First Time Femme

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First Time Femme Page 6

by D. L. Savage

  One of the girls actually took hold of my left man boob and gave it a playful jiggle, saying, “Sugoi!” which was one of the few words I understood in Japanese (according to Ellie it was kind of like the equivalent for ‘cool’ or ‘sick’ in English).

  The other girls quickly agreed, all three of them excitedly inspecting my pecs and nodding amongst themselves. But was the hell was so cool about the fact that I’d gotten depressed and put on a few pounds?

  Meanwhile I felt another pair of hands tugging at my belt, then pulling open my pants and sliding them along with my boxer shorts down around my ankles in one swift motion.

  “Hey!” I croaked, with barely enough time to cup my cock and balls before the girls all let out another whoop of amusement.

  I felt the same pair of hands taking hold of my wrists, drawing my arms to my sides with surprising strength, my face flushing with heat as the three girls began to inspect my cock (which due to my embarrassment looks super tiny, barely peeping out from my wiry black bush). My pubic hair seemed to cause a stir of interest too, and I felt one of them actually tug sharply on it, causing me to yelp in surprise.

  As the girls talked amongst themselves, I thought I picked out a couple of their names. The tallest one, with the blackest straightest hair seemed to be called Kumiko, while the shortest of the three, who had a somewhat plumper face and shorter, reddish hair was Miyuki.

  Discussion over, the tallest and most elegant girl – Kumiko – took my hand and led me to the far side of the room and through an arched doorway, before snapping on a light to reveal a luxurious bathroom beyond, complete with a huge gleaming white tub built into one whole corner.

  As Kumiko bent forward to fill it, I couldn’t help but check out her ass, the hem of her white uniform rising up enough to give me a tantalizing flash of the simple white cotton panties she was wearing beneath, clinging tightly to her toned buttocks. Damn. I could even make out the soft juicy mound her pussy lips.

  Was she going to climb in with me? I wondered excitedly as I watched her fill the tub, trailing her fingers through the water lovingly.

  Just then she finished running the faucets, turning around and gestured for me to climb into the now-foamy water with a long glistening finger.

  It had been so damn long since I’d got laid, and Kumiko was so gorgeous after all, I felt myself powerless to resist her. She was truly perfect, with flawlessly smooth skin, plump juicy lips and features so small and delicate …

  I could feel my cock hardening despite myself and I watched as her chestnut eyes flash down to take in my naked body all over again, a naughty little smile curling at the corners of her lips as her gaze reached my dick.

  Again she nodded at the tub and I climbed eagerly into the tub, slipping beneath the foamy bubbles and letting out a sigh of pleasure at the perfect temperature. Once I'd got in, I turned to look at her expectantly, hoping she’d get in with me. But instead of getting undressed she strode towards me and for a fleeting moment it even occurred to me that she might get in fully clothed.

  But instead of joining me in the water, she grabbed hold of a wash cloth, squirted some kind of sweet-smelling pink liquid soap onto it and began to scrub my body with surprising force, working it back and forth over my skin quickly and efficiently as if I were a child and she were my mom, making sure to get me thoroughly clean, occasionally even muttering little things beneath her breath.

  And while I couldn’t understand a word of what she was saying, I still somehow managed to follow her instructions, moving and shifting position so that Kumiko could wash under my arms, between my toes, even between my thighs, rubbing the rag quickly but thoroughly over my cock and balls.

  Yet despite getting intimate with me, I had to admit, her rough matronly manner wasn't exactly the most erotic thing in the world, and I could start to feel my boner deflating, my horny energy replaced with pure confusion as she grew even more intense in her scrubbing, at one point actually gesturing for me to stand up.

  I did as she asked, lifting myself up out of the water so that my naked body was on full display before her, my now soft cock level with her pretty face. Without batting an eyelid, she put on a pair of clear latex gloves, then reached over to one side and grabbed another bottle, then began squirting whatever weird white cream it contained onto my legs, before smearing it over my belly and between my chubby pecs, too.

