A Country Music Christmas (Country & Western Suspense)

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A Country Music Christmas (Country & Western Suspense) Page 14

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Don't we have to go?" she finally whispered.

  "We do, but I'd be happier hidin' out with you for the rest of the night."

  "Me too."

  "Except…now that I think about it, I could get myself arrested doin' that."


  "Yep. You look so damn gorgeous it'd be a crime to keep you outta the limelight."

  "You always know the right thing to say."

  "Just sayin' what I think."

  "I'm still nervous about meeting all those people. You'll stick with me, right? "

  "Are you kiddin'? I'm not gonna let you outta my sight. If I leave you for a second those singin' cowboys will be droolin' all over you as fast as a mule can kick."

  "I doubt that, but thanks for saying it. Before we go I need to fix my lipstick and primp a bit."

  "I'm gonna leave you to do that. If I stay with you any longer we won't be leavin' at all, and I'm not kiddin'."


  "Yeah, sugar?"

  "I love you."

  "I love you too, baby."

  He softly kissed her, and as the door close behind him, she stared at the ring and let out a long, happy sigh.


  Liam's party had a rule. The banquet doors opened at 9:00 p.m., and all guests needed to be marked off the list and inside no later than 9:20 p.m. To expedite the number of people arriving in a short amount of time, there were several hosts who checked off the names on their tablets. Those who were late would automatically be off the guest list the following year.

  There was a method to Liam's madness. Ensuring everyone's timely attendance prevented the early arrivals from wandering around feeling awkward while they waited for others, it made it difficult for anyone not invited to sneak in, and it also underscored Liam's authority. He ran his stable of artists fairly and with meticulous care, but he was also very strict. Being managed by LT Productions virtually guaranteed success, but you had to play by his rules. He had no compunction about terminating contracts if an artist decided they knew better and began to throw tantrums. He was young for his level of success, but his youth meant little, especially when he locked eyes with his opponent.

  As Liam left the bedroom and entered the suite's parlor, he saw Harry happily devouring an exotic looking pastry. Liam liked him, and suspected his wide-eyed youthfulness was a facade. He had no doubt that Harry was a canny, switched-on young man. Drawing closer he saw him lift his beer mug and take the last swallow to wash down his food.

  "You get two more through the evenin'," Liam said firmly, "so make them last."

  Harry smiled and placed the mug on the table in front of him. No wonder Summer was crazy about the famous record producer. She had every guy she'd ever dated wrapped around her finger, but Harry was fairly sure she couldn't steamroll over Liam, or bat her eyes at him and get her way. Liam had won his sister's respect, and that wasn't easy.

  "Oh, okay," Harry replied, lifting his gaze and staring back at him. "Two huh?"

  "Yep. If anyone asks who you are tell them your name, then say, I'm here as Liam's guest. Got it?"

  "Isn't everyone your guest?" he chuckled. "Don't worry, I understand."

  "You'll probably be asked what you play, if you've been signed, a whole bunch of stuff. You're a new face so people are gonna be curious. Just be straight with them, don't make stuff up, be real, and don't be afraid to say you're a classical pianist with a twist. It's the truth and it's impressive, believe me."

  "I'm glad you said that," Harry said clearly relieved. "I was wonderin' about it. I mean, everyone here is gonna be country and western, right?"

  "Yep, but like I said, what you do is impressive. A couple of years from now they'll be talkin' about meetin' you before you were famous."

  "Seriously? You really think that's gonna happen?"

  "I really do, Harry. Here's Summer. Remember, two more, that's it."

  "Yeah, yeah, I'll remember."

  As Harry watched Liam move swiftly across the room to greet his sister, he had to admit to feeling slightly unnerved. He'd just met the Liam Taylor who was the record producer, manager, and businessman. He'd been intense, a man not to be messed with, then suddenly, Harry had an epiphany.

