With her constant interest in him, Libbie soon discovered his great want of an object on which to occupy his thoughts, and which might distract his attention, when alone through the long day, from the pain he endured. He was very fond of flowers. It was November when she had first removed to her lodgings, but it had been very mild weather, and a few flowers yet lingered in the gardens, which the country people gathered into nosegays, and brought on market-days into Manchester. His mother had bought him a bunch of Michaelmas daisies the very day Libbie had become a neighbour, and she watched their history. He put them first in an old teapot, of which the spout was broken off and the lid lost; and he daily replenished the teapot from the jug of water his mother left near him to quench his feverish thirst. By-and-by, one or two of the constellation of lilac stars faded, and then the time he had hitherto spent in admiring, almost caressing them, was devoted to cutting off those flowers whose decay marred the beauty of the nosegay. It took him half the morning, with his feeble, languid motions, and his cumbrous old scissors, to trim up big diminished darlings. Then at last he seemed to think he had better preserve the few that remained by drying them; so they were carefully put between the leaves of the old Bible; and then, whenever a better day came, when he had strength enough to lift the ponderous book, he used to open the pages to look at his flower friends. In winter he could have no more living flowers to tend.
Libbie thought and thought, till at last an idea flashed upon her mind, that often made a happy smile steal over her face as she stitched away and that cheered her through the solitary winter----for solitary it continued to be, though the Dixons were very good sort of people, never pressed her for payment, if she had had but little-work to do that week; never grudged her a share of their extravagant meals, which were far more luxurious than she could have met with anywhere else, for her previously agreed payment in case of working at home; and they would fain have taught her to drink rum in her tea, assuring her that she should have it for nothing and welcome. But they were too touchy, too prosperous, too much absorbed in themselves, to take off Libbie’s feeling of solitariness; not half as much as the little face by day, and the shadow by night, of him with whom she had never yet exchanged a word.
Her idea was this: her mother came from the east of England, where, as perhaps you know, they have the pretty custom of sending presents on St Valentine’s day, with the donor’s name unknown, and, of course, the mystery constitutes half the enjoyment. The fourteenth of February was Libbie’s birthday too, and many a year, in the happy days of old, had her mother delighted to surprise her with some little gift, of which she more than half-guessed the giver, although each Valentine’s day the manner of its arrival was varied. Since then the fourteenth of February had been the dreariest of all the year, because the most haunted by memory of departed happiness. But now, this year, if she could not have the old gladness of heart herself, she would try and brighten the life of another. She would save, and she would screw, but she would buy a canary and a cage for that poor little laddie opposite, who wore out his monotonous life with so few pleasures, and so much pain.
I doubt I may not tell you here of the anxieties and the fears, of the hopes and the self-sacrifice----all, perhaps small in the tangible effect as the widow’s mite, yet not the less marked by the viewless angels who go about continually among us----which varied Libbie’s life before she accomplished her purpose. It is enough to say it was accomplished. The very day before the fourteenth she found time to go with her half-guinea to a barber’s who lived near Albemarle Street, and who was famous for his stock of singing-birds. There are enthusiasts about all sorts of things, both good and bad, and many of the weavers in Manchester know and care more about birds than anyone would easily credit. Stubborn, silent, reserved men on many things, you have only to touch on the subject of birds to light up their faces with brightness. They will tell you who won the prizes at the last canary show, where the prize birds may be seen, and give you all the details of those funny, but pretty and interesting mimicries of great people’s cattle shows. Among these amateurs, Emanuel Morris the barber was an oracle.
He took Libbie into his little back room, used for private shaving of modest men, who did not care to be exhibited in the front shop decked out in the full glories of lather; and which was hung round with birds in rude wicker cages, with the exception of those who had won prizes, and were consequently honoured with gilt-wire prisons. The longer and thinner the body of the bird was, the more admiration it received, as far as external beauty went; and when, in addition to this, the colour was deep and clear, and its notes strong and varied, the more did Emanuel dwell upon its perfections. But these were all prize birds, and, on inquiry, Libbie heard, with some little sinking at heart, that their price ran from one to two guineas.
