Noble Healing [Nature's Nobles 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Noble Healing [Nature's Nobles 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Peyton Elizabeth

  “This is how things are going to play out, Howell,” Cane said, done pussyfooting around. “Your little project will be shut down by the end of the day. Since the Fray has been kept from the public, it won’t make a big splash in the media. But you know what will? The President will be giving a press conference giving equal rights to our race and expressing his gratitude, along with the country’s, at our assistance in keeping our Homeland secure against our enemies.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Howell’s face turned red with rage, and Cane waited to see if that would spur him into reaching for his gun. Howell was now too curious to think about reaching out for the weapon, prompting Cane to smile. His face felt tight from the effort.

  “You’re out of a job, Howell. I just came from speaking with the Secretary of Defense, offering our services to our country. Seems like they’ve been misinformed for quite some many years by your division and aren’t taking kindly to the misconceptions.” When Howell went to interrupt, Cane leaned further in his personal space over the desk, slamming his hands down around the gun. “Now I know what you’re about to say. Half of the politicians are in your back pocket and would like nothing more than to see our kind destroyed. But when the President speaks to the media today, those politicians will be switching sides faster than you can reach for that gun. You see, I spent the night contacting close to a hundred Nobles and gathering as many abilities as I could to propose a deal of a lifetime. At least, the greatest deal of this presidential term. The President will go down in history as the man who found a way to keep his nation safe from terrorists. Your division is done. You’re finished.”

  Cane let Howell reach for the gun and again gave him a rare smile as Howell held it with shaking hands. Sweat started to bead on the sides of his face, and his ragged breaths were struggling to cross his chapped lips. Trembling hands had the gun pointing in a not-so-steady path, so Cane leaned back to give Howell some room.

  “What? Are you going to shoot me with your wife in the next room?”

  “I’ll claim self-defense,” Howell said, spittle flying out of his mouth. He really was an ugly son of a bitch. Pit stains were starting to form under his arms, and the stench of fear was being replaced with rage. “One call from me and the President will know you’re a liar. He won’t stand for this! I’ll tell him that you came after me in my own home and tried to kill me like the piece of scum you are!”

  “What happened that has you hating us so bad?” Cane asked, turning to walk towards the solid oak door. “Whatever it is, I suggest you give up your vendetta once I walk out this door.”

  “Don’t you walk away from me!”

  Cane put his hand on the doorknob when he heard the click of the gun. He looked behind him to see the frenzy in Howell’s eyes. The trigger made a second click, followed by another. Cane knew having the Fray shut down was not going to stop people like Howell from coming after them. They would have to deal with their enemies one by one, but this time, they would have justice on their side. At least, his fellow Nobles would. Cane couldn’t change who he was and would still do things his way. He couldn’t stop the grin that formed when Shane’s face appeared over his shoulder, shaking his head in disapproval. Cane turned slightly until he could stare Howell in the eyes. “I’m going to say this once, Howell, so listen carefully. If you so much as blink at a Noble, I will hunt you down and skin you myself.”

  With that, Cane walked out the office door and straight past Howell’s wife, who stood in the kitchen doorway with an apron around her waist, a spatula in her hand, and her mouth hanging open. Giving a nod in acknowledgement, Cane tossed his long black hair out of his eyes and continued out the front door, ignoring the scream that tore from her lips. He mentally shrugged, guessing she didn’t like his looks.

  Chapter Nine

  Addison shifted in the bed, wanting nothing more than to be able to lie on her side but knowing it would hurt to move. The nurse was probably due to bring in some more pain meds, but Addison hated the feeling of being drugged. The pain was easing while her body was healing, and Shane’s irritation at not being allowed to compel her pain away was finally lessening. Each day she would get better, and the doctor even mentioned releasing her the day after tomorrow.

