near-sightedness of, 89
nervousness and chronic psychological stress of, 89, 114–15, 133, 213–14, 259
newsreels reviewed by, 392, 451
New Year’s rescript of, 560–64
Nogi’s influence on, 43
Ogasawara’s evaluation of, 85–86
on organ theory, 294–95
parenthood of, 145, 270–71, 533–34
personality of, 11–12, 25, 38–39, 62, 65, 84–90, 111, 132, 188, 371–72, 439–42, 485–86, 520, 535, 547–48
personal leadership by, 439–42
physical appearance of, 81, 89, 136, 195, 620
physical exercise of, 114
physical weakness of, 37, 48
piety of, 122
poems of, 6, 638
policy deliberation of, 388–89
political attitudes of, 91–93
portrait of, 201, 555
posture of, 136
and practice of withholding assent, 152
prisoner-of-war issue and, 448
private life of, 145, 270–71
pseudo-public appearances of, 196–97
public regard for, 554
racial beliefs of, 68–69, 148–49
recreational activities of, 283, 451–52
as regent, 123
religion and, 2, 31, 38, 72, 114, 122, 422–23, 461, 553–54, 653
rescripts of, 305, 338, 383, 384, 433–38, 441, 458–59, 469, 495, 525–30, 539, 546, 560–64, 591, 653
as resolute in fighting on, 480–81, 501
reticence and shyness of, 84, 86–88, 111, 132, 441
and right of supreme command, 54–56, 154–55, 512, 517
secret briefings of, 626, 655, 673–74
“special lectures” ordered by, 135
speech on rationale for surrender, 514–16
titles of, 21
trained in court rites, 130
22nd birthday of, 139
“unity” card of, 310
unpublished documents of, 6–7
U.S. perception of, 341–42
voice of, 81, 84, 87–89, 526, 621, 660
war as viewed by, 359
Western ideas and, 67
world-view of, 223
World War II and, see World War II; World War II, Asia-Pacific theater of
Yi Un guardianship and, 35
Hirose Takeo, 209–10
Hiroshima, 687
atomic bombing of, 496, 501–2, 508, 516, 522, 635, 676–77
Hirohito’s imperial visit to, 628–31
Hirta Kki, 306–11, 312–13, 321, 337, 345, 373, 430, 487, 488, 609, 611
Malik’s talks with, 494, 505–7, 522
“History of the Pacific War, A: the
Destruction of Deceit and Militarism in Japan” (Smith), 555–56, 559
Hitler, Adolf, 264, 354, 355, 357, 368–69, 393, 395, 399, 574
Hchi shinbun, 112
Hokkaido, 196, 479
Home Ministry, Japanese, 31, 99, 110, 160, 166, 167, 173, 196, 496, 523, 538
thought police of, 187
Homma Masaharu, 582
Honda Nissh, 163, 164
Hong Kong, 107, 373, 376, 423, 445
Honj Shigeru, 169, 231, 235, 241, 247, 261, 271, 292–93, 294, 679
1936 army mutiny and, 298–300, 304–5
Honshu, 524
Hoover, Herbert, 249
Hoover administration, 249, 250
Hriki Yz, 165
Hornet, USS, 448, 458
Hoshina Zenshir, 516–17
Hoshino Teruoki, 198–99
Hosokawa Morisada, 405–6, 492, 513
House of Commons, British, 111–12
House of Councillors, Japanese, 633
House of Lords, British, 112
House of Peers, Japanese, 50, 141, 158, 159, 173, 176, 181–82, 183, 263, 287
House of Representatives, Japanese, 158, 287, 662
Budgetary Committee of, 649
Ho Ying-ch’in, 306, 594
Ho Ying-ch’in—Umezu Yoshijir
Agreement, 286
Hozumi Shigetaka, 599
Hozumi Yatsuka, 77, 78–79
Hsiang Che-chun, 594
Hsi Hsia, 241
Hull, Cordell, 403–4, 427–29, 431, 432, 602, 603
“Hull note,” 428–29, 431, 434, 601–2, 611
“Hundred Regiments” campaign, 365–66
Hungary, 380
Ichig, Operation, 474, 487
Ichiki Detachment, Japanese, 456
Ichiki Kitokur, 172, 183, 184, 211, 246, 289, 292, 293
Ikeda Hayato, 640, 667, 668, 670
Ikeda Seihin, 351
Ikeda Sumihisa, 516–17
Ik Toshiya, 224
Imamura Tokuyuki, 637
Immigration Act of 1924, U.S., 148–49
Imoto Tokuma, 392
Imperial Biological Research Institute, 60
imperial conferences, 387, 395, 397, 399, 409, 413, 424–25, 514, 517, 525, 590
Imperial Economic Conference of 1932, British, 264
imperial family (kzoku), 49–51
“Imperial Family Cabinet,” 537
Imperial Family Council, 50
Imperial Headquarters (daihon’ei), 327, 329, 333, 336, 338, 343, 364, 388, 389–90, 441, 445–46, 449, 453, 455, 462, 463, 468–69, 470, 472, 477, 479–80, 481, 493, 512, 519
abolition of, 553
Army Order Number 8 of, 339
