Still Image

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Still Image Page 11

by Allie Parker

  When a three piece band started to play music in a gazebo by the lake, it didn’t take long for people, nicely relaxed on good wine, to start dancing barefoot on the grass. Meg slipped her boots off and dragged Byron and Grace up to dance. The three of them stumbled and swayed in the twilight haze. Simon and Avery sat chatting about Cassidy Designs and Art on East. Drinking from the same whisky glass, comfortable in their own company.

  ‘It’s funny how, since dad died, I try harder to do well, even though he’s no longer here to critique and guide me.’ Simon raised the glass and took a long swig of golden liquid.

  ‘I think that’s a very valid reaction. You’re honouring his memory by making your business, which carries his name, a success. Plus you know deep down he’s still watching you from somewhere.’

  ‘He always wanted Byron and me to settle down. He wanted me to be content with the business we have, without diversifying the bejeezes out of it. And for Byron to find a woman to make him as happy as mum made him.’ Simon could hear the sentimentality in his voice but didn’t care. He swirled the glass Avery handed him.

  ‘Why didn’t he want you to find a woman and be happy too?’

  ‘He knew I had already found the woman of my dreams, that no one would ever compare to her in my eyes and therefore I’d never be truly happy.’ Ok, now he knew he was drunk, he handed the whisky back to Avery without taking a sip.

  ‘I don’t believe that for a second.’ Avery sounded so serious that he looked across his shoulder at her.

  ‘No offence, Avery, but you wouldn’t understand.’ He smiled a grim smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

  ‘I would never attempt to pass judgement on something I know nothing about. In this case, I have a bit of experience.’ Avery downed the remaining whisky from the glass. ‘For years after my fiancé died, I thought the exact same thing. Why bother with love, no one would ever be good enough or be able to make me that happy every again. We’d been together for half of my life. I didn’t know who I was without him. But I realised that I deserved happiness. That he would want me to be happy and live my life with love and pleasure in every aspect, every day.’ There was a silence for a minute while they both processed Avery’s words.

  ‘I’m not doubting your feelings, but with me – the love is still in my life. It would be like a betrayal to give myself to someone else.’

  ‘But if that love isn’t returned, I’m only guessing that it isn’t, then don’t you deserve another chance at happiness too?’

  Simon looked into Avery’s kind eyes. She didn’t understand, no one did. He respected her words and the fact that she’s opened up to him. ‘I think you’re a beautiful woman who definitely deserves happiness in every way.’ Simon leaned forward and kissed Avery gently on the mouth. An intimate, yet friendly gesture.

  Avery knew Simon well enough to know the kiss was simply a full stop to the conversation. She was aware of his way with women and she knew he didn’t see her as a potential fling. They smiled drunkenly at each other then rested their heads together, happy in the knowledge that a solid friendship was blooming between them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  On the other side of the lawn, Flynn walked through the side entrance of the vineyard. When Avery mentioned the day trip and told him he should drop by in the evening, Flynn wasn’t quite sure. But the live music and whisky was enticing enough to get him out of the sterile building and into the real world for the first time in a while.

  He noticed Byron, Meg and some other woman dancing, if you could call it that, on the lawn in front of a band. As he started to make his way to the bar, he scanned the lawn to see if he could see Avery. After he ordered his whisky, Flynn spotted her cozing up to the other design guy, Simon, on a cushion. Just as Flynn wondered about the other man in Avery’s life, with the pretentious name of Chadwick, he saw Simon lean in and kiss Avery on the mouth. Flynn’s hand, raising to wave, stopped in midair. Playing the field hey? He dropped his hand again.

  Oh well, Avery didn’t have to know that he was there. He’d finish his drink now that he’d paid for it and enjoy the band for a song or two then call it a night. He couldn’t really judge Avery for having a good time, after all - what was he doing here? He knew she was involved with someone, he just didn’t realise how many someone’s. It dawned on him then; he didn’t realise he was pursuing Avery, until he saw her with Simon and his stomach twisted. But it made sense; why else would Flynn be going after the kid who had defaced her painting in the hotel? Through some friends, he’d gotten a tipoff as to who it was and couldn’t wait to pay him a visit. Why else would he be going out of his way to rough up a known delinquent, if he didn’t feel something for Avery?