  Shane’s light snore came from across the room, where he was spread out in a very uncomfortable-looking chair. Addison wasn’t sure what time it was, but knew by her pain level it had to be closing in on two in the morning. It was only a slight ache compared to this morning, for which she was grateful. She knew it wasn’t the pain that was causing her touchiness, but the fact that Cane hadn’t returned. Shane repeatedly told her throughout the day that Cane was coming back, but he never walked through the door. Couldn’t he have just called her? Was this how it would always be, with Cane running away and leaving when things got tough? Shane had assured her that wasn’t the case and that Cane was willing to try and see if they could make a relationship work. Addison was doubtful. Yes, she and Cane had made love before things went to hell, but he never said a word about anything long-term, let alone sharing her with Shane.

  “If you think any harder, Theo’s going to hear your thoughts at the hotel across the street.” Addison jumped and then groaned as the ache in her side became sharp. Cane took her hand, leaning his elbows on the bed. “Sorry,” Cane whispered, “didn’t mean to startle you. How are you feeling?”

  Cane’s right hand took hers, although it was his left hand stroking her arm that was a foreign feeling. Gentleness wasn’t Cane’s thing, and usually when he was touching her, it was in the heat of passion. Addison looked at her warrior, trying to see his features in the dark. Cane reached down with his left hand and hit a button on her bedside remote, turning the fluorescent light on behind her bed. She always forgot how good his eyesight was in the dark. It was the lowest setting, but enough light for her to finally see a different Cane sitting beside her. This Cane had his wild raven-dark hair tucked behind his ears while a calmness shown in his eyes that had never been there before. Whatever anger she felt in the last twenty-four hours went by the wayside, and her eyes filled with tears.

  “Now, now. Don’t go crying on me,” Cane said in a low voice. “You know I don’t handle that very well. Plus, we don’t want Shane to wake up. Well, at least I don’t. I’d like a chance to have you to myself for a while.”

  Addison smiled through the tears. This was the Cane she remembered from before. The Cane that would sit and talk for hours about mundane stuff and let her laugh when she wanted to laugh or cry when she wanted to cry. Although whenever she cried before, he would just hand her a tissue, hold her, and mumble under his breath about women and their emotions. She tightened her grip on his hand and reached up with her other to touch his cheek. She ran her palm down his scar, and he turned his head to place a kiss right in the middle, leaving a tingling sensation to run down her arm. “I’m really mad at you.”

  “You have a right to be mad at me,” Cane confessed, bringing the hand he was holding to tuck it underneath his chin, his whiskers prickling the sensitive skin on her knuckles. “I’m not very good at apologizing. I’ve wasted a lot of time running and thinking I was better off without you and vice versa.”

  “Well, in your defense, I was kidnapped for a year and you did figure out how to get me out of there,” Addison said, using her thumb to stroke his chin. “The only wasted time was these past couple months.”

  “Which you used to fall in love with someone else,” Cane said, but his tone lacked the accusation she expected to hear. “I’m glad he was the one to take care of you after your rescue. I’m glad you had someone to rely on and hold you tight. In hindsight, it should have been me, but out of all the Nobles I know, I’m glad it was Shane.”

  “I do love him, Cane,” Addison admitted, although she knew he was already aware of her feelings. She just needed to clarify and make her feelings known for both of them. This was the pivotal moment that she would forever remember, as it was her first step forw
ard to grab hold of love with both hands. “Just like I love you. The thought of living without one of you is worse than actually being shot, and I figured out that I’m a very selfish woman. I want you both. I want what my sister has. I want it all.”

  “I’m not an easy man to live with, Addison. I’ve got a lot of baggage, and I’m used to being alone. Part of me knows this and realizes it’s not fair to you and Shane.” Cane reached over with his free hand, as he had yet to let go of her right, and brushed her hair away from her face.

  “And the other part?” Addison asked hesitantly, almost afraid he would say they would be better off without him.

  “The other part of me is too greedy to let you go. I know I haven’t said the words and my actions certainly don’t do you justice, but know this, Addison Gray,” Cane whispered, leaning down until they were nose to nose. “I love you, and everything I do will be to cherish and protect you for the rest of your life.”

