The Carver's Magic

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The Carver's Magic Page 7

by B. L. Brooklyn


  Beth must be a Carver. That's why her sister would know what that means. That’s why they look nothing alike. That's who cleaned the tables and bar, that's why she was not afraid of the werewolf from the other night; and that's possibly why the poser was keeping tabs on her tonight.

  Wait a minute. Enora was here tonight, too. She wouldn’t have been able to leave home again unless she was given permission. The fairies don’t leave home without permission and a good reason, furthermore, they don’t get involved with anyone else but their kind.

  What the hell was Enora doing at the bar then?

  * * *

  Sunday night, jazz night with live bands. Cory is going out of her way to avoid me. If it were anyone else, I don't think I would have minded, but Cory is different. It is almost as if she is trying to force herself to stay away from me, even though I know the pull I feel for her goes both ways. I know why I wasn’t giving in to the pull, but I couldn’t imagine why she isn’t giving in. If her sister is a Carver, then she would want me even more. Right? I mean, we are on the top of the magical food chain.

  Maybe that is the reason she is keeping her distance. Although I didn't get the vibe that she is scared of me. I bet she thought she knew all about Carvers because of Beth, but she knows nothing about the amount of power I carry in my veins. With one word I could turn her world up side down.

  "Hey," Beth says, as she walks past with a case of beer.

  "Hey," I call back, as I cut up the rest of the oranges for the girly drinks and wheat beer.

  I am not one for beating around the bush and I figure it is best if I just call out the truth between us. I walk up to Beth as she is putting the bottles in the small refrigerator, "You're a Carver."

  "So are you," She says in a bored voice.

  I was right. Cory knows what a Carver is, and she ran to tell her sister.

  "Might want to cut down on the magic. No one cleans up that fast," I warn.

  Beth finishes putting the bottles in the mini-refrigerator and stood with the box cutter in hand. For a minute I wonder if she is threatening me, but then she began cutting the empty box. I shook my head that she was wasting time breaking down boxes the long way. I touch the sanitizer water and heated it up. I did the same to the soapy water and then wash the dirty glasses. I heard Beth mumble, "At least when I do magic I don’t do it in front of a bar full of people." Her words are clipped.

  Still not looking back, "I didn’t." I have no fear of her accusation, and if she is referring to herself as “the whole bar” then she has more issues than I originally calculated.

  "Yeah right," she puts the box cutter in her back pocket and held onto the flat empty box.

  "How about you try to get through the night without hosing anyone? Huh?" I say disapprovingly, but wishing I hadn't said anything at all. It would suggest that those were the only things she did wrong.

  Beth's lips flatten. "Stay on the south side and I’ll stay on the north, that way I won’t entertain thoughts of strangling you."

  I almost laugh at her. It is like a mouse threatening a Cobra.

  Beth continues, "Oh, and stay away from my sister. I’ve met enough of people like you and she is not going to have anything to do with you or whatever crap you’re into."

  I could see her eyes lighten to green. I smile inwardly. Maybe all Carvers could make their eyes glow different colors. I was told mine were arctic blue when they shine. Vampires eyes turn white when they are emotional, like really hungry, really horny, or really pissed. Fairies and witches didn’t have anything like that.

  Regardless, I am unimpressed that this little Carver is threatening me, with all her first or second generation’s bloodline swarming in her veins. I couldn't help myself. I laugh cynically.

  Beth hooked her hands on her hips.

  "Beth," I say condescendingly. "You know nothing about me. So don’t threaten me unless you want to find out."

  She stares me down so I let her feel the fire in my veins. She flinches obviously aware of my superior power.

  “And about Cory? I don’t date humans.”

  "Beth I need a Jaeger bomb, Coors light, Cape Cod and a shot of Tequila." Cory's voice rings out, breaking my concentration on Beth. I look down at Cory who tosses her hair behind her shoulders and looks at Beth and then back at me, and forces a smile. Whatever. I leave knowing that Beth was going to take care of her. So I walk back to the stock room to grab another bottle of white wine.