  And why else would he feel his stomach clench at the sight of Avery and Simon together if he wasn’t attracted to her? Why am I even still thinking about this? Flynn reprimanded himself and downed his whisky. Get over it already and get your mind back on the job where it’s supposed to be.

  Simon and Avery were lounging in contented silence, slumped on the cushion with their heads lightly resting against one another. They sat for awhile watching Grace move gracefully, Byron jerking about and Meg laughing properly for the first time in too long.

  ‘I’m grabbing a glass of water, would you like anything,’ Avery asked.

  ‘I’d love a Coke.’

  Avery rolled out of the cushion and stood up slowly, almost like her morning yoga stretch. Once at the bar she waited patiently to be served. As she stepped forward in the line she scanned the tables and chairs close by, pleased to see most people enjoying the music and the atmosphere. All except for one; a dark figure with his back to Avery. Dressed in a black t-shirt and dark denim jeans. He didn’t seem to be giving off fun vibes at all, she thought. He sat alone and ridged in his seat. Just as Avery thought his hair looked familiar, the bar tender called her forward. She ordered her drinks and some extra water and made her way back to the cushions. She unloaded the drinks and loaded up the empties and took them back to the bar. The barman thanked her and she turned to go back to the others only to run right into the back of a solid, black t-shirt full of muscle. As the t-shirt turned to apologise, Avery’s brain clicked. ‘Flynn,’ she cried. ‘What are you doing back here all by yourself? It’s great to see you.’ She hugged him and smiled up into the shadows covering his face. She couldn’t quite make out the emotion in his eyes.

  What the hell do I do now? Flynn asked himself, trying not to enjoy the warmth of Avery’s soft arms around him. When she let go he stared into her face, it was hard to see in the dull light, but he noticed she was wearing makeup for the first time, and he liked the way it enhanced her natural beauty without being overpowering. When he tore his gaze from her face, he also noticed the usual weird clothes she was wearing. The skirt had a single line of big fat paw prints from the hem in a diagonal pattern which disappeared up under her shirt. Lucky animal, he thought before shaking himself.

  ‘What’s wrong, Flynn? Didn’t you come to have a drink with us?’ Avery frowned slightly, looking down at her clothes to see what he was looking at. ‘Oh, you’re probably wondering about the paw prints.’ She smiled back up at Flynn. He tried to protest but she continued anyway. ‘One day my dog had a momentary lapse of insanity, which we all do sometimes, and he pulled all of my clothes from the line. Then he proceeded to run through the pot of paint when I growled at him, Chadwick ran back over to the clothesline and trod on all the clothes with wet paws.’ Avery took a breath. ‘It didn’t really matter because most of my stuff has paint on them anyway, but I rather liked the outcome with this skirt.’ She beamed up at Flynn, waiting expectantly for a response.

  ‘Well I think Chadwick has an undiscovered gift.’ I’ve been jealous about a bloody dog, Flynn thought. Why is this lady making me crazy? Ok, so she isn’t spreading herself around, just all over one guy, Simon. ‘Well, I won’t keep you.’ Flynn nodded in the general direction of Simon and the others.

  Just then the other penny dropp
ed for Avery. The reason Flynn was all the way back here was because Avery and Simon would have looked quite cosy and unapproachable on the cushions. Flynn didn’t look like a grass and pillow kind of guy, or a dancer. ‘Come and I’ll reintroduce you to the others. We’re all just hanging out and having a bit of fun.’ Flynn didn’t seem convinced and was about to object, so Avery grabbed his hand and led him to the others. ‘Simon and I have just finished a friendly heart to heart so I’m ready to lighten the mood. Second wind and all of that.’

  ‘So how long have you known...’ Flynn’s voice faded off as they walked slowly towards the others. His focus was on his hand, which tingled where Avery’s soft hand held onto his rough, callused one. It had been a long time since anyone had held his hand.

  ‘Well, I met Simon and Byron shortly before we got the James Madden job. Meg is my best mate and she’s just started seeing Byron.’ Avery nodded to Meg and Byron dancing together. ‘And Grace is Byron and Simon’s sister.’ Avery felt she’d better be clearer. ‘There’s nothing going on between Simon and I,’ she finished.

  ‘Just friendly heart to hearts,’ Flynn questioned.