  He understood why Liam had a jet and two homes, why he was so unbelievably successful at such a young age. Liam Taylor was clear about things, he was disciplined, his mind was focused and sharp, and more than anything, he was in control.

  "I'm gonna be like you," Harry muttered to himself as Liam and Summer moved towards him. "I'm gonna be a musician, but I'm gonna be a smart musician. I'm gonna control my life, I'm not gonna let life control me."

  "Hey, little brother," Summer smiled as she approached. "You look deep in thought."

  "I am."

  "I didn't know you were capable of it," she laughed.

  "Neither did I."

  "You are being very mysterious," she frowned. "Are you coming down with us?"

  "Yeah," he nodded, lifting the pendant over his head and stuffing it into his pocket. "I'm lookin' forward to this."

  Liam detected something in Harry he'd not sensed before. It was subtle, but it was there.

  "I think you're gonna have a great time," Liam remarked as they headed out, "and as for you, Summer Victoria Brown, I promise you an evenin' you'll never forget."

  "It already is," she beamed.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  It was a couple of hours later and the party was in full swing. After three glasses of champagne Summer was feeling wonderfully light-headed and having an amazing time. She wasn't just meeting the stars whose music she loved, she was talking to them, hearing about their kids, their dogs and their horses. It was all so unreal. Harry had disappeared, but knowing Liam had someone watching over him she wasn't worried. Throughout the evening one of her favorite bands had been playing, and when they'd launched into one of their slow love songs, Liam had swept her on to the dance floor and held her close. The night was everything she had dreamed it would be and she never wanted it to end. She'd been talking to an extremely cute guitar player when a famous football player had called Liam away for a quiet word. The guitar player suddenly excused himself, and for a moment Summer thought she must have said something to offend him, but was distracted when she saw a waiter drawing close carrying a fresh tray of champagne. As she was about to reach for one, Liam was suddenly at her side moving her away.

  "It's been a while since we were in the suite," he said, smiling at his guests as he guided her from the room towards the elevators.

  "You go on up," she said airily, "I want to say here. I'm having too much fun, and, uh, whatshisname…he disappeared. Do you think I offended him."

  "I can see that you're having fun, and I'm glad. As far as Brett Hastings goes, he didn't want anything to be misread by his girlfriend so he bolted when I stepped away."

  The elevator arrived, and as the doors opened and Liam started forward, she resisted.

  "What? That's crazy. Anyway, I'll stay. I'll be fine. You go on up."

  "It's getting late, and all you've had to eat are those tiny appetizer things."

  "I swear, I'm fine, I'm better than fine," she protested as he put his arm around her waist and bundled her into the elevator.

  "Fine is a sunny day in May," he chuckled, "and you are definitely ditzy. I don't wanna spoil your fun, sugar, but I need you sober."

  "Ditzy? I am not ditzy," she protested, flopping her body against him as the elevator began to rise. "Oops, sorry, maybe I am a teensy bit, but even if I am, I'm still fine."

  "When we get to the suite you are gonna eat somethin', even if I have to tie you to the bed and force-feed you."

  "Hey, that'll work," she giggled. "Let's do that."

  "You think I'm kiddin'?"

  "I hope not," she replied, then burst into a fit of laughter.

  "Yeah, you're fine. You're about as fine as snow in July."

  "What's with all the weather stuff?" she asked, breathless from
her laughing fit. "I know, let's go walk naked in the rain. Is it raining?"

  "Oh, man, you're worse than I thought."

  They reached their floor, and stepping out they started down the hallway, but before they turned into the passage that would take them to the suite, he abruptly pulled her to a stop.

  "Summer, when we go into that room you've gotta behave, you hear me? There are important people in there. You need to be a lady. Got it?"

  "I'm always a lady."

  "If I have to take you into that bathroom and whack your ass with that hairbrush to make you get it together, I will. Do I need to do that?"

  "HUH? No, no, you don't," she promised. "Sorry. I'll be normal."

