by E. Paul Zehr
GABAa receptors, 116
Galen, 49–50
Galvani, Luigi, 50
Ganguly, Karunesh, 102, 103, 105
genius: creativity and, 132, 133–34, 148, 149, 150–51
Tony Stark as, 147–48, 151. See also invention and genius
Golden Avenger armor, 8–9
Golgi, Camillo, 150
“go pills,” 121–23
Granov, Adi, 14, 146
gravity, effects of on body, 84, 85–86
Gross, Charles, 50
HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) robot suit, 43, 144–47, 145, 146
Hammer, Justin (character), 130, 153, 179
hands: neuroprosthetics for, 43, 44, 45
Prehensor, 142, 143
hands-free phones, 72, 75
Hansen, Maya (character), 14, 146–47
Hatsopoulos, Nicholas, 107
head injuries: from blast waves, 171–72
concussions, 166–67, 168, 169–72
motor control problems after, 48–49
headset, user interface, 47, 62
heart: arrhythmia of, 126–28
atria of, 126–27, 128
functions of, 126–27
implantable defibrillator for, 127–28, 128
origin story of shrapnel lodged in, 126
ventricles of, 126–27, 128. See also chest plate; implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Heck, Don, xii, 182
hip hiking, 40
hippocampus, 169
Hire, Jean de la, 5
Hitzig, Eduard, 51, 52
Hocama, Inc., 87
homunculus concept, 52, 53
Howland, Jonathan, 122
Hulkbuster armor, 6
human flight, 135–36, 137, 138–41
Hunton, James, 73
Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) robot suit. See HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) robot suit
hydraulic actuators, 65
ICD. See implantable cardioverter defibrillator
I, Cyborg (Warwick), 38
IEDs (improvised explosive devices), 124
i-LIMB hand, 43, 44, 45
Illuminati, 164
immune response to implants, 174, 175
implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), 127–28, 128, 173–74, 175, 176
improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 124
inattention blindness, 71–72
inertial aspects of body, 86
Infantino, Carmine, 119
information processing, limits of, 70–75
injuries from bomb blasts, 124, 126, 171–72
innervation ratio, 176–77
insights and force, 150–51
International Amateur Athletic Association, 29
International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries, 88
invention and genius: description of, 131–32
open minds for, 133–34
patent law and, 151–53
personality for, 140, 147
relevant to robotic armor, 134–35
Tony Stark and, 147–51
targeting, 133, 140
inventor, definition of, 152
Invincible Iron Man comics: #1 (2008), 115, 183
#2 (2008), 69
#8 (2009), 97
#9 (2009), 37, 154
#10 (2006), 154
#14 (2009), 110
#47 (1972), 16, 91, 92, 94
#70 (1974), 179
#129 (1979), 16
#169 (1983), 156–57
#170 (1983), 156–57, 161–62
#280 (1992), 12, 13
#281 (1992), 156
#282 (1992), 156
#284 (1992), 78, 156, 182
#290 (1993), 12, 13, 46, 47, 101, 182
#291 (1993), 47
Demon in a Bottle story arc, 119–21
I, Robot (Asimov), 144
Iron Man: Batman compared with, xii
characteristics of, xi
length of career of, 178–79
as metaphor, x
origin story, xiii, 14, 126, 182
possibility of becoming, 155–57, 158
as “possible” superhero, 166
project development phases, 65–66, 111–12
reinvention of, ix–x
as without superpowers, xiv–xv. See also armor; Stark, Tony
Iron Man (movie): action figures, 10, 11
concussive events in, 171
description of, 80, 183
Stark on pilots, 163
Iron Man: Beneath the Armor (Mangels), xiv, 3, 120
Iron Man / Captain America: Casualties of War #1 (2007), 115
Iron Man: Civil War (graphic novel), 148, 163–64, 165
