Dillon: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel

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Dillon: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel Page 6

by Lake, Rae B.

  I sit there with them for a few more hours and go over all the information that Brendan was able to get to me. Prime wants to go meet his daughters, but I convince him to let me give it a try first. They may not know anything about us and having both of us just pop up on them may be a bit overwhelming.

  He makes me promise that I will come back. Even though I tell him that I will, I know it won't be for a while since I have another task on my list of shit to do. Finding my sisters is next in line though.


  I take the long ride out towards the Inferno's Clutch MC Territory. I could have just rolled up to the front door, but the last thing I wanted to do was look as if I was being aggressive. I wanted peace right now. I've had some dealing with Chains in the past and I know he isn't someone I want to fuck around with. They even have a fucking gator roaming around. I wasn't scared, but I didn't want to test them either.

  I'd found myself sitting at a diner for the better part of an hour trying to figure out exactly what I'm supposed to say to them. I never imagined that I had family outside of the clubhouse and Keeley. However, now that I do know, I want to be around. I want to be there for them if they need me. I pick up the phone and stare at the number I got for the Inferno's Clutch clubhouse. Brendan had told me that they were there. Just as I'm about to dial the number I drop it back on the counter. "Fucking pussy!" I scold myself loud enough for the people in the booth behind me to turn and glare at me. I flip them the bird. They scoff and turn back around. They can mind their fucking business; I have enough shit to deal with besides worrying about trying to be friendly right now.

  I pick up the phone again, but this time instead of calling the clubhouse I dial Keeley. I've been trying to give her some space, but I need her now.

  "Dillon." She purrs my name.

  My cock jumps to life at the sound of it. It's been so fucking long. "Woman, you're killing me."

  She has the nerve to chuckle before I hear water being turned off in the background.

  "Don't tell me you were about to get into the bath?" I almost whimper at the thought of her naked body sliding into the warm water, bubbles barely hiding her gorgeous breasts.

  "No, I was washing dishes. Pervert."

  "You leave me for months at a time and have the nerve to call me a pervert. You created this." I laugh, but when I hear her sigh, I tone it down. I must have hit a sore spot.

  "What's up. Did you need something?" She asks curtly. I was getting on her nerves or she was trying not to let me back into her life. I believe it's more of the last one.

  "Yeah. Some advice."

  "Advice? About what?"

  I tell her the whole story about how we found out that Prime was my father and how I also have two sisters I knew nothing about. That I was here in New Orleans ready to go meet them, but I didn't know how they would accept me. They could tell me to fuck off. She listened through the whole story, encouraging me to tell her more. Asking questions like how people were taking it. Always a pillar of support, the only one I knew for sure would always have my back—my princess.

  "Dillon, I can't tell you what to do, but I figure since you are already in NOLA you are going to see them. Just be patient with them. Get your proof ready and don't be too hurt if they don't want to be a part of your life."

  I just sit back and listen to her. When she stops talking and I don't answer she just stays on the line.

  "I miss you too Dillon."

  "Then why the fuck are we doing this! Why won't you tell me where you are? I want my family back. I fucked up. I know I did. Don't you think I have punished myself enough?" I slam my hand down on the table in front of me causing everyone in the diner to jump in shock.

  "I don't want you to punish yourself Dillon. I don't want ..." She sighs and I hear her groan out in frustration.

  "What do you want Keeley? Tell me what you want and let me do it."

  "I want to know that you got us Wire. I don't feel secure, because you don't feel secure. It's just too much for me. I can't handle it right now."

  "You're going to make me hunt you down aren't you."

  She gasps, "You'll never find me."

  "Did you forget who you married Keeley? I have nothing, but time now and even if I have to roll through every house in the country to find you I will. You're mine and always will be. I'm tired of this ... I'm tired of being without you. If you don't want to come home on your own, I guess I'm going to have to revert to my old ways and just drag you back." I lower my voice so she is the only one that can hear me. "Do you remember what I told you that first night we made love? "

  She is breathing quickly. Her voice is just as soft as mine, but I don't hear any fear. "You told me that you would never let me go."

