede that her statement was true enough, he noticed Aquilla’s pale blue skin flush to a deeper shade of blue as she smiled mischievously.

  ‘Well, that being the case …’ she dragged out her confession in a coy manner, ‘I’d just like you to know, for the record, that I have been medically deemed infertile. Check my files if you don’t believe me.’ She placed the memory modification device on her head and closed her eyes, sedated by the procedure she was undergoing.

  Maelgwn was stunned by the announcement, as it seemed too good to be true. Was this the sign from the Goddess he had requested only a short time ago?

  He rushed to Gibal’s control chair which was just hovering at present, and planted himself in the hot seat. Maelgwn placed his hands on the psychokinetic control plates and called up Aquilla’s medical records.

  Although medical records were private and confidential, they were not top security and therefore accessible to anyone with security clearance.

  ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ As the requested information filled an invisible screen that was positioned a few feet in front of h
im, Maelgwn’s days of defiance and disobedience as a youth came flooding back. His mischief felt good as he perused Aquilla’s personal medical files for the applicable entry. ‘Divine Goddess,’ he uttered as he found the confirmation he sought.

  Maelgwn abandoned the control chair before Aquilla’s memory modification was complete. By the time she opened her eyes and removed the headset, he was back by her side.

  ‘All done.’ She raised herself from her seat to confront Maelgwn in a playful manner. ‘Would you care to question the witness?’

  After a thought, he concocted a suitable test query. ‘Why is it that we never made it to the Stargaze temple the other night?’

  Aquilla frowned, thinking him a fraction callous for bringing the topic up. ‘Because we got sidetracked by my uncle’s murder. Remember that?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Maelgwn corroborated, relieved to have one of his problems solved.

  ‘So.’ Aquilla glanced at the control systems panel that advised of the time until contact with the Aten. ‘What shall we do … all alone on this huge ship with so much time to kill?’

  As Aquilla approached and held him, Maelgwn wondered about Durak’s whereabouts. Why would he leave his lover lonely and believing him dead? Her kiss convinced him that if it was within Durak’s power to be with this woman, he would be. Thus Maelgwn had to conclude that something, or someone, must have been detaining the missing archaeologist. Maelgwn had always been perfectly honest with Tory and, therefore, felt he should award Aquilla the same courtesy. He gently put a stop to their passionate encounter before it got beyond his control.

  ‘Something else has come to light that I think you should know about.’ Maelgwn removed Aquilla’s arms from around his body and held her hands in his instead.

  ‘I am listening,’ she confirmed, in a mildly anxious fashion.

  ‘I have reason to believe that Durak may still be alive.’ Upon seeing Aquilla’s bemused expression, Maelgwn considered that he might have been a little subtler in his delivery.

  ‘You are unbelievable.’ Aquilla backed up and folded her arms, annoyed. ‘If you’re not interested, Dragon, just say so. I shall not be offended. But to concoct —’

  ‘I am not making this up!’ Maelgwn stressed, insulted, but with his next thought came the conundrum of how to explain. ‘You were right when you said Durak’s spirit was akin to mine —’

  ‘When did I say so?’ Aquilla challenged, whereby Maelgwn recalled that the statement had been deleted from her memory along with the instance that had brought it into being.

  ‘Oh damn,’ he uttered, scratching his head, whilst Aquilla sank further into a state of rejection.

  ‘I was in communication with my husband from on board the support vessel when the site collapsed,’ she informed Maelgwn, tears spurting from her eyes. ‘There was no time to escape! There were no survivors! Understand?’

  As Aquilla made for the control deck exit door, Maelgwn went after her. ‘Aquilla, I didn’t know that.’ He pulled her up and spun her around to face him. ‘Obviously my psychic informants are not to be trusted. Please believe, I am so very sorry to have brought it up.’

  With a deep breath, Aquilla calmed and gave a sigh. ‘Well, at least it’s all out in the open now.’

  She raised her pale blue eyes to stare into Maelgwn’s own, as she awaited his resolve.

  ‘He still loves you, Aquilla,’ Maelgwn confessed, moved to the point of tears himself as all his repressed feelings began to surface.

  ‘Then, what is he afraid of?’ Aquilla reasoned, with a look of complete empathy on her face.

  For the first time since they’d met, Maelgwn initiated the seduction, and Aquilla submitted herself completely to their forbidden love. She was no longer even aware of why this affair was unlawful — they were both beyond caring any more.


  Real Lies

  Zerrah and Uriah were the only other residents of Mazua who were revived before the city reached their rendezvous with the Aten.

  Maelgwn had gone to await Uriah’s return to consciousness. Zerrah was greeted upon awakening by his sister.

  ‘Hi there.’ Aquilla smiled broadly at Zerrah, as he raised his stiff carcass off the stasis bed. ‘How are you feeling?’

  ‘Like one of the living dead,’ Zerrah grumbled, releasing a moan as he rubbed his stiff neck. He looked to Aquilla, noticing that she appeared particularly radiant after her time in hibernation. ‘Stasis certainly appears to agree with you.’ His observation had a tinge of suspicion about it.

