Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2)

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Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2) Page 3

by Tracy Lorraine

  He slides his palms under my arse and tilts me until everything around me blurs and the only thing I can think about is another release.

  He picks up the pace until he’s slamming into me, his hair flopping all over his face and his skin covered in a delicious sheen of sweat from the work he’s putting in. I might prefer my men suited and booted, but fuck if there’s not something about a man who puts in some serious hard work. And my view right now is to die for. The muscles in his neck strain as he throws his head back in pleasure. His abs pull tight, the definition only getting clearer, and my mouth waters to trace them with my tongue.

  Reaching around, he presses his thumb against my clit and circles, building me up as his cock swells inside me.

  The second before I crash, I have the fleeting realisation that this already hasn’t been enough. I’m not sure a lifetime would be enough, if I’m being honest, but that’s not what this is.

  His cock twitches once, a growl rumbling up his throat, and I lose control. I don’t even get to watch him because my eyes slam shut as pleasure renders my body useless. When I do drag my heavy lids open and get a look at him above me with his chest heaving and his hungry eyes, I realise that I might forever regret not seeing him consumed with pleasure.



  The moment she opens her eyes, I know my time is up and my stomach drops. I’m not ready for this to be over. Not by a long shot.

  “Well…” she says, pulling away from me and sitting on the edge of the sofa. “That was nice. At least I’ve got a better memory of you now than you just being a liar. You’re a talented one at least.”

  “Danni, please. I—”

  “No. We’re done. It’s time for you to leave. Find your clothes—or don’t, whatever—and get the hell out.” She stands, righting her bra before looking for something else to cover up with. Spotting her joggers beside me, I kick them away, not wanting her to put up her walls and cover up.

  “Mature. Thank you.”

  “The photograph is of my twin. He’s the banker. I just thought that—”

  “I don’t care,” she screeches, making me wince. “How many times. I. Do. Not. Care. You fucked up, and we’re done here. Thanks for the shag, it was… forgettable.”

  I scoff at her words. There was nothing about that that could described as forgettable.

  “You’re lying.”

  “Am I? You don’t know me, so stop pretending that you do. Oh, and put some fucking clothes on. I’ve had my fill of your cock.” Rolling her eyes, she makes a show of looking to the other side of the room. Only, when I do reach down to grab my clothes, I notice her flick her eyes back and drop to my arse. Smiling, I shake my head at her.

  “You’re a terrible liar, you know that?”

  “You don’t know me, Carter, so stop pretending you do.”

  “Oh, doll. I know you better than you think I do. You challenged me to find out who you really were, but I didn’t need to. You’ve already given me everything I need to know.”

  “You know nothing. You’ve no idea where I live, where I work.”

  “None of that matters. A job is a job. A house is a house. It’s what’s inside you that I know, and that is exactly what I want.”

  “Jeez, you’re such a guy. One dip in my pussy and you’re fucking addicted.”

  “I’m not talking about your pussy. I’m talking about what’s in there.” I point at her chest, my hand trembling slightly with frustration and the restraint it’s taking for me not to have her again. I know the second I touch her she’ll be like putty in my hands, but I won’t do it. Not while she’s lying to herself like she is right now.

  “You’re delusional, you know that? A few messages online and what? You think we’re a match made in heaven? Well, let me tell you something.” She takes a step towards me, her eyes narrowed in frustration, her fists curled in anger. “I don’t do bad boys, Carter. Why do you think I went for your twin?”

  “Oh, you don’t? What was that then?” I lift my chin to the sofa behind her.

  “A one-night stand I’m going to regret.” Her eyes flash with something, but it’s gone too quickly to be able to read it.

  “Bullshit,” I spit. “If you’re really the kind of girl who doesn’t ‘go for the bad boys’,” I say, mocking her, “then you never would have allowed me to fuck you on your mate’s sofa.” Her face flushes red. “Too late to regret it now. Your juices are all over that.” She snarls, and I can’t help but keep going, wanting to push her into admitting what she really wants. “You think any suit-wearing motherfucker could do what I just did to you? You think my pansy ass twin could? He might look like he has everything, but there’s no fucking way he can make a woman scream like that.”

