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Pure Harmony

Page 6

by McKenna Jeffries

  “You’re a chameleon—a contained man one moment, then this fierce conqueror. When I think I have you figured out you change on me. Who is the real Jonathon Wright?” Harmony mused.

  Jonathon lifted his head and his serious dark brown eyes were unfathomable. He studied her then rolled off her, disposing of the condom. He reached for another and quickly put it on his revived erection. Jonathon returned to his previous position, gliding into her canal. Harmony moaned as he filled her again.

  Jonathon watched her, pumping lazily. “All of them. I’m a versatile man but at the bottom of it all I’m just me.”

  “And I want to get to know all sides of you.” Harmony moaned, gripping him, as he thrust in a maddeningly slow pace.

  “I want to know all your secrets, Harmony. Get to know the woman who has been in my thoughts all these months.” Jonathon’s gaze was steady.

  Harmony gulped at what he was asking. There was so much she didn’t…couldn’t…share with him, and she wasn’t sure if she ever would be able to.

  Jonathon’s face softened. “Not all at once—when you’re ready you can tell me. Just give me…us a chance,” he assured her.

  Harmony studied him then nodded, hugging him.

  Jonathon inhaled the scent that was them and rocked into her wetness. She clenched around him, creating a delicious friction as they strived towards another fulfilment of their passion. Harmony made him lose control and he didn’t know how she did it. One look at her captivating face and all he could think of was finding someplace to have her—horizontal, vertical or sideways didn’t matter. Groaning, he thrust slowly and deliberately. The hitch of her breath sounded with each motion, guiding him on. Her nails dug into his back as she moved her head back and forth against the pillow. She was so very beautiful. The quiet dignity and grace she portrayed in everything she did left when she let loose the passion inside her. The memories of their one night paled in comparison with now and somehow he knew each time they were like this, she’d surprise him.

  He couldn’t wait to enjoy each and every moment with her. Lowering his head, he kissed her hungrily and pumped his hips. She tightened around him, moaning and babbling words he didn’t understand, which made him smile. Harmony was vocal and, even if he couldn’t understand the language she was speaking, he enjoyed knowing he made her lose her senses enough that she forgot to speak English. He hitched her leg up on his hip and rolled them, moving inside her grasping canal.

  “Jonathon—” Then a spatter of an unrecognisable language.

  He moved in quick, deep thrusts and felt her clench then she gushed arching her head as she came again. Jonathon groaned and joined her in pleasure. He shifted off her to dispose of the protection then cuddled her against his side. Sated, he held her as he drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Jonathon enjoyed the view outside his front window and in the glass he could see the smile on his lips. Three weeks spent with Harmony and he couldn’t stop smiling. Even at his office, they had noticed his happier countenance and Jonathon didn’t care. Harmony was a breath of fresh air and she had such a zest for life. In and out of bed, they had so much to talk about and he’d found she was even nicer than he’d thought, smart and had a wicked sense of humour. He chuckled at the thought of her humour, which sneaked up on him. Arms slid around his back and he was hugged from behind.

  “What’s got you laughing by yourself? Better be careful or someone will think you’re crazy.” Harmony’s warm lyrical voice made him hard, as it typically did.

  Jonathon turned in her loose hold, lowering his head and kissing her gently. Then he couldn’t resist and deepened their kiss. Harmony opened, moaning. He lifted her into his arms and her legs wrapped around him as they usually did. This hold was becoming his favourite. Harmony pressed against him, her legs open for his taking.

  Too bad we’re not already naked. Jonathon stepped forward, intent on getting them both that way immediately. A chiming ring tone interrupted them. Harmony pulled her lips away and turned her head then she released the hold of her legs and slid down his body. She moved away to the cell on the side table. Jonathon clenched his fist, tempted to throw the cell against a wall. Harmony had bought it a few days after moving in with him so that she wouldn’t be giving out his phone number to other people. He hadn’t minded, but she’d insisted that she was here temporarily and once she moved to a new place he wouldn’t have to worry about getting calls that were intended for her. As he had then, Jonathon glared at the phone she was talking into. The idea of her leaving was making him ornery.

