Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 30

by Kelly, D.

  Daniel shakes his head no but Jake swallows over a lump in his throat. “Yeah, Mom, I remember. We made her cry, but then we gave her ice cream to make up for it. Daniel, you have to remember; we were running around the pool saying ‘Katie Grace, Katie Grace, Katie Grace and Connor sitting in a tree, loving on each other ‘cause they were meant to be’ We did it over and over until Katie started crying. Connor was so mad he managed to push me into the pool.”

  We all look at each other as the memory strikes us. I vaguely remember that was the last time I ever saw them. My mom said they had moved far away, or something along those lines. Daniel’s the first one to speak up, “I do remember that now, I can’t believe that little girl was you, Kate.” Connor looks pissed.

  “Mom, what happened? You said she moved away and that’s why we weren’t friends anymore. God, Kate, do you remember? We used to hang out all the freaking time! No wonder we clicked immediately; you really are like my little sister!”

  Nodding my head, I look up at Linda with tears in my eyes. “I do remember Connor, not a lot of specifics, but I remember the little brown-haired boy that I used to play with all the time. Sometimes that little boy’s brother came to play, but he mostly called us babies and ignored us.” I give Jake a pointed look and he laughs.

  “You were just babies; both of you were barely even five years old. I was much older and smarter than you both.” That’s all we needed to break the ice a little. Everyone laughs as I reflect on this alternate reality I have suddenly stepped into.

  Linda smiles and opens the photo album. “Kate, this album chronicles my friendship with your mother. We were best friends from the age of ten. Lila was Maid of Honor at my wedding and I at hers. After I had Jake, your mom got baby fever. About a year later I was pregnant with Connor. Shortly after that your mom was pregnant with you. Once you two were born, we spent at least two days a week together. You and Connor shared the same playpen, toys, and attitude. Lila used to joke about the two of you getting married. I hope I don’t overstep and say something I shouldn’t, but you deserve to know the truth, all of it. When you were four, Joseph’s business really took off. Lila couldn’t get out as often anymore; we were lucky to see you once a month. The visits got less frequent as time went on and eventually, they stopped all together. The day you guys were all together was the last day we saw you. Lila confided in me that day, said that her marriage was failing and she just didn’t have the energy to put into it anymore. Joseph was becoming demanding, always wanting Lila at his beck and call, springing lunches and dinners with clients on her with little notice. Even though we no longer saw each other, she mailed me letters at least once a week, keeping me abreast of the situation. Kate, your mother loved you so much. I know you got the letter from the attorney so you already knew she was going to leave your dad.”

  Letting out a long sigh she continues, “About two weeks before she was going to leave, she confided in me that she saw something in him that she hadn’t seen in a long time. She thought he was trying to make things right. Lila said they were even going to try and go on a few dates. The night of the first date is the night your mom passed away. After the funeral, your dad gave me all the photos of us; he said he didn’t want any reminders of Lila in the house, that it would hinder your grieving process.” The disdain in her voice is evident; she is not a fan of Joseph Moore.

  “I took all of those photos and made this album for you. I have a matching album for myself. I knew if you didn’t come looking for me first that I would see you again on your twenty-fifth birthday.” What? I’m so confused.

  “Linda I don’t understand. What significance does my twenty-fifth birthday have, and how did you know about the letter I got on my eighteenth birthday?”

  Linda’s beautiful blue eyes are filled with unshed tears. “I know because I’m the one who helped your mom set up your trust. Lila got the letters to me and I got them to the trust attorney. She didn’t trust your father to not have her followed, and she really wanted this to be there for you when you were old enough to handle the wealth. I included a letter to be given to you on your birthday. Bryan and I are the executors of your trust, Kate. I know that wasn’t disclosed to you previously. We have loved you since you were a little girl. Your father thought it was best for us to stay out of your life. I vehemently disagreed. You’ve always been a part of our family. Kate, your trust fund is very large; are you aware of how much money you’re inheriting? Did you opt in for monthly statements?”