Army Order Number 301 of, 362
Army Order Number 458 of, 379
Army Order Number 575 of, 366
Hirohito’s interactions with, 330–31
poison gas authorized by, 361–62
Imperial Headquarters-Government Liaison Conference, 327, 344–45, 467
imperial house, 69, 74, 100, 105, 117, 119, 136, 137, 143, 144, 159, 218, 278, 295, 489, 513, 542, 564–65, 579
and divinity of ancestral line, 62
European tour opposed by, 103–4, 112, 113–14
income of, 94–95, 144–45, 172, 552
in kokutai debate, 162–63
military and, 57
popular criticism of, 93–94
Imperial Household Agency, 6, 61, 641, 642, 650, 655
Imperial Household Law (kshitsu tenpan), 131, 552–53, 679–80
Imperial Household Ministry, 36, 38, 41, 48, 50, 76, 95, 97, 99, 102, 105, 112, 129, 164, 167, 173, 175, 188, 201, 491, 550, 552, 555, 573, 587, 621
Imperial Household Office (Kunaifu), 573, 631, 637
Imperial Household Regulation Number 17, 37
Imperial House Law of 1889, 39
Imperial House Law of 1947, 578
Imperial Instruction of 1881, 563
Imperial Military Reservists Association, 242, 287, 289, 290
“Imperial Navy Operations Plan for War Against the United States, Britain, and the Netherlands,” 425–26
Imperial New Year’s Poetry Reading (utakai hajime), 632
Imperial Palace Records Bureau, 589
imperial regalia, 63, 73, 121–22, 171, 191, 502–3, 515, 534, 686
“Imperial Rescript Ending the War,” 525
Imperial Rescript on Education, 30–31, 63, 64, 66, 71–72, 166
Imperial Rescript on the Promotion of the National Spirit, 163
Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors of 1882, 52, 65–66, 246
Imperial Reservists Association, 194, 201
imperial way (kd), 10–11, 275, 278, 309, 314, 326
Imperial Way motoky, 289
Imphal campaign, 474–75
Inada Shichi, 2, 434, 589, 623, 649–50, 678
India, 376, 393, 446, 474, 593, 648
Indonesia, 651
Ingersoll, Royal E., 341
Inner Mongolia, 230, 241, 242, 248, 249, 307, 350, 362, 365
Inoue Junnosuke, 130–31, 252
Inoue Katsunosuke, 130
Inoue Kiyoshi, 677
Inoue Shigeyoshi, 297, 301
Inoue Tetsujir, 166–67<
br />
International Labour Organisation (ILO), 148
International Military Tribunal (IMT), 581
International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), 586–87
International Prosecution Section (IPS), 587, 592, 613
International Trade and Industry Ministry, Japanese, 669
“In the Time of Surrender” (Sakomizu), 559
Inukai Takeru, 599–600
Inukai Tsuyoshi, 97, 184, 245–46, 247, 248, 250, 599–600
assassination of, 252, 253, 284
Inuma Mamoru, 334
Ioki Ryz, 289, 290
Iran, 394
Irie Sukemasa, 678, 679, 681–82
Irie Tamemori, 142
Ise Jing Shrine, 30, 122, 192, 275, 442, 461, 515, 543–55, 653
Ishigari Itar, 336
Ishiguro Tadaatsu, 503
Ishihara Kenz, 99
Ishii Shir, 617
Ishiwara Kanji, 168–69, 220, 232, 235, 303–4, 318, 325, 540–41, 592–93
Isobe Asaichi, 295–96, 299, 302
Isogai Rensuke, 354, 614
isolationism, 343, 355
Isshiki (Watanabe) Yuri, 542
Itagaki Seishir, 232, 235, 348, 354, 609
Italy, 106, 108, 109, 147, 203, 255, 269, 280, 308, 349, 369, 375, 380, 383, 384, 394, 413
surrender of, 465
It Hirobumi, 26, 34, 37, 381–82, 442, 688
assassination of, 35
on theocratic emperor, 29–30
Ito Miyoji, 184
Iwakura Tomomi, 131
Iwo Jima, 470, 483–84, 487, 493
Izumo, 311, 323
aircraft production in, 469
Akihito’s marriage as issue in, 661–62
anti-Westernism of, 11, 274–76, 279–80, 313–14
Asian Monroeism of, 146–47, 263–64, 267–68, 287
Britain’s 1902 alliance with, 147, 148, 150–52, 382
campaign against dangerous thought in, 163–64
China as perceived by, 306–7
chrysanthemum as symbol of, 66
“chrysanthemum taboo” in, 666
Civilization and Enlightenment movement in, 62–63
Communist China’s relations with, 672–73, 681
constitutional monarchy concept and, 179–80
and cooperation with West, 147–50
coups of 1931 in, 243–44
cult of the emperor in, 27–28, 120, 195, 197–98, 280–83
“cultural policy” of, 163–64
decision-making process in, 305, 309, 310, 387–88, 615
“Dream” emperor parody and, 663–66
