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Love Collides (Fate's Love #3)

Page 4

by L A Cotton

"Here you go." I pushed a glass across the counter to her. She picked up the glass and drank it all down in one gulp.

  "Everything okay over there?"

  Amy's eyes snapped to mine and flashed with panic, but as quick as it was there, it disappeared. She pouted. "I'm waiting..."

  Tracing a hand up over her tits along her neck and into her hair, Amy rolled her head to one side and sighed. My dick stirred at the sight of her touching herself, but something was still bothering me about the sudden change in behavior.

  I'd have to call her bluff.

  Stalking back around the counter, I reached her and swung her around, pressing her tight petite body against the counter. She gasped and her eyes widened, but she didn't resist. Deciding to push her a little further, I ran my hands down her back until they reached her ass. I pulled her body flush to mine, pinning her between my solid chest and the unit.

  "We don't have to go to the bedroom. What's wrong with right here?"

  My hand dipped under her dress and traced along her bare thigh. Amy's whole body tensed and her hands gripped my forearms, bringing me to a halt. "Wait. I- I can't do this."

  Pulling back, I scowled down at her. "What? I thought you wanted me to fuck you." I used her own words on her, and she winced.

  "I- I'm just trying to get back at him. My ex. He cheated on me with some skank. I just wanted to hurt him." Her eyes dropped to the floor, and she started sobbing.

  Fuck. Raking a hand through my hair, I silently cursed. Not how I saw the night ending, but I wasn't about to take advantage of a chick pining after another guy. Not my style.

  Reluctantly, I curled my arm around her shoulder and steered her to the couch. "Sit. I'll make us coffee."

  "Re-really? You're not going to kick me out?"

  "I'm not a total dick." All of the time.

  As I made the coffee, my mind drifted to another blonde. What was she doing to me? Maybe this whole night was divine intervention. A sign.

  The only person who was going to help me get over whatever the hell this was, was thousands of miles away probably not giving me a second thought!

  Chapter 3

  ~ Staci ~

  The dry heat clung to my damp skin, and I shook off my loose blouse. Feeling beads of moisture trickle down my back, I hoisted another crate off the back of the truck.

  "Another one for medical, Drew."

  The manager of the project I'd been working at for the last four years came up beside me and ticked off the list anchored to the clipboard. "Good. Bring it straight through."

  I followed Drew into the small building. To the untrained eye, it looked nothing like a hospital, but this was all the people of the small village outside of Portoviejo had.

  "Put it with the rest and Kero will take inventory later. Shall we go to my office and have that chat?"

  I stacked the crate on top of the others and dusted off my hands. "Sure thing."

  Drew's office was in a separate building. It wasn't luxury, but it had running water, heating, and electricity. We had more amenities than most of the families who lived in the villages of the Manabí principal of Ecuador.

  "Take a seat, Staci." Drew motioned to one of the worn chairs.

  Once situated, he moved around the desk and dropped into his comfier looking desk chair. "So, what do you think about what we talked about earlier?"

  "Honestly? I'm not sure. My plan didn't include going back to school, Drew. I love it out here."

  He pushed a thick envelope across the desk and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "So I should tell The University of Florida you're not interested?"


  "UF? I thought you were talking to U of M?"

  "I was, but one of my old professors got in touch, and I may have mentioned you. They run a great sustainable development program. He'd be overseeing your research. This is a great opportunity, Staci, and you can travel back and forth. We don't want to lose you; you know that." His eyes flashed with sincerity.

  Gliding my fingers over the envelope, I hugged it to me. "Wow, I- I don't know what to say. I have friends in that part of Florida." Best friends.

  "There's just one snag, and before you argue with me on this one, just hear me out. Late registration is in two weeks. You'd need to haul ass back to the States this week. But I negotiated you an extended break over the holidays to come back out and hand over your work with the Umpalas. I know you won't want to leave before Camila has the baby-"

  "No way. A week will not give me enough time. I have my classes at the school, and they're installing the well beginning of next week, and Camila could give birth anytime..."

  I couldn't miss that. Or just up and abandon my kids at the school. They needed me. Camila needed me.