  I shake my head no. “I didn’t care about how much money was in there. I have plenty for now and mostly plan on using it for my foundation anyway. I had another purpose for some of it, but as it turns out, I don’t need to contribute to that idea after all; my dad has it taken care of. He also knows about the trust. I don’t know if he’s aware of what it’s worth, but he’s happy my mom left it for me. It’s obvious to me that you dislike him, and trust me, I know the feeling. Just this past week, we finally had a long heart to heart talk and I truly believe he’s turned over a new leaf. Dad and I have decided to give our relationship a chance at healing, but I do intend to talk to him about keeping me from you guys.”

  Linda and Bryan exchange glances and Bryan nods his head to her. “Kate, this is your call. It’s understandable if you don’t want everyone here knowing your financial bottom line, but I think you need to know what your trust consists of. We can talk in private later or now, but it’s important.”

  Looking around at my friends’ concerned faces, I nod my head. They love me and I know I can trust them all. “It’s okay, you can talk about it here.”

  Bryan speaks up, clearing his throat first, “Kate, when I took control of your trust, I built your fortune alongside of mine. I treated your money as if it were my own child’s future, so everything I did for myself, I did for you. I’ll be happy to continue to oversee your funds if you choose since your trust is managed by my investment firm. Right now, your trust sits at approximately one hundred and fifty million dollars.”

  I feel like the oxygen is being sucked out of my lungs. That’s a lot of money. I could never use that much in my whole lifetime, but I can do so much good with it. I just want a modest life—a house similar to the guest house here. I know I grew up rich, but I don’t really want to be rolling in that kind of wealth. I close my eyes but I feel all of their eyes on me, watching me to see how I’m dealing with all of this as I let this news sink in. Daniel squeezes my hand tighter and kisses it; I smile at him and try to shake this news off.

  “Well, at least I know now that even without backers I can fund my foundation, and if I do get backers I’ll be able to expand. Thank you both for taking care of me, I really appreciate it. I would be happy for you to continue to manage the trust. Honestly, I have no desire to be that wealthy, so just know I’ll be seeking worthy causes for donations once I set aside enough for my future and my children’s futures.”

  Bryan and Linda both exchange a content look and Linda offers me the photo album. Jess finally speaks up; this might be the longest I have ever seen her this quiet.

  “Hot damn, Kate. Now you’re uber rich, super sexy, have the second best boyfriend ever, and you had sleepovers with my boyfriend way before I ever did! I don’t know if I should be jealous or happy for you.”

  Oh my god, I love her so much. She completely lightened the atmosphere by throwing her sex life out in front of Connor’s parents. Connor grabs her and swings her around, kissing her; his parents don’t seem to mind at all. They only make one comment about it.

  “We’re not stupid enough to think that in your mid- twenties you all are not having sex. But with the exception of the ones getting married—promise rings don’t count—we hope you’re all using protection. We’re not ready to be grandparents quite yet, and we consider all of you our kids, so don’t screw up.”

  I start to flip through the photo album, looking at pictures of my mom and Linda in school, in college, and at their weddings. I then move into the pictures of Conno
r and me as kids. My favorite picture is of me, Connor, and Jake; Connor and I are babies and Jake is holding us, one in each arm. It’s crazy to think of the life I could have had with this family, growing up with all of them. Would I have dated Daniel earlier or would I have dated Connor? Would Michael have been such a part of my life if Connor was already in it? Life works out in such a crazy way and all roads brought me back here where I should have been all along. I start crying and Linda wraps me in a big hug.

  “It’s okay, dear, you don’t need to cry.” Daniel looks over and smiles.

  “Linda, she’s not crying because she’s sad; those are her happy tears.” Linda pushes me back and looks at me, really taking me in.