Iron Man comics: #1–6 (2005–2006), 183
#13 (2009), 70–71
#142 (1980), 94
#144 (1980), 80
#182 (1984), 120
#200 (1985), 182
#218 (1987), 142, 143
#242 (1989), 87
#244 (1989), 90
#245 (1989), 90
volumes of, 181
Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.: #31 (2007), 80, 96, 133–34
#33 (2007), 96
Iron Man: Extremis (Ellis), 109, 131, 146–47
Iron Man: Hypervelocity: #1–6 (2007), 183
#2 (2007), 37
#5 (2007), 69
graphic novel, 170
story arc, 129
Iron Man: The End (graphic novel), 166, 170
Iron Man: The Official Index to the Marvel Universe (Marvel Comics), 181
Iron Man 2 (movie): action figures, 78
alcohol abuse shown in, 116
armor in, 79, 107, 151–52, 156–57
description of, 183
fighting in, 163
Jim Rhodes in, 74
safeguards for control systems in, 130
Whiplash in, 179
Iron Monger, 171
Iron Monger armor, 6, 7, 8
Irons, John Henry (character), 4
isometric contractions, 26
Jackson, John Hughlings, 51
jet fighter pilot training, 163
jet-pack flight, 136, 137, 138–41
Jevons, William, 148
Kakalios, Jim, xiv
Kennedy, Sal (character), 147
Kirby, Jack, xii, 8
Kubert, Andy, 120
Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 149
Lam, Tania, 88
Layton, Bob, 119
Leach, Jennie, 174
Lee, Stan, xii, xiv, 3, 94, 182
legs, prosthetic, 27, 29
Lieber, Larry, xii, 182
Liebnitz, Gottfried, 132
limbs: amputation of, 98–99, 100, 101–2
changes in BCI with use of prosthetics, 102–3, 104, 105
lower, exoskeleton for, 35, 36
nervous system commands to, 39, 45, 46, 47
prosthetic, 27, 29
robotic, sensation from, and brain-machine interface, 107–8
structure and function of compared with exoskeleton, 19–20
Lokomat, 87–88, 89, 90, 91
long-term potentiation (LTP), 117
Lord of the Rings trilogy, 81–82
Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), 56, 68
lumbar region of spine and spinal cord, 21, 22
Magma, 157
Mangels, Andy: Iron Man: Beneath the Armor, xiv, 3, 120
on serum, 14
man-machine hybrids, 4–5
martial arts: empty hand training, 108
Tony Stark’s training in, 163–65, 165
Marvel Comics: Iron Man: The Official Index to the Marvel Universe, 181
Secret Invasion story arc, 129. See also Invincible Iron Man comics; Iron Man comics
“Masters of Silence,” 156
Mattel Mind Flex, 58
Medtronic Neuromodulation Technology Research division, 62
membrane potential, 20–21
Michelinie, David, xiv–xv, 119, 120
bsp; microglial activation, 174, 175
military aspect of caffeine ingestion, 122–23
military aviation, multitasking in, 75–79
Miller, Earl, 51
Miller, Frank, The Dark Knight Returns, 4
Monroe, Alexander, 50
Monty Python’s Flying Circus (TV series), 133
motoneurons: aging and, 176–77
description of, 21, 23, 23–24
motor cortex of brain, 21, 52, 54
motor evoked potentials, 56
motor maps, 95, 108
motor units, 23–25
movement, biological: after injuries to brain, 48–49
cerebellum and, 117–19, 118
chain of commands in, 17
cortex and, 50, 51–53, 53
effects of alcohol on, 121
effects of caffeine on, 122
motor units, 21, 23, 23–24
multiple tasks and, 70–75
muscles in, 16–17, 19–20
planning and coordination of, 54–56, 57, 58
robotic assistance with, 91
sensation from, 97
signals for, 48, 53–54
timescales for, 162
walking and running, 31–32, 32
movement, machine-based, 36
multitasking: in brain-machine interface, 161
problems with, 70–75
training in, 75–79
muscle cells of heart, 126
muscle fibers, 23, 23–24, 176–77