  Then she gestured for me to turn around, circling one slim finger in the air, and I did as she asked, a moment later feeling her slather yet more of that cool tingling liquid onto my ass cheeks and the backs of my legs.

  As I turned to face her once again, I began to feel an odd subtle burning sensation from the cream and my heart began to thud with worry as I wondered what the fuck she’d just put on my tender skin. It was only once she’d gestured for me to sit down again beneath the water and I peered beneath the surface to see all the black wispy hair had come away that I finally understood; this was obviously some sort of hair removal cream.

  But what the fuck did she want to remove all my body hair for? Did Japanese girls think hairy guys were gross?

  Before I could ponder the question much further she urged me up out of the tub again, and this time she reached out, causing me to gasp in shock as she actually took hold of my cock.

  Alright! I thought. This is more like it!

  But instead of giving me a hand job, she took hold of a small pink razor and began smearing shaving cream onto my ball sack.

  I held my breath clutched tightly in my lungs, too shocked and confused to move a muscle as Kumiko slowly and methodically began to shave my balls and all around my dick until my junk was as bald as a little kid’s. Then she gestured for me to lift my arms, and the moment I did so she began to do the exact same thing to my armpits, then gestured for me to turn around and face away from her.

  By now my head was spinning, trying to work out what in God’s name was going on, but I felt myself giving in, doing as she instructed and bending forward, letting out a fresh gasp of shock as I felt her slender fingers part my ass cheeks then expertly work yet more of that cream between them, her fingertips rubbing the cream all the way around the tender puckered opening to my ass.

  Was this some kind of fetish? I wondered, as I felt Kumiko start to drag the razor over the insides of my ass and my taint, shaving them smooth as silk. Was this really what Japanese businessmen did to unwind?

  Once she was finished she took hold of a nearby shower head then turned on the taps, blasting me with ice cold water, causing me to yelp in shock as she washed off the remaining foam from my body, before telling me to get out of the bath. (At least that’s what I assumed she said. )

  I did as I was told, sheepishly lifting myself out of the tub, staring down at my newly hairless body in the process. It was so weird to see myself like that, so smooth and bare, even a little … girly.

  By now Kumiko was holding out a pale pink dressing gown towards me that was made of some kind of toweling fabric, and I felt a fresh twinge of embarrassment knowing that the pink color would make me look even more feminine than I currently felt. Yet at the same time I was shivering, my teeth chattering from that freezing cold blast of water, so I took her up on her offer, wrapping the warm pink fabric around me gladly as she took my hand and led me back toward the beauty parlor ...


  As I stepped into the room, the girls quickly surrounded me. There were hands tugging open my gown and cooing voices filling my ears, and before I even knew what was happening I was butt naked again, the girls’ long slender fingers stroking my baby-smooth skin admiringly.

  “Sugoi!” I heard Miyuki, the redhead, exclaim.

  Then the other girl said it, too: “Sugoi!”

  But while the sounded excited, at the same time their interest in me seemed oddly nonsexual; it felt more like they were older sisters or something as they took such a close interest in my body, exploring Kumiko’s handiwork before pulling me excitedly toward the far end of the room where I
noticed there were a number of free-standing clothing rails.

  This time Miyuki seemed to take control. As I mentioned, she was slightly smaller than the other two with more of an auburn color to her hair and a slightly chubbier face (although still super pretty). Quick as a flash she began rummaging through the clothes then turned back to face me and my stomach lurched as I saw what she was holding in her hands: a pair of white schoolgirl panties, just like the one’s I’d seen peeking from beneath Kumiko’s uniform.

  And while you might have guessed where this was all headed, for me it was only as I set eyes on the panties that the situation finally clicked into place.

  So this was some kind of crossdressing fantasy!

