Love Letters from Heaven

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Love Letters from Heaven Page 18

by Debbie Peterson


  William didn’t wait a moment longer. At once he passed from Katie’s realm and into his own. He headed straight for Don’s house with the hope he’d find him there. Don opened the door and waved him inside.

  “Well now, this is unexpected,” he said. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your good company, William? Are we needed?”

  “No, nothing like that at present. I’m here because there’s something you should know.” William sat down in the seat nearest the large picture window.

  Don settled into the chair opposite him. “Sounds intriguing. Does it have anything to do with me personally, or is it someone or something else altogether?”

  “I’d say it has everything to do with you. Well—you and Rachel.”

  “Rachel?” Don turned his head to the side. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “That’s because you couldn’t. So here’s my confession. I meddled where I probably shouldn’t have, but I can’t say I’m sorry for it either. I’ll also tell you that while I did this, I made Katie my accomplice.”

  “Okay, you have my attention, William.”

  William grinned. “And that’s as it should be, I assure you. You see, after you told me about what happened between you and Rachel, I wondered if maybe I could find out what became of her. I thought if I found her happily married with the children and grandchildren you envisioned, I’d just leave it at that. The discovery would be my secret to keep. That’s not what we found, though.”

  “What did you find?”

  “More than you might think.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Enough, William. Just tell me straight out why you’ve come and what you want me to know.”

  “First, Katie is the one that made all of the discoveries. Without her meticulous research, I still wouldn’t know anything. That research led her to the Jameson mansion, where, with the help of her cousins, she encountered Quinn’s spirit.”

  Don’s eyes widened as his mouth dropped. “Quinn’s spirit? Hold up a minute! Are you telling me Quinn died?”

  “Yes, he did—and accident though it was, it’s a thing for which Gustavus must take full responsibility.”

  William told him the story of Katie’s journey from start to finish without leaving out a single detail. He told him of the tragic consequences of the letters Don never received and those Rachel never saw. Once he finished the tale, his friend dropped his head, seemingly lost in his thoughts. William allowed him all the time he needed. At last Don looked up and gazed into his eyes.

  “Thank you, William and thank Katie for me as well. I’m grateful for what you both did. Rachel knows the truth and she has the letters now. That brings me more comfort than you can imagine.”

  “I’m sure it does, but why don’t you tell Rachel that yourself? I’m sure it would make her happy hearing that from you.”

  Don shook his head and chuckled. “Sounds good, but do you even know where she is right now?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. As we speak she’s with Katie. When I left, they were enjoying some hot chocolate as well as each other’s company.”

  Don bolted from his chair. “Why on earth didn’t you say so when you first got here? Come on, let’s go!”

  William stood and held out a hand, palm out. “Hold your horses for a minute. I have one last thing you should know before we go.”

  “Get it out quick, William.”

  “Rachel wears the ring you gave her on a chain around her neck. I suspect she never takes it off, but that is neither here nor there. With ring in hand, she told Katie that despite what she accepted as truth, as told her by her father, she never once stopped loving you.”

  With that, Don grabbed him by the shoulder and all but dragged him out of his house.

  William halted his steps just outside his door. “Wait a second. We need to make one stop before we go. I promise it’ll be brief.”

  Don gazed at him as if he’d quite lost his mind. “Are you kidding? Can’t whatever it is wait?”

  He shook his head. “No, I’d rather it didn’t. Rachel asked me to give Quinn a message. For her sake, we should do that first.”

  “All right. Let’s hurry up and get it done.”


  Right after Rachel asked the favor, William left the room. Katie stuck her nose in the air and sniffed. “Well, it must not have been too difficult a task. William is already gone and without even a by-your-leave.”

  Rachel raised her fingers to her lips as she took in a breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for him to leave right now.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be back before you go since I insist you stay for dinner. I also invite you to stay the night, which invitation you must accept. After all, I have a very comfortable guest room that’s never been used. I believe that should change. In the meantime, have a cookie or two. They are quite good if I do say so myself.”

  “Thank you and dinner would be lovely. We’ll talk later about that guest room of yours.” Rachel picked a cookie off the plate. “While I eat this, I’d like to hear a little bit more about William, if you don’t mind sharing him with me.”

  “I don’t mind. In fact, I might find it liberating. What would you like me to tell you?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. First, I think I’d like to know how he introduced himself to you when you visited Normandy. Your reaction to seeing him for the first time—I mean, were you scared? Did you know him right away as the presence you had always sensed?”

  “No, I wasn’t afraid, and yes, somehow I did know him as my special friend, though I can’t explain how or why.”

  Katie didn’t have any trouble at all telling her about that day in Normandy. In fact, it made her happy and somewhat relieved that someone else knew all of the details. Better yet? That someone believes me.

  “Does anyone else know about him, or do you keep the relationship you have with him hidden from the world?”

  “Because of what happened at your house in West Columbia, my cousins are the only ones who know he exists besides you right now. I haven’t given them any of the details yet, though.”

  “Why not? You all seem so close.”