muscles: in biological movement, 16–17, 19–20
in body weight, 17
contractions during movement, 26
force of gravity and, 85–86
major, 17, 18
monitoring to make motors move, 39–45
as motors, 21, 22, 23–26
underuse of, 82–83, 83
myelin, 24
Na-K ATPase (cellular pump), 20
nanotechnology, 112
nerves: monitoring to make motors move, 39–45
in spine and dermatomes, 21, 22
nervous system: as adaptable and changeable, 90
commands to limbs from, 39, 45, 46, 47
damage to from blast waves, 172
depicted in Ultimate Iron Man graphic novel, 120–21
effects of alcohol on, 116–19
electrical nature of, 50
excitable tissue in, 19–20, 49
with reduced activity level, 83
stimulants for, 121–23
working against normal decline of, 176–78
neural plasticity/neuroplasticity, 90, 96, 109, 170
Neuromimetic Telepresence Unit (NTU-150) armor: brain-machine interface and, 61–62, 63, 64
depictions of, 7, 46
description of, 11–13
sensation feeding back into, 62
neuromuscular junction, 24
neuronal recordings, 111–12
neuron doctrine, 150
neurons: in brain, 48, 51, 52
central pattern generators, 90–91
electrical stimulation of, 55–56
membrane potential, 20–21
motor, 21, 23, 23–24, 176–77
as tuned to movement directions, 103
upper motor, 54, 56
neuropathy from alcoholism, 117
neuroprosthetics: bionic glove, 42
cochlear, 42, 173, 174, 176
definition of, 38
general principles for, 38–39
HAL robot suit, 43, 144–47, 145, 146
i-LIMB hand, 43, 44, 45
immune response to, 174, 175
improvements in, 105
optical, 62, 63, 64
Pro-Digits, 44, 45
types of, 42
WalkAide, 40–42, 42. See also prosthetics
neurorobotics, 87–88, 89, 90
NeuroSky, 58
neurotransmitters and alcohol, 116–17
“neuro-web life support system,” 12
New Avengers: Illuminati comic miniseries (2007), 164
Newton, Isaac, 132
Newtsuit, 141–42, 143
Nichols, David C., 123
NMDA receptors, 116–17
Noble-Haeusslein, Linda, 171
NTU-150 armor. See Neuromimetic Telepresence Unit armor
nucleus, 23
Nuytten, Phil, 134, 141–42, 143
Nyctalope (cyborg), 5
occipital cortex, 167, 168
occipital lobe, 49
O’Neil, Dennis, 119, 120
open loop control, 62
optical neuroprosthesis, 62, 63, 64
Ossur Flex-Foot Cheetah prosthetic, 29, 30
Palmiero-Winters, Amy, 36
paradigm shifts, 149
parietal lobe, 49
Parkinson’s disease, 62
patent law, 151–53
Penfield, Wilder, 52
perception of time, and attention, 75
performance and stress, 76–77, 77
perturbations, 85
phantom limb and phantom pain syndromes, 98–99, 100, 101–2
The Physics of Superheroes (Kakalios), xiv
physiological adaptation to stress, effects of on body, 82
pilots: multitasking by, 73, 75–79
training of, 163
Pistorius, Oscar, 29, 30, 31, 33
Planck, Max, 149
planning of movement, 54–56, 57, 58
Poincaré, Henri, 150
post-concussion syndrome, 170
potassium, 20
Potts, Pepper (character), 110, 152
powered devices, state of technology in, 26–27
Prehensor, 142, 143
premotor area of brain, 55
pressure waves from explosions, 124, 125, 171–72
Prochazka, Arthur, 42
Pro-Digits, 44, 45
Project Cyborg, 38
prosthetic motor memory, 105
prosthetics: changes in BCI with use of, 102–3, 104, 105
early examples of, 27, 28
embodiment and, 106–7, 107
including sensation from, 107–8
performance enhancement due to, 33, 35–36
of Pistorius, 29, 30, 31, 33. See also neuroprosthetics
protection, use of armor for, 123–24, 125, 126, 171
proteins in muscle fibers, 24
Quesada, Joe, ix
