Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2)

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Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2) Page 1

by Tracy Lorraine

  Trick You

  Rebel Ink #2

  Tracy Lorraine

  Copyright © 2020 by Tracy Lorraine

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Editing by Pinpoint Editing

  Proofreading by Gem’s Precise Proofreads

  Photographer Wander Aguair

  Model Isaac Dawson


  A Note


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31



  Read Falling For Daniel for FREE!

  About the Author

  Also by Tracy Lorraine

  Falling for the Forbidden Sneak Peek

  Andy and Amelia x

  A Note

  Trick You is written in British English and contains British spelling and grammar. This may appear incorrect to some readers when compared to US English books.

  Tracy xo



  I didn’t want to get back into online dating. I’d closed my profile down months ago for a very good reason: all the guys I’d been matched with were wankers. They said all the right things via message, made me think that they were actually interested in more than what was between my legs, but when it came down to it, none of them wanted anything more than a quick fuck before ghosting me. I get it. The need for a bit of mindless fun, some easy sex with no ties. I’d done it a time or five myself. But that wasn’t what I wanted these days. I want something a little more fulfilling. I’m not talking a ring on my finger and a bun in the oven by the time the year’s out, just someone I can spend time with—outside of the bedroom—and for a sustained length of time. Actually get to know them, not just how big their cock is.

  But it turns out that guys outside of internet dating didn’t really exist. Or at least not in my world. The guys at uni didn’t really make me look twice, and I refuse to even consider the possibility of dating someone from work. That’s a huge no-no in my book.

  I blow out a breath and stare at myself as I lower my straighteners. My hands tremble slightly at what tonight might hold for me.

  Carter has been nothing but incredible over chat, but I’m not naïve enough to think it’s going to be that simple. It can’t be, nothing ever is.

  I take a sip of my wine before letting another layer of my hair down and continuing to straighten it within an inch of its life.

  I finished work early to ensure I’d be ready, but in my excitement I’m now well ahead of time, and I’m worried that if I stop, I’ll overthink everything and cancel. My previous experiences will scare me off when I really want to meet this guy.

  I don’t want to say that he seems perfect, because I just know that’ll jinx something, but… he really does.

  He makes an effort to ask about my job like he really cares. He checks on my family, despite him not having a clue who any of them are, and he seems to share my hopes and dreams for the future. Of course, all of that could be total bullshit, a little voice in my head says.

  Pushing the thought away, I continue with the task at hand and try my hardest not to drink too much as my nerves begin to get the better of me.

  By the time I leave the flat, I’m two glasses down and things are just a tad fuzzy.

  It’ll be fine. Open the window in the Uber and you’ll be right as rain when you pull up to the restaurant, I tell myself.

  I fidget with the clasp on my bag as the car stops and starts in the evening traffic. It only increases my nerves as I look at the time and realise that, after almost being ready too early, I’m now probably going to be late.

  We’re only two minutes out when my phone vibrates in my bag. I’m tempted to ignore it, not wanting a distraction before this date, but needing something to do aside from breaking my bag, I pull it out.

  His name illuminates my screen, and my stomach drops. Please, for the love of god, don’t cancel now.

  With trepidation, I swipe the screen. I hold my breath as the app opens, trying to tell myself that I’m prepared for the rejection I’m about to read. I’d like to say it won’t sting, but I’d be lying. While the realistic side of me has been trying to prevail, my inner romantic can’t help swooning every time this guy says something so perfect.

  Carter: I need to tell you something.

  My heart pounds as I read the words for a second time. Okay, so he’s not ditching me at the final hurdle. I guess that’s a good sign. Right?

  I stare down at his words. Fuck. I knew this was too good to be true. No guy can be that good looking, have his body fill out a suit quite like he does, and have the perfect words every single time. It’s just not possible. That guy who mostly lives in my dreams… he does not exist.

  I’m still considering my options when the car pulls to a stop. I look out of the window and find the restaurant I chose for tonight staring back at me.

  The temperature in the car seems to have risen all of a sudden, and my need for fresh air gets the better of me.

  Before I think better of it, I shoot back a reply.

  Danni: I’m outside. I guess I’m about to find out first-hand…

  My stomach turns over as possibilities of what he needs to tell me run through my mind. I’ve had so many bad dates over the years that I’m sure it’ll be nothing new. What if he’s a woman? Or one half of a couple hoping for a good night?

  I shake the thoughts from my head, thank my driver, and step from the car. Dropping my phone back into my bag, I slide it over my shoulder and wrap one slightly clammy hand around the strap as I hesitantly head for the entrance.