  “I’m not really sure. Maybe it’s because I’m not quite ready to share him with anyone else yet. Or maybe somewhere down deep inside, I’m not sure anyone will believe—” She halted as William appeared just in front of her.

  “I can see where that might be a concern. I’ve never told anyone but you that I saw Quinn after his death.” Rachel seemed lost in her thoughts as she nibbled her cookie. Once she finished it, she brushed the crumbs from her hands and picked up her mug. “After what you’ve just told me, I wonder if it’s too late for Donnie and me.”

  “No, my precious angel, it’s never too late,” said the unexpected voice.

  Rachel all but dropped her cup as her eyes widened in surprise.

  Katie stared at the spiritual form of Donald Raymond Martin, who looked just as mortal as William did. He approached his lady and knelt at her side. Katie gazed at William who gave her the most bewitching smile she’d ever seen. In response, her butterflies took off in some sort of uncontrollable, wild, whirling dervish. The heat of their dance filled every inch of her body. He moved to her side and took hold of her hand.

  Tears filled Rachel’s eyes as she gazed at her soldier. Don looked so very handsome in his army uniform. His picture in the yearbook didn’t do him justice.

  Rachel choked back a sob as she lifted her clasped hands to her mouth. “Donnie…”

  He took her hands, drew them to his lips, and kissed them. “Hello, Rachel. I can’t tell you how good it is to see you.”

  She pulled a single hand away from his grasp and combed her fingers through her hair as she dropped her gaze. “How can you say that? You’re still so young and handsome…while I’m…I’m…”

  “So very beautiful,” he whispered. He tilted her chin upward until their gazes met. “In fact, you’ve never looked more beautiful to me
than you do right now.”

  She wiped away the tears that cascaded down her cheeks. “Katie and I have talked about—well about everything that happened. I’m so sorry for what I must’ve put you through.”

  Don shook his head. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Rach. Neither of us is responsible for the lies or the misunderstanding between us. The beauty of it though, is that our love endured the agony of it. How many people can say that, huh?”

  She sniffed. “I never stopped loving you, Donnie, not ever.”

  He cupped her face and as he leaned toward her, he smiled. “Nor I you.”

  As Don kissed Rachel, William tugged Katie to her feet. He cocked his head toward the kitchen. “What say you we give them a little bit of privacy?”

  Katie nodded and together they slipped out of the room. Neither Donnie nor Rachel seemed to notice their exit and she smiled. “Should we go for a walk or something?”

  “You’ll get wet if we do. You may not have noticed, but there’s a bit of rain coming down right now.”

  She slipped into her jacket and tugged the hood over her head. “That’s okay. I’ve never been afraid of getting drenched in the rain.”

  “No, I guess you haven’t at that.” He opened the back door and let her pass.

  Once outside she turned toward him. “Do you have a destination in mind, or shall we just wander aimlessly while they get reacquainted with each other?”

  The mischief in his eyes matched his grin. He took hold of her hand and drew her close to his side. “Rather than go for a walk, we could go inside your barn. We could rest against a nice, soft haystack and make out for awhile.”

  She laughed. “Well, if we’re going to make out, I’d just as soon go next door and do it underneath the shelter of Johansson’s cozy gazebo. I happen to know they’re in California so they can meet their newest great-grandchild.”

  “Sounds fine to me. Lead the way.”

  Once they arrived at their destination, they sat down on the green cushioned bench. The soft patter of raindrops on the shingled roof created a serene melody. “So did you find Quinn?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I knew where I could find him. I wished you could’ve seen his joy as I related Rachel’s message. He is completely at peace now.”

  “That’s good to hear. You know, even after all of this time, I think Rachel misses him. She said earlier she wished he had moved with her to Alvin.”

  He looped his fingers through hers. “I think he’ll visit her from time to time, especially now he knows she and Don are finally together—where they belong.”

  “He knows?”

  “Well he knows Don and I were headed in your direction.”

  “That’s perfect.” Katie contemplated the sweet reunion going on inside her home between Rachel and Don. “I hope nothing will ever separate them again.”

  “I don’t think that will be a concern. Out of curiosity though, why would you even think it might?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. That horrid dream of mine, I guess. The awful thing plagues me still.”

  “A dream is all it was, Katie.” William let go of her hand. He dropped his arm around her shoulders and cuddled her close to his side. “As much as he may hate his inability to control those around him, Gustavus just doesn’t have the power to hurt anyone anymore. Trust me.”

  She nodded. “I know you’re right. Really I do. I did see that for myself inside the Jameson barn.”

  “That’s right, you did. Now that we’ve taken care of that, are there any other worries inside that gorgeous head of yours?”

  “No worries. Although I would like to know about your chat with Don before you both appeared inside my living room. I bet his excitement knew no bounds.”

  “It didn’t.” William related the story just as it occurred. “However, if it hadn’t been for the fact that I had no idea how long Rachel’s visit with you would last, I might’ve drawn our story out a little longer than I did. You know, just to devil him a bit.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Now that’s just mean.”

  “No, that’s just fun.”

  “Well, I’m glad you restrained yourself.” She ran her fingers through his hair. A thing she could now feel with ease. “They’ll get to be together from now on, won’t they? Just like us?”

