Finally My Forever

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Finally My Forever Page 15

by Brooke St. James

  "Are you the young lady who's new here, or the one who's rude?" she asked.

  It took me a second to register her question and once I did, I gave her a smile. "It's my first time here," I said.

  She gave me an understanding smile. "Let me fill you in on a little secret," she said. "Just because someone goes to church doesn't mean they're a Christian, and just because someone's a Christian doesn't mean they're nice or they act the way you think they should act. Don't put your expectations on any man, because he, or she, will fail you every time." She reached out and patted me on the arm. "God's the only one who won't disappoint."

  I offered her a smile. "Thanks," I said.

  "You're not thinking about leaving are you?" she asked.

  "No ma'am," I said, even though I most assuredly had been.

  She smiled. "Good."

  The service was just about to start when I found a seat. I wanted to go home, but I told the lady I'd stay, so I did. I glanced around for the Bennetts, but the place was huge, and it was a lost cause. It crossed my mind to look for the nice couple I met at the festival or Ms. Joan, but I didn't see anyone I recognized.

  I watched in awe as Micah led the worship. His story about Bach was at the forefront of my mind because he was so gorgeous, talented, and natural up there, but it was obvious that his goal was God's glory and not his own. His humbleness only served to make me love him even more.

  Micah sang four songs before the pastor took the stage. He was a tall, lanky man who looked to be in his fifties. He was funny and entertaining, and I caught myself feeling surprised that I was having a good time.

  It was about twenty minutes into the message when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Scoot over and let me sit here," I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

  I smiled and shifted over a chair so Micah could sit on the end next to me. Relief flooded my body as soon as he sat down. He reached out and squeezed my thigh right above my knee once he sat down.

  "You were impossible to find out here," he whispered. "I thought you'd be with my parents."

  "I couldn't find them," I whispered back.

  "They always sit on the other side," he said, leaving his hand possessively on my leg. "That's why it took me forever to find you."

  I smiled at him. "I'm glad you did."

  We focused on the message, and before long it was over. We walked out of the sanctuary holding hands, which made my nerves buzz like they did every single time he touched me.

  "Did you like it?" he asked, on our way to the parking lot.

  "I loved it," I said smiling.

  I didn't plan on telling him or anyone else about the confrontation I had with Gina, since it wasn't even worth it.

  He and I had driven separate cars, so we decided he would follow me to my house where I would drop off my car and ride with him to eat with his parents. Micah asked me why I wasn't bringing Roscoe along when I climbed into his truck, and I told him the spoiled mutt had gone on a hike with Trish and her boyfriend and would probably eat steak for lunch.

  I was anxious as we pulled up in his parents' driveway. I didn't know how much he had told them about us seeing each other, if anything, and I couldn't help but wonder how they would feel about it. I caught myself doubting whether or not we could actually be classified as 'seeing each other', and figured I'd try to keep quiet and let him do most of the talking.

  Micah waited for me to come around the front of the truck and he took my hand to lead me to his parents' front door.

  Every light in the house was on, and the TV was tuned to what looked like a pregame show for a football game. His dad was standing in front of the screen with a remote in his hand, and he turned to face us when we came in the door. His eye instantly snapped to the place where Micah's hand held mine. I felt suddenly insecure, and as if Micah sensed it, his grip tightened. Mr. Jesse smiled and cocked his chin up to yell in the direction of the kitchen.

  "Micah and Carly are here!" he yelled. We dropped hands and began to take our shoes off.

  "Micahhh! Carlyyy!" I heard Thomas announce walking from the kitchen to the living room to greet us.

  I knew even before I saw him that his hands would be lifted high above his head, and they most certainly were. A huge smile spread across my face as I crossed the living room to meet him and give him a hug.

  "We're gonna have lunch," he said. "Can you come eat with us?"

  I nodded. "I think so, if that's okay with you."

  "Yes it is. Are we doing science class too?" Before I had the chance to answer, his attention shifted to Micah. "How did you get here at the same time as my baby brother?"

  "We rode together," Micah said, coming to stand beside me.

  Thomas stared at him as if it didn't quite register. "My baby brother sang songs at church today," he said, obviously having other things on his mind.

  "I know," I said. "I saw him."

  His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "You saw him?"

  "Yeah," I said. "I went to your church this morning."

  "To my church?" Thomas asked, still shocked.

  Claire came in the living room with her apron on to give out hugs. "Hey guys!" she said smiling and thankfully not acting surprised to see us together. She gave us hugs one by one and told Micah what a "beautiful job" he did that morning.

  "Carly went to our church," Thomas said, talking to his mom.

  "I know she did," Claire said smiling. "She came with Micah."

  Thomas looked at me with wide, speculative eyes. "You came to my church with my baby brother?"

  I smiled and nodded. "Are you okay with that?" I asked, tentatively.

  Micah put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. "Carly and I are gonna be together a lot from now on, brother."

  I could see Thomas' wheels turning as he took us in with a serious expression. He stood there for several long seconds before he said, "Are you and Carly gonna get married?"