  “Is that a marriage proposal?” Shane interrupted, obviously having been awake for most of the conversation. “Man, you’ve got to learn to talk things over with me. I know we’re new to this three-way stuff, but I’m enrolling us in class.”

  “Class?” Addison asked, giggling when Cane handed her a tissue to wipe the tears that were now freely flowing down her cheeks. He stood up, letting go of her hand, and put down the rail along the side of the bed. As he crawled in, Addison had to hold her side while he got situated and then pulled her close to his body, fitting her securely against his side. She almost forgot what they were talking about in her astonishment at Cane snuggling. Cane Latcher was actually cuddling with her. She was speechless.

  “I’m learning, so not one word out of you or I’ll hop out and let Shane take over,” Cane murmured against her ear, his right arm bringing her closer so her cheek could rest on his chest. His body was so warm, and when she finally got into a comfortable position that didn’t hurt her side, she nestled her knee in between his, causing a part of her body to awaken she never would have thought could in this situation. Addison was grateful she had underwear on because her pussy started to leak, and she rubbed her wet folds against Cane’s leg to try and relieve the itch. She felt the vibrations of his growl and immediately went still.

  “Yeah, classes from Theo and Jagger,” Shane continued as if he hadn’t seen what she was doing, although the knowing raise of his eyebrow had her stifling another giggle. She couldn’t stop the high she was on, and it wasn’t from any pain medication, since that had worn off a while ago. She was high on love and never wanted to come down. “We need advice from the experts.”

  “Shane, what are you doing by the door?” Cane asked, rubbing his hand down to catch Addison’s leg from moving again. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “You’re hurt, baby. Don’t entice me when all I want to do is sink balls-deep in your hot little cunt. It’s taking everything I got to just lay here without touching you.” His words were like an automatic switch, and heat blossomed throughout her body, the ache in her side disappearing while her panties flooded. This was her Cane, the untamed Noble with his wicked words.

  “Waiting for the nurse to walk in. Because when she does and finds you in bed with her patient, all hell is going to break loose,” Shane said, leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. “And as usual, I’m the one who has to cover your ass.”

  Cane chuckled and gave Addison a slight tap on her ass cheek when she tried to move again. Addison groaned in frustration and wondered how long it would be before one of her men took pity on her and let her have some relief. She hoped they wouldn’t baby her because of her injury. Cane finally held her leg still, and Addison playfully bit him on his shoulder, causing another rumble to emit from his throat. “I could get used to you having my back. Frees me up to do other stuff, if you get my drift.”

  “Don’t get too comfortable over there, nature boy,” Shane said, crossing his legs as well. “I’m giving you five minutes with our girl and then it’s my turn.”

  “Hey,” Addison interjected, lifting her head off of Cane’s shoulder, suddenly remembering to ask Cane what had been on her mind. “Where were you? What was so important that you couldn’t be here when I woke up?”

  Cane shot a quizzical look over at Shane. “You didn’t watch the press conference?”

  Shane was already shaking his head, a smile forming on his lips. “She was sleeping, and I thought you’d want to break the good news to her. Jagger’s already heading back to the compound, while Theo and Reese stay here until Addison’s released. The government’s issued a formal apology for the Fray’s role in his abandoning his position due to extreme circumstances. They’ve granted him a full pardon and offered him the job of overseeing any missions we get contracted our way.”

  “Wait,” Addison said, trying unsuccessfully to sit up. Cane wouldn’t release her, and she finally gave up, settling back against his shoulder. “Jagger is free? He’s no longer wanted as a traitor to our government? How did this happen? What press conference?”