  He cupped her face and kissed her lips. “Yes indeed, my love. Just like us.”

  For a moment he did nothing more than gaze into her eyes. There was so much emotion within their magnificent steel gray depths. Katie could see the deep love he had for her. She saw admiration, joy, and even a bit of pride. But why? She hadn’t done anything to deserve all that. “What?”

  “You’re an amazing woman, Katie Simone Adelton.”

  Heat rose to her cheeks. “Ah heck, what does a ghost know about such things anyway?”

  “More than you might guess.”

  He kissed her again then, and followed up with another. She stopped counting after that. As always she lost herself in the enchantment of his kisses. Time and thought ceased as once again, exquisite, dizzying emotion overruled all else.

  Finally, she leaned away. As she caught a much needed breath, she gazed into his eyes. “I love you, William. I love you with my whole heart and soul.”

  The joy that filled his eyes in that moment made her wish she had told him far earlier.

  “As I love you—and with a love far deeper than you could ever possibly imagine—forever and always.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Katie turned the key in the lock and opened her door. With a bag loaded with gifts, and keys in hand, she stepped over the threshold. For a moment she stood there and enjoyed the sight her living room presented. Her perfectly decorated Christmas tree sat in front of the large picture window. The colorful bulbs provided a dazzling display of light in the otherwise darkened room. A festive garland with big red bows and glittering pine cones trimmed the fireplace mantel, setting off a pair of lovely golden candlesticks with red cinnamon-scented candles. She’d light them in a minute. Right now though, the miniature Christmas village, covered with sparkling snow on top of the piano, filled her with a touch of joyous nostalgia, as did her grandmother’s delicate porcelain nativity set on her antique sideboard. Both had been part of Christmas for as far back as she had memory. Katie took a moment to appreciate the scene. In about a week or so, despite her reluctance, she’d put them all away.

  She looked down at the bag full of opened presents she held in her hand. Next year the porcelain angel Austin and Lucina sent her from Germany would replace the star at the top of the tree. She’d find a prominent place in her jewelry armoire for her gorgeous sapphire necklace and earring set her parents gave her. Though meant as a private joke, she had fallen in love with the oval painting of a haunted mansion from her twin cousins. The mansion bore an uncanny resemblance to the Jameson estate. She couldn’t wait to hang it on the wall.

  Amid the other gifts inside the bag, the one from Rachel was a favorite. She had given her a stone replica of the beautiful quote found at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, “Think not only upon their passing. Remember the glory of their spirit.” She couldn’t think of a thing that fit William any better than that. Beneath the quote, she had engraved William’s initials and service number on the little golden plaque at the bottom. In turn, Katie had taken Don and Rachel’s picture from the yearbook, and had the photo colorized on canvas. She encased it within a sculpted black and mahogany frame that set it off beautifully. The gift turned out better than expected. Rachel had said she loved it. Katie could see from her delighted expression that she meant what she said.

  In a few short hours, the sun would set on her most favorite holiday of the year. The thought made her a little sad. However, without a doubt, the highlight of this very special Christmas season hadn’t happened yet. The thought brought a smile to her face for the newest memory it promised.

  She walked over to her tree and set the huge bag underneath it. As she turned around, s
he stepped right into William’s arms.

  He gathered her close to his chest and gave her a roguish grin. “At last, fair maiden, I have you right where I want you. I’m afraid there is no escape.”

  “What makes you—in any way—think I want to escape my current cage?”

  “Even better. I like my victims willing.”

  His toe-curling, spine-tingling kisses smothered her giggle and filled her with delectable warmth from head to toe. Once he allowed her a much needed breath, she looked into his eyes. “Oh, William, how I’ve missed you.”

  “Maybe then I do have you right where I want you. After all,” he glanced over at her clock and raised a brow, “we’ve only been apart for nineteen hours and twenty-eight minutes.”

  “That’s nineteen hours and twenty-eight minutes way too long,” she countered.

  “Hmm, me thinks my lady fair has become a tad spoiled here of late. What to do, oh, what to do.”

  “I’m afraid there isn’t anything you can do about it now.” She bit back a smile. “The way I see it, you have no one but yourself to thank for my present condition, Sergeant Griffin. I mean, you’re the one who has made an appearance every single day for the past month or so. Isn’t that right?”

  “What can I say? When the opportunity presents itself, I find I just don’t have the strength to stay away from you. All self control goes right out of the window and drifts into a parallel universe that’s somewhere far, far away.”

  “I’m glad to hear that—and—you don’t know how grateful I am you’ve had that opportunity.”

  “Me too.” He kissed her once more. As he released her from his arms, he took hold of her hand and towed her toward the sofa. Once they were seated, he dropped his arm around her shoulder. “So did you enjoy your time with family and friends on this beautiful Christmas day?”

  “Yes, I did. Jared and Justin were hysterical as usual—especially when they got my Uncle Jake going on some of his past escapades. Trust me, it didn’t take them all that long to get him going either. We played all of our favorite board games and exchanged our gifts. Oh, and Mom cooked the best dinner you’d ever want—”


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