  "Staci, Kero, or one of the volunteers can pick up your classes, and I'm pretty sure the guys installing the well know what they're doing. Doctor Pengala thinks Camila is going to go full term. We have this. It's okay to let go."

  But that was the problem; I didn't want to let go. I'd spent four years helping get this village back on its feet after the devastation of the floods. It was as good as home to me.

  "This is a great opportunity. For you. For the project. Think about it. But don't take too long. I need your answer by tomorrow."

  With a slight nod, I clasped the envelope in one hand and excused myself. This was huge. Since graduating the University of South Florida four years ago, I'd only been back on American soil a handful of times. Most recently was for Livy's wedding. Sure, I visited Dad and my three brothers occasionally, but I had no desire to be holed up back in Kaplan. I didn’t want to live under their noses where they could interfere and keep tabs on me.

  My family wasn’t bad people; they were okay as far as families went. It was just that growing up in an all-male household as the youngest sibling of three brothers wasn't easy. They were as overbearing as they came, and Dad quickly dashed any chances of me being a normal girl when he made Joel and Tanner, my older twin brothers, escort me to my first school dance. I didn't bother after that. Girls only wanted to be my friend to get close to them, and guys avoided me like the plague because they were scared of them.

  But Drew wasn't offering me a chance to go home—he was offering me a chance to put down temporary roots in the town where some of my best friends lived. Something I never really had. Except Livy. She was the exception, but I'd still only known her since college.

  As I followed the hallway to the single, small room I'd lived in for the last four years, my mind flooded with possibilities. Drinks with the girls, shopping, trips out to the beach. All of the things I never experienced growing up. The thoughts were bittersweet.

  As soon as I kicked the door shut, I peeled the damp blouse from my skin and padded into the tiny bathroom. It had been almost four weeks since I had taken a decent shower. After you washed him off you. The thought came out of left field, punching me in the gut. I'd left the hotel that morning and headed straight for the airport, but not before my eyes collided with his. Infuriatingly gorgeous and cocky Kade Ford.

  Letting the cool water trickle over my clammy skin, I allowed myself to remember. He worked my body as a sculptor worked his clay, with delicate precision and undivided attention. Pressing my head against the uneven tiles, I forced him out. If I was going to take the offer to study at UF, I had to find a way to resist him. Our paths would cross; it was inevitable. But I couldn't allow myself another moment of weakness with him. Because I felt things with Kade that I never wanted to feel again.



  Six days later, I was back on American soil. I smiled at the handwritten sign for Miss Jameson as I fought my way through the crowd. Livy grinned, stretching up on her tippy toes to see me over the other families reuniting with their loved ones.

  "Staci, over here."

  "Geez, watch it, buddy." I growled at the guy almost trampling me to get to the people waiting for him.

  "God, it's so good to see you." Livy dropped the sign and wrapp
ed me in a hug. "I got here early."

  I untangled myself and held my best friend at arm’s length. "Marriage suits you; you look so happy."

  "I am. I really am," she gushed. "Ethan's pulling the car around. Then we'll take you to Lou's. Although, I'd really like you to stay with us." Livy pouted, helping me carry my bags out of Gainesville Regional.

  It wasn't that I didn't want to stay with them, but they were newlyweds and I didn't want to crowd them. Lou and Russ were away for work a lot, and they offered me a room until I could find somewhere more permanent.

  She spotted Ethan immediately, waiting for us in the pick-up zone. He climbed out and strolled over to us. "Good to see you, Staci."

  "Hey, Ethan. How are you?"

  "Good. We're good." His eyes snapped to Livy's, and they shared a look. It made me feel a little uncomfortable, like I was intruding on a private moment, so I climbed into their car and leaned back against the leather. After traveling for the six hours, I needed a hot bath and a comfy bed.

  The driver's door opened, and Ethan climbed in. Expecting Livy to ride up front with her husband, I was surprised when the back door opened and Livy ducked in.

  "You don't have to ride with me, silly."

  Livy grumbled with a smile, "Shh, woman. I've missed you."

