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by Vanessa Rose

  She gasped at the rush of his breath. Andrew teased her with his tongue until he could feel her wetness seeping through the silk she wore. He was throbbing, aching to feel her surrounding him. Carefully, he slid Lisa's panties off of her long legs as he held them both up in front of him.

  Lisa lay back on the table with her arms relaxed above her head as she watched him pull himself from his boxers. Andrew's pants and underwear fell to the floor around his feet, and he slid himself along Lisa's most sensitive parts. She clamped her lips shut and took deep breaths through her nose, fighting the moans trying to escape from her mouth.

  Andrew placed himself against her entrance and, with gentle pressure, pushed into her slightly. Lisa braced herself for his size and looked up into the green eyes sparkling down at her. Andrew lowered his lips to her chest and pushed in a little deeper. His mouth found her collarbone and he sucked her skin. He held Lisa at an excruciating threshold of anticipation and fulfillment and delighted in the way her face changed as the tension mounted inside of her.

  Keeping himself suspended, Andrew moved to kiss her. Lisa passionately welcomed his kiss, conveying every ounce of her desire for him. When she tried to pull him deeper inside of her, Andrew held her hips down. She broke their kiss and bit down onto his shoulder through his shirt. He lifted his head only enough to get her to look at him, and he leaned down to kiss her again. When he did, he thrust inside of her with surprising force. If it weren't for his tongue in her mouth, Lisa would have screamed in ecstasy.

  He reached the limits of Lisa's confines before the entirety of his length fit inside of her. Andrew held himself there and looked into Lisa's face. Her head was tilted back against the cushion of the exam table. Her curls danced around her and the light from above cast a halo glow at her crown. Her eyes were shut tightly like her lips, and Andrew almost broke his silence when he felt her muscles start to tighten around him.

  Andrew had felt the strength of a woman's orgasm many times before, but never this soon. He looked at Lisa more closely, noticing the telltale signs of her climax. He didn't move, but instead let Lisa grind herself against him. He felt her slide along his length, and almost gave in to his own explosion. All he could do to stop it was focus on Lisa's beautiful features.

  Lisa immediately caught on to Andrew's position, and she rocked against him with the force of all the passion inside of her. She felt her slickness spread between them as she moved, and her heartbeat started to race wildly. Lisa kissed Andrew deeply as she felt herself being pulled up and over the edge of pleasure. Her muscles seized around him, and she dug her nails into the backs of his shoulders as she came. Shuddering, Lisa collapsed onto the table. Only then did Andrew begin to slowly pump himself in and out of her softness.

  Lisa's body responded by instantly tightening around him again. She gasped for breath and struggled not to make a sound as she felt every inch of his massive member slide in and out between her legs. When Andrew quickened his pace, Lisa bit into his shoulder again, muffling the small squeaks that escaped her mouth when he hit her walls during his thrusts.

  Lisa continued in a wave of orgasms, each one more powerful than the last. She had reached a state of pure bliss, and lay open to him, completely careless of the world outside the exam room. Andrew pushed himself up and stood, remaining buried deep inside of her. He rubbed her thighs as he looked down at her longingly. Lisa looked back up at him, dazzled by his stature and the passion beaming from his eyes. His hair was fussed to the side, and the breathlessness was evident on his face. Andrew placed his hands beneath Lisa's knees and lifted her legs up to come together in front of him. He hugged them to his chest with one arm as he slid the hand of his other arm down to where he was submerged within her.

  With his thumb, Andrew found Lisa's small jewel and began to rub circles against it. He cultivated a complementing rhythm between his fingers and his hips. Lisa never ceased her spiral of orgasms. Andrew savored every moment inside of her and devoured the apprehension that he felt when he was withdrawn. He quickened, he slowed, all the while building to an intense, earth shattering eruption.

  Lisa, however, underestimated Andrew's stamina and was mildly shocked when he placed her legs around his hips again. He bent down, slid his arms beneath the small of Lisa's back and effortlessly hoisted her up. She reflexively reached her arms around his neck as he lifted her. Andrew spun them around and sat down on the exam table with Lisa sitting in his lap. He looked into her eyes and could tell how strongly she felt him pulse inside of her. Lisa tucked her knees to the side of each of his hips and began to move herself up and down along him. Andrew's mouth suckled on Lisa's breasts as his hands massaged her ass.

  The rhythm was hers to control now, and she looked into Andrew's eyes as she bounced on him. Lisa ran her fingers through his hair and clutched the back of his neck when she kissed him. Andrew let his hands travel up her back underneath her dress. He shuddered at the softness of her skin. Combined with how tight and warm she felt around him, Andrew couldn't hold himself back any longer.

  He grabbed Lisa's shoulders and pulled her with down onto him as he exploded inside of her. His intensity sent her through another wave of orgasms, and her entire body quivered as he held her in his lap. Lisa let herself go limp in his arms while they regained their breathing. Her mind swirled with pleasure, and she closed her eyes as she inhaled his scent.

  Slowly, Andrew reached his hand to her cheek and pulled his face to where he could see her eyes.

