Irish Billionaire's Black Surrogate: A BWWM Romance

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Irish Billionaire's Black Surrogate: A BWWM Romance Page 16

by Ciara Cole

  Gwen slowly released her now swollen lips, and swept her gaze briefly down to his powerful thighs and the unmistakable hardness outlined there, straining against the fabric. Her eyes flew up to his again, and she could swear that this time, she actually did turn a discernable shade of red.

  “You could stay, and we could finish what we started,” he drawled, catching her arousal that flashed across her face before she could stop it.

  “Or I could nip such craziness in the bud, and keep things as professional as we agreed,” Gwen managed, snatching up her clutch where it had fallen beneath the seat. She scrambled with the door, and was shocked when it was instantly opened from the outside. She looked up and saw a figure standing behind the door he held open. He was tall and tanned, with an unremarkable face yet with character in every line etched there. He bobbed his head in deference and Gwen could do nothing but nod, before sending Trent one last glance and then stepping quickly out of the limo before those narrowed green eyes could tempt her further.

  Chapter Three

  Someone thudded into his knees. Trent looked down to see what little form had itself wrapped around his legs. The boy’s eyes, so similar to Trent’s, beamed up at him with an accompanying grin. There was such adoration and awe in that small, beautiful face that reminded him so much of Gwen. Trent almost stumbled, though the boy’s weight was nothing compared to Trent’s. It was just the unexpected emotion of having his son gazing up at him with all the innocent wonder of an eight-year-old, the look filled with as much longing as Trent’s own held.

  Slowly, a grin split Trent’s lips and his heart swelled, this one moment making him happier than he had felt like since … damn, he couldn’t even remember the last time.

  Without further delay, Trent’s arms went around the boy’s narrow shoulders and hugged him close. My son. I missed you—even before I met you.

  It took a few moments for Trent to open his eyes and realize it had all been a dream. But that thankful feeling he’d felt as he’d held the dream Jonah still lingered as Trent turned his head on the pillow and viewed the empty side of his bed.

  He’d slept alone for the past four years—he was used to it by now. That was not to say that he liked it in the least. What he did seem to like, was how good Gwen felt when he kissed and touched her. And the way she’d stare at him with desire as he caressed her curves, her eyes big, the browns in them like melted chocolate, her lips slightly parted.

  Trent found that look familiar to the ones from countless women he’d come across—be it at a club or party, or even during business events. In return, some might interest him enough for the temporary warmth of their bodies to satisfy his needs. They never managed to enchant him though, not the way Gwen did. The look in her eyes mirrored his and reminded him of his equal desire to have her.

  The best memory he had of them back then, was of waking up next to her. How his eyes would snap open in the early wisps of morning to the amazing sight of Gwen resting with her cheek atop his chest. Her breath would rhythmically tickle his skin, while her little hand folded over the base of his trunk, pressing tightly onto his waist even in her sleep, as if to hold him in place.

  Her legs would be tangled with his, her body half on his and half on the bed. His own hand he would find, was also resting on that perfect inward dip at her midsection, wedging her against him as she slept restfully.

  Trent inhaled a reminiscent breath as he lay there alone in his presently cold and lonely sheets, calling back the way he’d drink in Gwen’s scent, so heavenly even at five in the morning. At that point, he’d be unable to resist the need to lower his face into her cloudy mass of soft, full hair and inhale deeply once more, loving the scent of tangerine mixing in with that of her body’s natural ambrosial essence.

  He knew he was only punishing himself, but Trent tried to imagine her when she’d been pregnant and then gave birth to his son. The years she’d nursed him, nurturing him to be the balanced eight-year-old he’d become.

  Jonah Stanton. She’d given him her maiden name.

  Trent sighed harshly and swept his feet off the bed to the floor. The next moment he rose and moved through the doors to his private office. He clicked a few buttons, and a screen lit up on the wall opposite.