  Although they slept together each night in his room, Harmony still kept her things in the guest room. Jonathon had mentioned she could move her things into his space but Harmony had laughed and said he had everything so organised in his room that her more relaxed way of keeping her things would drive him daft. Jonathon knew she was partially right—it would bug him but he’d accept it for her.

  Harmony lowered her hand and faced him. A wide smile was on her face and she was almost bouncing in place.

  “The landlord found me a new place. Same rent and everything. I’m going over now to meet the representative from the management company to check it out and get the keys.”

  She spoke so fast in her excitement that it took a moment for what she had said to register. When it did, Jonathon’s smile faded and he stared—he was not pleased that she’d already found a new place so soon after moving in with him. Jonathon knew she’d been discussing things with the landlord but not that he’d been looking for a place for her.

  You knew she wasn’t going to be here forever. Jonathon spoke, “Great, I’ll take you, let me get my keys.”

  He turned and went to the kitchen to get his keys and to give himself time to pull himself together. Jonathon took a few deep breaths then returned the way he had come. Harmony was already waiting for him. She didn’t have a purse, which he knew was because when she went out casually she didn’t walk with one but put her things in her pockets. Harmony always had clothing on that had pockets and Deyon had even fixed some of the clothing she’d bought, putting in pockets. If Harmony went to work or out somewhere to shop or dinner she carried a bag. He watched her, realising he knew that little quirk as well as others he’d observed of her in the last few weeks. Jonathon jingled his keys as he joined her by the door, then opened it. Harmony exited and he followed her. In moments they were in his SUV. Harmony gave him the address and Jonathon frowned.

  “Are you sure that’s the correct address?”

  “Yes, see, I wrote it down and he gave me directions if you don’t know how to get there.” Harmony showed him a piece of paper.

  “I was born here. I know all the nooks and crannies of McKingley.” Jonathon pulled onto the street and drove towards their destination.

  As far as he knew, the place they were going was in a less than savoury part of town. Although, it had been a while since he’d been there so maybe it had changed. They were silent on the drive and Jonathon’s frown deepened the closer they got. The area had changed and he saw that it wasn’t for the better. The buildings looked abandoned and in his opinion the area was dangerous. He kept his thoughts to himself, found the correct number and parked in front of the structure. Jonathon exited before going to Harmony’s door and helping her out. Harmony’s expression was blank so he couldn’t tell what she was thinking. She lifted her hand and placed her fingers over where he knew the scar was on her right arm. She traced it idly as she stared at the building. Seeing that, Jonathon realised she was in deep thought. Harmony moved forward and he followed her.

  Jonathon noted there was no security door and the front door lock was busted. As they went in, he made a mental list of all that was wrong with the place and they hadn’t even made it to the apartment. Harmony stopped before an apartment at the end of the hall. She knocked and almost immediately the door swung open, revealing a smiling man. Jonathon took an instant dislike to the smarmy-faced, immaculately dressed man.

“Harmony, it’s nice to see you again,” the man said, holding out a hand.

  “Vince, I didn’t expect it would be you again. Haven’t seen you since I got my old place.” She shook his hand briefly.

  “It’s a shame about your place and all your things. We’ve been working to get all our favourite tenants into new places.” The man laughed heartily.

  Jonathon raised an eyebrow, hearing the falseness behind the sound. The man glanced at him and Jonathon could see he’d dismissed him as he focused on Harmony. Jonathon narrowed his eyes then contained his expression of disdain. Jonathon didn’t even need to see his face to know it was his genial ‘I’m harmless’ look. The same one he used before he went in for the kill and ripped apart the opposition. In his eyes, the opposition was this man, Vince, who with very few words Jonathon could tell was selling a load of shit. He glanced at Harmony, wondering if she was buying it, but she still just had the same blank expression. Vince guided Harmony through the apartment, talking up the wonders of the place, which Jonathon could clearly see were visually untrue. Vince’s salesman’s voice was getting on Jonathon’s nerves so he tuned it out and headed off on his own. As he viewed the apartment, Jonathon couldn’t believe that they were trying to give this dump to Harmony.