  “Get out,” she shouts, stepping up to me and raining her tiny fists down on my still-naked chest.

  “Careful, doll. You don’t want to hurt yourself.” She growls, and I can’t help but laugh. “Okay, fine. I’m leaving. But this isn’t fucking over.”

  “Yes it fucking is.”

  I back away from her, running my eyes down her bra-clad body. Fuck, she’s fine. She’s got all the curves in all the right places. I lick my lips, still able to taste her, and my cock swells. How I would like to bend her over that sofa and fuck her defiance right out of her.

  Reaching down, I make a show of rearranging myself. She doesn’t miss it, and her dark eyes are engulfed with heat.

  “Just so you know, I fucking love fiery women.”

  “Fuck you,” she barks.

  “Aren’t you glad you did?”

  Her teeth grind as I pull my shirt on. “I’ll tell Biff that I kept you company while she sorted her man out.”

  Her lips part in shock as if she’s forgotten how I ended up here in the first place. I can practically see the cogs turning in her head as she tries to make sense of all this.

  “This might not be your place, but I now know you’re close enough to Biff that I’ll be able to find you again.”

  “Don’t,” she says in a panic. “Don’t you dare say anything to Biff about this. Not if you intend on keeping your job.”

  “You threatening me, doll?”

  “You bet your fucking arse I am. Keep it quiet, you hear me?”

  “I don’t know. I’m sure all the guys at the studio would get a kick out of this. I might give them every single detail… down to just how tight your pussy is.” She pales, and all her fight seems to instantly drain away.

  “Please. Please don’t do that.”

  I have no intention of telling anyone about this, but her reaction to me suggesting it sure is interesting. “Meh, I’ll see how I feel.”

  She takes a step forward, her lips parting to say more, but no words from.

  “Well, unless you want another round, I guess this is it for now. But rest assured, doll. There will be another time. Maybe not tomorrow, or next week, but I will claim what’s rightfully mine.”

  Her fire returns. She’s just about to retaliate when I turn and march from the flat. The only thing I hear is her frustrated growl and then something smashing behind me. A chuckle falls from me as I let myself out of Biff’s flat. I’m certainly much more satisfied than when I arrived, but fuck if I’m not a hell of a lot more confused. Who the hell is that woman? I fully intend on finding out, because this isn’t over between us. Not by a long shot.



  After pulling my clothes back on, I fall down on the edge of the sofa and drop my head into my hands.

  What the fuck did I just do?

  I drag in a deep breath but instantly regret it, because all I smell is him. He’s everywhere: on my skin, under my skin, and in my head.

  “Fuck.” I bark, thinking that Biff could return at any moment. I jump up, make quick work of tidying the place up, then grab my bag and the rubbish to dump in the bin on the way out so her place doesn’t stink of the Chinese we’d eaten while she was gone.

  I shut my mind off as I
make the short journey back to my flat. I refuse to allow myself to think of what I did or what the consequences might be until I’m safely inside, behind my locked door.

  The lights from the house above mine shine bright, and, as I pass the window to head down the stairs, movement catches my eye and I find Harrison, my older brother, and his wife dancing in their kitchen.

  Curling my lip up in disgust that it can be quite so easy, I make my way down.

  Dumping my bag on the unit in the hall, I make my way to my bedroom, run the bath, and strip from my clothes. I shove the lot in the laundry, fully prepared to have to burn it all to successfully remove his scent from them.

  I walk naked to the kitchen to locate a fresh glass of wine, knowing that it’s very unlikely anyone will see me down here baring everything before I return to the bathroom and sink down into the too-hot water.