  “I guess they are. You’re just like Lila—crying at everything happy or sad. It was probably my favorite trait of hers. She wore her heart on her sleeve and wasn’t afraid to show it. I’m so happy you’re back in our family, Kate; we’re not letting you go this time.” Daniel, Connor, and Jess are looking through the photo album.

  “Wow, Kate, you really do look identical to your mom at the same age; it’s uncanny. I mean, I remember your mom, but seeing these pictures against your beautiful face is extraordinary.” For once, Jess is actually speechless, so am I. On the other hand, Connor isn’t.

  “Mom, what I don’t understand is why I don’t know about Kate? Why did you hide all of our pictures instead of having them up on the wall? ”

  “Oh, that is such a loaded question, sweetheart; I guess it just comes down to how sad you were over the situation. Jake wasn’t really fazed by it because he had Daniel. Since he was older than you he wasn’t especially close to Kate. You were the saddest little boy once Kate was out of our lives. It was so hard for me because I not only lost Lila, but I lost Katie Grace, too. To top it all off, I had to help you through the loss of your best friend; she was the one constant in your life besides us. Little by little, Jake and Daniel got you playing with them and I started switching out pictures of you and Kate for you and the boys. After the first year, you stopped asking about her all together. We never intentionally kept it from you boys; it just wasn’t worth talking about until we could get her to come back to us. The reason we didn’t make contact at eighteen was because she had milestones to reach, college to attend, and she needed time away from Joseph to find herself. I’m over the moon that you’re back in our lives now, Kate. You always have a place in this family; it’s been too long since my god daughter has been around.”

  I give her a perplexed look and she laughs. “Oh goodness, there is so much catching up to do! One last thing before we eat and we’ll have to catch up another time. Kate and Connor, you were baptized together in the same ceremony. Bryan and I are your god parents and your mom was Connor and Jake’s godmother; we’re not only bound by love but by faith. Now, let’s go eat. Start thinking of songs for karaoke over dinner. Each of us will pick five songs and put them in a bowl. We might sing them, or the other team might get to sing them, so make them good.”

  As everyone heads over to the dining area, Daniel asks Linda to give us a few minutes alone. She kisses us both on the cheek as she walks away. I snuggle into him and close my eyes trying to absorb all of this.

  “Are you okay, Kate? I know this was definitely not what you expected to walk into tonight.”

  I lean up and give him a kiss. “I’m okay, Daniel; more than okay, really. I feel like I gained a family today. I’ve never really had that, you know? My dad was always cold and distant. Of course Jess and Maryanne were family, but to be truly welcomed into a fully functional family is surreal. It’s not just Connor’s family, either, but yours, too. It’s no wonder Connor and I clicked: maybe we felt the connection deep down. I can’t believe that we knew each other as kids! A part of me wonders how things would have worked out if my mom had left my dad or if she would have never let her relationship with Linda suffer. Would you and I have dated still but maybe earlier? Would Connor and I have dated or would we be like brother and sister? Would I have ever dated Michael and let him become such a huge part of my life if I already had you guys in it? I know they are silly questions because I’m so happy with us right now, but what if we could have had us sooner?”

  “I had those same thoughts, but there’s really no point in thinking about it. I’m so happy right now with where we are in our relationship. For whatever reason, it was meant to be for us to meet again later in life. Maybe by doing so, we were able to bypass all the stupid teenage disagreements and fall right into the romance that will lead us to forever. Our love is undeniably strong and there’s nothing that will change that.” He kisses me and helps me up. “Let’s go eat so we can get the karaoke torture over with.” I can’t help but laugh at him, and Jess looks up at us.

  “What’s so funny, lovebirds? Fill the rest of us in, please.” I give Jess a look that says we’re going to have some fun tonight.

  “Daniel said he wants to get the karaoke torture over with, and I think that’s funny because I love karaoke.” Jess has a devilish glimmer in her eye and she smirks at Daniel.

  “Lighten up, sunshine, it will be fun.”