‘I’m not over-particular as to shape and colour,’ said she, ‘I should like a good singer, that’s all!’
She dropped a little in Emanuel’s estimation. However, he showed her his good singers, but all were above Libbie’s means.
‘After all, I don’t think I care so much about the singing very loud; it’s but a noise after all, and sometimes noise fidgets folks.’
‘They must be nesh folks as is put out with the singing o’ birds,’ replied Emanuel, rather affronted.
‘It’s for one who is poorly,’ said Libbie, deprecatingly.
‘Well,’ said he, as if considering the matter, ‘folk that are cranky, often take more to them as shows ‘em love, than to them as is clever and gifted. Happen yo’d rather have this’n,’ opening a cage-door, and calling to a dull-coloured bird, sitting moped up in a corner, ‘Here----Jupiter, Jupiter!’
The bird smoothed its feathers in an instant, and, uttering a little note of delight, flew to Emanuel, putting his beak to his lips, as if kissing him, and then, perching on his head, it began a gurgling warble of pleasure, not by any means so varied or so clear as the song of the others, but which pleased Libbie more; for she was always one to find out she liked the gooseberries that were accessible, better than the grapes that were beyond her reach. The price too was just right, so she gladly took possession of the cage, and hid it under her cloak, preparatory to carrying it home. Emanuel meanwhile was giving her directions as to its food, with all the, minuteness of one loving his subject.
‘Will it soon get to know anyone?’ asked she.
‘Give him two days only, and you and he’ll be as thick as him and me are now. You’ve only to open his door, and call him, and he’ll follow you round the room; but he’ll first kiss you, and then perch on your head. He only wants larning, which I’ve no time to give him, to do many another accomplishment.’
‘What’s his name? I did not rightly catch it.’
‘Jupiter,----it’s not common; but, the town’s o’errun with Bobbies and Dickies, and as my birds are thought a bit out o’ the way, I like to have better names for ‘em, so I just picked a few out o’ my lad’s school books. It’s just as ready, when you’re used to it, to say Jupiter as Dicky.’
‘I could bring my tongue round to Peter better; would he answer to Peter?’ asked Libbie, now on the point of departing.
‘Happen he might; but I think he’d come readier to the three syllables.’
On Valentine’s day, Jupiter’s cage was decked round with ivy leaves, making quite a pretty wreath on the wicker work; and to one of them was pinned a slip of paper, with these words, written in Libbie’s best round hand: -
‘From your faithful Valentine. Please take notice his name is Peter, and he’ll come if you call him, after a bit.’
But little work did Libbie do that afternoon, she was so engaged in watching for the messenger who was to bear her present to her little valentine, and run away as soon as he had delivered up the canary, and explained to whom it was sent.
At last he came; then there was a pause before the woman of the house was at liberty to take it upstairs. Then Libbie saw the little face flush up into a bright colour, the feeble hands trem
ble with delighted eagerness, the head bent down to try and make out the writing (beyond his power, poor lad, to read), the rapturous turning round of the cage in order to see the canary in every point of view, head, tail, wings, and feet; an intention in which Jupiter, in his uneasiness at being again among strangers, did not second, for he hopped round so as continually to present a full front to the boy. It was a source of never wearying delight to the little fellow, till daylight closed in; he evidently forgot to wonder who had sent it him, in his gladness at his possession of such a treasure; and when the shadow of his mother darkened on the blind, and the bird had been exhibited, Libbie saw her do what, with all her tenderness, seemed rarely to have entered into her thoughts----she bent down and kissed her boy, in a mother’s sympathy with the joy of her child.
The canary was placed for the night between the little bed and window; and when Libbie rose once, to take her accustomed peep, she saw the little arm put fondly round the cage, as if embracing his new treasure even in his sleep. How Jupiter slept this first night is quite another thing.
So ended the first day in Libbie’s three eras in last year.