  Her old place had been small but a hundred per cent better than this one. The building she had lived in had been older but it had been much better than where they were now, even though—from what he could tell—this was a newer building. Even if the neighbourhood was bad, Jonathon would have accepted her moving here had the place been nice. Even if he had hated it, he would have supported her, but bad neighbourhood and such atrocious living conditions? No way, no how. He retraced his steps to find Harmony and Vince, whom he was beginning to think of as a weasel. They were back in the living room by the counter that separated the area from the kitchen.

  “Just sign this indemnity for us against the loss of your things in the fire at your old place and this new place is all yours,” Vince was saying.

  Jonathon strode over to them and pulled the paper from under his finger.

  “Hey, wha—?”

  “Shut up,” he stated calmly and read the paper.

  Vince sounded furious when he spoke a few moments later. “I don’t know who this guy is, but take this or nothing, Harmony. And if you don’t accept this replacement place you will be in violation of your lease. We will take you to court for it. Our lawyers—”

  “Are idiots and so are you.” Jonathon lifted his head.

  Vince glared at him then moved around Harmony, getting in Jonathon’s face. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Jonathon Wright,” he stated.

  In the flicker of fear in Vince’s eye, he could see he recognised his name. That was good and Jonathon would use it to his advantage. Jonathon folded the paper and put it in his pocket for proof. Vince reached for it.

  “Touch me and I’ll have you arrested for assault.” He gave the threat in a silky tone, his promise very clear.

  Vince stilled then slid his hands in his pockets as an arrogant expression came over his face. “There is nothing you can do, Mr Wright. Our lawyers have already checked and there is no criminal recourse for the tenants affected by the fire. Harmony had best accept this as most of the tenants of her old apartment building did. Or else.”

  The threat only made Jonathon smile. Vince gulped then held his gaze. Jonathon had to give him points for guts. Many had been unable to withstand his look.

  “Since I know you’re the lackey sent to do the dirty work that the building owner wouldn’t do so he could claim plausible deniability, I’m going to give you all one chance. Both you and I know that he knows all about the pressure you’re putting on these hard-working folks who have lost everything.” Jonathon paused, letting his contempt show. “This little piece of paper means nothing once I line up all those tenants you harassed into signing—”

  Vince interrupted. “I didn’t—”

  Jonathon put up his hand, stilling him. “Shut up. I’m not done.” He continued as if Vince hadn’t interrupted and he hadn’t answered him, “—in order to get a new place to live. There’s a lot I can do and will. I’m going to get in touch with each and every one of those tenants. Even those you haven’t strong-armed yet. Then we will meet you and your boss in court.” Jonathon turned to Harmony who had been silent during their exchange.

  He put his hand on her waist and started to escort her out.

  “You can’t do that. There are no criminal charges you can file. And this isn’t some corporation or negotiation. I know who you are, Mr Wright, and there is nothing for you to gain here.” Vince spoke behind him.

  Jonathon stopped, pivoted on his heels. “I didn’t say criminal. I meant civil. And if you did know anything about me you’d know I wouldn’t need anything to present the tenants’ case. This I would do pro bono, just for the joy of fucking up your company and the building owner. You know what I hate more than liars?” By the time he had finished he was in Vince’s face and he didn’t wait for a response as he gritted out, “Bullies who prey on others they think are weaker or don’t have a way of knowing what their legal rights are. I will be dragging you all into court. Unless…” He let that trail off.

  Vince gulped. “What?”

  “Your management company and the landlord of the building come up with a number I like. Make me an offer on behalf of the tenants.” He lifted his index finger. “A good one that will cover them finding somewhere better to live, the emotional damage they went through because of the fire and your harassment. And although there is no money that can cover their memories of the things they lost, add that in. You have one week.”