  He lowered into his chair and watched the scenes flickering in front of him. Max had done a good job getting Trent the footage he’d requested. Gwen and Jonah emerging from the door of their apartment, dressed and ready to head for school. And then later in the day, Gwen picking him up in her car and getting him home or off to practice.

  Trent had the health records, school records, and all the other information on paper that he’d ever need on Jonah. At school he was considered a strong-willed and smart kid, who made all A’s, and who followed directions well. He didn’t get into trouble at school any more than a normal eight-year-old would, though he did like to impress his peers, especially the girls. Everyone generally considered him as sweet, such as his teachers.

  Max had also managed to shoot some footage of Jonah during social activity. Whether at home or school, Jonah could be seen to not only enjoy friendships, but he also thrived on sports teams and other interaction groups. He enjoyed going to school and readily engaged socially with friends and classmates, but Trent was pleased to see that at eight, Jonah was still attached to his mom.

  Trent had no doubt that Gwen set positive examples and steered Jonah towards good conduct and the development of strong principles. There was that wholesomeness in the way they bonded and displayed affection and playfulness, be it stopping for some takeout and fighting over portions, or Jonah showing concern when his mom somehow got a splinter into her thumb, and trying to help get it out. Jonah was a far more affectionate boy than Trent could ever remember being. What did strike Trent though, was sometimes the way the camera would catch Jonah in moments of contemplation, his startling green eyes showing a strange far-off look, before a friend would jump on him and then pull him away again to join some game.

  Trent would pause the video in those moments as he tried to read Jonah’s mind and wondered what had the boy so broody far above his age. And suddenly, Trent could feel the sense of loss, that like Trent, the boy was missing something and he couldn’t really tell what it was. Jonah only seemed to know that there was a gap that needed filling.

  Trent gritted his jaw and swore underneath his breath, flicking off the screen and remaining in the dimness of his study. Having to snoop on his own son to get answers didn’t sit well with him. Neither did he enjoy having to dig up facts about Gwen either. Her past relationships, and the kind of men she’d let near their son. It just so happened, that she hardly ever dated and in the past two years, had not been involved romantically with anyone. Before then even, she’d only stepped out with a few guys that had been set up by friends or whom she encountered through chance meetings.

  He could safely say, that if Gwen had had any lovers since giving birth to Jonah, she’d either been extra discreet about it, or had so far gone without sex for most of the eight years since they’d seen each other.

  Well, damn. He could build his own theories on that, but Trent knew better. Knew he had no chance of believing she’d been stuck on him and hadn’t found anyone better to take his place. For heaven’s sake, the woman had been a single mother, just like her own mom before her. She’d gone through a lot on her own, raising a boy and earning her credentials up to master’s level while pursuing a career in education. The last thing Trent needed to be doing was speculating about her sexual urges or the gratification of them.

  He couldn’t say he’d fared better off in the years he’d been married.

  Trent couldn’t continue to focus on the past. The present held far more promise than he’d ever imagined. For now he could understand Gwen’s need for secrecy and as such not even his parents knew that Trent was now in contact with her or that he knew about his son. Trent was content to keep it that way for now but as for keeping apart from them, that was not an option he’d
ever consider.

  He’d skirted around Gwen’s feelings the past few weeks but he was done with that. It was time she got used to him being a fixture in their lives, and the sooner the better.


  For Gwen, nurturing her bond with her son was a delightful experience. She always carved out special one-on-one time for them and lately, she felt the need to do so more cogently than before.

  She was reluctant to think it was because she felt threatened in any way that Trent had somehow made his way back into her life, and soon maybe Jonah’s. But just what was she afraid of?

  Since Jonah was so energetic, sometimes Gwen opted for activities that gave them a work out, like both of them hopping on their bikes and heading into town or cycling by the river. Or sometimes even rock climbing or playing soccer, both of which Jonah loved.