The brightest, fullest daylight poured down into No. 2, -- Court, Albemarle Street, and the heat, even at the early hour of five, as at the noontide on the June days of many years past.
The court seemed alive, and merry with voices and laughter. The bedroom windows were open wide, and had been so all night, on account of the heat; and every now and then you might see a head and a pair of shoulders, simply encased in shirt sleeves, popped out, and you might hear the inquiry passed from one to the other,----’Well, Jack, and where art thee bound for?’
‘Why, what an old-fashioned chap thou be’st. Thy grandad afore thee went to Dunham: but thou wert always a slow coach. I’m off to Alderley,----me and my missis.’
‘Ay, that’s because there’s only thee and thy missis. Wait till thou hast gotten four childer, like me, and thou’lt be glad enough to take ‘em to Dunham, oud-fashioned way, for fourpence apiece.’
‘I’d still go to Alderley; I’d not be bothered with my children; they should keep house at home.’
A pair of hands, the person to whom they belonged invisible, boxed his ears on this last speech, in a very spirited, though playful, manner, and the neighbours all laughed at the surprised look of the speaker, at this assault from an unseen foe. The man who had been holding conversation with him cried out,----
‘Sarved him right, Mrs Slater: he knows nought about it yet; but when he gets them he’ll be as loth to leave the babbies at home on a Whitsuntide as any on us. We shall live to see him in Dunham Park yet, wi’ twins in his arms, and another pair on ‘em clutching at daddy’s coat-tails, let alone your share of youngsters, missis.’
At this moment our friend Libbie appeared at her window, and Mrs Slater, who had taken her discomfited husband’s place, called out, -
‘Elizabeth Marsh, where are Dixons and you bound to?’
‘Dixons are not up yet; he said last night he’d take his holiday out in lying in bed. I’m going to the old-fashioned place, Dunham.’
‘Thou art never going by thyself, moping!’
‘No. I’m going with Margaret Hall and her lad,’ replied Libbie, hastily withdrawing from the window, in order to avoid hearing any remarks on the associates she had chosen for her day of pleasure----the scold of the neighbourhood, and her sickly, ailing child!
But Jupiter might have been a dove, and his ivy leaves an olive branch, for the peace he had brought, the happiness he had caused, to three individuals at least. For of course it could not long be a mystery who had sent little Frank Hall his valentine; nor could his mother long entertain her hard manner towards one who had given her child a new pleasure. She was shy, and she was proud, and for some time she struggled against the natural desire of manifesting her gratitude; but one evening, when Libbie was returning home, with a bundle of work half as large as herself, as she dragged herself along through the heated streets, she was overtaken by Margaret Hall, her burden gently pulled from her, and her way home shortened, and her weary spirits soothed and cheered, by the outpourings of Margaret’s heart; for the barrier of reserve once broken down, she had much to say, to thank her for days of amusement and happy employment for her lad, to speak of his gratitude, to tell of her hopes and fears,----the hopes and fears that made up the dates of her life. From that time, Libbie lost her awe of the termagant in interest for the mother, whose all was ventured in so frail a bark. From this time, Libbie was a fast friend with both mother and son, planning mitigations for the sorrowful days of the latter as eagerly as poor Margaret Hall, and with far more success. His life had flickered up under the charm and excitement of the last few months. He even seemed strong enough to undertake the journey to Dunham, which Libbie had arranged as a Whitsuntide treat, and for which she and his mother had been hoarding up for several weeks. The canal boat left Knott Mill at six, and it was now past five; so Libbie let herself out very gently, and went across to her friends. She knocked at the door of their lodging-room, and, without waiting for an answer, entered.
Franky’s face was flushed, and he was trembling with excitement,----partly with pleasure, but partly with some eager wish not yet granted.
‘He wants sore to take Peter with him,’ said his mother to Libbie, as if referring the matter to her. The boy looked imploringly at her.
