Way Walkers: Tangled Paths (The Tazu Saga)

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Way Walkers: Tangled Paths (The Tazu Saga) Page 55

by Leigh, J.

  Jathen recalled then what the Interpreter had said while acting the beggar. “Perhaps you do have something. You just don’t know it.”

  Jathen had responded, “I think that’s the question of my life.”

  “Wasn’t a question, not really.”

  Not a question. He chewed over the words. Perhaps I do have something, and I just don’t know it. But what? He stared at his calloused and scarred-up hands that had become so rough during his travels. What is it that I have, other than the knowledge of what I’ve seen, the horrors of the past? Or is that all there is, all that’s needed to have something? On the meat of his left palm was the small mark from Ass’shiri’s brotherhood. Jathen ran his thumb reverently over it. You told me I was more than smart enough, Ass, but these are puzzles I’m not sure I can solve.

  “At least not now.” Jathen sighed. “Now, it’s time for sleep.” He stood and turned toward the bed.

  Jathen’s heart nearly stopped.

  Bree’s Grand Artifact sat in the center of the rough coverlet, fully intact.

  ~ * * * ~

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  J. Leigh wrote her first novel at the tender age of eleven, delving deep into the extensive fantasy world she titled Way Walkers. Since then, she has never really left, though she occasionally does emerge to enjoy the company of friends, family, horror movies, and the ever-popular sushi dinner.

  She currently lives in southern New Jersey with a chow chow, several cats, and a fictional cast of hundreds.

  Leigh’s published works include a choose-your-own–type interactive novel Way Walkers: University 1 & 2 with Choice of Games.


  Jathen, for me, holds a particular distinction, as while he was not the first (nor most beloved) of the characters I have spun within the Way Walkers world, he does have the privilege of being the first to be published in coveted novel form. In many ways, his journey has been my journey, across the many places and many Ways, all to find what had been hidden inside something that was never hidden at all.

  The list of those I must thank is humbling, as I am still amazed by so many who’ve shared this dream of mine over the last sixteen years of crafting my extensive world. First, I must thank my mother for putting up with me and all my late-light rants about plot and characters. My father, for reading, and loving unconditionally. Frances, my agent, for sticking by me through the tough times and the odd choices. Macaela, this world would not be half as interesting without your constant brainstorming. Thank you for all your help with the Nijū-Iki, the Msāfryan culture, Kinawa, the Solki, preciously devious turns of phrase, and overall a hundred big and little tidbits that I can’t even recall because you just helped so much. Patrick, thank you for every twisted creature, every little unique turn of magical theory and exploitable potholes you helped me to create and fix. The Avenea and the Tyr’sat wouldn’t be anywhere near as awesome, and Prothidian Altar wouldn’t be nearly as diabolical. Danny, your one comment on negation spawned an entire book series—thank you. Danielle, for doing the initial copy editing and just being such an awesome supportive fan and friend for over seventeen years. Mr. Lubin, Way Walkers started in your classroom—if you’d not read every single word of that early manuscript with such openhearted enthusiasm, every book which followed would not exist. Same to you, Mr. and Ms. Jeckot—you taught me to reach. Jessica, CJ, Natasha, Christina, and Kat, for your support and general awesomeness. The entire Poletti family, but especially the twins—you two have no idea how much your love and support have meant to me. I’d have given up long ago without you. Thank you. Everyone in the Way Walkers Facebook fan club, you guys are the best, your laughter and love humble me every day. And also to everyone at Red Adept, my publishing “family”—not only did you do a wonderful job refining my words, but you also made me feel far less insane for all my crazy writing habits. Thank you so much.

  Last, but by far not the least, my Adrian, for being my backbone, and the best man I’ve ever known. And for being every good trait I’ve ever put into a male character all at once. There are still moments I’m uncertain whether I’ve just dreamed you up or not.

  And to all of my readers old and new—thank you for taking a Walk in my world.




  Ability: term referring to magical or supernatural aptitude, classified formally into five major categories: empathy (emotional or energy), Medium (emotional or visual), telepathy, precognition, and energy manipulative.

  Ahalteke: half-Tazu, half-Msāfryan trader.

  Alodie: owner of a boarding house in Ca’june.

  Angani: the Child that represents the Way of Purity. Also see Pearl Dragon.

  Angel Guide: a Guide attached to a mortal soul that has never been born to physical body itself; they watch their Charge and offer advice and spiritual guidance.

  Annarite: the race of the Red and natural inhabitants of the Middle Lands. Known also as ‘the Tainted.’

  Antqāl Mdynh: ‘moving city.’ The native Msāfryan name for the city of Zo’den.

  Aralim: the Nation founded by Angani followers. Shares a border with the Tazu Nation.

  A’ron De’contes: former Red follower and head of the Balori order of the Red. He is also responsible for the murders of Yvette Ashton, the last Avatar of Rhean; Car’son des Rheadani de la Rhean; and the Aspect of Rhean, Bolynne des Rheadani de la Ra’vien.

  Ascended: term referring to an Incarnation of one of the Children that has Awaked and come into their full power.

