Pure Harmony

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Pure Harmony Page 7

by McKenna Jeffries

  “So, stuffed shirt, are you able to puddle jump?”

  Jonathon narrowed his gaze then hopped up and splashed, kicking water at her. Harmony shrieked and ran. He chased her, laughing and spraying her. Harmony retaliated and they ran in the rain, jumping puddles.

  “Puddle jump!”

  Jonathon glanced up, startled. One of his neighbours he didn’t know well came out with his kids and wife. They smiled at Jonathon and joined in. Harmony pushed at his side and he joined the family. Soon more neighbours came out and they all played in the rain. Jonathon watched Harmony laughing with another neighbour. He glanced around at the neighbours closest to him, whom until today he hadn’t even spent time with. A child held up his arms and Jonathon picked him up. Mud coated the little boy and Jonathon didn’t even care. His father came over and they chatted. By the time everyone went back to their respective homes, Jonathon had accepted invitations to a barbecue that a few of them were having, bowling and other outings. He waved, holding Harmony’s hand as they headed back to his house. Jonathon was thinking how she had brought such unexpected moments to his life. He glanced down at his clothing then hers.

  “This is going to be hell to get out.”

  “But it was fun.”

  “It was and thanks,” he agreed and hugged her.

  At his home, they went onto the porch. Since they didn’t have any neighbours close enough to see them, Jonathon kicked off his shoes and stripped on the porch. He balled up his clothing then put it by the door, planning to get it later. Jonathon took Harmony’s clothing and shoes, putting them by his before they headed inside. Harmony went in first and he followed, closing the door. Harmony turned to him and dropped to her knees.

  “What—?” Jonathon gasped as she gripped his cock and sucked him in with one gulp.

  He braced his legs apart and groaned, watching her face and hollowed cheeks as she lapped at his rapidly hardening shaft. Harmony worked his erection, bringing him quickly to a frenzy of need. She cupped his sac, squeezing gently as she moaned wildly, moving up and down on his member. Jonathon put his head back against the door, rocking his hips and sliding his cock into her welcoming mouth. Harmony took it and made a purring sound in her throat, vibrating his cock. Jonathon curled his toes and grunted as he came. Shaking, he pushed into the wet heat of her mouth then relaxed against the door. Jonathon tried to catch his breath and calm his racing heart.

  Harmony stood, a wicked grin on her face. Jonathon lifted his hand and stroked down the side of her face, rubbing her lips.

  “Not that I didn’t enjoy it. But what was that for?”

  “You looked sexy earlier when you defended me and the tenants. I’ve never seen you in lawyer mode but, if that’s how you look…whew.” Harmony moved closer. “And outside in the rain jumping in puddles. That was too darn cute. All of it needed to be appreciated.” She stroked his cock. “Now let’s go to the shower where you can appreciate me.”

  Harmony turned and made her way to the stairs. Jonathon followed her naked ass, already thinking of ways he would have her. First against the shower wall, then later, slower in bed, all night long.

  Chapter Six

  Jonathon leant back in his chair and smiled as his thoughts, as they seemed to do a lot the last two days, turned to Harmony. Since the night in the rain, they had seemed to get closer and he enjoyed their time together. A buzz came then Elisa, his administrative assistant, spoke.

  “Mr Wright, a Miss Oshiro is here to see you. She is insisting you will see her even though she doesn’t have an appointment.” Elisa didn’t sound pleased.

  Jonathon pressed the button on the phone and stated, “Miss Oshiro is always welcome to see me, Elisa.”

  There was a pause then Elisa replied, “Okay, I’ll send her and her guests in.”

  Jonathon frowned at the guests but released the button and stood. The office opened and he spotted Elisa, then Harmony came in behind her. The sombre expression on her face made him come around the desk. He stopped as the office filled with other people. Jonathon counted—there were over thirty people in his spacious office. He focused on Harmony who was in the centre.

  “These are the tenants of my old building. I told them what you’re doing for them but I thought it best you hear from them directly,” Harmony stated.