  He told me that he’d wait for me at the bar, so the second I step inside, my eyes scan all the people standing along the length of it.

  I don’t find him. I tell myself that it’s busy, and I’m panicking as I step forward.

  I don’t hear any noise from the restaurant as my blood races past my ears and my stomach churns. I’m about halfway across the space when a guy steps from the bar in my direction. I dismiss him the second my eyes land on him, because he’s wearing ripped jeans, a shirt that’s open at the neck and has the arms rolled up, exposing tattoos on every bit of visible skin.

  I continue walking, my eyes scanning all the bodies, but no one seems to be looking for anyone. None are recognisable in any way.

  I take one more step but am forced to stop when the guy with the tattoos gets in my way.

  “I’m sorry, I—” I look up to his face, and my words falter. His eyes. They’re the same hypnotising green ones I’ve been looking into online for weeks. But the rest of him? I shake my head. No,
it can’t be him.

  “Hey,” he says nervously as he stares down into my eyes. It’s almost like he’s willing me not to freak out, but as reality hits me, that’s exactly what I want to do.

  “You’ve got to be fucking shitting me.” My voice is an octave too high to be in the middle of a restaurant. I feel everyone’s attention turning my way, but I don’t pay them any attention. My angry, betrayed eyes stay firmly on his.

  Carter James. Or at least that’s what he told me his name was. But looking at him right now, I see that the man he was claiming to be doesn’t exist. He’s not the prim and proper banker with the perfectly styled dark hair, five o’clock shadow and designer suit. He’s just… he’s just a tattooed bad boy who will promise to break your bed and, inadvertently, your heart too. There’s a reason I stay away from those types. I’ve been burned one too many times for a return visit, thank you very much.

  “Danni, please just let me explain.” His voice is quiet, almost pleading, but I don’t care. He tricked me. He promised me time and time again that the person I was talking to was real. Yet here he stands, looking nothing like his profile picture. Well, aside from his eyes, and his cheekbones, and his full lips.

  Who is this guy?

  “I’m leaving.” I turn, but his warm fingers wrap around my wrist before I can take a step. My heart aches, but it’s stupidity that reigns. How could I have been so naïve to believe all his bullshit? “Get the hell away from me. I should have listened to your warning message and never stepped inside this place. Everything I thought I knew about you, you’ve just ruined. Goodbye, Carter.”


  Carter (aka Titch)

  “Zach, open the motherfucking door,” I shout for the millionth time. The wanker’s locked himself inside ever since his brother’s wedding last weekend. He only emerged for a mysterious client the other night, then quickly retreated back here again. “Who was she, huh? If you’re fucking about on Biff, I’ll rip your fucking balls off.”


  My lips purse as my frustration gets the better of me. I’ve been in a perpetual state of pissed off since she walked out on me that night. I know I looked different, but I didn’t trick her. Not really. Everything she knows about me, aside from my job, is true. The person she’s got to know? That’s me. I thought we had a connection. I know it was only through the dating app, but I still felt it was there—even more so when I looked up and saw her. Fuck, her profile picture didn’t do her any justice, because she was fucking gorgeous. Thick, dark hair that surrounded her shoulders like a curtain, and she had huge, chocolate eyes that I swear looked right into my soul in those few seconds she was standing before me.

  Jesus, as my mind conjures up my memory of her standing there with her tiny fists clenched at her sides, my cock jumps. I still want her just as badly now as I did that night when her sweet, alluring scent was surrounding me.

  “Fine, asshole. You refuse to come out, I’ll find someone who can push their way in,” I bark in warning before waiting another couple of minutes to see if it’ll get him moving.

  My best mate is a moody fucker, and I’m not ending another day without him at least attempting to sort his shit out, whatever the fuck it might be.

  With a sigh, I run down the stairs that lead up from the tattoo studio below to the flat he’s locked himself inside of. I can’t even make use of the spare key, because the wanker’s locked it from the inside, probably knowing that I’d try to force my way in.

  I’ve already cancelled my couple of clients tonight. I was fed up, knowing he was dealing with some shit while Biff had apparently decided not to turn back up to do her job. The other guys can cope if any walk-ins turn up.

  I don’t bother going back to my room to grab anything or tell the others, I just storm through the front door and head in the direction of Biff’s flat. If anyone knows what the fuck is going on, then it’ll be her, seeing as she’s avoiding the studio just as much as Zach is.