  Aspect: term referring to the ‘other side’ of each of the Twelve Children. They are the Incarnations of the Children’s twin-flames.

  Ass’shiri Tan: Way Walker, Path of the Kasior, part of Setsu’s crew.

  Avatar: term referring to the Awakened and Ascended Incarnation of one of the Children; the mortal body of the Child Awakened.

  Avenea: the chosen race of Feator and residents of the country Casfeild, they are characterized by an almost turtle-like appearance, with bone-like plates covering their arms and legs and a shell-like plate covering a large portion of their backs.

  Awakened: term referring to souls, usually Avatars, who remember more than one lifetime’s worth of experiences. An Awakened Avatar usually indicates full memory of all their previous past lives.


  Balori: the Balori movement is a divergent Path amid the Red that believes the Red went mad and must be brought back to Spirit.

  Basimess: High Montage Walker before Hausmannith.

  Bawan: a Beleskie Way Path that specializes in matchmaking.

  Beleskie: Rose Quartz Dragon, Child of Love and Relationships.

  Bertrandith Larsenitiss: Royal Adviser to the King’s Office, heir to the Larsenitiss house, and Kyanith Monortith’s youngest son.

  Bolynne des Rheadani de la Ra’vien: historical figure of the Clan Lands, the last Awakened Aspect of Rhean. Murdered by A’ron De’contes.

  Born, Born Clan: referring to Clan that were born vampiric Clan, versus a human that was Changed into Clan.

  Bree: Child of Creativity, the Amber Dragon.


  Car’son des Rheadani de la Rhean: historical figure, the last Avatar of Rhean to Walk and be emperor of the Clan Lands. Murdered by A’ron De’contes.

Mountains: the highest, longest mountain range on the Continent.

  chaotic: an evil soul meant for the Pit that did not get there but instead ‘hijacked’ the body of a stillborn child and proceeded to live a life in the new living body.

  Changed: to be changed/having been changed into Clan. (Humans are the only race able to be Changed.)

  charm: a magical item, usually a crystal or metal, created to ‘hold’ a certain spell within itself. Usually very small and meant for singular personal use. See also processor-charm, master-charm, or charm-device.

  charm-device: a more complex version of a master-charm, a charm-device refers to an object that uses a charm spell or multiple charm spells in order to activate a third-party device. It is usually small to medium in size and meant for personal use. See also charm, processor-charm, or master-charm.

  charm master: a maker of master-charms.

  Children, the: see also The Twelve. They represent twelve facets of Spirit and incarnate again and again to teach their different Ways to evolve the souls of mortals to once again become one with Spirit.

  Clan: the vampiric race of the Clan Lands.

  Clan Lands: one of the largest countries on the continent and home of both human and Clan. Founded by Rhean.

  Clemi: Way Walker, Path of the Mei, greeter at Véridique Meison.

  Clevelandith Freibergith Grandidieriss: Current mate of the Queen. Father of Dolomith Monortith.

  cor’mon: Tar’cil greeting meaning ‘good day.’

  crystal recorder: a charm-device usually including a recorder crystal, used to record information. See also recorder crystal.

  Cyaone D. Ja’han: historical figure, author of Lost in the Landscape.

  Cy’shā: empathic and precognitive Talent for Setsu’s crew, wife to Hkym.


  Daughter(s) of Desmoulein: a Way Path of Desmoulein, they are healers and doctors.

  death marker: also just called a ‘marker,’ it indicates in a life contract one of the seven times a person might ‘exit a lifetime’ or die.

  demon: an incorporeal spirit that feeds off of negative emotions. There are hundreds of different types of demons of varying strengths and powers, as well as dozens of different classifications of intelligence.

  Desmoulein: the Child whose Way is the Way of the Healer; the Emerald Dragon.

  Dicinith Attieth: Thee’s father.

  Dolomith Monortith: Son of Rhodonith Monortith and Clevelandith Freibergith Grandidieriss. Prince of the blood and possible heir to the King of the Tazu Nation’s throne. Baby half brother of Thee and Jathen.

  Drannic: a very mysterious race, rarely seen and said to harbor the secrets of the Children. They resemble Tazu but have wings and tails and do not shift into dragons.


  Eglestonith: Tazu guardsman of Rhodonith.

  elemental empathy: not to be confused with Empathic, elemental empathy falls under the Ability category of Energy Manipulative and refers to an above-average Ability to draw in the vibrational energy of a particular element.

  empathy, Empathic: empathy refers to a person’s sensitivity to the constantly moving energy fields around them—also known as the near side of the Veil. Two types: emotional empathy, where one can sense the emotions of things, and energy empathy, where one can only feel the shift in the energies. An Empathic is someone who has one or both types of empathy. A True Empathic has both.

  Erin Manna: historical figure, one of the eight Originals of the Clan race. She and her husband Marin Manna were the founders of the Mannachi clan.

  Esop: a Ki’ra, Walker of Kubesh, part of Setsu’s crew.


  Feator: Child whose Way is the Way of History, the Bronze Dragon. He covers not only written history but also past lives.