  Micah looked at me with a smile, and I regarded him with shock, wondering how he'd possibly respond to his brother's question. "I haven't asked her yet," he said, not taking his eyes from mine, "but I'm sure we will. Don't you think?"

  My heart was beating faster than ever before as adrenaline and sheer joy pumped through my body in waves. I smiled, hoping I was holding up. I was looking at Micah, but I knew Claire, Jesse, and Thomas were all staring at us, waiting for my answer.

  "I think that's a definite possibility," I said, trying my hardest not to cry or say the wrong thing.

  Micah smiled and squeezed me again as he turned his attention to his brother. "We will," he assured his family, nodding confidently.

  Claire let out a happy screech and put her hands over her mouth before reaching out to hug us again. "That's so sweet," she said.

  I glanced at Thomas, who was still staring at us, contemplating everything with an earnest expression. I had no idea what he was thinking.

  "If you get married," he said, "what will she be?"

  "That'll make her my wife," Micah said.

  Thomas regarded us with a look of confusion and frustration as if Micah hadn't answered the question.

  "Will she be my family?"

  "Oh, you mean what will she be to you?" Micah said, understanding. "When we get married, she'll be your sister."

  Thomas stood still for a second and then pointed at me. "Carly will be my sister?" he asked.

  "Yeah," Micah said. "How's that sound?"

  And just like that, Thomas scrunched up his face and lifted his fist to hold his wrinkled up nose. He let out a long, high-pitched wheezing cry that I easily recognized as the signal that he was overwhelmed with happiness. He took in a breath of air through his mouth and let out another cry, keeping his face buried in his hand.

  I was helpless to stop the tears from flowing out of my own eyes. The sight of him so overjoyed at having me as his sister touched my heart so deeply that I cried right along with him.

  I hugged him tightly, and he squeezed me back, alternating between
wheezing a cry and breathing in. I pulled back and put a kiss on his cheek, doing my best to compose myself as I took in this precious soul.

  "When are you getting married?" he asked, wiping at his face with his shirtsleeve. "Tomorrow?"

  "We haven't really talked about that yet—" I started to say.

  But Micah cut me off. "Soon," he said.

  "Tomorrow?" Thomas asked again, looking at Micah who smiled.

  "Not tomorrow, but soon."

  "This is so exciting, but my green beans are burning," Claire said wringing her hands as she reluctantly turned to head for the kitchen. "You guys come in here!" she called from over her shoulder.

  Thomas immediately obeyed his mom's request and walked off in the direction she'd gone, still wiping at his face.

  Micah grabbed my hands and pulled me to him, looking down at me, smiling. "I'll probably catch some football with my dad," he said. "You can go see what my mom's up to or stay in here with me."

  I smiled and glanced toward the kitchen and then to his dad, who was preoccupied with the television again. "I'll probably go see if your mom needs any help," I said.

  He squeezed my hand as he bent to put a quick kiss on my lips. His mouth was soft and warm, and I couldn't imagine myself being any happier than I was at that very moment.

  "I love you," he whispered, smiling down at me.

  Okay, so I take that back. This moment just officially got happier.

  I popped up to give him one more kiss on the cheek. "I love you too," I whispered back.


  Three weeks later.

  It was 2:00 in the afternoon, and I was teaching 28 eleventh grade students. They were my most difficult group this year, but earning their respect proved a rewarding venture. They were a rowdy bunch, so I had to be on top of my game everyday to keep their attention. It was the day before we got out of school for our Thanksgiving break, so they were especially amped. They were my last class of the day, and I told them we'd have some free time at the end of class if they let me get through my lecture and seemed like they were paying attention.

  I was talking about the relation of temperature and pressure when I heard a knock on my classroom door.

  "Everybody stay quiet," I warned as I crossed to open it. I figured it was someone wanting to borrow something. I had a little window so I could see into the hallway, but a picture of a turkey holding a bubbling beaker that one of my students painted in art class currently blocked it.

  I opened the door, feeling slightly frustrated that I had been interrupted during my lecture and would now have to work to get their attention again. I found Micah standing on the other side smiling at me. A smile spread across my face as I glanced back into the classroom to make sure everything was still under control. I looked back at Micah with wide eyes.

  "What are you doing here?" I whispered.

  "I came to see you. Can I come in?"

  I glanced at the students again, who were now looking at me curiously. They couldn't see who I was talking to, and a few of them were leaning over their desks and craning their necks as they tried to get a glimpse.

  Micah took a giant step past me and peered around me to see the students. I watched in surprise as he smiled at them. "Do you guys mind if I come in for a second?" he asked.

  Most of the class yelled, "No," at the same time, but a few of the girls let out whistles and calls of approval that made me smile and roll my eyes.

  Micah was standing right next to me, and he looked at me with a huge smile. "I'm sorry to interrupt your class," he said, not seeming regretful at all. "I'll just be a minute." He put a hand around my back and pulled me close to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, which drew whoops and whistles of approval.

  "Just sit right there," he said, gesturing to my desk. "I have to grab something from the hallway."

  He walked out the door, and one of the girls yelled out, "Is that your boyfriend?"