  Jonathon studied her then glanced at Elisa. “Harmony did our work for us and tracked down the people we’ve been trying to find. Show them to a conference room and then call the investigators and tell them we don’t need them found.” He focused on the people around Harmony. “I’ll be right with you in a moment.”

  Elisa led them out. Once they were alone, Jonathon went to the door and closed it. He faced Harmony, putting his arms behind his back.

  “From the surprise on your face, I see you didn’t believe me when I said I would help everyone. You should think about why that is. I’ll get your info another day. See you later.” Jonathon turned, opened the door and left.

  On the way to the conference room, he knocked on the doors of his paralegals and gestured to them to join him. He continued on but his thoughts were on Harmony and the constant distance she put between them. Although they’d had a lot of fun recently, every time he thought they had got close, the chasm between them or some obstacle she put up would get in the way. Jonathon pushed his personal problems away and focused on the task at hand. He was in control when he entered the room for his new clients.

  Harmony had clearly heard the dismissal in his voice and it hurt while filling her with shame. He was right—she hadn’t been sure if he would do as he’d stated, so instead of talking with him she’d got the tenants and ambushed him.

  Shame on you, Harmony, for not trusting him. The one thing you know about Jonathon is he’s a man of his word.

  She walked back the way she had come and went outside to her borrowed car. Harmony called Deyon and told her she wasn’t coming in, then continued to Jonathon’s condo and parked. She rested her head back against the cushion and tried to understand what she was feeling. Harmony mechanically exited the car and went inside. In the condo, she wandered to the one part of the house she typically avoided. In front of the piano, she placed a shaking hand on the polished wood. As she did, she realised what the feeling she was having was—fear and exhilaration all at once. It was what she used to experience every time she performed. Harmony closed her eyes, resting her hand on the piano and analysing why she was experiencing this. Her lids opened and she breathed out.

  “I want him even more than I ever wanted to perform.” That thought frightened her so bad she shook.

  In the next moment she calmed, centring herself, as she did when she knew what she had to do to perform a piece that was particularly challenging. Harmony moved beyond the piano and headed to the office. She had research to do and later she had an apology to make. No matter what she found out about Jonathon or his family, she already knew she had to apologise.

  * * * *

  Harmony glanced at the clock again, tapping her foot. Now she knew how Jonathon felt when he waited for her. Usually he was the one already at the house when she arrived. It was nerve-racking waiting for him. Suddenly she heard a key in the door. Harmony stood and made her way to the door to wait by the entryway table. Jonathon stepped inside and spotted her—he paused briefly then closed the door before facing her.

  “I’m sorry, Jonathon. You were right—I didn’t trust what you said. But not for the reason you might think.” Harmony gulped then ploughed ahead. “When something is important to me I get nervous about believing in it. I’ll work on it.”

  Jonathon studied her, not saying anything, then he moved closer to her. “You’re important to me too. And I accept you’re working on it but someday soon you’ll need to share with me the story behind this.” He took her hand, holding her captive, and rubbed his finger from his other hand over her scar.

  Harmony instinctively went to pull away. Jonathon held her, stroking the puckered flesh, his gaze trained on hers.
  “Someday you’ll actually trust me enough to tell me.” Jonathon touched the skin once more and released her.

  Harmony cleared her throat. “I made dinner for us. Go get changed and come down. Meet me in the backyard.”

  Jonathon looked curious but didn’t ask. He kissed her gently then headed for the stairs.

  “I looked you up on the Internet. You have quite a reputation for helping people to fight when someone is taking advantage of them. You’re a nice man, Jonathon Wright.”

  He paused by the stairs, looking over his shoulder and putting his index finger by his lips. “Shhh…don’t tell anyone. I have a rep to maintain. I’m a hard-hearted bastard and make the opposition quake.”

  “I won’t.” Harmony laughed.