  “I meant to ask you to dinner,” he said simply, smiling with satisfaction.

  “Well, Dr. Cassetter,” Lisa said, “Do you still plan on doing that?”

  Lisa carefully dismounted and found her panties on the chair beside them. She quickly slipped them back over her feet and stood up to smile at Andrew.

  “Miss Sanders,” Andrew said cheekily, “may I take you out to dinner tonight?”

  “Dinner?” Lisa mused as she watched him zip up his pants, “Sure. We can follow that up with breakfast tomorrow morning if you'd like, too.”

  Astoundingly happy, Andrew cleared his head and scribbled a few notes on her chart. They arranged for him to pick Lisa up at her apartment once he'd gotten his day taken care of. Feeling like she'd just won the lottery while simultaneously getting away with murder, Lisa left the clinic to prepare for her date with Dr. Cassetter.

  Chapter 5: Down the Path Together

  By the time that Andrew and Lisa were halfway through their dinner, it was as if they were old friends who hadn't been separated a day in their lives. Andrew's sense of humor matched Lisa's, and her intelligence matched his. Together, they chatted and laughed, happy to greet the sun with an already brewing pot of coffee.

  The passion-filled lust they had felt for one another at the clinic did not abate, but instead flourished over the weeks they spent with one another. Lisa had begun to find new beauty in the familiar forest around her, and Andrew met every day and every patient with a brilliant enthusiasm for life. They were infused with one another and more vibrant in combination than either had ever been on their own.

  They made a strikingly handsome couple, and would often get glances of admiration when they went to dinner. Outside of her natural habitat, Lisa cleaned up beautifully. Andrew was startled each time she emerged fully dressed to the nines, complete with heels. He was falling for her with each passing moment, and rarely gave a thought to the world outside of her when she was near him.

  The outside world, however, was something that Lisa thought about constantly. She thought about her forests, thought about her projects and was always absorbed by some cause. Andrew loved that about her, and found himself becoming more and more fascinated by the genuine passion she had for her environment. He felt that way most often when she took them walking through the forest. It had taken some convincing, but Lisa had finally gotten Andrew to take his truck out. Off-roading was what that truck was made for, she had told him, and he wasn't going to back down.

  They had lumbered
along a curvy, uneven, sorry-excuse for a thoroughfare and eventually parked underneath a giant tree. There was only enough space for a couple of vehicles, and the area looked like it hadn't seen many more people other than Lisa in quite a while. When they were out and settled with packs, they took off down a path towards Lisa's favorite spot.

  Her spot, which she neglected to tell Andrew, was on an overgrown tree branch about ten feet off of the ground. When they approached, Lisa began to clamor up boards she'd hung from the tree as a ladder. Andrew looked up at the precarious tie of rope and wood, let his eyes travel down the length of the tree branch and watched as Lisa scooted her way over and sat in a slump of the wood.

  “No,” Andrew said flatly, “That's crazy. Is this where you fell from?”

  Lisa nodded and, after a few minutes of coaxing, pleading and insulting Andrew as a man, she convinced him to join her. Watching him awkwardly maneuver over to her was amusing, but she didn't laugh. Lisa was pretty sure that Andrew might not survive the fall. The bigger they are, she thought, and she knew for a fact that Andrew was pretty big.

  “When you sit here,” Lisa said as Andrew finally got comfortable, “you can look out through the trees and see the birds of prey swooping down into the Coosa River for some grub.”

  Andrew smiled as he listened to her talk about the forest. Each time she did, he learned something new. Lisa was an endless book of knowledge, and he drank up every word. Shortly, their conversation quieted, and Lisa rested her head on his shoulder. The thick tree branch could have supported five times their weight without complaining, and they sat next to one another, content.

  “So,” Lisa said gently, “what are your plans for when Dr. Graham comes back to work?”

  The question jarred Andrew. Leaving the area was something he had consciously tried to avoid thinking about. He was more than half way through his scheduled six-month stay, and he had never planned on meeting someone like Lisa. His silence offered neither explanation nor comfort to Lisa's imploring eyes.

  “I really don't know anymore,” Andrew said with his most gentle honesty, “I had planned, I guess, to just go to the next assignment. I never planned on... I never planned on you.”

  Lisa's heart started to pound in her chest. She felt the blood rush to blush her cheeks and she wasn't sure how to respond. The truth was, she hadn't planned on Andrew, either. The thought of adding him to her life, while wonderful, was a mind-spinning concept, especially since his career had him traveling across the country every few months. Lisa's roots in the area ran deep and she had no intention of ever leaving. As the moments passed, solutions continually failed to present themselves. She let the quiet sit between them and breathed in the scent of the forest around her.

  It was a little over a week later when Lisa sat on her tree branch again, this time by herself. She was ticking check marks on a page each time she saw a bird swoop down into the river. She made a different mark for each bird, and varied the mark again when the bird caught a fish and flew off to munch. Lisa's head throbbed, and she decided to wrap up her observation session when she started to feel dizzy.

