Love Collides (Fate's Love #3)

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Love Collides (Fate's Love #3) Page 2

by L A Cotton

  "I'm not going to fuck her." She's the wrong blonde, I wanted to say. "One minute we were talking, then the next, she was ramming her tongue down my throat." Liar.

  "Whatever you say. I'm heading back in to my beautiful wife." He pressed a hand to my shoulder and squeezed.

  I took a long pull on my beer and checked my watch. Almost eleven. Usually, I'd be holed up with my latest booty call. Weddings were usually a sure thing when it came to picking up girls; all those it'll-never-happen-to-me vibes made it easy to switch on the charm.

  But, not tonight.

  Not with her here.

  The minute I'd spotted Staci, my dick stood to attention, as if it remembered her. Remembered the way she felt wrapped around it. There was only one person I was leaving with tonight, and she couldn't stand to be within fifty feet of me.

  I headed back inside, avoiding the bar. I didn't want a rerun with Cas-Cadence or whatever the hell her name was. As I rounded the corner into the room, I bumped straight into someone.

  "Watch it, buddy. Oh great, it's you," an irritated voice said.

  I looked down at Staci, who still stood a few inches shorter than I did, despite the come-fuck-me heels she had on. "Lost?"

  She muttered something unintelligible under her breath.

  "Enjoying your night?" I cocked an eyebrow, knowing full well that she had witnessed the kiss earlier.

  She stood a little taller and squared her shoulders.

  Always so feisty.

  "I'm having a great time. Anyway, this has been great and all, but I have people to talk to... Bridesmaid’s duties and all that." She moved to step around me, but I caught her hand and yanked her back.

  I heard her breath hitch. I affected her, and her body responded to my touch. Dipping my head, I whispered into her ear, "Room 325, don’t keep me waiting."

  She tensed and gulped. Game on. She didn't answer, just shook her head and pulled away from me. She walked off without looking back. But I knew, just knew, that I'd be seeing her later. We didn't often happen, only twice in the last four years, but tonight would be third time lucky.

  Two hours later, I was beginning to think I'd read her all wrong. Watching her cozy up to Zac wouldn't have been half as amusing if it didn't make me want to walk over and drag her away, Neanderthal style. You woman, me man, you mine. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights every time she made him dance. Her discreet glances in my direction weren't discreet enough. She played a good game, but I could play better.

  "Cadence, you want to dance?"

  She beamed, licking her lips in an attempt to be seductive. "Sure, Kade. I thought you'd never ask." Her voice purred, and my skin bristled.

  Positioning us in direct line of sight to Staci, I wrapped my arms around her slim body and moved us to the beat. Of course, the DJ chose that moment to play some fucking mushy love song, and Cadence laid her head on my chest as I tried my hardest to ignore her hand brushing my ass.

  Staci glared when she noticed us. Instead of feeling disdain as her ocean blue eyes glared at me, I just felt a little hot under the collar. Feisty Staci was a turn on, but pissed off Staci was hot. She lifted her chin in a challenge and moved closer to Zac, who looked all kinds of uncomfortable at her proximity.

  Fuck. At this rate, my plan was going to push her into Zac's bed, not mine.

  I dipped my head to whisper in her ear. "Cadence, can you do me a favor?"

  She pulled back and met my questioning eyes. "What?"

  "See my buddy over there? He's fresh out of a breakup, and Staci is going to eat him alive. Go save him? I'll owe you." I let the words linger with a suggestive inflection to my voice.

  Cadence pondered my question and then shrugged. "Sure, why not. He's kind of cute. But Kade, I will collect." She winked and sauntered over to Staci and Zac, a fake smile plastered on her face.

  I couldn't help the laugh that escaped as I witnessed Zac's look of bewilderment as Cadence cut between him and Staci and pulled him toward her. The girl wasn't shy, that was for sure. Staci spun to face me, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red. She was pissed and heading in my direction.

  I didn't hang around, weaving my way around the tables and heading back out to the courtyard.

  "Kade Ford, get back here," Staci called, as I reached the balcony. "KADE."