  My skin prickles, but I refuse to blast any extra cold in. I need the pain. I need it to wash him away and as some kind of fucked-up punishment for what I did tonight. I guess it’s karma. My best friend allowed my brother to fuck her while I was in the next room, so I allowed her friend—his employee—to bang me on her sofa.

  I groan, placing my wine on the side and sinking down so it’s only my face above the water line.

  How could I be so fucking stupid?

  I run the events of the evening through my mind and mix them with the little hints of things I’ve gathered over the years but never bothered to look into.

  Him turning up at Biff’s door demanding that she follows him because there’s something wrong with Zach. That’s not news. He’s been MIA since the wedding. All of us have tried to get in touch with him, but none of us had any success. Then I combine that with his admission at the wedding that he was Biff’s boss, and Carter telling me he worked with Biff. Zach’s secret makes sense. He spent all his childhood with a pen or pencil in hand, and it takes me back to a few years ago when a friend told me that he’d inked her boyfriend. I didn’t think any of it at the time, too focused on my own life and not what my idiot brother was doing, but I guess it goes to prove that the signs were there the whole time.

  So what happens now? I know the studio—Biff told me which one it is. I could turn up and confront him, demand he tells me the truth like I did on Saturday at the wedding, or I could just let him be. He clearly wants to keep his two lives separate, and who am I to force his hand? He’s happy. Or is he? The only reason Carter appeared tonight is because something’s going on.

  I ask myself again. Do I turn up? Try to see him and find out what’s going on? Then the image of Carter standing before me tonight with his top off appears, telling me that ‘what you see is what you get’, and I change my mind.

  He has no way of finding me. Well, he has Biff, if he goes against my demand not to say anything.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My head spins with everything, and I fear that only a very large amount of wine is going to slow it down.

  What I do know is that I never should have slept with him tonight. I shouldn’t have turned up to that date after his warning that he had something he needed to tell me, and I shouldn’t have answered Biff’s door tonight, let alone let him in and allow him to get his hands on me.

  My skin prickles as I remember just how good it felt. I bite down on my bottom lip as I vividly recall how his lips felt against mine, brushing over my breasts, kissing my pussy.

  Heat heads south as I think about his tongue, and I squeeze my thighs together. Shit, I shouldn’t have been turned on with him in front of me, let alone now when all I have is memories. He shouldn’t hold that kind of power over me.

  I talk myself in circles about what I should do from here, but by the time my wine is empty and the water is cold, I’m still no closer to having any answers.

  All I do know is that Carter James Wright is not my type. Should our paths cross again, I need to stay as far away from him as possible.

  It might have been a month now since the night I try to forget, but he’s still just as under my skin as he was the moment he stepped inside Biff’s flat.

  Tonight is Zach’s birthday meal that’s been organised by our mum and Biff, who’s now officially Zach’s girlfriend. Is it weird that my best friend is banging my brother? Yes, very. Biff and I have shared everything since we bonded at uni a few years ago, but that’s had to come to an abrupt end because I really, really don’t need all the sordid details of how things are with my brother. Watching them kiss openly in front of me is weird enough. I do not need to know about anything else they do behind closed doors.

  Thankfully, Biff’s been totally preoccupied with him since the truth came out about what sent him into hiding: Dad’s illegitimate daughter. While everyone else was shocked by Zach’s announcement about him owning a very successful chain of tattoo studios, the other one that came out that same day rocked me to my very core. It seems the perfect relationship Mum and Dad have had all these years hasn’t always been quite so. I guess we all have skeletons hiding in our closets, and it’s best to remember that the people we look up to aren’t always perfect. Things aren’t always as they seem.

  That final thought takes me back to Carter. Was he right when he claimed that he didn’t lie to deceive me but to find something different? And if that is the case, could I ever overlook it to give him a chance?

  No. No, you can’t. He’s not your type, remember?