  "Remember that. I'm coming for you. I'm never going to let you go."

  "Momma!" Lily calls out from the background.

  "Let me talk to her!" I demand once I know that she is awake and there.

  "I don't know if-"

  I cut her off before she can say another word, "Are you denying me my child? It's one thing to want to be safe. But are you telling me right now that you are going to try and keep Lily from knowing me?"

  "No, you know I would never do that. I told you she's upset."

  "Let her be upset with me then, put her on the phone … please, I'm her fucking father."

  "Ok, ok, calm down please. Just be patient ok." She pleads with me through the phone. She moves the receiver away from her mouth and I hear her calling for Lily to come to her. "Baby, I need you to be momma's big girl ok."

  "I am mommy."

  "Your Daddy wants to talk to you."

  "Daddy?" Her voice gets high, "No. I don't want to talk to him. I don't like him! He's stupid!" She yells at Keeley and my heart feels like it's being ripped out of my chest. That little girl is my entire world besides Keeley.

  "Lily baby don't say that. You know that daddy loves you. He just is having a rough time right now." I hear movement like Keeley is trying to walk behind Lily.

  "No! I never want to talk to him again! Never ever! No!" Lily screams back and I hear a door slam. For an almost seven year old girl she sure did have all the sass of her mother.

  I hear Keeley come back to the phone, "Dillon, I don't want to keep pushing her. I promise I'll keep working on her, but it's not going to happen right now."

  "Yeah ... alright. I hear you." I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Key, I love you and tell Lily that I love her too. See you soon." I end with a promise and hang up before she can tell me not to try and find her.

  I look around and can see there are quite a few people staring at me. I don't have time to curse each and every one of these fucks out, so I pull out some cash and toss it down on the table. I make my way to the front of the diner and punch in the number to the Inferno's Clutch MC. All the uneasiness I felt before is gone and I just want to get this shit over with now.

  The phone rings a few times and a man with a deep voice answers.


  "Do you have a Lyrica or Simone Ryans there?"

  "Who's asking?" The man doesn't hesitate, meaning that he knows who they are.

  "Wire. I'm from the Wings of Diablo. I'll talk to Chains if you want." I didn't want to go through the third degree from some prospect or whoever the fuck this was.

  "Hold up." He says and I hear him moving around.

  I walk over to my bike while I wait for Chains or whomever they went to get to answer the phone. When a voice I don't recognize as Chains answers the phone, I feel myself getting more annoyed.

  "Who's this?" The man asks.

  "I just told your other man who the fuck I am, I don't have time for bullshit. Who the fuck are you and are either Lyrica or Simone there?"

  "Motherfucker, Lyrica is my ol' Lady so if I want to know who the fuck you are then I'm going to ask. No one fucking gets to her without going through me. Either you’re with that shit or you can fuck off."

  I bite the inside of my cheek. He’s right.
I wouldn't let just anyone demand to talk to Keeley without going through me first. I can respect that shit. "You got it. I'm Wire. I roll with the Wings of Diablo up on the east coast, but I'm not here on club business. Who are you?"

  "Wire, fuck, yeah man. It's Fuse."

  Fuse is the tech man for Inferno's Clutch. We've come to him for information a few times before.

  "Hey man, sorry for all that shit before. I’ve been through the ringer recently. Look I know this shit is going to sound out-fucking-rageous, but I'm Lyrica and Simone's-"

  "Brother. Yeah, we just found out too."

  All the air I had rushed out of my mouth. They knew already, I wonder if they were ever going to reach out to me. "I want to see them."

  "She can't travel, but you're welcome to come. I know she wants to meet you."

  It dawns on me that he is speaking in the singular tense, "Why do you keep saying she? There are two of them are there not?"