  I turned, slowly, taking in the tiny, perfectly made-up girl in front of me.

  "What the fuck was that?" she said, hands planted firmly on her hips.

  I flashed her a grin and replied, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  She frowned, chewing on her bottom lip, making it hard to think about anything other than sucking the plump skin into my mouth. "Seriously, you are so damn irritating. Go back to your little friend and let me enjoy my best friend's wedding."

  I closed the gap between us until I was looking down at her, only a sliver of air between us. "Don't deny it. You want me as much as I want you."

  She snorted and folded her arms over chest, creating a barrier between us. "Not likely.

  "So, why did you run? Last time. Why. Did. You. Run?"

  Her expression faltered, just for a second, but I caught it. I was on to something. Something game changing. She drew in a breath and slowly said, "Run? I didn't run. I left. I left because I couldn't stand to be around you for another second."

  I roared with laughter. "Whatever makes you sleep easier." As I pushed my body flush against hers, she gasped. Using her moment of surprise to my advantage, I backed her up against the huge tree in the center of the courtyard.


  I gripped her waist and smashed my lips to hers. She had to remember how good we were together, how good she made me feel. She fought me at first, clamping her lips shut and trying to force me out, but I ran my hand down her side and around to her ass, pressing her into me. Finally, her body collapsed against mine in defeat. She moaned against my lips, and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She tasted so fucking good…I'd missed her. Fuck. What?

  A group of wedding guests chose that exact moment to burst onto the courtyard. I groaned into Staci’s mouth, as she started to push her hands against my chest. “Get off me, Kade. This-” she motioned to us, “isn’t happening again, got it?”

  I stepped back and dragged a hand through my hair. “Not what you were saying two minutes ago.”

  “I- I… it was a moment of weakness. It won’t happen again.” Her cheeks were already stained from the kiss, but their color deepened. I’d hit a nerve.

  The group exploded into laughter, and we both turned our heads to see what was happening. Staci used the moment to her advantage, sneaking past me and fleeing in the direction of the door. I watched as she hurried up the steps and disappeared into the room. I’d let her go…for now.


  “Me and Hayley are calling it a night.” Ashton dropped onto the barstool next to me and pushed a bottled beer in my direction. “Figured there was no point in letting this go to waste.”

  I picked it up and drank it down, my eyes never leaving the dance floor. “Thanks. I’ll catch you guys later this week?”

  “Sure thing. Hayley wants to grill out Thursday if you’re around?”

  “Sounds good.”

  The party was starting to empty. Ethan had dragged Livy off to their bridal suite an hour ago and only a handful of guests remained. Staci was amongst the small group still dancing. My eyes had followed her for the last thirty minutes. After our little reunion in the courtyard, she hadn’t once looked in my direction. She was dancing with Liv’s sister, Lou, and her boyfriend and some of their friends. Her body moved lithely to the music and her eyes fluttered shut more than once. I knew that look—she was wasted.

  One of the guys started to move closer to her, and I sat up a little straighter on the stool. He wasn’t familiar, but then, there had been over one hundred and fifty guests. Staci seemed unaware of his attempts to position himself in front of her. She was oblivious to his arm snaking around her hip and pullin
g her closer. Jealousy coursed through me like acid, and before I knew it, I’d jumped off the stool and stalked to the edge of the dance floor. Staci was half dancing with the dude, but her eyes widened when she noticed me staring in her direction. Her body stilled and the guy—noticing our locked gazes—shrugged and rejoined the rest of their group. Staci seemed suspended in time, her eyes never once leaving mine.

  I knew it was a dick move, but I couldn’t resist as I reached for my wallet and pulled it out, all the time watching her. I tore out the keycard and held it up. Her mouth formed an O and her blue eyes bore into me, but I could see it. See her wavering. She wanted me; she just didn’t want to admit it. Well, I was done waiting. I mouthed ‘now’ at her, spun round, and strolled in the direction of the elevator.