  Feed: Clan term referring to the drinking of blood for sustenance.

  Furōrin-Iki: from ‘furora’ for ‘flora,’ ‘shinrin’ for ‘forest,’ and ‘Iki’ for ‘breathers.’ Name of the country/region where the Nijū-Iki live.


  Genthelvith Proustith Attieth: Thee’s paternal grandmother and namesake; Dicinith’s mother.

  Grays: a group of Clansmen who hunt Red followers in the Clan Lands outside of the Way orders.

  Great Fall, the: also the Fall of the Red and War between the Veils. Refers to when the Red whispered in the ear of Prothidian Altar and together they destroyed the Old World. It was Rhean who finally threw the Red back into the Pit, and for a thousand years the survivors hid underground before resettling the new Continent.

  Great Gate: One built in each of the twelve countries’ capitals, the Great Gates allow for small groups to transport from their respective capitals into Tar’citadel.

  Guide(s): referring to Angel or Spirit Guides that are attached to mortal souls. They are usually in pairs and are spiritual ‘assistants’ to mortal souls while they are in body.


  Hatori Chann: Clansman charm master for the Monortith family.

  Hausmannith: High Montage Walker of the Montage Temple in Kidwellith.

  High Mage: a powerful elemental empathic Talent that has undergone a ritual to fuse themselves forever with their element. This process makes them physically immortal and incapable of becoming ‘drained’ of energy with which to cast.

  high magic: magic that is far more complex than typical energy manipulative work; usually it involves multiple elements of ritual and artifacts to supplement the work.

  Hkym: Medium for Setsu’s crew, husband to Cy’shā.


  Iki: a shortened term for the word ‘Nijū-Iki.’

  Incarnation: a Child reborn into a body that has not Awakened or Ascended.

  Ishane: Way Walker, Path of the Mei at Véridique Meison.

  Ishim: meaning ‘incarnated souls’ or ‘angels of the material world.’ A general term referring to any spiritual soul incarnated into a body as a person.

  iungo plant: meaning ‘connector’ or ‘bridge,’ it is an empathic, energy manipulative plant created by Prothidian Altar to bridge the gap between non-Talents and Ability-driven devices. Variations of it also carry power, sound, and a variety of other currents in a manner similar to electrical wire.


  Jathen Cornetith Iridosmine Monortith: Prince of the blood and heir to the King of the Tazu Nation’s throne.

  Jephue: Romantic and business partner to Hatori Chann.


  kasior: Way Path of Rhean, crossbow snipers.

  Kidwellith: Capital city of the Tazu Nation.

  Ki’ra: a race resembling humans mixed with a menagerie of bears, large canines, and large felines. Native to the nation of Nor’wah.

  Kubesh: the Citrine Dragon of the Children, Way of the Warrior.

  Kyanith Monortith: King of the Tazu Nation.


  Laws of Heaven: referring to the five laws of Spirit: Do not impede the free will of another. Do no harm. Do not deny Spirit. Respect all the Ways and find your place amongst them. Respect all physical forms of Spirit.

  life(’s) contract: refers to the ‘terms’ that each soul agrees to before being born into the world as a person. It supposedly covers everything from birthplace and parents to major life lessons and contains all the possible paths and choices souls can have presented to them while they are alive.

  life ladder: the actual genetic code that maps certain aspects of the life’s contract.

  Lubreean: country to the southwest of the Clan Lands, home of the Muilan, founded by Rosin.

  Lu’shun: Beleskie’s chosen race. All have bright blue eyes and hair, but the rest of what they appear to be is dependent on who is looking at them. Whoever looks upon a Lu’shun will see a person of their own race reflected back.


  mage: more common term referring to an Energy Manipulative Talent; often indicates one not trained as a Way Walker.

  Marin Manna: historical figure, one of the Original eight Clan. He and his wife Erin Manna founded the Mannachi clan.

  master-charm: created when there are multiple charm-spells infused into a singular charm. They are usually more complex and involve more magical and energy work to be created. See also charm, charm-device, or processor-charm.

  mei, Mei Path: a Way Path of Beleskie that focuses on the physical aspect of interpersonal relationships.

  Meison: temple and home of mei.

  Middle Lands: the Land of the Red, it is a province sitting in the middle of the Continent that is not quite an official country.

  Mikkal Lan’chi: A member of the Grays in the Clan Lands; powerful Energy Manipulative Talent.

  Mixith: a Bawan in the Tazu court.

  Monortith: the royal family of the Tazu Nation.

  Montage: the Gold Dragon of the Children, whose Way tries to merge the teachings of all the Ways in order to create an ‘Ultimate Way.’

  moot: Tazu child born looking human and lacking the ability to shift to a dragon form.

  Muilan: Rosin’s chosen race, they are a semi-incorporeal people, capable of ‘phasing’ in and out of the physical plane for brief periods.


  Nai’dol: ‘to cry sorrow.’ A new river in the Tazu Nation formed from the earthquake. From ‘to cry,’ ‘naite,’ and ‘dolor,’ meaning ‘sorrow.’

  Neek: shaman for the Iki settlement.


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