Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 18

by Kelly, D.

  Daniel laughs, he’s totally cracking up. “Sweetheart, you are absolutely adorable. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be a Chargers fan, no doubt in my mind.”

  Now I’m laughing, he’s too cute. I really wish he was here. I hear him yawning; he must be exhausted. We’ve been on the phone for nearly an hour.

  “You’re quiet, gumdrop. What are you thinking?”

  “Actually, I was thinking that by the sound of your yawn you must be really exhausted. You had such a long night with Mike and still had to be to work at six. I appreciate the dinner and the call but you should probably get some sleep. You need to get your rest for all the things I want to do with you this weekend.”

  “Damn, woman, you’re going to be the death of me way before then with all your promises of things to come. As much as I hate to admit it, though, you’re right. I’m exhausted and really need to go to sleep. Sweet dreams, sweetheart. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight. Daniel. Dream of me.”

  The rest of the night is pretty uneventful; Jess stays over at Connor’s and I work on my homework. In the morning, Jess brings me my favorite Starbucks coffee, compliments of Daniel.

  “Kate, that boy is head over heels for you. First he sends you dinner and now coffee. He was so sweet when he asked me if I could bring it to you before school. He actually sounded shy—it was really cute. Especially when he told me I had to make them write gumdrop as the name,” she says with a raised eyebrow and a questioning tone that I completely ignore.

  “Seriously, Jess, I feel like the other shoe should drop soon or something. He’s gorgeous, sweet, honest, caring, hot, great in bed, and gives me gifts. Oh, and let’s not forget he’s already given me an embarrassing but cute nickname. He really is absolutely perfect. It’s too good to be true, right?”

  “Nope, you just got lucky; this one is totally worth it. He’s a keeper, and you’d better keep your eye on him, too. From what Connor says, he has girls all over him wherever he goes, like he oozes good boyfriend vibes from his pores. You need to tell those bitches to back the hell off your man. Connor said he never pays attention to any of them and that you have nothing to worry about. He said he was waiting to see how long it would take Daniel to finally pick one and now he has!”

  I don’t like the idea of girls throwing themselves at him, but I shouldn’t expect any less. I would be, too, if I didn’t know him and saw him out, and now he’s all mine.

  “Okay, Jess, as long as I’m not being naïve. I deserve to be happy, right?”

  Jess gives me a super big hug. “Of course you do, don’t ever doubt that for a minute. I know things have been rough the past few years but they’re turning around now. I think Michael will become a distant memory after next year. You’ll have your mom’s inheritance, your foundation, no more stress from your dad, and best of all you have me! Now hop to it or we’re going to be late for school!”

  I text Daniel before hopping in the shower.

  *Thanks for my favorite coffee. You’re turning into the best boyfriend ever! Xoxoxo”

  On my way to the car, my phone notification light flashes.

  *Good morning, gumdrop, glad you liked it. I have a really busy day and meetings into the evening. What’s your schedule like?”

  Ugghhh. I realize my schedule is packed, too; I have classes all day and a study group tonight.

  *Me, too. Unfortunately, probably won’t be home till after 10 and you’ll be in bed by then. Guess we’ll have to catch up tomorrow?*

  He must be on a break; his text comes in almost immediately.

  “Unfortunately. I guess that’s how it will have to be. Have a great day, beautiful.”

  I’m so disappointed, but I guess this is how it will be, at least until graduation.

  *You, too. Be safe today*

  The best part of my day today is my class with Connor. We always go to lunch which he always pays for no matter how hard I try to pay for myself. Today we go to Panera; they have the best salads and green tea iced tea ever!

  “So, how’s my girl doing, Connor? I don’t ever get to see her anymore—you’ve been keeping her very busy.” Oh my god, he’s blushing! I would have never believed it if I wasn’t seeing it.