  Connor pipes up. “That’s what you think. When you put Daniel, April, and me on it’s like listening to cats in heat.” Oh god, that’s so funny.

  “Well, long lost brother, I would say you could be on my team, but since it’s a battle of the sexes I can’t help you.”

  Connor leans over and whispers in my ear, “So that conversation about fuckability seems even more incestuous now, doesn’t it?” I choke on the water I just drank; it totally went down the wrong pipe.

  “I guess it depends on whose version of us you want to go by. My mom thought we would get married someday so she might have been happy for the fuckability discussion.” Connor glances over at Jess who is rapidly talking wedding plans with April and Linda

  “Well, maybe we can honor her vision with a pact. I always wanted to have one of these with someone. Let’s say if we’re single at thirty-two and we’ve been separated from those two for at least… two years—you know, long enough to get them out of our systems—we’ll get married.” I’m not sure why, but that thought comforts me for some reason.

  “Deal, as long as they give us their blessings.” At that we both laugh because there is nothing that could be further from our reality than Connor and I dating and getting married.

  Dinner is nice; I love getting to know everyone a little better. Even Jake is being sweet instead of his usual cocky self. He even made it a point to tell me a secret while everyone was cleaning up and getting ready to sing.

  “Don’t tell Connor this because he may be embarrassed or not remember, but he cried every day for months after you were gone. After we met you, I kept telling April I knew you from somewhere but couldn’t put my finger on it. Not that I would have recognized you from that little girl, but I remember your mom she was like my second mom. I missed her when you guys didn’t come over anymore. I think that’s how Connor and I bonded after you were gone; he never wanted to sleep alone. He was used to your sleepovers. You have no idea how happy my mom is having you back. She’s going to smother you and make you her own—mark my words.”

  “I like your mom, Jake; I like your whole family a lot. I feel at home here and maybe that’s my subconscious kicking in. I keep thinking, trying to remember, and I think some things are coming back to me. It just hurt so much when we stopped seeing you guys that I pushed it all down, I tend to do that. I’m good at covering my feelings and putting on a fake face. Jess hates it, but it’s just part of me.”

  “Well, does your fake face apply to karaoke or are the boys going to have some competition tonight?”

  “Oh, there’s no playing in karaoke; we’re going to take you boys down, sorry.” Daniel comes up behind us and wraps his arms around my waist. This is the best feeling in the world.

  “Hey, it’s time; Linda went all out this time since she has a D.J. coming tomorrow for the party. The mini stage is all set up for kara
oke tonight. The rules are pretty simple—each team takes a turn, and you can choose to sing solo or with a few of your group members, but everyone has to sing by the end of the night.”

  Jess comes strolling up and pulls me away from the boys. “Be prepared to lose, gentleman, we’ve got this one in the bag.”

  “Well, at least if we have to lose it will be to some hot-ass chicks, because losing to mom is going to suck!” Jake says to Daniel.

  Once we sit with Linda and April and compare song choices, we’re pleasantly surprised that none of us picked the same song. April’s blushing from head to toe by some of our song choices.

  “I seriously hope I don’t pick some of those songs you two threw in there; I can’t sing to save my life, especially those songs.”

  Linda pats April’s hand. “It’s all in good fun, dear, I can’t wait to beat the pants off these boys once and for all.”

  It’s decided by a coin toss that the boys will go first and we decided to go by couple status. Married, Engaged, Promised, and In Heat since Connor so kindly threw out that name for them.

  Bryan is up first, and his rendition of Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus is hilarious. The way he shuffles across the mini stage is priceless. It looks like he’s doing a cross between a country line dance and the electric slide. His voice isn’t bad, but I definitely think the dance enhances his singing abilities. Next up is Linda; she definitely didn’t pick one of our songs. I’m almost embarrassed to see what she comes up with for this one. She picked I Touch Myself by The Divinyls; April’s totally relieved that Linda got this one and not her. The boys are begging her to pick another song, saying they’ll let the rules slide this once.


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