  When I return, Cory and Beth are hissing to each other yet again. Cory is holding her apron in her hand. At some point she has taken it off and I wonder if she is about to quit. I am hopeful and unnerved at the same time.

  "Checking out?" I ask, eyeing her with a look that said I hope so. Cory scowls at me, and Beth’s eyes say they want to tear me to pieces. It is like watching a little kitten with her hackles raised, trying to look scary.

  Cory threw her apron on the bar, "No. I am headed to the top room tonight." I stop walking. I know I heard wrong.

  The top rooms are for VIP's, and not the good kind either. The dirty kind, that has lots of money and has a tendency to do a lot of iffy things. The few waitresses that quit were all because of the VIP rooms. I shake my head, "No. Not going to happen."

  Cory’s eyes rounded, but I wasn’t going to let this happen. It wasn’t because I don’t like her out of my sight, or the fact that I have no idea who is in the VIP room tonight. No, it is simple, it is all for safety reasons. I don’t think she is experienced enough to take on guys like that, and to be honest, no one should have to take on guys like that.

  Sal, the boss, should have put a stop to it. The few times a waitress named Denise complained, he had the guest and waitress explain what happened. After that chat, Sal said the girl misunderstood what the guest wanted. The next weekend the waitress never showed for work. She sent him a text about moving back home and that’s the last anyone heard from her.

  And that’s when I started keeping tabs on the waitresses, specifically making sure they made it to their cars at night. Thankfully I did because some girls attracted some really bad attention. One girl I walked out to her car was being stalked by a vampire named Niko, who I noticed was in the VIP room that night. He would have taken her and drained her, if I hadn’t teleported to the waitress’ house, and killed the bastard that tried to break in minutes before she was going to pull up in the driveway. The girl never new how close she got to becoming his dinner.

  Cory only started yesterday and she is novice to the clients Sal lets in. I want to say something. I can’t let a silly, shy girl walk into a VIP room not knowing what kind of people are looking for special treatment. It’s one big room with velvet couches and chairs along the walls with a small dance floor and an eight-person table. Sal had lots of contacts, some were shady with sketchy appearances and the others were well dresses shysters with heavy pockets.

  "That's what I said," Beth spat out.

  I look at Beth hoping she understands my expression, you don’t even know the half of it.

  "I am not a child Beth. I can take care of myself," Cory folded her arms over her chest, "and you, you’re not my boss. And if you try any of your Carver crap I will know. I am all too acquainted with Carvers. If you do anything, I promise you, you’ll regret it." She ended with a sharp look to her sister.

  Cory is just as bad as Beth. I take it all back. Politeness my ass. She is soft in the brain, like a marshmallow. She has no idea what a Carver like me can do. My fire is building low and dangerously close to out of control as Cory walks away from me. I wait until I couldn't see Cory anymore before I turned to her sister, who I was about to lecture, when I noticed she was mumbling something under her breath.

  I waited until she was done before I asked, "What did you do?" I know she must have done some magic but, being a Carver, I couldn't tell how much or what she did. That is the most infuriating thing about Carvers, their magic is practically undetectable.<
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  "I just put a mirror of her heart in mine. That way if something happens I will know right away. If she is nervous, scared, or calm, I will feel it." I nod with approval. Very nice. I have never done anything like that. In fact, I didn't know we could do something like that.

  "How did you learn that?"

  "If wolves can feel the hearts of others, why can't I do the same thing?" She ran her hands down he sides twice.

  Wolves are known to feel the emotions of their mates. Or was it they could hear each other's thoughts? Crap. I forget. But, it looked like something she had done before.

  I walk back to the bar and try to put Cory out of my mind. Beth has a mirror of her heart, and that will let her know immediately if something is wrong, so I shouldn’t worry. Actually I shouldn’t care. I don’t really care. I am just a responsible team player. It’s important to make sure everyone on the team is safe. So technically, it wouldn’t matter that Cory’s up there instead of Danny. I would still want to make sure they are okay. The words don’t feel true, but I don’t want to analyze it further.