  “Things are good, Kate. Things are great, actually. I like Jess a lot; she surprises me at every turn. She’s funny and sweet, sexy as hell, and still empathetic to people. You know, we were out to dinner the other night and there was a homeless man and his son outside. It was so sad. I’m surprised CPS hadn’t taken the kid away already. Anyway, she rushed through dinner so that she could go talk to him. I was pissed! Not because she did it, but because she had no regard for her safety. She was out the door before I could even pay the bill. I get out there and she’s asking them what happened to land them out on the streets. Turns out his wife was killed in the war, and they were in military housing, which they lost. He was a stay at home dad. They couldn’t afford daycare, but the mom also really wanted him to have his dad around since she was deployed. I’m not really sure of the details, but I guess the death benefits in the military don’t pay much and living out here they couldn’t afford to rent a place. He can’t get hired anywhere because of the economy and because he hasn’t worked in almost six years.”

  “Jess told them to follow her. She marched down the block to the closest store and bought gift cards, at least two thousand dollars worth for clothes, food, you name it. Then she found a hotel around the corner, a really nice one. She rented them a room for a month and left specific instructions for the manager to call her. I don’t know how she works her magic, but she got the manager to give him a job in maintenance and now he has a month to save up to move. He’s got a job and the military benefits, so he’ll be okay. Can you believe it? In one night, in the matter of two hours, she changed two lives. Actually, three if you count mine. I’ve never been so taken with someone and their actions before; she makes me want to be a better person. When I tried to talk to her about it, she just blew it off like it was no big deal, but it was such a big deal.”

  I’m stunned. I know Jess does stuff like this all the time but not to this extent.

  “My best friend would save the world someday if she could. She’s the most kind-hearted person I know. I didn’t know about this, she didn’t tell me, but I’ve seen her do similar things for other people before. She’s an angel on earth. So many people are mean to her, assuming because she’s so pretty she’s a bitch, so they just cut to the chase and are bitchy to her right off the bat. It really hurts her feelings. She’s probably the sweetest person I’ve ever met in my whole life. I think it’s because we both got the short end of the stick when we were kids. Besides Maryanne, we only had each other.”

  Connor looks sad. “That must have been rough. Jess told me about Chloe; she sounds like a real piece of work. You guys turned out amazing. You take all your pain and use those feelings to want to help others so that they don’t have to go through that kind of hurt themselves. It’s admirable, really. Daniel, Jake, and I were raised by perfect, or seemingly perfect, families in the land of Little League and football, protected from as much of the bad in the world as possible. It was a great thing growing up, but now I wonder if my compassion is lacking because of it.”

  I laugh. “I’m sorry, Connor, but I don’t think you guys are lacking anything. We all just handle situations differently. You guys are two of the nicest men I’ve ever met. You want to see someone lacking empathy, let me introduce you to my father. Trust me, you’ll change your tune real quick.”

  Connor fidgets uncomfortably. “About that, don’t be mad, but next week when your dad comes by, Daniel asked that Jess and I be there. He doesn’t want you alone with him in case you get upset. I promise we’ll stay upstairs and out of your way, but Daniel said if we don’t stay there he’ll come down. You don’t want that, Kate, because if he does he won’t leave your side.”

  I should be pissed. Who does he think he is to be making demands on my friends a
nd on me like this? Ironically, I’m not mad at all. I’m tingling all over with happiness that he doesn’t want me alone in a stressful situation. My god, when did I become that girl?

  “It’s okay, as long as you guys stay upstairs. It would be best if you’re there before he gets there, though, and don’t interrupt. I would really like to eat fast and get him in and out as quickly as possible.”

  “Yeah, sure, we can do that. So, how did you like your coffee this morning, gumdrop? Was it hot enough for you?” He’s smirks at me.

  “My coffee was fine, although I wish it would have been hand delivered by Daniel instead of Jess. This sucks with him being so far away, but at least I’m not falling behind in my work. Actually, I’m a little ahead right now because everything I usually do on the weekends I’m trying to finish during the week so I can spend time with him and not stress about homework. How pathetic is that?”