  Jonathon winked and continued upstairs. Harmony hurried to the kitchen then through the open glass door to the backyard. It was spacious and very well maintained. She stood watching the blanket with the picnic basket in the centre. Harmony thought of all she’d learnt about Jonathon and the Wright family. Many of them were in some sort of profession that helped people. But they went above and beyond that to help people. From what she’d read, it wasn’t for any other reason than that they wanted to. Harmony had also learnt that Jonathon and his siblings had worked hard for what they had. Their educational endeavours and accomplishments were well publicised.

  The complex man she had started to become enthralled with was even more than she had thought. Hearing a sound, Harmony moved towards the kitchen doorway. She grinned when she saw Jonathon. He was cleaning the kitchen, muttering. Harmony hadn’t put things back as she’d prepared their meal but she’d planned to after they’d eaten. Going inside, she took the cloth from him and tugged him behind her.


  “I’ll clean it afterwards.” She continued moving them out of the door.

  At the blanket she gestured for him to sit and he did. She sat beside him and unpacked the basket then handed him a sandwich. They chatted easily as they ate.

  “I got a call from Vince—they are stalling for more time. But I expect they’re just trying to test the waters. If I don’t see them by Friday I’ll go ahead and file the case.”

  Harmony lowered her hand after tucking some hair behind her ear. “Do you really think there is a case?”

  “Yes. There are a number of fines for fire violations and other things on your building. Including one for the boiler.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Harmony said.

  “You wouldn’t. Most tenants wouldn’t, unless you outright asked. Your landlord has been warned before. Yes, there are no criminal charges to be filed but civil is a different thing. And they knew that and will not want themselves put under a microscope. As I told Vince the other day, I love paper and I will ask for every piece, go over it thoroughly and find something they don’t want me to. They are going to avoid that. Yeah, they will give me a number—a good one—or they’ll have to pay even more.” Jonathon flashed a fierce grin.

  Harmony’s breath caught as she watched his face. He enjoyed what he did and it showed. It made her hot looking at him with that spark in his eyes. She lowered her gaze and finished her sandwich. They shared the fruit salad, feeding it to each other. Harmony replaced the remnants of their meal then pushed the basket away. She lay down on the blanket and patted next to her. Jonathon joined her, his shoulder touching hers. Harmony stared at the starlit sky.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” she whispered.

  “You are,” Jonathon stated.

  She turned her head to him. Jonathon was watching her and not the sky. Harmony smiled, touching his cheek.

  “You’re a sap.”

  “The proper term is romantic.” Jonathon sounded snooty.

  Harmony chuckled. Jonathon joined in, turning to face her. Harmony mirrored him, staring into his eyes. Jonathon slid his hand over her hip and tugged her close to him. Harmony lifted her leg over his and pressed against his erection. She moaned, wishing they were bare. Jonathon moved under her skirt and pulled it up. Harmony shifted, helping him as he pulled off her panties and he opened his pants. She pulled out a condom from the pocket of her skirt and in moments she’d slid the protection on his cock then put her leg back where it had been. She moaned as the blunt length of his cock slid along her nether lips. Jonathon cupped her ass, tilting her, then pushed into her heat.

  “Harmony,” Jonathon groaned.

  She whimpered, canting her hips and matching his motions. They kissed tenderly as they fitted together. Harmony moaned deep in her throat as he thrust harder. Jonathon held her ass and rolled onto his back. Harmony straddled him, rocking and whimpering. His cock filled her up, making her crazy with need. She sat up, shivering as he slid deeper. Bracing her hands on his chest, she moved fast, striving towards the sensation that was just out of reach. Jonathon gripped her hips, fingers tight, guiding her.

  “Jonathon.” She gazed at his face, seeing the strain there.

  His jaw was clenched and his Adam’s apple worked. Harmony arched, pressing down on his chest. She raised herself until she was almost off his erection then dropped down. She repeated it over and over. Each time he grunted, his hands holding her tighter. Harmony moaned in accompaniment to his sounds, heat pooling in her belly. She clenched around his embedded shaft then gasped, quivering as she orgasmed in pleasure.

  “Harmony,” Jonathon shouted as he too came.