  Another one yelled, "He's hot!" a statement that was followed by murmuring, clapping, and laughing.

  "Shhhh!" I said, turning to them with wide eyes but an underlying smile.

  Everyone was quiet as we watched Micah enter the room carrying an acoustic guitar. They let out another round of catcalls as he walked to my desk. He propped himself on the corner of it and patted the spot next to him, telling me to sit.

  I smiled and obeyed, but nerves and adrenaline were already taking over my body. I could only think of one reason why he'd bring a guitar into my classroom, but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

  "I have a Thanksgiving song to share with you guys if you don't mind," Micah said.

  And there went that idea.

  I continued to smile. The students made various noises and whistled as he positioned his guitar under his arm and gave it a strum.

  He began to sing and play, which shut them up completely. They were thoroughly entranced from the first note. He was hilarious as usual and had them laughing with lyrics that had to do with turkeys and Pilgrims and the poor Indians who got the short end of the stick.

  Then he shifted to look at me and, in song, admitted that he wasn't there to sing about Thanksgiving at all. He said he was there to sing a love song and went into lyrics that were equally as funny, but all focused on how awesome I was and how much he loved me. I laughed to keep from crying as I glanced back-and-forth between him and my students, trying to take it in.

  Several of them had taken out their phones and we're recording the whole thing. It was all such a blur of wonderful excitement that I had trouble taking in all of the lyrics. All I know is that it ended with, "And hopefully pretty soon you'll be calling her Mrs. Bennett."

  Before I knew what was happening, he set his guitar on the desk behind him and reached in his pocket for a ring box before getting down on one knee.

  The students erupted in a chorus of cheers. Unable to believe what was happening, I put my hands over my eyes, peeking through my fingers.

  "Carly Howard, I love you something terrible," he said. "Will you please, please be my—"

  I cut him off before he could say it. "Yes!" I said, pulling him to his feet.

  He stood and gathered me into his arms.

  My students were going insane. I could hear them yelling things out.

  "That was off the chain!"

  "Dude, he just proposed!"

  "Ms. Howard's getting hitched, y'all!"

  "I videoed almost that whole song!"

  "Send me that. I'm gonna use that song to propose to my old lady!"

  I tried to hold back the tears as I pulled back to stare up at him. I couldn't believe he was once untouchable, and now he was mine.

  He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. My first instinct was to break the kiss right away since I wasn't sure how appropriate it was in front of my students, but once his were lips on mine, I just couldn't bring myself to pull back. My knees grew weak, and I was unable to do anything but relish the feel of his perfect, warm lips on mine.

  Another round of yells went up, but neither Micah nor I paid attention to it. He put his hands on my face and kissed me tenderly as if he couldn’t bear to let me go.

  The cheering grew louder and finally, we managed to pull our lips apart. We smiled at each other for a second before I looked at the classroom full of ecstatic students.

  One of the girls, who happened to be the most beautiful, popular girl in school, was using her notebook to fan her face with one hand and had her other hand raised high.

  "Yes, Emma?" I asked.

  "Does he have a twin brother?" she asked, pointing at Micah.

  Everyone cracked up.

  I smiled. "There's only one of him," I said trying my best to look regretful.

  Emma, along with the other girls in the class had no shame whatsoever making a few last love-struck comments as Micah said goodbye and went for the door.

  He thanked them on his way out for letting him interrupt class and wished them all a happy Thanksgiving.

  The final
bell would be ringing before too long, and I knew there was no sense in trying to finish my lecture, so I told them we'd get to it after the break. We spent the rest of the class with me answering personal questions, most of which were about Micah. The girls were interested in seeing my ring, so I let them pass it around the classroom so they could take a look.

  A few of the students had managed to get most of his song on the video, and we watched it together. I told those who captured it to email it to me so I could watch it anytime I wanted, and they all promised they would. They couldn't believe how good it was and went on and on about how he should be a famous singer.

  The final bell rang, and after taking a couple of minutes to pack up my things, I was on my way to the parking lot. I was wearing a smile as I thought about his song and how it was written just for me.

  Then suddenly I noticed that Micah was standing in the parking lot. He was leaning casually on the front fender of my car, and smiling as he watched me approach.

  "You are unbelievable," I said, when I was close enough for him to hear me.

  He looked like a dream sitting there leaning against my car, and I just couldn't believe he was mine—officially mine with a ring and everything.

  "You're unbelievable," he returned. "I loved seeing you in there. Your students love you."

  "They love you too," I said, walking straight into his open arms. "Where's your car?" I asked looking up at him.

  "I had Blake drop me off after work so I could ride home with you."

  "What if I would have said no?" I asked.

  He gave me a sly grin. "You wouldn't have."

  "You know that?" I asked.


  "Why, because I'm crazy about you?"

  He shrugged. "Because you're supposed to belong to me."

  "And now it's official?" I asked, holding my hand in the air to examine my new ring.

  "I wouldn't call it official just yet."

  "We still have to get married, huh?"


  "When's that gonna happen?" I asked.

  "Whenever you want," he said squeezing me.

  "Let's do it soon," I said. "Maybe by next Christmas."


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