  After Shane compelled the nurse to let the two of them stay with her and Addison was given more pain medication regardless of her objections, Cane explained what and why things had taken place in the last twenty-four hours. They talked until the narcotics took effect and Addison couldn’t keep her eyes open. She was amazed at how Cane was able to gain access to the Secretary of Defense and then the President, and dumbfounded at the results. Nobles were technically free to embrace society, but Addison knew society might not do so with open arms. Sure, the Sympathizers would definitely try and make their lives easier, but there would always be those who let fear of the unknown rule their thoughts and emotions. One thing she was confident in knowing before drifting off to sleep was she wouldn’t have to face her future as a Noble alone.

  * * * *

  “Seriously?” Cane asked, agitation evident as his scar turned a dark red. He was walking alongside her wheelchair, heading for the SUV Theo had brought around from the parking garage. “You’re recovering from a gunshot. That was the last thing you should have done.”

  Addison resisted a smile, knowing it would only set Cane off again, seeing as he hadn’t stopped complaining for the last hour. She leaned her head back to look up at Shane, who was shaking his head, too, while pushing her chair down the hallway. Upon her release papers being signed, Addison’s gift had started in her hands and the tingling hadn’t gone away until she had healed those patients whose fate granted them restoration. Over Cane and Shane’s concerns, Addison had made her way throughout the hospital, and while her energy was zapped, she was learning better control of her power and the amount of energy needed for each of the wounded.

  Addison looked forward to the revolving doors and saw Reese step out of the SUV, going to stand beside Theo while they waited for them to exit the hospital. Their lives were about to change, but Addison had requested the three of them take a couple weeks before any assignments came their way. Addison stood her ground in saying that whatever jobs were handed out to them, she would be part of the team. Shane was more agreeable under certain circumstances, while Cane…Well, she would have to work on Cane. Visions of how she could do that danced in her head, and she finally gave in to the smile she was holding back.

  “Wipe that smile off your face,” Cane grumbled, sidestepping the rotating door and holding open the stationary one meant for wheelchairs. “You have Shane wrapped around your little finger. Don’t think once we get settled it’ll always be like that.”

  Addison threw her head back and laughed, glancing up to see Shane smirking. Could life get any better than this?

  Chapter Ten

  “Oh my God.” It was two weeks later, and Addison had realized life could get better, but in a delicious, salivating, tantalizing kind of way. Wiggling her bare ass in the air, Addison pleaded, “Shane, please, touch me.”

  Shane’s naked form leaned on the bed, his knee dipping the mattress with his heavy weight. Running a callused hand down her ba
ck, Addison tried to arch into Shane’s touch, but the pull on the silk ropes that tied her wrists to the headboard of their new bed was too taut. Shane had ordered it to be installed before their arrival from the hospital fourteen days ago. It was the largest bed she’d ever seen and took up most of the bedroom, leaving little space for any other furniture. They had plans to make their cabin bigger, but right now, that was the last thing on Addison’s mind.

  After complaining for the last week about her men not touching her because they wanted to make sure she was healed, they finally caved under the pressure and gave her what she wanted. Only, this wasn’t exactly how she’d had things worked out in her head. She had wanted to seduce both of them at night, with candles lit everywhere, soft music playing in the background, and her wearing black lacey lingerie. But did that happen? Noooo—her men had to do it their way, in broad daylight with the sunlight streaming through the window shades and her tied up on her knees with her butt in the air. She would give them credit, though. They had given her over an hour of foreplay before tying her to the bed, and she was dripping wet, her juices leaking down her inner thighs. Unfortunately, Cane had left and she was left unsatisfied.

  The past two weeks had been both heaven and hell, with the three of them adjusting to life together. They had to make many adjustments, especially Cane, learning to live as three and getting to know each other on an emotional level. Not easy for someone like Cane, who had spent the majority of his life on his own. The three of them were learning to compromise, which is why Addison hadn’t shared her news yet. She wanted them to have time to adapt before telling them life-altering information.

  Addison was pretty sure her mother was aware of her secret, but had yet to say a word or ask her questions. She was happy to see her mom settling in and had to laugh, because she was becoming a mother hen over all the Nobles who stopped in at the compound between missions.


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