  "Yeah, it's the two of them. It's complicated. How far are you, this shit needs to be talked about face to face. I'll fill you in on everything when you get here."

  "Fine, I'll be there within the hour. Emerald Isle, right?"

  "Yeah, I'll let the boys know that you are on the way."

  "Alright. I'll see you when I get there."

  I hang up the phone for a second time and hop on my bike ready to get back at least one part of my family.

  * * *

  The clubhouse looks fairly secure, and I can see the line of bikes by the entrance. I make sure to look around my surroundings. The last thing I want is for one of those gators to run up and take a bite out of my ass.

  I knock on the door and they open right away. I walk in, but I see Chains, the President of this club standing there. I'm not going to get anywhere if I don't play nice with him.

  I walk towards him though I see a woman sitting on Fuse's lap that I would be able to pick out of a line up as my sister without even knowing one thing about her. It's fucking uncanny.

  "Wire, what can I help you with?" Chains asks as he steps forward.

  "I'm looking for my sister." My words come out gruffer than I intended. I'm relieved to see that he doesn't take offense though. He steps to the side; they all know what the deal is and what I'm doing here.

  Fuse lifts the woman up and she seems a bit unsure of what is going on. It seemed like she didn't know who I was or that I was coming to see her today. Fuse puts an arm on her shoulder and leans in to say something to her. Her eyes flick to his and I can see them widen though I don't know what he says to her. When she whips her head back in my direction, I know he's told her about me being her brother.

  I make my way to her and put my hand out to shake Fuse's. Respect. It's always about respect.

  "Wire, it's good to see you brother."

  "Yeah, you too Fuse."

  The clubhouse is quiet, but I can feel everyone’s eyes on us. This is unusual to say the least. "You think we can go somewhere and chat for a while." I turn my eyes on the woman I'm finding out now is my sister. "Is that ok with you?"

  "Yes. That's fine." Fuse and the woman turn and walk toward a private room. I follow behind them. My eyes are immediately drawn to the elaborate tattoo on her back. Looks like a phoenix and fairy together, not sure what the meaning is, but it's very nicely done. My eyes focus more on the fine details and I can see the raised skin of where scars are. What the fuck gave her those scars? I'd just met this woman, but the fact that I know she is my sister, and someone had the fucking nerve to hurt her lights my blood on fire.

  The three of us go into a room. The woman and Fuse sit together and I sit down in a seat by the door.

  She seems scared and if I'm fucking honest, I'm just as scared.

  "I'm Dillon." I give her my government name.

  "I'm Lyrica." She answers quickly.

  "Did Fuse tell you anything about me?"

  "I know that you're my brother. He just told me that you are in another MC ... Wings of Diablo?" She asks before she looks to Fuse who nods his head.

  "Yeah, did you know anything about me before?"

  "Nothing. I didn't know my birth parents. My sister and I were adopted."

  Adopted. Another piece to the puzzle.

  "How was ... I mean, did you have a good life?" I ask not wanting to get too far into her business, but I needed to know.

  "I did for the most part. My parents were very good to me."

  I sigh, "I'm happy for that."

  "What about you? Were you adopted?"

  "No, I had the unfortunate experience of living with the bitch of a mother who gave birth to us." I look over to where Fuse is, "What about Simone? Is she here?"

  Lyrica sniffles once and her head drops.

  "No, Simone isn't well. She's at an institution in Alabama." Fuse answers for her.

  I nearly rocket out of the chair. "Institution, what the fuck? Why the fuck is she there?"

  "Easy Wire, trust me it's the best place for her. She needs the help." Fuse tries to calm me down. I've learned my lesson with trusting people and would be looking into that myself.

  "I had thought that she was dead for a long time. I'm just getting her back too. Seems like my family is just exploding overnight." Lyrica smiles slightly.