  "We're gonna go in there, you're gonna sit down, and I'm gonna bring a plate over to you. Tell me what I just said."

  "I'm going to sit down, and you'll bring me a plate."

  "Correct, and if a server offers you a glass of champagne, whatta you gonna do?"

  "Say, no thank you."

  "Correct. Let's go," he said, looking at his watch. "We need to do this then get back downstairs. We need to be there by 11:45 p.m. I want to be there in plenty of time for the countdown to midnight."

  Liam's short, sharp lecture had helped settle her silliness, but as they walked forward she was still feeling buzzed. The security guard at the door opened it for them, and moving inside she saw about a dozen people. Some were chatting, some were eating, some were staring out at the view. The mood was pleasant and sedate, and mellow music was wafting through the air. It was a completely different atmosphere from the boisterous party in the banquet room. As he led her to one of several round dining tables, she spotted Harry across the room seated on the couch where Liam had given her the ring, and he was talking to a very pretty girl. What was he doing there? Surely the party with the country rock band and all the fun people would be more his style.

  "I'll be right back," Liam said, kissing her on the cheek and breaking into her thoughts. "I'm going to send a server over with some coffee."

  "Thanks, Liam. Sorry. You might be right. I think I have had a bit too much champagne."

  He sent her a wink, and as he headed off to the buffet table she looked back at her brother. As if feeling her gaze Harry turned around and smiled across at her. She smiled back, and thought she had never seen him appear so relaxed and confident. Even the way he was sitting was unlike him. He was leaning back, his arm stretched along the top of the sofa, and one of his ankles was resting on his knee. The girl he was with was leaning forward as she spoke. Not only was it clear Harry was the one being pursued, it seemed as if he was taking it all in stride. He was acting as if beautiful girls crossed his path every day. It was bizarre.

  "Coffee for you, madame."

  "Oh, thank you."

  The waiter set down a full cup, along with a carafe, a small pitcher of cream, and a sugar bowl, and as she idly doctored the hot coffee and took a long drink, she couldn't take her eyes off her brother.

  "Here," Liam said sitting next to her and putting a plate full of chicken and vegetables in front her. "Eat it all."

  "It looks great, thank you," she said gratefully, picking up her fork and driving into the mashed potatoes. "I didn't realize how hungry I was."

  "Your brother looks as if he's having a good time."

  "I'm so surprised to see him here. I would've thought the party downstairs was more his style. Who's the girl he's with?"

  "Her name is Irene McMillan. Her father is that gray-haired man over there. He's a State Senator."

  "Oh, my gosh. Harry's hitting on a senator's daughter? I don't believe it."

  "It looks to me like it's the other way around," Liam grinned, "now stop talkin' and eat your dinner. We need to go downstairs in about fifteen minutes, and I want you as clear-headed as possible. I should've stopped you after your second glass."

  "No, it's all good. The fourth one might have tipped me over the edge, but not three. I can handle three. You were right, it was because I had an empty stomach. I'm feeling better already."

  "Good. Keep eatin'."

  "Okay, okay."

  As Summer devoured her meal, Liam studied Summer's brother. The youthful exuberance was nowhere to be seen. Liam smiled. He'd been right. There was a great deal more to Harry than Harry allowed people to see. It made sense. He was a classical pianist, and that took study and focus.

  "Wow, that was great," Summer declared laying down her knife and fork. "Thanks, I really needed that."

  "Do you need to sit for a minute, or are you okay to go back downstairs?"

  "I'm fine to leave, and Liam, that did the trick. I feel almost normal."

  "Good, I'm glad. I'm going to round up Harry and we'll go down together."

  "Oh, okay, I'll down the last bit of coffee while you're doing that."

  But it wasn't just Harry who joined them. The entire room followed their lead. It was nearing 11:45 p.m. The time for the big countdown was nearing.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  As they entered the banquet room Summer noticed Irene McMillan sticking close to Harry. She still couldn't believe her joke-cracking, smart-ass brother was the same young man who was so self-possessed and mannerly. The band announced they were taking a break, and as everyone gave them a rousing ovation, Liam took Summer's hand and led her through the throng.