  ‘The key word being friend.’ Avery smiled up at Flynn. They reached the others as Meg, Byron and Grace were taking a break from the dance floor and full advantage of the bottles of water. ‘Look who I found at the bar. Everyone, you remember Flynn the foreman from the worksite?’ Avery let go of Flynn’s hand so as not to embarrass him.

  ‘Hi Flynn, good to see you.’ Byron shook Flynn’s hand firmly. Flynn was surprised given his assumption that Byron was a bit of a pansy. Flynn instinctively drew himself up a bit taller as Simon stepped forward and also shook his hand. Same firm shake, Flynn thought looking Simon in the eye.

  ‘Flynn you remember Meg, and this is Grace,’ Avery said.

  ‘Nice to meet you.’ Flynn smiled his hellos and fought the urge to go back to the safety and solitude of the bar. But the others went back to their own conversations, sitting on the grass, and Avery remained standing, talking to Flynn.

  ‘The tour was great, it’s so interesting to see how the grapes go from that-’ she gestured to fields, ‘to this,’ and pointed to a wine glass.

  ‘Yeah, I actually studied a bit of viticulture back in the day,’ Flynn said, relaxing into a safe topic of conversation. ‘It’s an interesting and scientific craft.’ They stood there on the grass, Avery with her bare feet and paw print skirt. Flynn with his black clothes and self-consciousness. Talking about nothing in particular but enjoying it just the same.

  ‘I might get another whisky, can I get you anything,’ Byron asked on his way to the bar.

  ‘Ah, sure. Thanks,’ Flynn said reaching to get his wallet from his back pocket.

  ‘Yeah, I will too, thanks Byron,’ Avery smiled.

  ‘No worries, my shout.’

  ‘Let’s grab a table while there’s one free,’ Avery said to Flynn, wanting to sit down but not wanting Flynn to feel uncomfortable by making him sit on a cushion. ‘We’ll be at the bar if anyone wants a seat with legs,’ she told Grace and Simon.

  Meg and Byron joined them at the table and much to Flynn’s surprise, they chatted amicably for over an hour. It would seem that Byron and Simon enjoyed fishing as much as Flynn and even dived for crays now and then. Avery could see that that registered highly in Flynn’s book. Not that she should care especially. It was just good to see them getting along. When everyone was getting weary, they started to peel off. Grace, who hadn’t drunk much except for water over the past few hours, drove Simon home. Byron and Meg decided to share a taxi and arranged to pick up Byron’s car in the morning.

  ‘Are you coming with us Avery,’ Meg asked, trying to avoid a smile appearing on her lips.

  ‘Or I could drive you,’ Flynn said quietly. ‘Let the lovebirds have the backseat of the taxi alone.’ His words were joking but when Avery looked up, Flynn’s eyes were serious. She knew he hadn’t drunk enough to be over the limit.

  ‘That’s ok, you guys go ahead.’ After all the goodbyes were done, Avery turned to Flynn. ‘You don’t need to drive me; I’ll grab a taxi of my own. I’m not very close to town.’

  Without saying a word, Flynn took Avery’s hand and walked her to his car. He opened the passenger door and Avery slipped inside, removing her hand from his but still feeling it’s warmth. Flynn didn’t say much on the journey. Avery gave directions when she needed to and told Flynn how she’d found her dream house and that she loved the neighbourhood she lived in. Flynn listened and nodded at the appropriate intervals. Avery wondered, as she often did, what was going through Flynn’s thoughts. But he didn’t share.

  When Flynn pulled up out the front of Avery’s house, they sat quietly in the dark for a while. Flynn was trying hard to think of something to say other than good night; Avery was too tired for a coffee; they would most likely see each other the following day, so no point in asking to see her again. That would seem silly.

  ‘Well, I’ll be at the site a bit later tomorrow I think. Maybe we can have lunch in the penthouse,’ Avery ventured.

  ‘It’s my turn to bring the sandwiches.’

  Avery turned to Flynn and paused, holding her breath for a beat. ‘Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.’ She got out of the car and Flynn waited until she was safely inside. He waved and moved away from the curb, still smiling as he detoured to the late-night supermarket on his way home.