  This Saturday, though, Gwen opted for some special quiet time by having them spend time together at the library. Jonah was already an excellent reader and lover of books, and to close the outing Gwen chose a nice used bookstore with a café. It was awesome fun, because Jonah loved having cake grown-up style while she enjoyed her cappuccino break.

  Being the mother of a male had changed Gwen from the all-out girly girl she’d been once. Oh, she hadn’t totally given up her girly ways, but she was happy to think she’d adapted well to being a boy’s mom. Jonah had his share of drama, with loads of eye rolling, door slamming, and overall sassiness like most eight-year-old boys. But he was also generally easy going, agreeable, and respectful. They already spent so much time around each other because they were in the same school and then saw each other at home, too. And Gwen felt utterly grateful for those moments.

  Now she realized she just might have to start sharing them.

  By night time she had an exhausted Jonah ready for bed and then he was out like a light. Gwen felt a twinge of guilt, like maybe she’d overexerted him today trying to cram so much time together in a matter of hours. But, oh, it had all been so worth it.

  They spent virtually all day together, yet here she was reluctant to leave his room while he slept. She gazed on his slumbering face, and gently ran her fingers over his close-cropped, slightly wavy brown hair. His lashes were thick and long, like his father’s, and in repose he looked just like the Trent she remembered, when he was seventeen. He’d been more of a man than most boys his age, but somehow she could still remember the innocence in his eyes that wasn’t there now, of course.

  She quelled a chuckle at the thought of using the word Trent and innocence in the same sentence. Her smile faded, as in all the jumble of memories from the past, she suddenly picked on one from a five-year-old Jonah …

  On Christmas morning, surrounded by presents, he’d suddenly shocked Gwen by shoving away the gift-wrapped box she’d handed to him and yelled at her that he didn’t want things like that. “I want my dad,” he’d wailed.

  Gwen had patted his hair and had tried to soothe him, calling him a good boy while explaining that his dad couldn’t be there because he’d passed away. “Instead, I’m right here for you,” Gwen had said earnestly, but he’d just wailed harder, and asked her to buy him a dad.

  “Jo-jo, shall I beg the stars to send back your dad?” she’d said in a gentle tone, at a loss for what to do or say.

  Jonah had instantly stopped his crying, and nodded soberly and firmly.

  Gwen couldn’t ever forget, how he’d stood by the glass window minutes later, while she’d kneeled beside him among the presents and watched him look to the stars with clasped hands.

  Then she’d listened, as he fervently worded aloud that he wanted his dad. Like his friends, he wanted to eat with his dad, take baths with his dad, and play ball with him. “I love Mom, but I think it will be more fun to have Mom and Dad. Dear stars, I want to have Mom and Dad,” Jonah had said.

  Gwen had been sobbing silently into her handkerchief, and Jonah had left the window and had quickly come to her side, all concerned. “Mom, are you crying?”

  “No, why would I cry?” She’d smiled quickly, drying her eyes.

  “Do you miss Dad, too?” had come Jonah’s meek little boy’s voice.

  Gwen had shaken her head, then had sobbed again as she gathered him close. “I’m right here with you, baby. I’m here for you,” she’d cried with hot tears falling on his little shoulders.

  Jonah had been the one patting her and comforting her then, as she sobbed and held him. Gwen had cried so hard she thought her heart would collapse. Jonah never complained again, but Gwen always remembered. It was almost like he couldn’t bear to make her sad and thus never brought up the subject after that.

  Gwen could still feel tears mist her eyes all this time after, just thinking of five-year-old Jonah simply wanting to share the little everyday things a son does with his father—like he must have seen or heard his friends do. Gwen had no doubt he did love her, but he’d rather have his dad in the picture as well. Gwen’s heart couldn’t help but break each time she thought back on that episode.

  That could be the reason why she got more confused, when Trent’s surprise arrived at her school the next week. They were tickets to a professional game, and at first Gwen couldn’t understand why Trent would send them. But then, she saw his note and he explained that there were two tickets to his luxury box, and another two tickets in the general seating area. He suggested if Gwen would like to come in a professional matter to network with his company and other potential donors, she was welcome to. And she could bring her son.