‘He would like it, I know; for one thing, he’d miss me sadly, and chirrup for me all day long, he’d be so lonely. I could not be half so happy a-thinking on him, left alone here by himself. Then, Libbie, he’s just like a Christian, so fond of flowers and green leaves, and them sort of things. He chirrups to me so when mother brings me a pennyworth of wallflowers to put round his cage. He would talk if he could, you know; but I can tell what he means quite as one as if he spoke. Do let Peter go, Libbie; I’ll carry him in my own arms.’
So Jupiter was allowed to be of the party. Now Libbie had overcome the great difficulty of conveying Franky to the boat by offering to ‘slay’ for a coach, and the shouts and exclamations of the neighbours told them that their conveyance awaited them at the bottom of the court. His mother carried Franky, light in weight, though heavy in helplessness, and he would hold the cage believing that he was thus redeeming his pledge, that Peter should be a trouble to no one. Libbie proceeded to arrange the bundle containing their dinner, as a support in the corner of the coach. The neighbours came out with many blunt speeches, and more kindly wishes, and one or two of them would have relieved Margaret of her burden, if she would have allowed it. The presence of that little crippled fellow seemed to obliterate all the angry feelings which had existed between his mother and her neighbours, and which had formed the politics of that little court for many a day.
And now they were fairly off! Franky bit his lips in attempted endurance of the pain the motion caused him; he winced and shrank until they were fairly on a Macadamized thoroughfare, when he closed his eyes, and seemed desirous of a few minutes’ rest. Libbie fell very shy, and very much afraid of being seen by her employers ‘set up in a coach!’ and so she hid herself in a corner, and made herself as small as possible; while Mrs Hall had exactly the opposite feeling, and was delighted to stand up, stretching out of the window, and nodding to pretty nearly everyone they met or passed on the footpaths; and they were not a few, for the streets were quite gay, even at that early hour, with parties going to this or that railway station, or to the boats which crowded the canals on this bright holiday week; and almost everyone they met seemed to enter into Mrs Hall’s exhilaration of feeling, and had a smile or nod in return. At last she plumped down by Libbie, and exclaimed, ‘I never was in a coach but once afore, and that was when I was a-going to be married. It’s like heaven; and all done over with such beautiful gimp, too!’ continued she, admiring the lining of the vehicle. Jupiter did not enjoy it so much.
As if the holiday time
, the lovely weather, and the ‘sweet hour of prime’ had a genial influence, as no doubt they have, everybody’s heart seemed softened towards poor Franky. The driver lifted him out with the tenderness of strength, and bore him carefully down to the boat; the people then made way, and gave him the best seat in their power,----or rather I should call it a couch, for they saw he was weary, and insisted on his lying down,----an attitude he would have been ashamed to assume without the protection of his mother and Libbie, who now appeared, bearing their baskets and carrying Peter.
Away the boat went, to make room for others, for every conveyance, both by land and water, is in requisition in Whitsun- week, to give the hard-worked crowds the opportunity of enjoying the charms of the country. Even every standing-place in the canal packets was occupied, and as they glided along the banks were lined with people, who seemed to find it object enough to watch the boats go by, packed close and full with happy beings brimming with anticipations of a day’s pleasure. The country through which they passed is as uninteresting as can well be imagined; but still it is the country: and the screams of delight from the children, and the low laughs of pleasure from the parents, at every blossoming tree that trailed its wreath against some cottage wall, or at the tufts of late primroses which lingered in the cool depths of grass along the canal banks, the thorough relish of everything, as if dreading to let the least circumstance of this happy day pass over without its due appreciation, made the time seem all too short, although it took two hours to arrive at a place only eight miles from Manchester. Even Franky, with all his impatience to see Dunham woods (which I think he confused with London, believing both to be paved with gold), enjoyed the easy motion of the boat so much, floating along, while pictures moved before him, that he regretted when the time came for landing among the soft, green meadows that came sloping down to the dancing water’s brim. His fellow-passengers carried him to the park, and refused all payment, although his mother had laid by sixpence on purpose as a recompense for this service.
Delphi Complete Works of Elizabeth Gaskell Page 475