  I hit the buzzer the second I’m outside her building, expecting to have to convince her to let me in. This shit is seriously getting boring. I’ve been calling and messaging her since she disappeared, but everything has gone unanswered.

  To my surprise, I’m instantly buzzed in. She doesn’t even ask who it is. Not wanting to argue with this easy entrance, I push the door open and start heading up the stairs when I discover hers is at the top.

  The second I’m in front of her door, my patience snaps.

  “Biff, open up,” I call at the same time my fist rains down on her sleek black and chrome door.

  The second she pulls it open, I’m inside and demanding she get her arse to the studio to sort Zach out. I can tell she’s concerned, but the moment another person comes into view behind her I almost forget the reason I’m here and why I need her.

  “You. What the fuck are you doing here?” The words are out of my mouth before I have time to compute anything.

  I’ve not seen or heard anything from her since she walked out of that restaurant almost two weeks ago. By the time I’d ordered myself a drink and pulled up the dating app on my phone, her profile had already vanished. The only communication we’d had up to that point had been through the app, and now it was gone I had no way of contacting her. All I knew was that her name was Danni Lou, she was twenty-six and an operations manager for a business I knew nothing about because she didn’t disclose the details.

  She stares at me, her eyes hard and filled with hate at having to even look at me once again. I know I look different to the photo I used online, but I also know that I’m not exactly hard on the eyes.


  “Don’t,” she barks with such venom that it makes Biff’s eyes widen in shock.

  Our eye contact holds, mine begging for her to give me a chance and to hear me out. I know I shouldn’t care so much, but there’s just something about this woman. I knew it from the moment we started chatting. Something was… different to all the others who had come before, and I really thought my risk might pay off, despite Spike’s warning that it was a dumb arse idea.

  “Err… what the fuck is going on right now?” Biff asks, looking between the two of us as if that will help her work it out.

  “Nothing,” Danni snaps, dragging her hate-filled stare from me to look at Biff. I don’t miss that her features immediately soften as she silently begs her not to ask any more questions.

  Without her stare, I’m able to regain my own thoughts and remember why the hell I’m standing here in the first place.

  It takes some convincing, but eventually I manage to get Biff out the door and heading towards where Zach is. She’s not happy about it, but I can see the concern in her eyes knowing that something’s not right. Neither of them may want to admit that there’s something between them, but I see through both of them.

  Convincing him to let her in is easier than I thought it was going to be, but with Biff now inside with my grumpy arse boss and my clients cancelled, I have nothing left to do. Unless…

  Without thinking, I’m back out of the studio and heading in the direction I just came from. I’ve no idea if she lives there, if she’s Biff’s roommate or even sister for that matter, but right now I don’t really care.

  My one short memory of her has been driving me crazy since that night, and my need to explain myself to her is uncontrollable now I know where she is.

  I jog the short distance back, afraid that she might be one step ahead of me and have already left—or, if I’m lucky, on her way out so I can intercept her when she’s not expecting it.

  As I turn the corner for the building, I come up behind a delivery guy. I wait a few steps back and watch as he lifts his hand to ring the buzzer for whichever flat he’s delivering to. I can’t believe my luck when he presses for Biff’s.

  I stand with my heart damn near in my throat as I wait to see if she’ll answer, if she’s still there. And two seconds later she does.

  “Delivery for Biff?” the guy says into the sp

  “Yeah, come on up.” I wait for the crackle to say she’s released the button, and he’s pushed the front door open before rushing over.

  “Hey, is that for Biff?” I ask, coming to stand next to him. “I’m her boyfriend. Cosy night in,” I say with a wink. “I can take it from here. Thanks, man.”

  I don’t give him the opportunity to refuse me. I take the bag from his hand and walk away.

  “Thank fuck for that. I’m running so behind tonight.”

  “Glad I could be of help. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” I give him a friendly wave as he turns and rushes back to his moped.

  With a smile curling one side of my mouth, I take the stairs two at a time.

  I knock again, but unlike last time I’m not quite so forceful. I need her to believe that I’m just a delivery guy with dinner.

  “At last, that took—oh, fuck. No, no, no,” she chants as I jamb my foot in the door at exactly the moment she realises it’s me.

  “It seems I owe you dinner, and look what I have here,” I say, lifting the bag of what smells suspiciously like Chinese.

  “No. You’re not welcome in here.” She stands tall in front of me, which in itself is amusing because she can’t be more than five foot four to my six foot two. She squares her shoulders and sets her jaw ready for a fight.


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