  Something must have got twisted in translation, I realized, either between Ellie and Sayaka, or Sayaka and Madam Saito. But either way, the girls obviously thought that I was the kind of guy who got his kicks from being dressed up like a girl.

  I had to admit, staring at the bright white panties dangling from Miyuki’s finger, a strange part of me did feel curious to try them on …

  Don't get me wrong, I’d never had any interest in dressing in girls clothes before that moment. But there was something addictive about the playful feminine energy in the room, all three women eagerly surrounding me, looking on expectantly, and what’s more I could somehow tell that they wanted me to be like them – even though I couldn't understand a word of what they were saying ...

  I sucked in a nervous breath then reached out and obediently took the panties from Miyuki. As I stepped into them, sliding them first over my hairless thighs then tugging them up around my waist, I had to admit, they felt pretty good – way more snug and tight than my boring old boxers. I found I enjoyed the way the white fabric hugged so tightly against my cock and balls, too. It was kind of comforting ... sexy even. I gazed down, noticing that my junk had created a smooth round bulge the front of the panties, which the girls all seem to take extra interest in.

  “Sugoi!” they all exclaimed, pointing and giggling at it.

  Then Kumiko gestured for me to put my arms above my head, and the moment they were in the air I felt something cold slip around my chest from behind. I gazed down to see that it was a tape measure.

  She called out whatever measurement she'd taken to the third girl who began rummaging through the clothes while Miyuki knelt by my feet and began easing them into a pair of black woolen stockings, rolling them up over my bare calves and then over my knees.

  Again I had to admit that they looked and felt pretty damn good, way better than I was expecting, and as I stared down at my legs it was kind of crazy how realistically girly the stockings made them. They didn't even look like my legs any more, and apart from the smooth round bulge in my panties, and from the waist down at least I really did look like a chick!

  Now Miyuki began trying to cram some black patent leather shoes onto my feet before pulling them off and attempting a larger size. Meanwhile the third girl had finished her search through the clothes, and as I saw that she was holding a matching white bra.

  Again I instinctively held out my arms, my stomach tingling with an odd excitement as she fed my hands through the straps then hitched the clasp at the small of my back, so that the bra pulled snug and tight across my chest just so. The strangest thing of all was that the puppy fat of my pecs actually filled the cups, just like real tits, supporting them in a strangely comforting way.

  By now Miyuki seemed to have chosen the correct size shoes and she eased my feet into them, then began quickly lacing them while Kumiko returned from another clothing rail with a pleated blue skirt and a white cotton blouse.

  As I let the trio dress me, I found myself wondering what kind of guy would actually pay for an experience like this. My mind cast back to those drunk businessmen; had those guys really let themselves be shaved, bathed and dressed all girly?

  The moment I was dressed the girls excitedly bundled me back over to the main part of the beauty salon when they sat me down in one of the big leather chairs and eased it backwards.

  Kumiko’s pretty face appeared upside down above me, and she mimicked closing her eyes. I followed suit, the horny part of my brain wondering if perhaps I might finally get some kind of ‘happy ending’ – maybe I’d feel her slender fingers move beneath my skirt, or even her plump warm lips wrapping around my cock.

  But instead what I felt was a flurry of activity, as what seemed like a hundred hands all worked at my face simultaneously, brushing and dabbing and smearing what felt like a whole make up department’s worth of creams and powders into my skin.

  A couple of times I tried to open my eyes again but the girls’ angry voices quickly put paid to my attempts to peek and I quickly closed may lids again. It felt like an eternity but eventually it seemed as if the trio were finished and just then I felt something heavy slipping on over my head, something that was kind of like a had …

  But when I opened my eyes, all became clear and I let out a gasp of pure shock ...


  Holy shit ...

  I stared in open-mouthed amazement at my reflection .. if that even was my reflection. But sure enough, as I tilted my head, so did the girl in the mirror. It felt like I’d swapped bodies with some stunningly hot Japanese chick – complete with long black hair tied into two playful ponytails with cute pink bows. I knew it was a wig, of course, but it looked so damn realistic it was insane.