  On the north side of the bar, Beth The Terrible was taking an order. So I turn back to my south side where I plan to stay because it has a perfect view of the VIP box, and the stairs going in and out of it. That way if anything happens, I can be there first.

  “Long Island, please.” I look down and see a girl with short, shoulder-length messy blonde hair, and glowing orange eyes. Glowing as if she doesn’t have a care in the world, as if it were totally normal to show that side of her magic. Her lacy black tank top shows her neon-green bra that made her look horribly trashy. She has no dark black eye make-up on, but she looks the type, instead she does have a considerable amount of bright orange lipstick slathered on her small bitty lips.

  No. Hell no. I’m not putting up with another Carver. I already have Beth’s magic issues to work around, and lets not forget the wolves that come in every night, so no, no more magical creatures.

  “Dim the lights in your eyes or get out,” I warn, dropping the white rag in my hand to the bar, and fold my arms.

  The Carver didn’t dim the lights in her eyes. Instead, she smiles and I bring the fire to my chest, waiting for her to make the first stupid move. I’m ready, poised to teleport this chick to the top of Pikes Peak and leave her ass there. Right after I knock her out and shoved her in the trunk of someone’s car.

  Magically, a glass appears in front of her, then it fills with liquid that looks a lot like a Long Island Ice Tea. The Carver puts her gangly hand up and grabs it slowly, then takes a sip. She then leans to the side as she flicks her nails and says with a smug smile, “Richard says ‘Hi.’”

  My father. My fire instantly roared in my stomach. That rat bastard can rot in hell. And if this chick is with him then she can go to hell, too. I can’t think of one redeeming quality about my father. Then the thought occurred to me, this girl better not be the girl my parents told me about. The one they wanted me to mate with.

  “Get out now.” I sneer as my fire builds even stronger inside of me. I know that if I don’t calm down soon I will end up teleporting out of here to let some of the fire out before it consumes me. My fire almost has a mind of it’s own. I have yet to figure out why it reacts differently depending on my emotions, and who I am around.

  The trashy orange-eyed Carver sips her drink loudly. It’s like nails on chalkboard. “I don’t think so. I am enjoying my scenery.” She scans the room quickly, “I can see why you like it here, so many creatures infesting the place.” She sniffed the air. “Never thought I would see Richard’s son slumming it with the same creatures who would kill you the second they find out what you are.”

  I swipe my hand near her glass and mentally teleport it to the trash. “It’s time you left.”

  The trashy Carver pulls out a tube of gloss from below the bar and applies it slowly. “Do you really want to make a scene, Shane?” She slides a finger over her lips and smiles nefariously. “I’m willing to play, but are you?”


  Holding in my fire, which is still building and becoming very distracting, I take a hold of the rag and squeeze. “What do you want?”

  Her orange eyes narrow as she leans in, letting her boobs practically fall out of her shirt. Not that I looked, but I could tell in my periphery. “Stop fraternizing with our enemy and join the fight. Find your match! Sitting on the fence is for pussies.”

  Hearing her tell me to find my match should have lessened the fire I felt, especially now that I know this chick wasn’t here to share hearts and all that load of crap.

  “I wasn’t born to bump the bed post with some other Carver because some crazy witch thinks she knows the future. And even if there is such a woman, I can tell you right now I would hate her. I haven’t met a Carver I would dream about drilling all night, let alone sharing a part of my soul and those are my two main qualifiers.”

  She slapped the bar with her right hand. “She’s your perfect match! Richard knows her parents and they worked very hard to get you two together.” She let out a harsh breath. “In fact, I doubt you would be able to stop yourself from falling into her bed the second you see her.”

  I look around to ensure that no one is paying attention to this before I answer, “I’m not getting into this with you or anyone else. So why don’t you go back to Richard and tell him I’m not interested in being the slut boy or the knight in shining armor.”