  Chapter Twenty

  A few suburbs away, a taxi pulled up in front of Meg’s house. Byron kissed her one more time. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow. Do you want to do breakfast on the way into the studio? I’m guessing we might need to quell a hangover.’ He absently pulled Meg’s jacket closed around her. When she didn’t answer him, he looked into her face. ‘We don’t have to. I could just meet you there.’

  Meg pulled out her wallet. ‘Yeah, let’s do breakfast.’ She handed the driver a fifty dollar note. When Byron tried to protest as he still had a few blocks to get himself home, Meg gave him a smile that stopped him mid sentence.

  ‘So, you want to do breakfast?’ Byron hoped to god he was reading the situation correctly.

  ‘Yep, in bed.’ Meg turned and got out of the car. ‘You coming,’ she asked over her shoulder.

  Byron smiled at the driver and tried not to run up the path behind Meg. When they stepped inside, Meg didn’t turn a light on. She closed the door and lent against it, like she had that first time he’d kissed her. Byron moved closer and kissed Meg lightly on the lips, then travelled down her jaw to the softness of her neck.

  Meg wrapped her arms around him and moulded her body to his. She heard a low groan escape his lips and smiled. She pulled back slightly and undid the first couple of buttons on Byron’s shirt, then untucked it from his pants. She stepped forward and threw off her jacket and vest, then took another step, guiding Byron blindly up the first set of stairs.

  Once at the top, Byron finished the last few shirt buttons and Meg placed her hands on his chest then slid them up over his shoulders, removing his jacket and shirt in one smooth move. He smiled and took her face in his hands, after a moment he lowered his mouth to hers and slowly grew the intensity until Meg pulled at Byron’s belt buckle and popped the stud of his pants. After she guided them a few more steps, Byron felt the couch on the back of his legs. He cupped Meg’s bottom before sliding his hands down her thighs and back up again. Lifting her skirt and hoisting her legs up around his waist. He held her tightly as he lowered them both to the couch until Meg sat straddling his waist, all while not breaking their zealous kiss.

  Byron slowly lifted Meg’s t-shirt over head and watched her hair swing back down around her bare shoulders. He appreciated the perfect view he had of her delicate pink satin bra with black lace trim and kissed each rise of her breasts gently as she ran her fingers through his hair. She moved her hips slowly and watched Byron’s eyes grow dark and hungry staring up at her in the shadows cast by the street light flickering outside the window. She felt powerful and femini
ne and wonderful.

  Byron enjoyed the movement for as long as he could bare it, when he didn’t think he could cope with much more, he cupped Meg’s butt firmly and lifted her up enough to change places. He gently laid her on the couch and let his hands roam over her body. Starting with her neck and shoulders, moving slowly down the swell of her breasts and felt her stomach twitch as he past her belly button. Her skin was warm and soft, just like he dreamt it would be. As his fingers slipped below the waistband of her skirt he lowered his mouth to hers and sucked on her bottom lip. Bitting softly as it was her turn to let out a low moan. She writhed under his hand and moved her head to bury her face into the couch cushion. He took that as an invitation and licked just below her earlobe and gently sucked on her neck, all while his hand was busy in her underwear. After a few moments, Meg let out a long, low cry into the cushion and her body shuddered and went limp under Byron’s hands. He smiled and kissed Meg’s flushed check. But before he had time to regroup, Meg pushed herself up on her elbows and said the first three words since they entered her home.

  ‘Water, then bed.’ She brushed down her skirt and stepped around Byron. He followed her to the kitchen. There was nothing fragile about the woman in front of him, emotional or otherwise, he smiled in the dark. He watched her pick up a mug near the sink and fill it with water. Byron stepped up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. She leaned back into him and drank half the water in two gulps. Byron took the mug she offered and finished it off, placing it back on the bench next to her.

  As Meg turned, she noticed Byron eyeing off the kitchen table. He turned back and smiled wickedly at her, making Meg’s heart beat faster. She weaved her arms around his strong shoulders, possessing his lips and tongue and pressing her satin and lace against his bare chest. Byron turned them both on the spot. He put his hands behind Meg and traced two parallel lines down her shoulder blades, her back, her buttocks and thighs through her skirt. She shivered when he got to her bare knees, then he changed direction and crept up under Meg’s skirt and back down again after hooking his thumbs into her underwear as he went.


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