  He then added that if she didn’t want to bring her son into that situation, he was offering her the two general seating tickets for them to use instead.

  Any other time and Gwen would have picked option two. Or simply said no to any chance of a meeting, even if just for a game.

  However, after the weekend and her reminiscing over that scene with Jonah during that fateful Christmas years ago, she changed her mind. Gwen decided to try the luxury box. Jonah wouldn’t have to know his connection to Trent and it would be a good way for Gwen to see how Trent would interact with his son.

  She just hoped she wouldn’t regret taking this bold step getting father and son into contact. Gwen had never really pictured it before, and now it was going to happen in the most unconventional of places.

  But in the end, it all went down easier than she could have hoped.

  They were taken in through a separate entrance from the general public gates and soon came face-to-face with Trent and the other guests in his private box. It was the perfect fall Thursday for football, the temperature crisp and the view of blue sky and white clouds from the window, magical.

  Jonah was all wide-eyed delight, though he stopped short when he saw Trent. “I remember you from my mom’s office.”

  “I remember you as well,” Trent said easily, and Gwen stood behind Jonah nervously as Trent held out his hand to shake Jonah’s. Gwen quickly made introductions, and Trent added, “I’m glad you decided to join me in my box for the game.”

  “It’s awesome! I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! Can we really watch the whole game from here?” asked Jonah in awe, and Gwen saw Trent smile.

  “We have the perfect view right over the playing field. I can show you the best way to enjoy every bit of today’s game. You’ll almost feel like you’re right down there taking part with the players.”

  “Are you serious?” Jonah said, eyes bright and enthusiastic, as he looked from Trent to his mother, who gave her nod of assent.

  “Mr. Matthews knows a whole lot about this kind of thing,” said Gwen, without irony. “We’ve only ever viewed the game from the stands, so this is a big deal. There’s also the chance to talk about the plans you have for the school projects, which is great too.”

  “There’ll be plenty of time for that,” boomed a voice from behind them. “First, let’s get down to the fun part!”

  Gwen turned to find a familiar face walking up to them, a wide grin on his designer-stubbled face. She noticed Jonah’s
eyes go even rounder as he recognized the popular blockbuster action star.

  From then it was just surprise after surprise. Two other celebrities, one a top-seeded tennis star and the other, a celebrity chef whom Gwen positively adored and followed all her recipes, joined them in the luxury box. There was the most fabulous catering available, champagne and cocktails, and fun drinks and snacks for Jonah.

  By the time the game was in the third quarter, Gwen had lost most of her wariness and just relaxed into the moment. Jonah was having the time of his life, his grin wide as he looked up at Trent with what could only be described as hero worship, as Trent pointed out some facts about the team and the game. Gwen chewed on her bottom lip watching the two of them seated close together, or going to stand by the open glass panels overlooking the field. Jonah was his usual outgoing self and Trent seemed to know how to draw him out further, making Jonah bring out his bright, warm personality. Trent playfully turned Jonah’s baseball cap to face backwards, and Jonah actually looked pleased, laughing up at Trent.

  Trent didn’t try to hog Jonah to himself, though and let them all interact with each other, but Gwen couldn’t help but notice that somehow, Jonah seemed to gravitate to Trent again and again. Trent always looked pleased when Jonah would shift his attention from someone else and just focus himself back on Trent, asking another question and eagerly waiting for Trent to reply.

  Okay, so Gwen didn’t expect Trent to be so good with kids. But then, his winning strategy seemed to know how to speak on equal footing with someone far, far younger. He made them feel like their opinion mattered and he spoke to them like he knew they understood everything he said.

  Gwen was happy that she did get the chance to chat with the other VIP guests and set up plans regarding their interest in making donations. To her relief, they assured her that they’d spoken at length with Trent who’d convinced them it was a great cause to get onboard.


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