Ramachandran, Vilayanur, 99
reactive gliosis, 174, 175
recruitment, 24
Red Barbarian, 156
Reed, Brian, 164
Reeve, Christopher, 58–59
rehabilitation: potential for use of brain-machine interface in, 158
robots for, 86–88, 89, 90
robot suit for, 144–47, 145, 146
of walking, 90–91
reinnervation, 97–98, 177
Reissig, Chad, 122
remote control armor system, 12–13
retraining of body, 87–88, 89, 90–91
ReWalk device, 87, 162
Rhodes, Jim “War Machine” (character): armor given to Air Force by, 152
battle with, 116
first use of armor, 78–79, 156–57
in Iron Man movie, 163
in Iron Man 2 movie, 130
on jacking into satellite, 96
on “Masters of Silence,” 156
multitasking by, 74, 74
practice using armor, 161–62
stimulants and, 122–23
risks of being Iron Man: to implants, 173–74, 175, 176
to nervous system, 176–78
overview of, 166
whiplash, 166–67, 168, 169–72
risks taken by inventors, 136, 138
Ritenour, Amber, 124
robotic devices: direct connections between nervous system and, 45, 46, 47
HAL suit, 43, 144–47, 145
Prehensor, 142, 143
robot Iron Man. See Neuromimetic Telepresence Unit (NTU-150) armor
r /> Romita, John, Jr., 119
Rose, Jacob, 73
Rossy, Yves, 134, 135–36, 137, 138–41
Rourke, Mickey, 74
Rousseau, Craig, 155
rubber hand illusion, 106, 107
“Runaround” (Asimov), 129–30
running, 31–33, 32, 34, 35–36. See also walking
sacral region of spine and spinal cord, 21, 22
safeguards for control systems of armor, 129–30
Sankai, Yoshiyuki, 134, 144–47
satellite, jacking into, 96
scientific advance and discovery, 147–51
Scientific Genius (Simonton), 148, 149, 150
secondary impact syndrome, 170
Secret Invasion (graphic novel), 129
senescence, 176–78
sensors on armor, 107
sensory adaptation, 94–95
sensory areas of brain, 52
sensory input in human flight, 139
sensory substitution, 101
shell shock syndrome, 124, 126
Sherrington, Charles, 24
Shippam-Brett, Cynthia, 152
Simek, Art, 182
Simonton, Dean, Scientific Genius, 148, 149, 150
The Six Million Dollar Man (TV series), 4
skeletal muscle, 17
Skrull, 129, 164
skyflying, 135–36, 137, 138–41
slow twitch motor units, 25
sodium, 20
sodium channels in axons, 117
software, problems with, 129
Sohn, Clem, 138
somatosensory cortex, 95–96
somatosensory evoked potentials, 56
somatosensory maps: changes in, 97–98
description of, 95–96
phantom limb and phantom pain syndromes, 98–99, 100, 101–2
tools and devices and, 108–9
speech, attention demands of, 71–72
Spiderman, 115–16
spinal cord: action potentials, 54
in ALS, 56
description of, 21, 22
injuries to, 58–59, 88
neurons in, 48, 90–91
sports and concussions, 166–67, 169
sports biomechanics, 27
“spot checks” by police for intoxication, 118
springlike effect while walking and running, 31–33, 34
sprouting, 177
Stableford, Brian, 5
Stane, Obidiah (character), 6, 7, 8, 77, 77
Stanslaski, S., 62
Stark, Howard (Tony’s father), 179
Stark, Tony (Anthony Edward, character): alcohol use and abuse by, 101–2, 116, 119–21, 157
chest plate, xiii, xiv, 128
as genius inventor, 147–48, 151, 152
health crises of, 87
height and weight of, 17
Iron Man origin story, xiii, 14, 126, 182
as ladies’ man, 8
nervous system degeneration, 101
on pilots, 163
reinvention of, ix–x. See also Iron Man; risks of being Iron Man
Star Trek: the Next Generation (TV series), 64
steam pumps, 25
Stein, Richard, 41
stimulants, effects of on body, 121–23
Strayer, David, 74–75