  "Stay with us, Harry," Liam said over his shoulder.

  Though she had no idea where Liam was taking her, he was walking with purpose, and to her surprise he took her directly to the stage and stopped in front of it.

  "Harry, come over here, please."

  Dropping Irene's hand, Harry whispered something in her ear, then strode forward to join them.

  "Will you please stay with your sister? I'll only be a minute."


  "Summer," Liam said, locking her eyes, "take a deep breath. I've got a surprise for you."

  If she hadn't been completely sober when she'd left the suite, his promise extinguished any last remnants of the champagne's effect, and as she watched him march away she grabbed Harry's arm.

  "What do you think, Harry? What's he going to do?"

  "I dunno, but he sure looked serious. Don't worry, sis, I'm here."

  It was strange to hear those words from her little brother, but when his arm came around her shoulder and held her firmly, it felt solid. Liam was now up on the stage, and as he approached the mike a hush fell over the room.

  "Evenin' everyone, and thanks for comin', and thanks to all of you who performed here tonight, especially Dave Sanders and his fantastic band. Give it up for Dave."

  The crowd roared and whistled, then fell silent.

  "Those of you who have been to this party in years' past might remember I sometimes introduce a new talent. Usually they come up on the stage with their guitar, or their band, or whatever, and perform. Kind of terrifying for them. Trial by fire, right? You've all been there. Your first performance in front of a crowd that matters? Remember what that feels like?"

  "You did that to me, you bastard," someone yelled.

  "Yep, I remember you, Clint, and I also remember you kicked ass."

  "Harry," Summer whispered, "what's going on?"

  "I have no idea. God, I hope he's not gonna ask me to go up there and play."

  "You think he will?"

  "No," Harry said firmly. "I'm sure he would've warned me. It's somethin' else. Somethin' to do with you, I'm sure of it."

  "This year it's a bit different. Get ready folks. This little lady is gonna take Nashville by storm, then the world."

  The room suddenly fell dark. Whispers and murmurs traveled through the crowd. Summer could make out a screen coming down in the front of the stage, then she saw Liam walking slowly through the blackout to rejoin her and Harry. As he reached her and clasped her hand, the room became completely silent.

  A piano chord echoed through room. Harry caught his breath. It was one of his opening chords. A second later Summer's image came to li
fe. She was leaning against the piano as Harry continued to play, and an unseen saxophone floated into the melody. As she opened her mouth and began to sing, completely shocked, Summer fell back against Liam and felt the tears spring to her eyes.

  Life is a road we travel each day

  Why am I always losing my way?

  I miss the green light, I stop and I wait

  Where do I turn? Is it all up to fate?

  I have crashed a few times, no bruises to show

  Other times I have sat and let tears freely flow

  The aches leave, the cuts heal, but the scars remain

  And each time I see you I remember the pain.

  Cos you have the power to turn my tears into rain.

  My tears into rain.

  Love is lonely on a one-way street.

  You're always ahead, how can we meet?

  Love is hopeless on a one-way street

  It burns in my chest with a white hot heat.

  Life sends me forward, I can't turn back

  I look over my shoulder, did I lose track?

  Miles, like time, zip by me so fast

  Will I leave you behind, lost in my past?

  You look but don't see me

  You listen but don't hear me

  There's no love lost cos no love has been found

  I'm invisible because you won't turn around.

  Living on hope, it can feel so empty

  Will you become just another memory?

  Should I exit now, before it's too late?

  Or should I keep dreaming, should I still wait?

  Love is lonely on a one-way street.

  You're always ahead, how can we meet?

  Love is hopeless on a one-way street

  And it burns in my chest with a white hot heat.

  Love is lonely on a one-way street.


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