  ~ Staci ~

  Somewhere in the red wine fog, my head was screaming at me to resist. I should ignore Kade’s proposition and head straight to my own room. But my traitorous body wanted him. I watched him exit the room and tried to fight the urge to run after him. Kade Ford was a mistake I didn’t want to repeat, even if it was pretty much the best damn sex I’d ever had.

  “Hey, you okay? We’re going to head back to our room.” Lou brushed my arm, ripping me from my Kade-fueled trance.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m good. Going to head out, too. I had a long journey yesterday.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. “Come see us soon. It’s been too long.”

  Lou had become a good friend, just like Livy’s friends, Sharn and Amber. But having girlfriends was something I was still getting used to.

  “Of course. Now go have some crazy post-wedding sex with that guy of yours,” I said, laughing.

  Lou winked and pulled Russ toward the door, and my mind instantly switched to the guy waiting in room 325 for me. The most beautiful, delicious, panty-melting hot guy I had ever laid eyes on. And possibly the most infuriating. The ache between my legs refused to let me just walk away. Five whole months without sex. I loved my job in Ecuador, but it was killing my sex life. Would one more night with Kade really be that big of a deal? You know it will, my mind whispered. Even if it would scratch a very big itch.

  Resigned to another night with my battery-operated boyfriend, I started for the elevator. Thankfully, my room was on a completely different floor from Kade. The temptation was far enough away to remain just that. The elevator was open. I walked inside and hit the button for floor six, slumping against the railing. I kicked my feet out of the skyscraper, nude heels and immediately lost six inches of height. The dress pooled around my feet, and I smiled. I was such a short ass. The doors started to close, but before they met in the middle, a hand slid between them and they pinged back open.

  “Going somewhere?” Kade stepped into the small space and stalked toward me, hitting three on the keypad behind him.

  I gulped down the breath that had caught in my throat at the sight of him. “To my room.” I meant it as a statement, but it came out more like a question.

  Kade looked down at me, a hungry look in his eyes. Nudging my legs apart with his own, he knocked me flush against the wall. The railing pressed into my back and I craned my neck to look up at him as he towered over me now. “I don’t think so.” He let the words linger, as the elevator jolted and starting moving.


  He cut me off, placing a single finger on my parted lips. “Shh. I think I should refresh your memory.”

  He dipped his head low and swept his lips over my neck, his warm breath sending a thousand tiny electrical currents zipping through me. As he feathered kisses along my jawline and up to my ear, his arm curved around my back lifting me into him. My breath came fast as his tongue started gently flicking over the soft spot on the underside of my ear. I was standing on the precipice about to fall over, and as Kade’s teeth grazed my skin, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from falling. But it didn’t matter because Kade pushed me. His other hand trailed up and over my arm, down my neck, and cupped my breast. At first, it was slow and gentle, but then he applied a little more pressure and my stomach pooled with desire, the ache intensifying tenfold. The delicious sensation had me freefalling over the edge and only one person could catch me now… Kade Ford.

  “Christ, you’re so fucking hot. I’m not sure I can wait until we reach my room,” he murmured against my neck.

  “Shh,” I replied, pulling his head from my neck and back to my mouth. Our lips found each other’s, and I was lost. Lost in him. Lost in the feel of his body against mine.

  This was how it was with us. We didn't just come together. We collided.

  The elevator jolted to a stop, and the doors opened. Kade swept me into his arms and carried me out into the long hallway, our lips still fused together. I clung to his defined arms as he managed to get the keycard from his pocket and jam it into the lock. The door swung open, and he carried me into the room, kicking the door shut behind us.

  “Bed,” I moaned into his mouth.

  Lowering me onto the bed, Kade hovered over me, the fire in his eyes obvious even in the dark room. "You are so fucking beautiful." His hand palmed my cheek and then began a sensual journey south. His fingers stroked my collarbone, my chest, and the curve of my breast through the sweetheart neckline of the dress.

  He leaned back onto his haunches and dropped off the bed into a standing position. "Roll onto your stomach." The authoritative tone of his voice irritated me, but only turned my traitorous body on even more. It was a heady combination, and I rolled onto my stomach, turning my head to the side a little.