  Aquilla nodded. ‘It’s the first time in ages that I recall having had pleasant dreams.’

  Zerrah’s expression turned dark as he moved to put on his outer layer of clothes. ‘It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who you were dreaming about.’ Zerrah was so disgruntled as he pulled on his attire that he tore through the organic fibre in a couple of places. His little fit of pique was no matter in the end, as the suit quickly repaired itself and Aquilla wasn’t paying his foul mood any heed.

  ‘Oh Zerrah, it was just a harmless dream,’ she put forward.

  ‘Maybe.’ Zerrah strapped on his weapons belt. ‘But if you ever attempt to fulfil any of your little fantasies about the Dragon, I shall personally see him dead first.’

  Aquilla lost a little of her cheer at this point. ‘Over my dead body.’

  Her expression turned just as stormy, and Zerrah stared her back in silent challenge for some time. ‘Don’t place me in that position, Aquilla.’ He calmed a little, as his sister appeared to get the message. ‘Meantime, I think it’s time I got on with my investigation.’ Zerrah noted Aquilla still wore her thought wave neutraliser. ‘And it is going to prove a little difficult to question you with that on.’

  ‘The Dragon has already fully interrogated me and cleared me of suspicion,’ Aquilla informed, sounding deeply hurt that her brother would even consider her a suspect.

  ‘That is unacceptable,’ Zerrah advised, harshly. ‘You and the Dragon are the only ones with lab clearance. How do I know this is not a conspiracy?’

  Actually, he suspected his sister may have been intimate with her dream lover already, which could explain why the Dragon insisted she wear the thought neutraliser.

  ‘Zerrah.’ Aquilla was shocked. ‘Listen to what you are saying? You seriously think I could kill someone? Let alone someone I was as close to as Cornelin?’

  ‘No,’ Zerrah said surely. ‘But the Dragon certainly could have done it.’

  ‘To what end?’ Aquilla challenged.

  ‘To protect his mission, as you yourself suggested at the time we found Cornelin.’

  Aquilla gasped, shaking her head to express the extent of her mistake.

  ‘Yes.’ Zerrah pressed on with his speculation. ‘I know whatever it is that was stolen was taken from the lab, and you left after Gibal on the day in question. If this theft is connected with Cornelin’s death, that doesn’t leave a whole load of suspects to question, now does it?’

  Aquilla shook her head again, seeing his point.

  ‘Where is the Dragon now?’

  ‘On his way here with Uriah, I suspect,’ she replied.

  ‘Good.’ Zerrah slapped his hands together. ‘With any luck, we shall have this mystery solved before we even reach our destination.’

  As soon as Maelgwn walked in the door he was confronted by Zerrah protesting at the Dragon’s prior questioning and acquittal of his sister.

  Maelgwn had not excused Aquilla from Zerrah’s investigation as she claimed, and so frowned as he looked to Aquilla for some explanation. The plea on her face urged him to trust her and back her up.

  ‘Could I just have a quiet word.’ Maelgwn motioned Aquilla to follow him, but Zerrah protested.

  ‘A simple yes or no answer would suffice.’ Zerrah folded his arms. ‘Or do you need more time to plot around me?’

  ‘Hey,’ Maelgwn barked, ‘I am above suspicion in this matter, as your Lord has already advised you.’

  ‘No one is ab
ove suspicion, Dragon,’ Zerrah was quick to retort.

  ‘Correct me if I am wrong, Captain,’ Maelgwn challenged the young warrior again, ‘but I still have authority over you in this affair and will therefore do exactly as I see fit, is that understood?’

  Zerrah backed down and with a reluctant wave of his hand, gave them leave to converse in private. ‘Sure thing, Commander. Feel free to plot away.’

  Once they were out of Zerrah’s quarters and earshot, Maelgwn asked Aquilla to explain herself.

  ‘The thought should have occurred to me before now,’ she cursed herself under her breath, before continuing, ‘but if Zerrah does a telepathic investigation on me, he will find out about us and he has threatened to kill you.’

  Maelgwn smiled, knowing this posed no real threat, even though Aquilla was no longer aware of that fact. Still, before he could open his mouth to reassure her, she went on to advise that Zerrah had also threatened to make public their love affair if he discovered any evidence that confirmed it. This was more of a worry, and Maelgwn frowned, feeling himself being snared in a trap that he was helpless to escape.

  ‘Deep down you know I had nothing to do with the foul play that has taken place here in recent days,’ Aquilla appealed. ‘But if you feel I am suspect, then please feel free to telepathically examine me yourself.’

  To telepathically examine her, however, meant that Maelgwn’s mind would be exposed to her scrutiny also. ‘You must realise I can’t do that, Aquilla.’

  ‘Then let us find a third party who is not my brother, who might not suspect our secret, and would not expose it if he did uncover it.’

  Aquilla was referring to Uriah, and Maelgwn conceded this solution to be a good one. With a decisive nod, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  ‘You’re starting to regret us already, aren’t you?’ Aquilla could see the remorse on his face.

  ‘No,’ he was quick to assure her. ‘If I were quartered and sent to the four farthest corners of the universe because of us, I would still not regret it.’


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