  “That’s not pathetic at all—it’s smart. You can’t afford to fall behind for anyone or anything. Your goals are important and no one should hinder that, even if he is my best friend. You know, he’s got that panty-dropping smile down to a science and you’re putty in his hands. You would never get your work done with him around.”

  “Speaking of panty-dropping smile, I hear he has quite a posse when you guys go out. What’s that all about?”

  “You aren’t the jealous type, are you, Kate? I would have never guessed it if you are. It’s nothing really; Daniel just attracts girls like crazy. We mostly go to sports bars and girls flock to those places, hoping to run into a guy who’s on the track to fame and fortune. Daniel fits the build so he gets a lot of attention. If those girls only knew how much Daniel hates how girls throw themselves on him unsolicited. He’s old school that way; he likes to make the first move. He’s never gone out with anyone that has thrown themselves at him before, except for Vanessa. He was drunk that night and said he was going to make an exception to his rule because she was hot and he was lonely. Big mistake. Little did he know how much it was going to bite him in the ass later. Kate, trust me when I say this, drunk or sober, I have never once seen Daniel cheat on a girlfriend. It’s just not in his DNA. He really is a great guy, and I’m so glad he found someone that will love him back with the same love he gives.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not jealous, at least I don’t think I am. I’ve never really been in a position to know what that would feel like, so for now he’s safe.”

  “I don’t know, Kate. I would say he’s far from safe, we both are. He’s got it bad for you and I’ve got it bad for Jess; we’re like a couple of lovesick puppies. I can tell you right now, you’ll never get rid of Daniel unless you want to, that boy is in deep. I am, too. I could see myself with Jess for a long time, maybe forever, which works out really well for us if I someday marry your best friend and you marry mine.” Connor has the biggest shit eating grin on his face right now, and if I had to guess, I would say that he’s in love.

  “Connor, in all seriousness, please wait to tell Jess how you feel until you’re sure, and have patience with her if she doesn’t say it back right away. We both have abandonment issues. I knew my mother loved me growing up, but she didn’t, and she sees how fast Chloe goes through men. She’s secretly afraid that she will find a guy and his feelings will go away fast, just like Chloe’s husbands, but I promise you, she can love and does love with her whole heart. Just go slow.”

  “Thanks for the info. I’ll go slow. For me, it’s too fast to tell her I think I love her even though I might.”

  Seriously, Jess can’t keep anything to herself. I can’t believe she told Connor!

  “Hey now, before you get your panties in a bunch, I didn’t hear that from Jess—I heard it from Daniel. He asked me if it was wrong for it to be so right so fast. I told him the truth. I told him that somehow you guys look like two old souls that finally found each other again, and if he felt it then he should say it and not let you go. You CAN trust him Kate; this isn’t a fling for him. And just to be clear, he doesn’t typically move this fast with anyone. I would say that makes you very special. He wants to romance you and make you feel cherished. Normally, I would say that is called being whipped, but I know you and what you’ve been through with that douchebag Michael; you deserve to be pampered and loved.”

  “Connor, Michael’s in the past. Yes, it still hurts, and no, I didn’t deserve what happened, but he was hurting so badly, more than anyone should ever have to deal with, and he said things out of anger. I think he should have apologized, but that’s neither here nor there. It’s over and I’m finally moving on. I don’t wish him any harm. As far as romance and pampering, I’ll take that if he wants to give it; I’m no dummy.”

  We continue talking until I have to leave for study group. I just have to tell Connor one last thing.

  “Since Jess is spending the weekend with you, you should take her to Sea World, you have three days. She loves to feed the dolphins and sit where Shamu can splash her.”

  “Thanks, gumdrop, I’ll keep that in mind. Now, tell your favorite brother why you have a new nickname.”

  “Well... You need to ask Daniel that, but I don’t think he’ll tell you. I’ll tell you this much, it’s probably not brotherly for you to call me gumdrop, and if you’re feeling brotherly when you ask him, IF he tells you, you might want to kick his ass. But if you’re in friend mode, I’m sure you’ll think it’s as funny as he does.”