  As Ethan started the car and pulled out into the traffic, Livy launched into her questions. "How's Drew, and Kero, oh, and the Umpalas? Tell me everything."

  Livy had traveled with me to Portoviejo the summer we graduated from the University of South Florida. She loved it just as much as I did, but it would never coax her away from Gainesville. Not long-term.

  For the next fifteen minutes, I filled her in on the progress of the project and updated her on the family I'd been working with since I started my position there. We rolled up in front of Lou's apartment building, and Livy said, "You love it out there, don't you? When you called to say you were coming to study at UF, I thought maybe you were ready to put down roots. But I was wrong, wasn't I?"

  I shrugged as Ethan cut the engine. He climbed out, and I considered Livy's words. She knew me better than anyone did, but some things I still kept to myself.

  "I don't like feeling tied down; you know that."

  "I know, but you deserve to be happy. To find someone who will treat you right and cherish you. Someone to share your life with." She smiled sadly at me, and I laughed, but it got stuck in my throat and came out choked.

  Settling down wasn't part of my plan. The only person I could really rely on was myself. I'd given my heart away before only to have it broken in two.

  And even after all this time, it still hadn't healed right.


  It didn’t take long before the universe seemed intent on throwing me in his path. Except the universe in this tale was my best friend.

  "Ethan?" I called out into the quiet workshop. A red Chevy was hoisted in the air and a heap of tools littered the floor, but there was no sign of Ethan.

  I moved further into the vast space. Livy had filled me in on Ethan and Kade's auto shop, but it was the first time I'd been here. It looked like business was good if the cars out front were anything to go by.

  "Ethan, it's Staci. Livy sent me to get-"

  “Get what?" a deep voice called from somewhere to the side of me, and I turned trying to ignore the tingles rushing through me.

  "Oh, it's you," I ground out, scowling in Kade's direction. A smug grin broke across his infuriatingly perfect face as he leaned against a huge toolbox.

  My mind flashed back to the last time I'd seen him. Kade Ford suited and booted was a hot wire to a girl's panties, but him standing there in his dirty coveralls, holding some kind of wrench in his hand with grease smeared across his chiseled face, was enough to make my panties combust.

  "Sorry to disappoint. Ethan's not here."

  Livy, the conniving...

  After being in Gainesville for a couple of weeks, Livy had finally demanded answers about why I kept avoiding social plans that included the guys. I had told her about the night of the wedding. About how I had given in and slept with Kade…again. She had just looked at me with a smug grin and nodded. Neither of us had mentioned it again.

  "Guess I'll have to make do with you then. I told Livy I'd pick up a package for her as I was passing."

  "Just passing or staying?" Kade's eyes narrowed, and my thighs clenched together. The way he was looking at me, like he was the hunter and I was the prey.

  Trying to shake off the dangerous thoughts, I gulped. "Hmm, I'll be in town... for a while."

  "I know," he replied curtly. A hint of anger...or hurt in his voice.

  Not likely.

  "The package?" I asked, ignoring his comment. Of course, I knew he probably knew I was in Gainesville for the foreseeable. I was staying with Lou and Russ, and I knew they all drank together now and again.

  Kade pushed off the wall and stalked in my direction, staring right at me. My pulse hitched, and I stepped back as he entered my space. My back pressed up against something, but I didn't look to see what. Kade's blazing eyes had me too entranced.

  "You ran?"

  "Wh-what?" I stuttered, taken aback by his statement.

  "At the wedding. You ran. I saw you."


  "I- I wasn't running," I said sharply. "I had a flight to catch. And it's not like we do morning afters. There was nothing to stick around for."

  Something flashed in his eyes again, and I felt a stab of guilt at my words. But then I silently cursed myself for letting Kade Ford get to me like this. It was ridiculous.

  He studied me, searching my eyes. For what, I wasn't sure. Moving into me, Kade pressed my body against the hard surface, caging me in. I was wearing flat pumps, and he towered over my five foot nothing height. It should have intimidated me, but it didn't. Instead, it ignited something in me.

  I craned my neck up to look at him, and he reached up, sliding a hand over my cheek and down the column of my neck. My heart slammed against my chest over and over.