  Kade's weight dipped the bed between my legs and his head nestled in the crook of my neck. He continued the worship of my skin—my neck, my bare shoulders, and my back. Strong hands deftly released the zipper, and he tugged the dress downwards, until I lay in just my strapless white bra and matching panties.

  "So fucking beautiful," he said against the skin at the curve of my ass.

  He moved behind me, and I heard the rustle of clothes. My head was spinning, the red wine haze swirling with the feelings that Kade invoked in me.

  "Turn over," he commanded.

  Don't let him tell you what to do, my mind scolded, and I flipped over to tell him to drop the alpha act. But then my eyes fell on his naked body and all thoughts of setting him straight vanished into the taut muscles staring back at me. His thick erection even stood to attention.

  Poised at the end of the bed, Kade’s defined chest and arms flexed, his jaw squared, and his eyes burned right at me. "Tell me what you want."

  I gulped at the inflection in his voice. It sounded so full of meaning. Shit. I started to panic; it spread up through me like a rapid fever, burning my skin.

  "Staci... what do you want?"

  I slammed my eyes shut, trying to focus on anything but the suffocating tension growing between us.

  And when I didn’t answer, I felt him.

  Kade lowered himself over me, cloaking my body with his. His lips found mine, claiming my mouth as his hand gripped me tight, dragging my body flush with his. My nerve endings almost exploded when he arched into me; his erection pressed into me and created a delicious sensation at my center.

  I clamped my legs around his waist, erasing the small space between us until there was nothing but skin on skin. He hissed at my movement, nipping at my tongue. The kiss became more desperate and needy, and in our lust-filled frenzy, I managed to knock Kade off balance and we rolled over until I was straddling him. Somewhere, in the heat of the moment, he had unhooked my bra and it fell to the bed. Kade's hooded eyes zeroed in on my pebbled nipples. He brought his lips to one, pulling it into his mouth as his teeth gently scraped the sensitive skin. My whole body trembled, and I gasped as my head shattered with ecstasy.

  Kade flipped us again, hovering over me. I felt tiny underneath his huge frame, but I felt something else. Something I didn't want to acknowledge. His blue eyes watched me, and embarrassment stained my cheeks. Which was strange—I didn't do embarrassme
nt, but there was something about the way he was looking at me. The blue ocean that stared back at me was full of unspoken emotion.

  "I want you so fucking much," was the last thing I had heard before Kade took me to heaven, twice.

  Chapter 2

  ~ Staci ~

  The sunlight seeped through the striped curtains, causing me to squint. Ouch, my head exploded as I tried to lift it up and take a better look at my unfamiliar surroundings. Clothes were strewn everywhere, and my head wasn't lying on a pillow, it was lying on a chest. A very tanned and well-defined chest.

  After a couple more minutes of trying to focus, the hazy memories of the night before started rolling through my mind like an old home movie. Kade. Just his name sent my body into a wanton state. Fuckety. We'd stayed up for hours, lost in each other. And then he'd surprised me by wanting to talk when all I wanted to do was sleep. But Kade just wouldn't stop talking. Eventually, after kissing him into submission, he relaxed. I started to drift, but not before hearing him murmur that he wanted to take me out on a date.

  I'd almost choked.

  I didn't date. Well, not in the conventional sense. And Kade Ford certainly didn't date. What the hell was he thinking? We had sex. Some of the best sex of my life, sure. But that was it. Nothing more, nothing less.

  "Morning, you." He drew my body up so that it was nestled into his, my back to his chest. "How's your head?"

  How's my head? What the hell was going on with him?

  "You hungry? We could grab breakfast?"

  I blinked, confused by his words. This wasn't how our morning after’s worked. But he didn’t give me time to ponder as he hardened against my butt and laughed. "Or we could go for round three?"

  I groaned inwardly. There's the jerk you know.

  Sensing that my body tensed, Kade chuckled. "I'm joking; you killed me off the second time. I'm going to shower." He placed a soft kiss on my neck and rolled off the bed. The second I heard the click of the bathroom door and the spray of the shower starting, I sprang into action.


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