economic prosperity of, 667–70
education of monarchs in, 58–59
election of February 20, 1936 in, 301–2
election of May 10, 1924 in, 158
emperor’s sovereignty issue in, 222
emperor theory of, see emperor theory
enthronement rituals of, see enthronement rituals
Era-Name Law of, 679–80
fascism in, 202–3, 314
50th anniversary of Hirohito’s reign in, 678–79
financial panic of 1929 in, 131
generational change in, 666–67, 669–70, 674
German victories and, 453–54
Germany’s military alliance with, 350–53, 356, 357, 380–84
global mission of, 200–201, 274–76
GNP of, 667–68
gold standard ended by, 246
hakk ichiu revived in, 200–201
Hamaguchi assassination in, 210–11
Heian period of, 313
Hirohito and, see Hirohito, emperor of Japan
Hirota cabinet’s foreign policy in, 308–12
imperial engagement controversy in, 95–99
imperial way revival in, 10–11
Inoue case and, 166–67
Jehol Province affair and, 257–60
judicial process in, 285
Kamakura period of, 73
Kanagawa Prefecture of, 135–36
Kant earthquake of 1923 in, 140
kokutai clarification movement in, 282–83, 288–94
kokutai debate and national identity of, 159–65
Konoe’s ideological vision of, 176–77
Korea’s relationship with, 74–75
labor strife in, 52–53, 54, 196, 206
Meiji legacy in, 7–9, 27, 28–31
military and civil discord in, 285–86
military’s propaganda campaign in, 273–78
Mizuno incident in, 213
movement to revise constitution of, 648–49, 654–55, 656, 659, 660, 670
national defense debate in, 205–6
national defense plan of 1923 of, 151–52
national policy making in, 309–10
Nazi ideology and, 280–81, 289, 307–8
Nichiren sect of, 11, 163–64, 168–69
occupied, see Japan, occupied
onset of Shwa era in, 171–72
Pak Yol affair and, 160–61, 167
Paris Peace Conference and, 83–84, 92
party politics in, 158–60
political partisanship in, 230–31
post-occupation nationalism in, 657–59
responsibility for defeat of, 533–36
rice cultivation ritual of, 182–83
rice riots in, 52, 93
rightists in, 101–2
right of supreme command debate in, 154–56
and rise of communism, 150–51
secrecy in, 178–79, 181, 197–98
Shimanaka incident in, 665–66
Soviet declaration of war against, 496, 502, 525, 527, 529, 530
Soviet neutrality pact with, 393–94, 399, 402, 490, 521, 523
Soviet relations with, 649, 656–57
spiritual mobilization campaign in, 313–14
Tanaka cabinet of, 184–86
textbook issue in, 659, 668, 680–81
as theocracy, 16
thought police of, 195
Tokugawa tradition of, 59
Toranomon incident in, 140–42, 158
and total spiritual mobilization, 276–78
Tripartite Alliance signed by, 380–83
Tsinan affair and, 214–15
undeclared Siberia war of (1918–22), 152–53
U.S. culture and products in, 41
U.S. economic sanctions against, 395–96, 400–401, 403, 405, 425
U.S. military in, 651, 662
U.S. oil embargo of, 399, 401, 403–7, 408, 439
U.S. plan for invasion of, 501–2, 524
U.S.-Soviet Cold War rivalry and, 624, 627, 634, 646, 651
war dead memorial services in, 651, 652–53, 658–59
war declared against U.S. by, 436–37
Washington Conference debates in, 146–51
West and collective identity of, 279–80
and Western democratic and social ideas, 103, 105
in withdrawal from League of Nations, 256, 261–63, 265, 268, 269, 279
xenophobic nationalism in, 8–9
Yasukuni Shrine controversy in, 682–83
Japan, occupied:
abdication issue in, 550, 552–53, 571–73, 628
antimilitary campaign in, 555–59
atomic bomb awareness in, 637
black market in, 539–40, 619
Communists and, 552
“crab walk” incident in, 632–33
demobilization in, 544
economy of, 539–40, 624–25
educational reform in, 552, 560
election of April 25, 1947
in, 624–27
end of occupation, 647
and fear of occupiers, 537–38
food distribution crisis in, 619–20
GHQ-government conflict in, 551–52
GHQ’s reforms in, 551–52
and Hirohito-MacArthur photograph, 548, 549–51, 553
/> Hirohito’s domestic tours of, 620–26, 628–31
Hirohito’s religious tours in, 553–55
Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan Page 88