  My hands tremble as I lift the zip on the back of my dress for tonight. I’ve not asked for details of who’s going to be there, but I overheard Mum telling Summer that she and Biff were arranging to bring both of Zach’s families together: his real one as well as his work one. So there is a very good chance that he’s going to be there. I tell myself that he’s not the reason I spend an inordinate amount of time ensuring my hair is perfectly straight or that my make-up is flawless, or the reason why, when I chose my underwear for the night, I pulled out the tiniest, sexiest set I own. It’s for confidence, I try convincing myself, but I’ve always been a shit liar.

  Happy with how I look, I sneak a shot of vodka to steady my nerves before heading up to Harrison and Summer’s house for a lift to the restaurant Mum has chosen.

  My stomach is in knots as I trail behind the rest of my family to find our table. I’ve no idea if we’re first or last, and to be honest, I’d rather not know. Mostly, I just want to run home and hide. I can only imagine it’s going to be hard enough to ignore him if he’s here, let alone try to appear unfazed by him, when in reality I’m not sure if I want to hate him or fuck him.

  I’m a strong, independent woman. I always have been. So this tattooed bad boy being able to unnerve me so much is unsettling to say the least.

  I don’t want him. He’s not my type. He tricked me. That should be the end of it. I don’t do liars or cheats. That’s my one hard limit when it comes to men, and that’s exactly how this started, so there’s no way there can be anything else between us. No way, no chanc— The moment my parents part, our table comes into view, along with one very amused pair of green eyes. I don’t need to look down to his lips to know he’s smiling as our eyes lock, although I don’t miss the confusion that fills them.

  Something sits heavy in my stomach. I want to say it’s dread that I’ve got to spend the evening in his company, but I fear the reality of it is very different.

  Movement finally makes my eyes drop, and when they do, I find him suggestively running his tongue along his bottom lip. My thighs clench as the memory of what that tongue can do hits me full force.

  I’ve no idea how much time passes, but the next thing I know, Biff is beside me as everyone stands to greet the birthday boy. He does a round of introductions, but apparently that’s not enough for Biff, who insists I get to know everyone better.

  “Danni, come and meet the guys,” Biff says, winking at me, telling me that she didn’t miss what just happened between me and Carter. She wraps her hand around my upper arm and squeezes just to nail home the point. “This is D, he’s the sensi
ble one who keeps everyone in line.”

  “Hey,” Zach shouts from behind us. “The boss keeps everyone in line, I’ll have you know.”

  “Whatever you say,” Biff mutters with a roll of her eyes. “This is Spike,” she says, gesturing to the guy sitting beside Carter. He smiles and nods politely. “And this is Titch, but I think you two already know each other, right?”

  “Something like that.” I risk a glance in his direction, seeing as it’s the polite thing to do when being introduced.

  “Guys, this is Danni. Zach’s little sister.” Carter’s—or Titch’s, as he seems to be known—chin drops in shock. That one move tells me a lot about him. His shock means that he’s not had a conversation with Biff, much like I haven’t, about what was obviously off between us that night in her flat. I’ve only managed to achieve that by mostly avoiding her since the event. It’s not been all that hard seeing as she’s been preoccupied by Zach.

  I can see the curiosity in her eyes every time she so much as looks at me—how he’s managed not to get a grilling from her god only knows.

  “Zach’s little sister? Whoa,” Carter says, openly checking me out.

  “And that’s code for keep your eyes to your fucking self, dickhead,” Zach snaps, coming to stand beside me and staring daggers at Carter.

  “That’s rich, seeing as you’re fucking my best friend,” I mutter under my breath, but Zach doesn’t miss it.

  “Not the same, sis. Not the same.”

  “Really?” I turn to him, staring into his light blue eyes. I don’t know why I’m fighting with him over this. I can only hope it’s the principle of the thing, that it’s okay for him to have my best friend without me batting an eyelid—kind of—but I couldn’t possibly go near his friend. I mean, that has to be the only reason, right?

  He rolls his eyes at me and turns back to his mates. “I’m fucking watching you two.” He points his fingers to his eyes and then theirs, making everyone laugh, although I don’t find it half as amusing as the others.


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