  The whole makeover was so skilled, so expert, I almost couldn't believe the wonders that the girls had done to my boring old face, transforming it into something cute ... beautiful even. My lips looked so full and plump and glossy, my cheekbones were so pronounced it was crazy and my eyes were rimmed by the most amazingly intricate black eyeliner, making them look cartoonishly huge and alluring ...

  But before I could admire myself much longer the sound of a door opening snapped me back to reality, and the girls all straightened up, standing to attention as we heard the familiar sound of the Madam Saito’s heels clicking this way across the tiled floor of the beauty parlor.

  I felt Miyuki’s hand tugging gently at my wrist, urging me out of the chair, and I did as instructed, standing straight and tall just like all the other girls as we held our breath while the Madam approached.

  When she reached me she paused, looking me up and down closely, just like she had done back when we first met, before turning to Kumiko and asking her something.

  Kumiko replied, her voice quiet and nervous-sounding.

  Just then, to my shock and surprise, Madam Saito reached out, lifting up my pleated skirt and staring dispassionately at the smooth round bulge in my panties before actually reaching out and cupping me there for a moment, her long fingers stroking my mound with morbid curiosity before letting go, so that my skirt flapped down once more around my bare thighs.

  “Come,” she said to me sternly, gesturing.

  I sucked in a deep breath then followed her, shooting a last smile at my three new friends before Madam Saito led me out of the parlor and down the long black corridor. Finally we arrived at one of the doorways. She pushed open the door and flicked on a light, illuminating a perfectly realistic bar scene within, complete with customers, too.

  They were all women, and all dressed in regular everyday clothes. Some were dressed like businesswomen, some like female friends, out for a quiet drink together and amongst them I noticed Sayaka.

  She was stood alone in the corner by the jukebox, and gone were her regular skinny jeans and sweater; now she was dressed in a smart navy blue dress and blazer, like some elegant businesswoman who’d stopped off at this normal looking bar for a quick drink on her way home from work. She shot me a knowing look and a discrete little nod.

  My heart began to pound as Madam Saito led me over to an empty seat at one of the many tables, urging me to sit down.

  But barely moments after I’d lowered my ass onto the cold hard seat of the chair, the room was plunged into darkness and silence. And it was only then that I finall
y understood.

  Oh fuck. Oh shit …

  I wasn’t here to experience the pink box as customer, but instead as one of the girls …


  I sat there in the dark, frozen in shock, trying to process what the fuck was happening, again deliberating if I should just run. But something kept me in my seat. Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was pure fear ...

  A second later the door opened once again and this time I saw a masculine silhouette. The lights flashed on and the bar suddenly sprang into life. Music drifted out from the speaker system and the girls around me began talking, chatting happily amongst themselves, pretending that this dude in the doorway didn’t even exist. It was like someone had pushed a button and time had unfrozen …

  I couldn’t help but stare at the male intruder though. He looked maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, dressed in a black suit like a regular businessman. I guess he wasn't ugly exactly, just nondescript, carrying an expensive looking tan leather briefcase as he made his way slowly into the bar, prowling between the tables, a hungry look in his eyes as he surveyed the girls one by one.

  I could hear the sickly thud of my heart booming in my ears, my hand shaking with fear as I reached for the cup on the table in front of me, lifting it tentatively to my lips and sipping tentatively at the clear liquid it contained, relieved to discover it was saké rather than water, as I too began to pretend that this strange guy didn’t exist and I was just a regular girl out at a bar on her own.

  But as he made his way slowly between the tables, I secretly found myself willing him to choose one of the other girls.

  Please. Anyone else but me ...

  And a moment later, he did: Sayaka.

  My stomach lurched in shock as he strode towards her, and I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing as he reached out and cupped her small pert breasts through the flimsy white fabric of her blouse, groping them roughly, while she did her best to pretended he didn’t exist.


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