  Her eyes narrow, she leans back and folds her arms under her breasts, making them an accent, and yet again I didn’t look. She is trying to use her body as a distraction. “Oh, I’m sure I can find something to get you to come back, Shane. That, I can promise you.”

  Pursing my lips smugly, “You don’t scare me.”

  She coughs in her closed fist where several shiny bracelets are jingling. “That’s because you’re too stupid to know better.”

  I wipe my hands on the white rag, “I think it’s time you left.”

  “I think it’s time you realized that you don’t actually have a choice.” She tilted her head, as if to mark her point.

  I turn towards a patron with her hand up, “Alright, well thanks for the chat, Orangey?”


  I snort. “That’s a horrible name. I almost feel sorry for you.” And then I left, hoping more than expecting that she would leave.

  I gave the next patron a warm hello that is a complete farce because as soon as I am done with her I am going to have to go into the storage room to teleport somewhere to let go of the excess fire inside of me. If I don’t, I won’t be able to focus. The fire will consume all my thoughts and take over.

  When I was young that almost happened. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. My skin was so hot I think it melted, and all I saw was white. It was like I was fading away and becoming only a living, breathing, fire. Of course now I know that I am made of fire, but still, it can escape me and take over if I don’t keep it under control.

  “Merlot,” the lady says, without looking up from her phone. I quickly pour the drink and tender the order.

  Finally able to leave, I hastily walk away, not checking to see if Fennel, the trashy Carver, is still sitting at the bar. Once I shut the door, I teleport to Mount Katmai in Alaska. It is virtually uninhabitable, which is perfect for when I need to let out my fire. It’s a volcano that blew its top and caused a large crater at the top. In summer the snow melts, turning the crater into a lake, and then freezes back up in winter.

  I take off my shoes quickly and walk into the freezing cold water. I can hear the ice shuttering and sizzling as I step out into the lake. I walk out until my calves are under the ice-cold water. I concentrate on only letting the fire out of my feet. I dig my toes into the rocky soil.

  I close my eyes tightly, struggling to pinpoint where my fire can leave. The pressure is causing the blood to rush to my extremities. I can feel little tingles running all over my body, similar to when feeling retu
rns to your limbs after you have been sitting awkwardly for too long.

  Flexing my power, I try and rein it in. My chest is burning and I know if I just keep focusing on holding a mental lid, my fire will eventually give up. But it’s not giving up without a fight.

  I roar, but all I hear is gurgles.

  I open my eyes and they begin to burn, as if I am submerged in acid. I swim to the top of the lake and scramble out, letting my fire clear the toxins out of my eyes and all over my skin. My clothes are gone and I am naked sitting in the snow, on top of a volcano.

  I teleport to my apartment for a whole new set of clothes and then teleport back to the stock room wondering how much time has really passed.

  I look down to my watch . . . dang. It’s gone. Must have melted along with my clothes.

  I walk out of the room and Enora is perched on a stool at the bar. She waits until I am close. She smile slyly, “Hi Shane.”

  I wash my hands at the bar sink and grab a clean, white rag. “Enora? What brings you here again?” I try not to let her see how distracted I feel. Right now all I want to do is march upstairs, grab Cory, and make sure she is okay. And maybe kiss her so fucking hard she can’t breathe. That might help actually. I mentally shake my head at that thought.

  “Ah, you know just visiting.” She flips her hair back with another wistful look. That look always got my attention, but now, it didn’t even make a dent.

  I look down at her and fold my arms over my chest, curious that she no longer had the ability to excite me. “Right. So what are you really doing here, Enora?”

  Her eyes squint then narrow, “Visiting.”

  Rolling my shoulders. “Sure, you can keep saying that but we both know you’re lying. So spit it out.”

  Immediately she bows her head, and unfolds her legs on the stool, “I can’t.”

  “Can’t? Because you are afraid the fairy courts will find out you told me?”

  She looks up with big round eyes, but I wasn’t buying it. “They’ll know if I lie. I can’t tell you. But don’t worry, it has nothing to do with you.”


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