  "Why did you run? What are you afraid of?"

  "I- I..." The words were on the tip of my tongue, but Kade's eyes dropped to my mouth and the memories of that night invaded my mind.

  His lips crashed down on mine, stealing my breath and any shred of rational thought. Skilled hands snaked around my waist and down to my butt, drawing me up to him. My feet were barely scraping on the floor.

  Kissing Kade was like going to war. Scary as hell, messy, but completely exhilarating. His tongue swept across my bottom lip, nudging my lips apart. But I nudged back, fighting for control. He smiled against my mouth as I nipped at his lip, groaning low in his throat. Our tongues clashed as the kiss grew clumsier and more frantic.

  Catching me off guard, Kade hitched my thighs up, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. His tongue darted into my mouth at my momentary surprise as he started walking backward; his lips still covering mine.

  Swinging me around, he dropped me onto something solid, and I bounced a little from the impact. The kiss was broken, giving me a second to collect my thoughts. What the hell was with him? I glared up at him as he watched me with an amused sparkle in his dark eyes.

  "What the hell-"

  Kade pressed his finger to my lips and shook his head. Anger ignited in my veins; how dare he just think he could kiss the shit out of me with no explanation. But I didn't have time to protest as Kade nudged my legs wider and stepped up to what I now realized was the hood of a car.

  Finger still pressed on my lips; he dipped his head bringing his mouth to my ear.

  "Why did you run?"

  I didn't answer. There was no way Kade was getting the truth from me. Realizing I wasn't going to reply, he palmed my cheek and pressed his lips to my neck trailing kisses along my skin.

  A soft moan escaped my lips, and Kade stilled. The workshop was quiet, only the sounds of our heartbeats and ragged breaths filled the air. I didn't doubt he felt whatever was passing between us...becau
se I did. I felt it right down to my toes. And it wasn't a feeling I welcomed. No guy had ever given me that explosion of butterflies except one person. A person I'd forced out of my mind a long time ago.

  This was bad.

  Very bad.

  "Tell me you don't want me. Right here on the hood of this car. Tell me."

  I lunged forward, throwing my fists into Kade's chest and leaping down off the hood. "That line might work on most girls, but not me, Ford."

  Kade raked a hand through his damp hair and smirked. "Not what you were saying two seconds ago. You were putty in my hand."

  "Just get the damn package, will you."

  Without another word, Kade stalked to the back of the workshop and returned seconds later with a small package. "Here."

  I swiped it off him and started to back up. "Thanks. I guess I'll be going."

  He tipped his chin slightly but didn't reply. The air around us continued to sizzle from our earlier moment, and I knew if I didn't get the hell out of there, I'd be begging him to finish what he started.

  I turned to leave, but Kade's voice stopped me in my tracks. "I guess I'll be seeing you around."

  There was something in his voice. A promise that things weren't finished, which only caused my ache to intensify.

  This is not good.

  ~ Kade ~

  She was really back in Gainesville. I'd heard from Russ and Ethan that she was, but seeing Staci with my own eyes was something else. Something unexpected. I had heard her before I saw her, calling out for Ethan. My whole body hummed with the sound of her voice. That voice. I crept out of the office and watched her move lithely around the workshop. Dressed in skintight pants and an oversized sweater, she looked beautiful with her blond curls falling over her shoulders, and I leaned against the tall toolbox drinking in the sight of her.

  No girl had ever gotten to me like Staci Jameson. In fact, no girl had ever got to me. Period. I just wasn't wired that way, which was why I was so intrigued by her. The first time I laid eyes on her, we were visiting Corey, my cousin, up at USF. She was hot, and I was the typical twenty-two-year-old guy. I wanted her. Ethan knew her roommate, Livy, and we ended up drinking with them one night. I couldn't stop looking at her, but the more beer she drank, the louder and feistier she got. A total live wire. I couldn't help but draw her in; I disagreed with her just to be a dick and get her worked up. But I liked that about her; that she was more one of the guys than your typical chick. Tight little body, perfect rack, and she knew football. I had to have her.


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