  His body jerked under her, almost unseating her. Harmony cradled him between her legs, holding on. Jonathon went limp under her and she collapsed against his chest breathing hard.

  “You wicked woman. It’s a good thing I’m on a corner lot and have a privacy fence.” Jonathon chuckled.

  “Hmmm…exercise is good to work off your meal.”

  Jonathon smoothed his hands down her back. Harmony blinked as tiredness started to overcome her.

  “Now, about my kitchen.” Jonathon said.

  “It’s going to bug you until it’s clean.” It was a statement.

  Jonathon didn’t respond. Harmony slid off him, removing the condom and tying it. She stood and held out her hand.

  “Come on then. After, you’ll tire me out again.” Harmony wiggled her fingers.

  Jonathon stood, taking her hand, and they made their way back to the house.

  “Go and get started. I’ll clean up out here.” He stopped and retraced his steps.

  “My neat man,” Harmony said.

  Jonathon paused before responding, “All yours, for as long as you want.”

  Harmony watched his back as he moved away. She liked the sound of that…a lot. She continued to the kitchen to clean up so she could go back to bed with her man.

  * * * *

  Harmony entered the condo, closing the door with her hip. “Jonathon?”

  Not getting a reply, she frowned and placed her things on the entryway table. It was then she noted that the condo was dark and silent. She frowned—Jonathon should have been home by now. Harmony reached in her purse and pulled out her cell. She frowned when she realised that it was off. She turned it on and noticed she had a missed call. Harmony listened to Jonathon saying he was caught up in the office working out something. She clicked off the messages and wandered into the living room. As always, her gaze was drawn to the piano. She hadn’t played it but was tempted to. Harmony remembered the time of Jonathon’s call and that he’d said he’d be a few hours.

  With trepidation, she approached the piano. Harmony unconsciously reached for her scar on her right arm and traced it idly, battling memories of before the incident. She pushed them away and sat on the bench, opening the lid. Harmony trailed her fingers over the keys then closed her eyes, setting her hands in place. Her mind filled with the notes of a piece she hadn’t played since before things had changed. In moments, the sound filled the air as she stroked the ivories, recalling the piece as if she’d played it yesterday. Her fingers remembered the motions and the timing.

  Joy filled her as she played, fill
ing her soul and resonating through her and out into the piano. Her arm ached but she refused to stop, pushing through the pain, tears flowing from her eyes—they were for the pain and for the memories. At the height of the song, she performed the intricate clash of notes then slid into the ending, moving from side to side as it overcame her. Harmony set her hands down on the keys, holding that last note, then raised them slightly. She breathed out, shaking, pain filling her, but she felt exhilarated.

  “I’ve gotta get into Bella’s and play their piano.” Harmony murmured.

  “Why do you want to play their piano?” Jonathon asked.

  Harmony gasped, jumping back.

  “Whoa.” He caught her, righting her then setting her gently back on the bench.

  He sat beside her. Harmony tugged on the sleeve of her shirt, pulling it over her scar.

  “Ummm…the acoustics in there must be fabulous.”

  “It sounds good when the piano player performs. But he sounds nothing like you. You should play professionally. That was fabulous.” Jonathon gazed at her.

  Harmony stood then replied as she made her way towards the living room door, “I used to.”

  Jonathon stared after her, confusion filling him. He’d heard the clear dismissal of continuing the conversation in Harmony’s voice. When he’d come in, the tears streaming from her eyes and the joy on her face had confused him. The music she had been playing was beautiful—a haunting melody that had resonated in him, making his breath catch. Curious, Jonathon thought of Googling her. If she had performed professionally, there should be something on her. Immediately as the thought formed, he shoved it away. He wanted to hear whatever it was directly from her. Jonathon stood and followed her. He found Harmony in the kitchen preparing plates from the food in the crock-pot. Silently, he retrieved drinks from the fridge then returned to take the plates. Harmony picked up utensils and came with him. They sat, then said a quick prayer before starting to eat.


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