  He turned and walked back to Harmony. Her expression was the same as it had been.

  “But… We need time. I can—” Vince sputtered to a stop.

  Jonathon smiled, knowing it was his fierce grin, the one he used when he smelt figurative blood in the water of an opponent that was ready to give in.

  “A week, or be prepared to meet me in court.”

  “I’m not afraid of you. You don’t know civil court and our lawyers can beat you.” Vince seemed to get his bearing.

  “You say you know me but obviously you don’t. Do your research. I’ll have my secretary put you all on the books to meet me a week from today at ten o’clock.”

  “We won’t be there,” Vince stated.

  “I hope you don’t show up because I’m going to have a good time ripping apart everything I can get on your company and the owner of the building you manage.” Jonathon glanced over his shoulder at Vince and saw him pale. “I love paper and finding everything. See you in one week.” He focused forward and escorted Harmony out.

  In his SUV, Jonathon gripped the wheel, still seething at Vince’s arrogance and his trying to intimidate Harmony. He glanced at her and she was silently watching him. Jonathon returned his attention to the road. He couldn’t discuss it now with her—he needed to calm a bit first. Jonathon rarely lost control as he had back there with Vince, but the man and Harmony being in the mix had made him see red. A hand touched his thigh, squeezing gently.

  “Did you mean what you said back there about taking them to court for all the tenants if they don’t meet with you?”

  “Yes,” he answered in a clipped tone, trying to regain control.

  “But you don’t even know them.” Harmony sounded baffled.

  “I don’t need to know them to care they are getting fucked over by that egotistical bastard back there.” Jonathon pounded his hand on the steering wheel.

  “Is it because we’re sleeping together?”

  “I’m not even answering that because it will be lots of bad words and not polite.” Jonathon glared at her briefly then looked back at the road.

  “Even pissed off as hell and you’re still being courteous. Until you dropped a few F-bombs, I didn’t even think you could curse.” Harmony laughed.

  Jonathon winced, realising she was right. He never
cursed in front of women.


  “If you’re going to apologise, don’t. That was awesome. I’m glad you were there because if I had spoken I would have ripped him a new one. Imagine trying to give me that shithole. Asshole,” Harmony stated.

  Jonathon barked out a laugh. It was the first time he’d heard her curse too.

  “I don’t swear often either but this is a cursing occasion. Trying to intimidate me because of my size and thinking I was dumb enough to fall for it. Bastard.” Harmony clenched her hand on his leg.

  Jonathon covered it and she turned her palm up. He held her hand as they drove. The rain started to fall then came in a deluge. Jonathon frowned out of the windshield as the wipers swished on the glass. At his house, he parked and turned to Harmony.

  “We can wait for it to stop.”

  “Why? We can get rid of our anger. Come, let’s jump into puddles and scream.” Harmony turned to the door.

  Jonathon stilled her with a hand on her shoulder. She glanced back at him.

  “Are you crazy? It’s pouring out there. We’ll get wet.”

  “That’s the point.” She pulled away and opened the door before getting out and slamming it shut behind her.

  Stupefied, he watched her as she made her way to the front of the vehicle. Harmony did a twirl in the rain then faced him. She pounded on the hood, making a ‘come on’ gesture with her hand. Harmony put her hands on her hips and he could clearly see her expression was daring. With the water slicking back her hair and soaking her clothing, she looked like a wood nymph. A tempting one. Jonathon opened his door, got out then closed the door. He glanced down at his shoes, which were coated in mud. A hand slid into his, pulling him.

  “Come on, puddle hop.”

  Harmony tugged him along and Jonathon followed. She stopped, letting him go, and jumped into a puddle, sloshing the water. Jonathon stepped back, shifting uncomfortably at his wet clothes as he watched Harmony play in the puddle. She faced him with a huge smile on her face and rocked on her heels.


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