  "Yeah, I get that. It's been a shock for me as well." I take a chance and walk over to where she is to sit next to her. Her eyes are like might just a bit softer. Expressive. "I know this is a lot and I don't want to fucking overwhelm you. Shit, I'm overwhelmed myself, but I would like to get to know you. I mean, I've only had my club for so long. It's nice to know that I have more family."

  She grabs my hand and smiles at me. "I'd like that, Dillon. I really would."

  For the next hour or so Lyrica and Fuse fill me in on everything that had happened to her. How she was taken by white supremacists, and how Fuse and the club here had already taken care of that problem. They told me all about her parents and how good her life was. How they were distraught when they were told that Simone was dead after a car crash. They told me how Simone had been abused and traumatized for most of her life which is why she needs to be at the institution. I told her about my life and the wings. I told her about Keeley and Lily, and how much I missed them. I told her about Prime and how my mother had lied to him. I even gave her his number in case she ever wanted to talk to him. After the entire conversation I felt much lighter. Happy that my sister found good people to be with and a good man to love. I also finally had a clear plan on what I wanted to do. I would find the man who stole my other sister from a good home, and I was going to kill him. Just thinking about it made me fucking giddy. I’d spent so long with no clear focus besides getting Keeley back. Now knowing that soon I was going to be ripping the innards out of the person who caused my sister all this pain is enough to make me feel like I’m walking on cloud nine even if it’s for a short while.


  I reached back out to Brendan for yet another favor. Turns out it was much easier to find out who was on duty at a hospital at a given time when you had connections in the FBI, nothing like a subpoena to get the hospital administration to find the information that we needed. Turns out the man that had told Lyrica's parents that her sister was killed is actually a doctor. He went by the name Dr. Strand at the time. The problem is we didn't know for sure where he was after he left that hospital, there was no further information about the man once he left there.

  "I'm sorry brother. I can run him through the database, but if he's kept his nose clean there might not be anything that comes up." Brendan tells me through the phone.

  "It's ok. Do you have a photo of him?"

  "Yeah, I'll send that through. What is that going to do?"

  I have a hunch about a few people who might have some information. I'm a firm believer of the saying birds of a feather flock together. I knew a couple of bad people who might know where the good doctor is. "You sure you want to know?"

  "You know what never mind." Brendan chuckled before he han
gs up the phone.

  After my time with Lyrica and the boys of Inferno's Clutch is over, I hold up in a hotel just waiting for my next move. Waiting for Keeley to give in and tell me where she was. Every time Brendan had tried to do a trace or anything like that it only showed that she was out of the country. I waited for Brendan to call and give me information about the bastards who had hurt my sister. I had nothing but time on my hands. Time for me to think about what everyone has been trying to tell me.

  Fuck everyone else ... Fuck Rooster and how he played me. Fuck Ripper. Fuck my mother. I have always known what to do. My decisions may not always be the best, but I make them, and I follow the fuck through. If I fail it will be because of me and only me. I won't hold myself back any more concerned about who I might offend or what order shit needs to be done in. It's time for me to go back to a simpler time, when someone wronged me, I'd take a blow torch to their face. Someone hurt my woman, then I chopped them up into little pieces and fed them to pigs. Someone went against my club, I figured out who did it and put a bullet in their skull. Enough with the politics and the guilt.

  I’d made a decision to trust Rooster and he fucked me over. He had killed Prez and hurt our women. I can't dwell any longer on how fucking stupid I was for letting it happen. Now that it's happened, I need to take action. Just like the old days, I'm going to find Rooster and he is going to pay for a long time.

  Until then I will settle with finding this doctor and ripping him to shreds.

  After I look through the information on my phone that Brendan had sent through—the photo of the man and the basic information such as height, weight, and age—I call up Vexx. I don't really think she would know anything about this man, but if this wasn't a one-time thing Roth might know something about it.

  "Wire?" She answers probably completely surprised that I would be giving her a call. It's not something that happens very often.

  "Hey, you busy?"

  "No, you need me somewhere?" I can hear her moving around already just waiting for me to give her a directive as to where she should go.


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