  “Oh god. It’s sexual and involves his favorite candy. Maybe I’ll pass on this one.”

  Laughing, I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and leave him smiling like a school boy.

  Chapter 13 – Daniel

  This has got to be the longest week of my entire life. Work usually keeps me pretty damn occupied. You would think with multiple projects, all the running back and forth, and the crap load of meetings I’ve been going to it would make the time pass faster. Nope, not at all. All I can think of is Kate—her voice, her smell, her touch, and the sounds she makes in bed. Fuck, I’m like a twelve-year-old boy. Just thinking about her gets me hard. Thank god I’m done for the day and only have to suffer through a half day tomorrow so I can finally go and be with my girl.

  I sent her flowers today. Jess was home to meet the delivery guy and she put them inside already. Kate loves gardenias, so I sent her two dozen. I just wish I was there to see her reaction when she gets them. At least now I can go home, shower, and then meet Mike. We’ve got some business to discuss first, and then it’s guys’ night—beer, pizza, and pool. Personally, I’m getting a little sick of pizza, but since Mike’s paying, I’ll eat it. It’s so nice out today; the sky’s blue and there’s a cool ocean breeze blowing through the house. Nothing beats the view of the ocean after a long day; I just wish Kate was here to enjoy it with me. I’m glad I was able to cut out of work a little early—doing business at Mike’s is much more relaxing than being in the office. Hopefully, Kate will call before I leave. I’m probably being stupid, but I’m not really comfortable talking to her in front of Mike yet. I don’t want to make him feel bad until he figures out what he’s going to do about his ex. Just when I get out of the shower, my phone starts ringing. I quickly grab a towel and throw the phone on speaker since I’m dripping wet.

  “Hello, beautiful, how was your day?”

  “Better now that I have a beautiful arrangement of my favorite flowers sitting in my room. You’re spoiling me, Daniel. Every day this week you’ve done something so sweet for me. I can’t help but wonder why.”

  Poor thing, why is she over thinking it?

  “Hey, there’s no reason to wonder why. This isn’t a prelude to something bad or to you finding out I have a bunch of girls on the side or anything like that. These gifts are my way of being a part of your day since I can’t be there in person. I want to spoil you with affection; I think you deserve it. You deserve someone who is willing to show you how much he wants you, needs you and misses you.”

  I hear giggling, that’s a good

  “Okay then, I wasn’t over thinking it to that extent, but it’s nice to know how you feel. How come you have me on speaker? Are you busy? Am I interrupting something important? You can call me back if you want to.”

  “No, nothing important. I was literally just stepping out of the shower. I put the phone on speaker so I could grab a towel and dry off.”

  She’s very quiet for a minute. “So you’re naked, huh?”

  “Completely. It’s nowhere near as fun as being naked with you, though.”

  “I wish you were naked here with me, Daniel. I can think of many things I’d like to do to you, all of which involve you being very naked.”

  Holy shit. She’s seriously making me hard, just the tone of her voice is unbelievably sexy.

  “What kinds of things do you want to do to me, Kate?”

  “Oh, now that would be telling some secrets. I want to do something with you right now. Two questions—are you alone and do you have lube?”

  Well this could be embarrassing, but what the hell; she’s too fucking erotic to let this pass by.

  “Yes to both.”

  “Get your lube and go to your room. Let me know when you’re ready. I’m alone in my room, and just so you can picture it, I’m in a black bra with red lace trim and matching thong panties.”

  My dick just got harder picturing her on her bed in her sexy lingerie.

  “Okay, babe, I’m ready for you.”

  “Good. Keep me on speakerphone; you’re going to need both hands. I’m putting you on speaker, too. Now, I want you to put some lube in your hand and rub it slowly up and down your shaft. I have lube, too. I’m rubbing it all around my clit and down my lips, touching myself and imagining it’s you.”

  Holy fuck, phone sex. I’ve never had phone sex, and just hearing the hitch in her voice I can tell she’s doing exactly what she says she is.


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