  After climbing down the ladder, Lisa grabbed a bottle of water from her pack. She downed half of it and stood to catch her breath while allowing the quiet of the forest wrap around her. Suddenly, she felt a pain in her stomach and doubled over. The water she had just sipped came back up, and Lisa was left to wonder why her system was randomly revolting against her. More irritated than confused, Lisa picked up her pack and slung it over her shoulders. She took off down the path, fighting the growing fatigue she felt in her legs. All of a sudden she was starving, and the dissonant nausea she felt concurrently only irritated her more. After a few steps down the path, Lisa stopped, a realization crashing down on her like a flash flood.

  Almost in a daze, Lisa pulled out her tablet and brought up her calendar app. She studied the screen as if questioning her own vision. Her eyes drifted off, and her gaze wandered down the path in front of her. Lisa put the tablet back in her pack and was seated in her Blazer without being conscious of the steps she had taken to get there. She drove to meet Andrew for an early dinner, unsure of what she would say to him.

  True to his normal self, Andrew was delighted to see Lisa when she arrived. For a moment, she was swept away in his passion, and forgot about her earlier realization. They shared a simple meal and held each other on his couch through two movies. They'd been unable to compromise earlier in the week, so just decided on a double feature. Afterwards, Lisa made love to Andrew more intensely than she had yet and tried her best to hide from him that she was saying goodbye.

  Lisa decided to set Andrew free. There was fieldwork she could do deep in the woods that would keep her off the radar for almost a month. By the time she got back, he would be preparing to leave, and life would go back to normal. Well, Lisa thought to herself, normal at least for Andrew. For her, life would never be the same, and she struggled to keep her worry from her expression. When they awoke the next morning, Lisa left him with a deep kiss and an empty promise to see him for lunch. With a smile masking the sorrow in her heart, she drove away to pack for her unannounced trip.

  Chapter 6: Deep Roots

  He was only a couple of hours into his shift when the gnawing at Andrew's conscience became too much to bear. He pulled out his phone in between seeing patients and sent Lisa another message. She hadn't responded to his first one, or picked up when he called. He was starting to get worried and wondered what he could have done to upset her. Their relationship this far had been amazing, and Andrew didn't understand her sudden and startling absence. There was something not quite right when she had left earlier that morning. Andrew knew he should have been more vocal about it then, but he hadn't been. Now he was stressed and he decided to take a quick lunch break to look for her.

  As drove, he grew more and more anxious. Finding her Blazer peacefully parked was a welcome end to the panic attack he'd been experiencing. When he exited his truck and heard her voice, his feet propelled him forward down the path to find her. As he stood in front of the tree looking up at her as she sat on the branch, Andrew didn't know whether to be angry or relieved.

  “Lisa!” he said, “Why didn't you answer me at all? What's wrong? What are you doing up there?”

  The tone of his voice softened when he noticed that her cheeks were streaked with tears and she sniffled every other moment.

  “Lisa?” he pressed, and was shocked when she responded angrily.

  “Just go away, Andrew! I didn't respond because... Because I need to be left alone to get some work done, and you just have to go away, okay? So, please!” she said as she broke down into sobs, “please just go away...”

  Andrew's heart broke, both because of what she said to him and because it killed him to see her so distraught. Without another thought, Andrew climbed the ladder and swallowed his nerves as he scooted across the branch to sit next to her. Lisa didn't fight him when he put his arm around her and pulled her towards his chest.

  “Andrew,” Lisa sobbed, “I'm pregnant.”

  Her words hit him like a ton of bricks, and Andrew felt dizzy enough to fall from the branch himself. He pressed his lips to Lisa's forehead as a sea of light bulbs lit up in his mind. He felt a wave of joy bubble up from within him and an enormous smile crossed his face. He put his hand beneath Lisa's chin and lifted her face so that he could meet her eyes.

  “Are you serious?” he whispered with a smile.

  Lisa nodded. She had a confused look on her face. His smile was unmistakable, and she couldn't understand how he saw this as good news. As if sensing her emotions, Andrew assumed she was worried and held her closer as he spoke.

  “Lisa,” he said, “I love you and I'm thrilled that you're going to have my baby!”

  “But,” Lisa pleaded, “you're leaving soon!”

  She broke down into sobs, and Andrew rubbed her arm as he held in a joyous, sympathetic laugh.

  “You know,” he replied, “I'm pretty sure
that they could use me at the clinic even after Dr. Graham gets back from her maternity leave. And besides, even if they didn't, I don't think that I would ever want to leave this place, now that I've found you here.”

  Lisa dissolved into happiness and tears in his arms. Andrew held her close as she let the relief wash over her. In his mind, he envisioned a life with Lisa there in Oak Grove. He imagined setting up a home and raising their children. Andrew pictured Lisa and him as an aged, well-loved couple, and he smiled contently. He looked out through the trees and listened to the sound of the Coosa River; something he hoped to do regularly from until his very end.

  The Navy Seals Secret Baby

  Vanessa Rose

  © Copyright 2018 by Vanessa Rose. All rights reserved.


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